Baks’ publications on Indonesian social and economic issues are not included.
1961 & J.C. Breman, A.T.J. Nooij, Slavernij: een onderzoek naar de relatie tussen slavernij en sociale stratificatie bij niet-westerse volken, University of Amsterdam. – typescript.
1965 Et al., “De betrouwbaarheid van informatie in een kastesamenleving in Gujarat, India.” Sociologische Gids 12,3: 167-174.
1966 & J.C. Breman en A.T.J. Nooy, “Slavery as a system of production in tribal society.” BTLV 122,1: 90-109.
1967 “On the social aspects of land reform in India.” Paper, First European Conference on Modern Asian Studies, June 1967, Heidelberg, Germany.
1969 Afschaffing van pacht: een onderzoek naar de sociale gevolgen van de afschaffing van pacht in twee dorpen van Zuid-Gujerat, India, Amsterdam (Publikatie Universiteit van Amsterdam, afd. Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië 13). – Also published as PhD thesis Amsterdam.
– & J.J. Meijer, “Field work training in de vorm van leeronderzoeken.” Sociologische Gids 16,3: 183-189.
– Review of: A.J.N. den Hollander et al., De plurale samenleving, Meppel 1966. BTLV 125: 151-153.
1970 “An annotation on the subject of small scale industries in Bulsar (Valsad), South Gujarat.” Paper, Dumas Conference of the South Gujarat University, Surat, India.
– “Chinese communities in eastern Java: a few remarks.” Asian Studies 8,2: 248-259.
– Review of: J.F. Boissevain, Netwerken en quasi-groepen, inaugural lecture University of Amsterdam, Assen 1968. BTLV 126: 167-170.
1971 “Does the Gujarat agricultural lands ceiling act lead towards a socialist society?” In: Buiten de grenzen: sociologische opstellen, aangeboden aan prof. dr. W.F. Wertheim, 25 jaar Amsterdams hoogleraar, 1946-1971, Meppel, pp. 13-30.
1972 “Should municipal octroi be abolished?” Paper, Third European Conference on Modern Asian Studies, May 1972, Heidelberg, Germany.
1974 Review of: O.H.K. Spate, A.T.A. Learmouth and B.H. Farmer, India Pakistan and Ceylon: the regions, 197x. BTLV 130: 386.
1976 & Enno Hommes (eds), Modernization, stagnation and steady decline: sociological contributions on social change in South Gujarat, India, [Utrecht]. – A pre-publication about some of the results of a field work carried out by a team of Indian and Dutch scholars in South Gujarat from 1970 till 1972.
– “Dualism and power in a municipal administration.” In: S. Devadas Pillai (ed.), Aspects of changing India: studies in honour of Prof. G.S. Ghurye, Bombay, pp. 224-232.
– “Regionale planning en landbouwbeleid in India.” Landbouwkundig Tijdschrift/PT 88, oktober 1976: 330-333.
– Review of: L. Dumont, Religion, Politics and History in India; collected papers in Indian Sociology, The Hague 1970. BTLV 132: 166.
1978 Maar je moet veel vrienden in je leven maken: vijftien reisbrieven uit Zuid-Gujerat, India, over de periode 1970-1971 en in het jaar 1977 , Universiteit van Utrecht, Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen (Komparatieve Sociaal-Ekonomische Studiën 3).
1979 & S. Devadas Pillai (eds), Winners and losers: styles of development and change in an Indian region, Bombay.
– “Bureaucracy and citizens.” In: Chris Baks & S. Devadas Pillai (eds), Winners and losers: styles of development and change in an Indian region, Bombay, pp. 302-319.
1981 Land reform, certainly but for whom , Bogor (Indonesia)-The Hague (Policy Workshop on Agrarian Reform in Comparative Perspective, te Sukabumi, 17-30 May 1981, paper 18).
1983 Review of: W. van Schendel, Peasant mobility: the odds of life in rural Bangladesh, Assen 1981. Sociologische Gids 30: 399.
1984 & A. Ploeg, “De antropologie vermaatschappelijkt.” Sociodrome 1984,4: 10.
– “De algemene bestuursambtenaar.” Sociodrome 1984,5/6: 6.
1985 “Government interference and loss of land: an interpretation of growing landlessness among Adivasis of South Gujarat, India.” Studies in Third World Societies 33: 265-293.
– & A. Ploeg en C. Slot, “Over marginalisering.” Antropologische Verkenningen 4: 1-25.
– “Thoda shabd (Some observation to the memory of prof. I.P. Desai).” In: A short biography, Aryamu, 4,12: 22-23.
– “Labour, social differentiation and agricultural involution.” Paper (comment by prof. J. Hinderink), workshop on the Concept of Agricultural Involution by Clifford Geertz, University of Utrecht, September 1985, the Netherlands.
– “Beperkingen van landhervorming: enkele opmerkingen over India.” In: F. Strijbosch (ed.), Een leven lang verbonden met de grond: colleges van en collega’s over Mr. H.W.J. Sonius, Universiteit van Nijmegen, pp. 199-209.
1986 & P. Streumer, “Adivasis in South Gujarat: a process of partial integration.” Paper, Ninth European Conference on Modern Asian Studies, Heidelberg, Germany.
1987 Review of: A. Östör, Culture and power: legend, ritual, bazaar and rebellion in a Bengali society, New Delhi 1984. BTLV 143,1: 161-
1990 Review of: M. Carrin-Bouez, La fleur et l’os: symbolisme et rituel chez les Santal, Paris 1986. BTLV 146,2/3: 334-
– Review of: S. Bouez, Réciprocité et hiérarchie: l’alliance chez les Ho et les Santal de l’Inde, Paris 1985. BTLV 146,2/3: 334-
2003 “The inevitable decline of the small farmer’s social position: eastern Surat District, India.” In: Arvind N. Das and Marcel van der Linden, Work and social change in Asia: essays in honour of Jan Breman, New Delhi, pp. 31-54.