Leendert Antonius (Leen) van Daalen
Curriculum vitae
1939 | born in Scheemda on April 30 |
1966 | MA classical languages, Utrecht University |
1970 | MA Indology, Utrecht university; student of Jan Gonda |
1980 | PhD thesis under supervision of Henk Bodewitz, Utrecht University |
1966-1992 | lecturer of Sanskrit, the department of Indo-Iranian languages and cultures, Utrecht University |
1992-1993 | lecturer of Sanskrit at the Kern Institute, Leiden University |
1993 | died in Hilversum on the 1st of October |
- Bodewitz, H.W., “In memoriam Leen van Daalen (30 April 1939 – 1 October 1993).” IIJ 37 (1994): 93-94.
1972 “Die Textgeschichte des Ramayana’s und die kritische Edition (Baroda 1960-).” ZDMG Supplement 2: 313-320.
1979 “A note on vidhūma or sadhūma iva pāvakaḥ at Rāmāyaṇa 1, 54, 28 and 1, 55, 19.” IT 7: 171-180.
1980 Vālmīki’s Sanskrit, Leiden. – PhD thesis Utrecht; also appeared as Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 25.
1986 “Two notes on Rāmāyaṇa textual criticism.” ALB 50: 402-417.
– “A note on the form of the Gauḍavaha.” BEI 4: 267-278.
1987 “Avadhīritasuhṛdvākyasya phalam etat or the urbs-condita-construction in compounds.” Aligarh Journal of Oriental Studies 4,2: 119-122.
1988 “The particle kila/kira in Sanskrit, Prākrit and the Pāli Jātakas.” IIJ 31: 111-137. – Abstract published in: Linguistics and language behavior abstracts 22,4: 1587.
1989 “Is Vālmīki’s Sanskrit a specimen of vernacular Sanskrit?” WZKS 33: 25-43.
1990 “A note on Mahāvīracarita VI & VII.” In: Ānandaṃvijanīyāt: prof. Parmanand Shastri felicitation volume, Aligarh, pp. 274-279.
1991 “On payaya– and some other words in the Gauḍavaha: on aha therein and in the Setubandha and Hāla’s Sattasaī.” In: Colette Caillat (ed.), Middle Indo-Aryan and Jaina studies, Leiden (Panels of the VIIth world Sanskrit conference Leiden 6), pp. 22-35.
1992 “Vākpati’s Gauḍavaha: the hero as a cakravartin, a Leitmotiv and its coherence with the poem’s structure.” In: A. Thakur, Corpus of Indological studies: prof. Ramaranjan Mukherji felicitation volume, 2 vols, Delhi, vol.1, pp. 194-204.
– “Reflections on the enmity of lion and elephant and other poetical fictions in Vākpati’s Gauḍavaha.” In: Walter Slaje und Christian Zinko (Hrsg.), Akten des Melzer-Symposiums 1991, veranstaltet aus Anlaß der Hundertjahrfeier indo-iranistischer Forschung in Graz (13.-14. November 1991), Graz (Arbeiten aus der Abteilung Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft 4), pp. 66-83.
– “About S. Insler’s Prakrit studies I, BEI 9 (1991), 93-104.” BEI 10 (1992) [1994]: 271-275.
– “On the allegedly superior quality of the southern recension of Vālmīki’s Rāmāyaṇa: the glossing theory.” WZKS 36: 61-70. – Revised version of the paper read at the VIIIth World Sanskrit Conference, Vienna, 1990.
– Abstract of: “The form of Vākpati’s Gauḍavaha,” In: A. Wezler and E. Hammerschmidt (eds), Proceedings of the XXXIIth ICANAS, Hamburg 25th-30th August, 1986, Stuttgart, pp. 511-512.
1993 “’The husband is a god and a lord to a living woman’, on Rāmāyaṇa critical edition 2, 21,17.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 24: 79-86.
1994 “Zum Thema und zur Struktur von Vākpatis Gauḍavaha: der held als cakravartin.” In: C. Wunsch (Hrsg.), XXV. Deutscher Orientalistentag, Vorträge, Stuttgart 1994 (ZDMG-Suppl. 10), pp. 282-294.
1998 † & H.W. Bodewitz, “Vākpatirāja’s Gauḍavaha.” WZKS 42: 41-66.