Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede tot Drakenstein
Curriculum vitae
1636 | born in Amsterdam on 13 April |
1656-1669 | joined the VOC and served among others under Rijcklof van Goens in Cochin |
1670-1677 | governor of Dutch Malabar |
1677-1678 | member of the Council of India, Jakarta (only for six months) |
1678-1684 | stay in the Netherlands |
1684-1691 | commissioner general to end the corruption by VOC servants in Bengal, Choromandel coast, Ceylon, Malabar, Surat and the Cape of Good Hope |
1691 | died on sea between Cochin and Surat on 15 December |
- Veth, Pieter Johannes, “Hendrik Adriaan van Reede tot Drakestein.” De Gids 51,3 (1887): 423-475 and 51,4: 113-161.
- Heniger, J., Hendrik Adriaan van Reede tot Drakenstein (1636-1691) and Hortus Malabaricus: a contribution to the history of Dutch colonial botany, Rotterdam 1986.
- Fournier, M., “Enterprise in botany: Van Reede and his Hortus malabaricus–Part l.” Archives of Natural History 14,2 (1987): 123–58.
- wikipedia
1677 Memoir written in the year 1677 A.D. by Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede, …, for his successor = Officieel afschrift van het oorspronkelijk gedenkschrift, geschreven in 1677 A.D. , Madras: Superintendent, Government Press 1911 (Selections from the records of the Madras Government / Dutch records 14).
1678-… Hortus Indicus Malabaricus: continens Regni Malabarici apud Indos celeberrimi omnis generis plantas rariores , … / adornatus per Henricum van Rheede van Draakenstein … [and assisted by a team of physicians, botanists etc., put into Latin by the clergyman Johannes Casearius, and illustrated by Arnold Syen], Amstelodami [Amsterdam], 12 parts.
I: No subtitle, 1678
II: De fruticibus … , 1679
III: Horti Indici Malabarici pars tertia De arboribus …, 1682
IV: De arboribus fructiferis, 1673
V: De arboribus et fruticibus bacciferis, 1685
VI: De varii generis arboribus et fruticibus siliquosis, 1686
VII: De varii generis fruticibus scandentibus, 1688
VIII: De varii generis herbis pomiferis et leguminosis, 1688
IX-XII: De herbis et diversis illarum speciebus, 1689, 1690, 1692, 1703.
Translation from the Latin into Dutch (only two parts):
Malabaarsche kruidhof: vervattende het raarste slag van allerlei soort van planten die in het koningrijk van Malabaar worden gevonden, Nevens der selver blommen, vruchten en saden , by een vergaderd door … Henric van Rheede van Draakestein … ; in het Latijn beschreven door Johannes Casearius … ; met aantekeningen verrijkt door Arnoldus Syen … ; vertaalt door Abraham van Poot, 2 delen (Handelende van de bomen), Amsterdam 1689. – Reprint ’s Gravenhage 1720.
Translation into English:
Van Rheede’s Hortus Malabaricus (Malabar garden) : english edition with annotations and modern botanical nomenclature, by K.S. Manilal, Thiruvananthapuram: University of Kerala, 2003, 12 dl.
1774 Horti Malabarici: pars prima, de varii generis arboribus et fruticibus siliquosis Latinis, Malabaricis, Arabicis, Brachmanum characteribus nominibusque expressis : adjecta florum, fructuum, seminumque vera delineatione, colorum viriumque accurata descriptione / adornata per Henricum van Rhede tot Draakestein … et Theodorum Janson. ab Almeloveen ; notis auxit & commentariis illustravit, Joannes Commelinus … ; nunc primum … Johannes Hill, Londini.
1862 Horti malabarici clavis nova, Hendrik Adriaan van Rheede van Draakestein; autore J.K. Hasskarl, Regensburg (Separatabdruck aus der Flora 1861 und 1862).