
Cornelis Willem (Kees) Bolle

1927 – 2012
history of religion

Curriculum vitae

1927born in Dordrecht on December 2
studied theology Leiden University, and history of religions and Sanskrit at University of Chicago and the university of Madras
1961PhD in history of religions, Chicago University
lecturer Chicago University, and Brown University
…-1991professor of history of religion, University of California, Los Angelos (UCLA)
2012died in Biddeford, Maine, on October 14


Selected publications

Kees Bolle was of Dutch origin, but he worked and published in the USA. Only his studies related to Dutch Indology are given.
1971  The persistence of religion: an essay on Tantrism and Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, Leiden: Brill (Studies in the history of religions 8).
1983  “Interpreting fire-walking.” In: Ria Kloppenborg (ed.), Selected studies on ritual in the Indian religions: essays to D.J. Hoens, Leiden : Brill, pp. 130-147.