
Pierre Herman Leonard Eggermont

1914 – 1995
Sanskrit, history, epigraphy
North and Northwest India and adjacent regions to the West

Curriculum vitae

1914born of Dutch parents in Manado (Indonesia) on February 4
1931final examination, grammar school in Surabaja (Java)
1931-…studied classical languages, Sanskrit (student of J.Ph. Vogel), Old Persian and Avestan, Leiden University
1940-1966teacher Greek and Latin (The Hague, Leiden, Hengelo, Rotterdam, Rijswijk); during WW II three year political imprisonment
1956PhD thesis Arts, Leiden University, supervisor F.D.K. Bosch
1958research fellowship in Paris: Vedic and Sanskrit texts (Sorbonne), Pali texts, Indian art and modern Persian
1966-1979research associate, University of Amsterdam
1969-1984extraordinary professor, Oriental Studies, University of Leuven
1995passed away

Special activities and positions

  • Co-founder of the series Corpus topographicum Indiae antiquae, with among others A. Scharpé (a Belgian project of the Gent and Leuven Universities)


  • Pollet, G., “Professor Pierre H.L. Eggermont: biography.” In: Gilbert Pollet (ed.), India and the ancient world: history, trade and culture before A.D. 650: professor P.H.L. Eggermont jubilee volume presented on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Leuven 1987 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 25), pp. vii-viii.
  • Pollet, G., “Bibliography 1940-1986 P.H.L. Eggermont.” In: ibid., pp. ix-xii.


1940 “The date of Aśoka’s rock edict XIII.” AO 18: 103-123.
1941  “Thucydides IV, 48, 3 und Petronius Sat. 94, 8.” Mnemosyne 3,9: 158-160.
1942  “Quaeritur num Horatius se cum nuce comparet.” Mnemosyne 3,10: 69-76.
“Indië en de Hellenistische rijken.” Jaarbericht 8, Ex Oriente Lux: 735-746.
1943  “The name of the people in Besadae.” AO 19: 281-290.
1945  Review of: H.W. Bailey, The contents of Indian and Iranian studies: an inaugural lecture, Cambridge 1938. BO 2: 85-86.
1946  Review of: L. Bachhofer, “On Greeks and Śakas in India,” JAOS 61,4: 223-251. BO 3: 47-49.
Review of: A. Christensen, L’Iran sous les Sassanides, 2e éd., Copenhague 1944. BO 3: 68-71.
Review of: Neilson C. Debevoise, A political history of Parthia, Chicago 1938. BO 3: 141-145.
1947  Review of: R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri, K. Datta, An advanced history of India, London 1946. BO 4: 65-70.
1948  “Het middelbaar onderwijs in Noorwegen.” Weekblad voor gymnasiaal en middelbaar onderwijs 41,23: 430-434.
1949  Review of: S. Sen, Old Persian inscriptions of the Achaemenian emperors, Calcutta 1941. BO 6: 24-28.
1954  Review of: J. Bloch, Les inscriptions d’Asoka, Paris 1950. BO 11: 65-67.
Review of: W. Ruben, Über die Literatur der Vorarischen Stämme Indiens, Berlin 1952. BO 11: 229-230.
1956  The chronology of the reign of Asoka Moriya: a comparison of the data of the Asoka inscriptions and the data of the tradition, Leiden. – PhD thesis Leiden.
“Survival van Griekse folklore in sprookjes bij de Zevenburgse zigeuners.” In: Antidoron: aangeboden aan prof. dr Sophia Antoniades door vrienden en leerlingen, Leiden, pp. 46-67.
Review of: V. Pisani, Mahābhārata: episodi scelti con introduzione e note, Torino 1954. BO 13: 67-68.
1958  “The origin of the Śaka-era.” IIJ 225-228. – Also published in 1959.
Review of: R. Shafer, Ethnography of ancient India, Wiesbaden 1954. BO 15: 132-133.
1959  “The origin of the Śaka-era.” In: H. Francke (ed.), Akten des 24. Internationalen Orientalisten-Kongresses, München, 28.August bis 4.September 1957, Wiesbaden, pp. 540-543.
Review of: G. Pugliese Caratelli e G. Levi della Vida, Un editto bilingue Greco-Aramaico di Aśoka, Roma 1958. BO 16: 159-160.
Review of: F. Kern, Aśoka: Kaiser und Missionär, Bern 1956. BO 16: 157-159.
1961  Review of: A.K. Narain, The Indo-Greeks, Oxford 1957. BO 18: 169-173.
1962  & J. Hoftijzer (eds), The moral edicts of King Aśoka included the Greco-Aramaic inscription of Kandahar and further inscriptions of the Maurian period, with an introduction, Leiden (Textus Minores 29).
Review of: R. Thapar, Aśoka and the decline of the Mauryas, Oxford 1961. JAOS 82,3: 419-421. – Also published in BO 20 (1963): 301-303.
1964  “Kaniṣka, die Śaka-Aera und die Kharoṣṭhī-Inschriften.” ZDMG 113: 559-564.
1966  The Muruṇḍas and the ancient trade-route from Taxila to Ujjain.” JESHO 9: 257-296.
“New notes on Aśoka and his successors (part 1).” Persica 2 (1965-1966): 27-70.
Review of: G. Pugliese Caratelli and G. Garbini, A bilingual Graeco-Aramaic edict by Aśoka: the first Greek inscription discovered in Afghanistan, Roma 1964. BO 23: 87-89.
1968  “The Purāṇa source of Merutuṅga’s list of kings and the arrival of the Śakas in India.” In: A.L. Basham (ed.), Papers on the date of Kaniṣka, submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960, Leiden, pp. 67-86.
“The Śaka era and the Kaniṣka era.” In: A.L. Basham (ed.), Papers on the date of Kaniṣka, submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960, Leiden, pp. 87-93.
“The date of the Periplus Maris Erythraei.” In: A.L. Basham (ed.), Papers on the date of Kaniṣka, submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960, Leiden, pp. 94-96.
“The Historia Philippica of Pompeius Trogus and the foundation of the Scythian empire.” In: A.L. Basham (ed.), Papers on the date of Kaniṣka, submitted to the conference on the date of Kaniṣka, London, 20-22 April, 1960, Leiden, pp. 97-102.
Review of: J. Gonda, Manuel de grammaire élémentaire de la langue sanskrite, Paris 1966. BO 25: 400.
1969  “New notes on Aśoka and his successors (part 2).” Persica 4: 77-120.
“Asjoka, keizer van India.” Spiegel Historiael 4,10: 536-541.
1970  “Alexander’s campaign in Gandhāra and Ptolemy’s list of Indo-Scythian towns.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 1: 63-125.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Die Indo-Arier im alten Vorderasien, Wiesbaden 1966. BO 27: 6-8.
1971 “New notes on Aśoka and his successors (part 3).” Persica 5 (1970-1971): 69-102.
Review of: J.R.A. Loman, Forty years of ‘Annual Bibliogarphy of Indian Archaeology’, Leiden 1969. BO 28: 406.
1972  Review of: K.L. Janert, R. Sellheim und H. Striedl, Schriften und Bilder: drei Orientalische Untersuchungen, Wiesbaden 1967. IIJ 14: 81-83.
Review of: M.M. Singh, Life in North-Eastern India in Mauryan times (with special reference to c. 600 B.C. – 325 B.C.), Patna 1967. IIJ 14: 91-94.
1973  “The proportions of Anaximander’s celestial globe and the gold-silver ratio of Croesus’ coinage.” In: M.A. Beek et al. (eds), Symbolae biblicae et mesopotamicae: Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Böhl dedicatae, Leiden, pp. 118-128.
1974  & A. Scharpé et al. (eds), Corpus topographicum Indiae antiquae, part 1: R. Stroobandt, Epigraphical findspots, Gent.
1974/5  Contributor of 20 articles to the Grote Winkler Prins Encyclopedie, 7th ed., on Central Asia and Old Persia: see the bibliography by G. Pollet.
1975  Alexander’s campaigns in Sind and Baluchistan and the siege of the Brahmin town of Harmatelia, Leuven 1975 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 3).
Review of: F. Altheim und J. Rehork, Der Hellenismus in Mittelasien, Darmstadt 1969 (Wege der Forschung 91). BO 32: 416-418.
1976  Review of: R. Thapar, Aśoka and the decline of the Mauryas, 2nd ed., Delhi 1973. BO 33: 116.
Review of: R. Morton Smith, Dates and dynasties in earliest India, Delhi 1973. IIJ 18: 284-287.
1978  “India en de Hellenistische rijken: totaalbeeld van een maatschappij tussen ca. 550 – ca. 150 v. Chr.” Kleio 8: 145-153.
“In memoriam prof. dr A.A. Kampman.” Persica 7 (1975-1978): vii-x.
“International congress on Quaid-i-Azam 19-25 Dec. 1976, Islamabad.” Persica 7 (1975-1978): 207-209.
Review of: G.M. Bogard-Levin, Studies in ancient India and central Asia, Calcutta 1971. Persica 7 (1975-1978): 183-188.
1979 “Mitanni Aryan civilization vis-à-vis date of Bharata war.” In: G.C. Agarwala (ed.), Age of Bharata war, Delhi, pp. 323-324.
“The Pakistan concept: its background.” In: A.H. Dani (ed.), World scholars on Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Islamabad, pp. 231-237.
“New notes on Aśoka and his successors (part 4).” Persica 8: 55-93.
“The 16th and 17th Armand Abel days in Belgium.” Persica 8: 258-259.
“The Austrian project ‘Iranisches Personennamenbuch’.” Persica 8: 260-262.
“Studia Iranica 8, fasc. 1, Paris.” Persica 8: 263.
1980  “The emperor Aśoka and the Tiṣyarakṣitā legend.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 11: 165-178.
“The Edinburgh festival exhibition ‘Lion rugs of Fars’ and the symposium on tribal rugs and costumes of Iran, 10-12 September 1980, Royal Scottish Museum.” Persica 9: 235-237.
Review of: A.H. Dani (ed.), World scholars on Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Islamabad 1979. Persica 9: 239-241.
Review of: Iranica Antiqua 14, 1979. Persica 9: 241-243.
1982  “The Kushan dynasty and Alexandria Bucephalus.” In: Jan Quaegebeur (ed.), Studia Paulo Naster oblata, vol. 2: Orientalia antiqua, Leuven (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 13), pp. 53-68.
Review of: Akten des VII. internationalen Kongresses für iranische Kunst und Archäologie, München 7-10 September 1976, Teheran 1979. Persica 10: 259-260.
“Symposium on Middle Iranian studies, Leuven, 17-20 May 1982.” Persica 10: 285-286.
“Further notes on Avicenna’s millenary: the celebration in East-Germany (1), Belgium and Avicenna (2).” Persica 10: 300-301.
1984  “Indien und die hellenistischen Königreiche: Zusammenschau einer west-östlichen Gesellschaft zwischen 550 und 150 v. Chr.” In: J. Ozols und V. Thewalt (eds), Aus dem Osten des Alexanderreichs, Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Klaus Fischer, Köln, pp. 74-83.
“Ptolemy, the geographer, and the people of the Dards.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 15: 191-233.
“Ptolemy, the geographer, and the people of the Dards: Alexander in Buner, the Aornus problem and the Dards of Dyrta.” Journal of Central Asia 7,1: 73-123.
1986  “Heracles-Dorsanes and Priyadarśin-Aśoka.” Orientalia Lovaniensia Periodica 17: 159-168.
“Sanchi-kākanāda and the Hellenistic and Buddhist sources.” In: G. Bhattacharya (ed.), Deyadharma: studies in memory of dr D.C. Sircar, Delhi, pp. 11-27.
1993  Alexander’s campaign in Southern Punjab, Leuven (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 54).