Emmie te Nijenhuis
Curriculum vitae
1931 | born in Bussum on November 11 |
1951-1955 | studied classical piano at Utrecht Conservatory |
1951-1964 | Western musicology, Sanskrit and Indian musicology, Utrecht University |
1958-1961 | teacher of history and theory of Western music, Zwolle Conservatory |
1961-1964 | private piano teacher |
1964-1988 | associate professor in Indian musicology, Utrecht University |
1970 | PhD under the supervision of J. Gonda, Utrecht University |
1978 | visiting professor in Oxford |
1984 | visiting professor in Basel |
1988 | retirement |
1991 | founder of Sarasvati Bhavan, a private music institute |
Special activities and positions
- Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences (KNAW)
- Participant in numerous conferences in Europe, India and Australia
- Recording sound materials in South India
1970 Dattilam: a compendium of ancient Indian music, introd., transl. and comm., Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 11). – Also published as PhD thesis Leiden).
– “Arnold Adriaan Bake.” In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (German encyclopedia of music), Suppl., Kassel. 2 pp.
– “The influence of the Saṃgītaśāstra on the Rāgamāla literature.” AO 32: 135-138.
– Review of: K. Vatsyayan, Classical Indian dance in literature and the arts, New Delhi 1968. Tropical Man 2 (Amsterdam): 197-200.
1971 “The Sanskrit dhyānas of Johnson Album 35 and the Rāga descriptions of Śubhaṅkara’s Saṃgītadāmodara.” JRAS 103: 52-58.
1972 “Continuity in Indian Rāga tradition.” Journal of the Music Academy Madras 43: 146-169.
1974 Indian music: history and structure, Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 2,6).
1975 “Change of tone system in Indian music.” Journal of the Music Academy Madras 46: 113-131.
– “Western parallels of Indian Pallavi techniques.” Journal of the Music Academy Madras 46: 103-108.
1976 The Rāgas of Somanātha, vol. I: History and analysis; vol. II: Musical examples, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 22).
1977 Musicological literature, Wiesbaden (History of Indian Literature 6,1).
1978 Review of: R. Sonnenschmidt, Bhairavī-Rāgiṇī, München 1976. Jahrbuch Musikalische Volks- und Völkerkunde 9: 120-122.
1979 “Musik und Tanz Indiens.” In: H. Bechert and G. von Simson (eds), Einführung in die Indologie, Darmstadt, pp. 239-247.
1980 Review of: M. Lath, A study of Dattilam: a treatise on the sacred music of ancient India, New Delhi 1978. Ethnomusicology 24: 568-571.
1982 “Die Musik im altindischen Theater.” In: Waltert Kaufmann, Alt-Indien (Musikgeschichte in Bildern 2,8), Leipzig, pp. 188-196.
1986 “Een ander lied.” In: R. Kloppenborg en L. Pathmananoharan-Dronkers (red.), Religieuze minderheden in Nederland, Utrecht (Brochurereeks ter gelegenheid van het 350-jarig bestaan van de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht in het kader van de Onderwijs- en Samenlevingsprojecten 4), pp. 15-19.
1987 Sacred songs of India: Dīkṣitar’s cycle of hymns to the goddess Kamalā, vol. I (co-author: Sanjukta Gupta): Musicological and religious analysis, text and translation; vol. II: Music examples, Winterthur (Forum Ethnomusicologicum 3).
1988 “De muzikale esthetica van het oudindische theater.” In: Alfons Annegarn, Louis Peter Grijp, Paul op de Coul (red.), Harmonie en perspectief: zevenendertig bijdragen van Utrechtse musicologen voor Eduard Reeser, Deventer (Deventer studiën 6), pp. 207-213.
1992 Saṅgītaśiromaṇi: a medieval handbook of Indian music, ed. with introduction and translation [from the Sanskrit]. Leiden (Brill’s Indological Library 5).
– “Change of concept in Sanskrit musicology: differences between ancient, medieval and modern systems.” Journal of Oriental Research Madras 56-62 (1986-1992) (Dr S.S. Janaki felicitation volume): 7-18.
– “Historical development of the musical forms in India with reference to the religious history.” In: Von der Vielfalt musikalischer Kultur: Festschrift für Josef Kuckertz, Salzburg, pp. 377-384.
1995 “Traditional techniques of composing in South Indian music: a preliminary research.” In: Wim van Zanten and Marjolijn van Roon (eds), Ethnomusicology in the Netherlands: present situation and traces of the past, Leiden (Oideion, Special issue 2), pp. 235-249.
1996 “Indien.” In: Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (German encyclopedia of music), vol. 4, Kassel, pp. 655-681; 759-762.
2001 Varṇam: selected concert studies for the South Indian lute, with two audio cd-s, Naarden: Sarasvati Bhavan.
2002 “The development of the various types of vina (arched harp, bar-zither and lute) as shown in Indian music archaeology and their influence on intonation, melodic classification and style of performance described in Sanskrit musicology.” In: Studien zur Musikarchaeologie 3 (Orient-Archaeologie 10), Rahden, pp. 557-571.
– “Styles of lute playing.” IIAS Newsletter 28: 14.
2005 “Notation of South Indian music.” Oideion 4 article.
2010 Et al. editor of: Hindustani music: thirteenth to twentieth centuries, New Delhi (eds Joep Bor, Françoise ‘Nalini’ Delvoye, Jane Harvey and Emmie te Nijenhuis).
– & Françoise ‘Nalini’ Delvoye, “Sanskrit and Indo-Persian literature on music.” In: Joep Bor et al. (eds), Hindustani music: thirteenth to twentieth centuries, New Delhi, pp. 33-43.
– “Musical forms in medieval India.” In: Joep Bor et al. (eds), Hindustani music: thirteenth to twentieth centuries, New Delhi, pp. 95-115.
2011 Kīrtana: traditional South Indian devotional songs: compositions of Tyāgarāja, Muttusvāmi Dīkṣitar and Śyāma Śāstri , recorded and edited in staff notation. Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 2,26).