andrea acri

Andrea Acri

1981 –
Sanskrit, Old Javanese
Śaivism, Tantras

Curriculum vitae

1981born in Parma (Italy) on May 17
2000Maturità Classica, Liceo Classico “G.D. Romagnosi,” Parma (Italy)
2005Laurea (BA + MA) Oriental Languages and Civilizations, University of Rome
2006MA in Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, Leiden University
2006-2010junior researcher (Assistent in Opleiding), Leiden Institute for Area Studies (LIAS, formerly CNWS), Leiden University;
2009-2010visiting fellow, ANU, Canberra
2010-2011Gonda postdoctoral fellow, International Institute for Asian Studies (IIAS), Leiden University
2011PhD under the supervision of A. Griffiths, Leiden University
2011Scaliger research fellow, Scaliger Institute, Leiden University Library
2011-2012visiting fellow, ANU, Canberra
2012visiting fellow, Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies, Oxford University (Hilary term)
2012-2013postdoctoral fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
2013-presentvisiting affiliate, Asia Research Institute
2013-presentvisiting research fellow, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, Institute of South East Asian Studies (ISEAS), Singapore

Special activities and positions

  • Participant in many conferences such as the World Sanskrit Conference (Edinburgh 2006; Kyoto 2009; New Delhi 2012), International Workshop on Early Tantra (Kathmandu 2008; Pondicherry 2009; Hamburg 2010) and many others
  • Co-organizer of conferences among which “The Old Javanese Rāmāyaṇa” (Jakarta, 26–28 May 2009) and “Replaying the Past” (Singapore, 31 january–1 February 2013)
  • Attended Summer Schools (e.g. Spoken Sanskrit Heidelberg, August 2006) and Winter Schools (e.g. Philologies Across the Asias, New Delhi, December 2012)
  • Fieldwork and research periods in Asian Countries, Java and/or Bali (Indonesia) (almost yearly for a month or longer)
  • Member of the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS), the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV); Associazione per gli Studi Sudasiatici; American Academy of Religion (AAR) and other associations
  • Member of the editorial committee of the Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici, 2005-
  • Peer reviewer of articles submitted to BTLV, International Journal of Hindu Studies, Aséanie, History and Anthropology, Sophia

Publications in the period 2006 - ca. 2012

2006“The Sanskrit-Old Javanese Tutur literature from Bali: the textual basis of Śaivism in ancient Indonesia.” Rivista di Studi Sudiasiatici 1: 107–137.
2007Review of: M. Stephen, Desire, divine and demonic: Balinese mysticism in the paintings of I Ketut Budiana and I Gusti Mirdiana, Honolulu 2005. BTLV 163: 134–138.
Electronic text of the Saṅ Hyaṅ Mahājñāna, 2006-2007.
Electronic text of the Vṛhaspatitattva, 2006-2007.
Electronic text of the Gaṇapatitattva, 2006-2007.
Electronic text of the Tattvajñāna, 2006-2007.
Cumulative pada index of metric Sanskrit portions of Javano-Balinese Saiva texts, 2006-2007.
2008“The Vaimala sect of the Pāśupatas: new data from Old Javanese sources.” Tantric Studies 1: 229–248.
Electronic text of the Saṅ Hyaṅ Kamahāyānikan.
2009Review of: S.R. Sarbacker, Samādhi: the numinous and cessative in Indo-Tibetan yoga, Albany, NY 2005. IIJ 52: 377–382.
2010Review of: S. Robson, Arjunawiwāha: the marriage of Arjuna of Mpu Kaṇwa, Leiden 2008. BTLV 166: 146–152.
“On birds, ascetics, and kings in Central Java: Rāmāyaṇa Kakawin, 24.96–126 and 25.” BTLV 166: 475–506.
2011Dharma Pātañjala: a Śaiva scripture from ancient Java studied in the light of related Old Javanese and Sanskrit text , s.l. – PhD thesis Leiden University; also published as Gonda Indological Studies 16, Groningen: Egbert Forsten Publishing.
& Helen Creese and Arlo Griffiths (eds), From Lakā eastwards: the Rām āyaa in the literature and visual arts of Indonesia, Leiden (Verhandelingen van het KITLV 247).
“Introduction.” In: A. Acri, H. Creese and A. Griffiths (eds), From Lakā eastwards, Leiden, pp. xi–xvi.
“More on birds, ascetics and kings in Central Java: Kakawin Rāmāyaṇa, 24.111–115 and 25.19–22.” In: A. Acri, H. Creese and A. Griffiths (eds), From Lakā eastwards, Leiden, pp. 53–91.
“A new perspective for ‘Balinese Hinduism’ in the light of the pre-modern religious discourse: a textual-historical approach.” In: M. Picard and R. Madinier (eds), The politics of religion in Java and Bali: syncretism, orthodoxy, and religious contention, London-New York (Routledge Contemporary SEAsia Series 33), pp. 143–167.
“Glimpses of early Śaiva Siddhānta: echoes of doctrines ascribed to Bṛhaspati in the Sanskrit-Old Javanese Vṛhaspatitattva.” IIJ 54: 209–229.
“Javanese manuscripts of the Tattvajñāna.” In: ManjuShree (ed.), From beyond the eastern horizon: essays in honour of Professor Lokesh Chandra, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, pp. 119–129.
“Re-configuration of divinity in Old Javanese Śaiva texts from the Indonesian Archipelago (with special reference to Jñānasiddhānta, chapter 19).” Travaux de Symposium International: le livre, la Roumanie, l’Europe, Troisième édition […] Tome III: études euro- et afro-asiatiques, Bucarest: Éditeur Bibliothèque de Bucarest, pp. 546–565.
“Alternative approaches to 8th-century Central Javanese Buddhist architecture.” on C. Voûte and M. Long,Borobudur: pyramid of the cosmic Buddha, New Delhi 2008, and on M. Long, Caṇḍi Mendut: womb of the Tath āgata, New Delhi 2009. BTLV 167: 313–321.
2012“Yogasūtra 1.10, 1.21–23, and 2.9 in the light of the Indo-Javanese Dharma Pātañjala.” JIP 40,3: 259–276.
“The Dikpālas of ancient Java revisited: a new identification for the twenty-four directional deities on the Śiva temple of the Loro Jonggrang complex.” BTLV 168,2/3: 274–313.
“Modern Hindu intellectuals and ancient texts: reforming Śaiva Yoga in Bali.” ARI Working Papers 190
Electronic text of the Dharma Pātañjala.
& Purushottama Bilimoria and Alexandra Wenta (eds), Emotions in Indian thought-systems, Routledge.
“Modern Hindu intellectuals and ancient texts: reforming Śaiva Yoga in Bali.” BTLV. – see also Working Papers, 2012.
“The Śaiva Atimārga in the Light of Niśvāsaguhya, 12.1–22ab.” In: D. Goodall and P.S. Filliozat (eds), Volume of commemoration in honour of Pandit N.R. Bhatt, Pondicherry: IFP–EFEO.
“Revisiting the cult of ‘Śiva-Buddha’ in Java and Bali.” In: C. Lammerts (ed), Buddhist dynamics in premodern and early modern Southeast Asia, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies.
Review of: Kate O’Brien, Sutasoma: the ancient tale of a Buddha-Prince from 14th century Java by the poet Mpu Tantular.