Martin R. Doornbos
Africa, India
Curriculum vitae
1934 | born in Rotterdam on December 19 |
1962-1964 | Harkness fellow, the Commonwealth Fund, New York (affiliation UC Berkeley) |
1964-1965 | associate researcher, Political Science Department, University of California, Berkeley |
1965-1967 | research fellow, Makerere Institute of Social Research and lecturer in Department of Political Science, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda |
1967-1980 | senior lecturer in political science, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague |
1973 | PhD under the supervision of C. Rosberg and D. Apter, University of California, Berkeley |
1980-2000 | professor in political science, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague |
2000-present | emeritus professor |
Special activities and positions
- Coordinator, IDPAD research program on EU-aided Indian Dairy Development Program Operation Flood, 1981-1989
- Indo-Dutch Research Programme on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD), Dutch section Executive Committee and Deputy-Chair
- Exchange scholar, Indo-Dutch Program on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD), lecture tour to several South Indian universities (in collaboration with Indian Political Science Association), 2004
- European Science Foundation, pool of reviewers, 2006-present
Publications on South Asia
The majority of Doornbos’ publications concern Africa. These are not included.
1983 & P. Terhal, “Operation flood: development and commercialisation.” Food Policy 8,3: 235-239.
1984 “Het Koninkrijk van Nek Chand.” Verre Naasten Naderbij 18,3.
1985 & M. Mitra, Politics of international dairy aid: international interest and the White Revolution, The Hague: ISS/IDPAD (Working Paper Series on Dairy Aid and Development 1).
– & F. van Dorsten, M. Mitra and P. Terhal, Operation flood as a food strategy: socio-economic implications and issues for research, The Hague: ISS/IDPAD (Working Paper Series on Dairy Aid and Development 2).
1987 & K.N. Nair, “Operation Flood Re-examined.” EPW 22,7.
– Et al., “Assessing dairy development: towards a research approach for India’s operation flood.” Netherlands Review of Development Studies 1. – Rev. ed. 1988.
– & P.A. van Stuijvenberg and P. Terhal, “Operation flood: impacts and issues.” Food Policy 12,4: pp 376-383.
1988 & M. Mitra and P.A. van Stuijvenberg, “Premises and impacts of international dairy aid: the politics and evaluation.” Development and Change 19,3.
– Et al., Assessing dairy development: towards a research approach to India’s operation flood, rev. ed. [The Hague: Institute of Social Studies ca. 1988] (Working paper, Series on dairy aid and development 2). – 1st ed. in Netherlands review of development studies 1987.
– & Manoshi Mitra and Pieter van Stuijvenberg, Premises and impacts of international dairy aid: the EEC-India nexus, rev. ed. [The Hague: Institute of Social Studies] (Working paper, Series on dairy aid and development 1).
1990 Et al., Dairy aid and development: India’s operation flood, New Delhi [etc.]: Sage Publications (Indo-Dutch studies on development alternatives 3).
– & K.N. Nair (eds), Resources, institutions and strategies: operation flood and Indian dairying, New Delhi [etc.]: Sage Publications (Indo-Dutch studies on development alternatives 4).
– & K.N. Nair, “The state of Indian dairying: an overview.” In: Ibidem, pp. 9-23.
– & Liana Gertsch, Extending milk routes: internal and external linkages of India’s dairy economy, New Delhi: Indian Council of Social Science Research; The Hague: Institute of Social Science Research in Developing Countries (Occasional papers and reprints / IDPAD 1990-6).
– On analysing changing identities in Europe and India: some notes and queries, [s.l]: s.n.
1991 & Liana Gertsch and Piet Terhal, “Dairy aid and development: current trends and long-term implications of the Indian case.” In: Edward Clay and Olav Stokke (eds), Food aid reconsidered: assessing the impact on Third World countries, London [etc.]: Cass, pp. 117-142.
1993 & P. Terhal, “The limits of independent policy research: analysing the EEC-India dairy aid nexus.” In: Mohamed Salih and Arvi Hurskainen (eds), The role of social science in conflict analysis, Helsinki: University of Helsinki Press, pp. – Also published as Occasional papers and reprints / Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development 1993: 3.
1994 & Liana Gertsch, “Sustainability, technology and corporate interest: resource strategies in India’s modern dairy sector.” The journal of development studies: a quarterly journal devoted to economic, political and social development 30,4: 916-950.
1996 & A. Volodin, “Politicheskaya kultura konsensusa w polyarizowannom grazhdanskom obschestve: opyt Indii.” (National consensus in a polarized-type society: India’s experience), Polis 5.
– & A. Volodin, “Indiya i Rossiya: grazhdanskoye obschestvo, partii, wlast: umestny li sopostavleniya ?” (India and Russia: civil society, parties, power: are comparisons relevant?), Mirovaya Economica i Mezhdunazodniye Otnosheniya (World Economy and International Relations), No. 10.
1997 & Sudipta Kaviraj, Dynamics of state formation: Europe and India compared, New Delhi [etc.]: Sage Publications (Indo-Dutch studies on development alternatives 19).
– “Identity and power in Europe and India: some comparative dynamics.” In: Ibidem.
2000 Institutionalizing development policies and resource strategies in Eastern Africa and India: developing winners and losers, Basingstoke [etc.]: MacMillan, New York: St. Martin’s Press.
– & Ashwani Saith and Ben White, “Forest lives and struggles: an introduction.” In: M. Doornbos et al. (eds), Forests: nature, people, power, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.
– & Haroon Akram-Lodhi, “Fiji after the coup(s): a retrospect.” Introduction to Haroon Akram-Lodhi (ed.), Confronting Fijian futures, Canberra: ANU Press.
2001 “Globalization and the state: what happened to ‘Relative Autonomy?” Indian Journal of Political Science 62,2.
2005 & W. Meynen, “Decentralizing environmental resource management: a recipe for equity and sustainability?” In: Haroon Akram-Lodhi (ed.), Economic reform in the 21st century: neo-conservative failure, governance and alternative budgets, Winnipeg: AKP Publishers.
2006 & A. Saith, “Preface.” In: R. Dwivedi, Conflict and collective action: the Sardar Sarovar Project in India, New Delhi: Routledge, pp. xxvii-xxxiii.
2015 Social research and policy in the development arena: critical encounters, London: Palgrave Macmillan (EADI Global Development Series), 248 p.