Curriculum vitae
1899 | born in Budapest (Hungary) on November 18, of Jewish origin |
1905-1918 | primary and secondary education; service in the army |
1924 | MA philosophy, psychology and Germanic philology at the University of Pécs (Hungary); self-study of Indology and Indian art |
1927 | PhD philosophy, University of Pécs, Hungary |
1927-1934 | conservator of the Kern Institute Library, Leiden University |
1934-1938 | work with the Archaeological Survey of India |
1938-1945 | director of the Punjab Exploration Fund |
1939 | acquired the English nationality |
1945-1947 | curator of the Lahore Museum, Pakistan |
1947-1950 | lecturer at the National Museum of India, New Delhi |
1950-1959 | lecturer in art history, at Delhi Polytechnic (now The Delhi School of architecture) |
1948-… | art and theatre critic for The Statesman |
1968 | passed away in Delhi |
Special activities and positions
- Co-editor of the Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology for the years 1926-1932 [1928-1934]
- Expedition with Sir Aurel Stein, 1932
- Editor of the Annual reports of the Archaeological Survey of India for the years, 1930-31, 1931-32, 1932-33 & 1933-34
- Visiting professor of Indian art history, Santiniketan, 1933
- Bethlenfalvy, Géza, Charles Louis Fabri: his life and works, comp. and ed., New Delhi 1980.
- Bethlenfalvy, Géza, “A select bibliography of the writings of Charles Fabri (chronological),” In: Géza Bethlenfalvy, Idem, pp. 161-173
- Koves, Margit, The English curator and the Buddhist doctor: Charles Fabri’s identities in India, New Delhi 1997 (Centre for Contemporary Studies, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, Research-in-progress papers ‘history and society’; 3rd ser. 20).
1928 William James: egy filozófus arcképe (William Jones: the portrait of a philosopher) , Pécs (Specimina Dissertationum Facultatis Philosophiae Regiae Hungaricae Universitatis Elisabethianae Quinqueecclesiensis 6). – PhD thesis Pécs.
1929 “Exploration of pre-historic mounds in Baluchistan and in Iran.” ABIA 1929 4 [1931]: 14-21.
– “The attempt to crush the Buddha under a huge stone,” abstract of a paper read at the sixth congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 1927, Leiden. Verslag van het zesde congres, gehouden te Leiden op 3, 4 en 5 april 1929, pp. 23-24.
1930 “Un élément mésopotamien dans l’art de l’Inde.” JA 217: 298-302.
– “A Graeco-Buddhist sculpture representing the Buddha’s descent from the heaven of the thirty-three gods.” AO 8: 288-293.
1931 “Alexander’s battle with Porus: Sir Aurel Stein’s new location.” ABIA 1931 [6] [1933]: 1-5.
– “Two notes on Indian head-dress: the hair curl of a princess at Bāmiyān and the head-dress of women in early India.” JRAS 63,3: 597-601.
1932 “Mesopotamian and early Indian art: comparisons.” In: Études d’Orientalisme publiées par le Musée Guimet à la mémoire de Raymonde Linossier, tome I. Paris, pp. 203-253.
– “Further excavations of Pahārpur, Bengal.” ABIA 1932 7 [1934]: 26-31.
– “Note on the importance of South Persia in archaeological research.” Indian Art and Letters NS 6: 120-121.
1934 “On the track of stone age man in Persian Baluchistan.” Asia 34,8: 468-473.
– “The work of the Archaeological Survey of India during 1933-1934.” ABIA 1934 9 [1936]: 1-6.
– “Latest attempts to read the Indus script: a summary.” Indian Culture 1,1: 51-56.
– “The ancient Hungarian script and the Brāhmī characters.” Indian Culture 1,2: 167-171. – Paper read at the seventh congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 13-15 September 1933, Leiden; abstract in Verslag van het zevende congres, pp. 37-38.
– Review of: A. K. Coomaraswamy, The transformation of nature in art, Cambridge MA 1934. Rupam 2,1: 63-65.
– Review of: B. Markowski, Die materielle Kultur des Kabulgebietes, Leipzig 1932. JRAS 66,1: 137-139.
– Review of: B.B. Madhab, Barhut, vol. 1: Stone as a story teller, Calcutta 1934. India and the world, pp. 19.
1935 “The punch-marked coins: a survival of the Indus civilization.” JRAS 67,2: 307-318.
1936 “A new branch of knowledge in India (with a digression on a certain method of research).” Indian Culture 3,1: 137-155.
– “A Sumero-Babylonian inscription discovered at Mohenjo Daro.” Indian Culture 3,4: 663-673.
– “The Cretan bull-grappling sports and the bull-sacrifice in the Indus Valley civilization.” Annual Report ASI 1930-34: 93-101.
– “Excavations at Nāgārjunikoṇḍa.” Annual Report ASI 1930-34: 107-111.
– “Discoveries in the Southern Circle.” Annual Report ASI 1930-34: 111-113.
– “Other exploration work in the Central Circle.” Annual Report ASI 1930-34: 140-141.
1937 “More ancient mounds near Lahore.” The Civil and Military Gazette 12th October.
– Review of: Sir Aurel Stein, Archaeological reconnaissances in North-West India and Southern Iran, London 1937. Sunday Statesman 26th September 1937.
1938 “A ruined town near Bhera.” The Civil and Military Gazette 15th January 1938.
– “The age of the Indus Valley civilization.” Current Science 6,9: 433-436.
1939 “Buddhist baroque in Kashmir.” Asia 39,10: 593-598.
– “Excavating a Buddhist city.” The Illustrated Weekly of India 19th November 1939.
– “The discoveries near Bhera.” The Civil and Military Gazette May 31, 1939, p 10.
1940 “Fresh finds of Mogul times.” Asia 40,3: 159-164.
– “Archaeology in the Punjab.” The Punjab past and present (A souvenir of the twenty-sixth meeting of the Indian Science Congress Association, held at Lahore, January 1939), pp. 93-109. – Also publ. in Mārg 10,2: 4-14.
– “Graeco-Buddhist sculptures of the 7th century now in the Lahore Musuem.” ABIA (?):
– “Burried empires.” Current Science 9,8: 388-391.
– “The importance of observation.” The Punjab Educational Journal 34,12: 1159-1166.
1942 “Hidden in private houses: some masterpieces of Indian terracotta sculpture.” The Illustrated Weekly of India Aug. 9, 1942.
1946 “Pyridine for the cleaning of dirty paintwork.” Journal of Indian Museology 1: 48.
1947 Indian flamingo: a novel of modern India, London.
– Guide to the stone age, Lahore (Guide-books of the Central Museum Lahore 1).
– “Wall paintings of the Khalifa El-Walid.” Pakistan Times, Annual 1947: 70-71.
1951 “Buddhist masterpieces 1-4.” Kashmir 1,16/17/18,21 and 23.
– “Amrita Sher-Gil.” The march of India 4,1: 40-43, 47.
1952 “The Bull of Asoka.” Indo-Asian Culture 1,2: 148-152.
– “Present trends in Indian dancing and painting.” In: Indian Information Services, India in 1951: a collection of articles, [New Delhi], pp. 39-42.
– “Modern painters: Madhav Satwalekar.” The march of India 4,3: 25-28, 37.
1953 “International Art in India.” Studio 146:728 (1953:Nov.) pp. 150-151.
– “Reflections on the International Exhibition 1953.” Roopa-Lekha 24,1/2: 53-57.
– “Kashmir’s contribution to Indian painting.” Kashmir 3,1: 5-6.
– “Ballet costume in Akbar’s time.” Mārg 7,1: 17-22.
– “The Graeco-Buddhist art of Gandhāra.” India and Israel 5,8: 29-31.
– Review of: Bulletin of the Prince of Wales Museum of Western India, 1951-1952, No. 2. In: Artibus Asiae 16: 329.
1954 “The Russians in India.” The dancing times, March 1954, pp. 357-358.
– “India.” The dancing times, July 1954, pp. 616-617.
– “National museum of India.” Tourist News 3,1: 14-17.
– “A forgotten aspect of Indian sculpture.” Indo-Asian Culture 2,3: 264-268.
– “Mathura of the gods.” Mārg 7,2: 8-22.
– “Bells on their toes: some Indian dancers I have known.” Western Railway Annual 1954: 51-63.
– “The end of architecture: apex.” Journal of the Architectural Society 1,9: 9-11.
– “Professionals and amateurs in India.” The Bihar Theatre 6: 51-56.
– “Furniture and space on the amateur stage.” Curtain Call: a review of theatre in India 3,1/2: 23-25, 28, 31.
– Review of: B. Rowland, The art and architecture of India, Baltimore 1953. Art Bulletin 36,2: 143-145.
– Review of: Stella Kramrisch, Drāviḍa and Kerala in the art of Travancore, Ascona 1953 (Artibus Asiae suppl. 11). Artibus Asiae 17: 328-330.
1955 “Akhnur terra-cottas.” Mārg 8,2: 53-64.
– “Frescoes of Ajanta: an essay.” Mārg 9,1: 61-76.
– “Bihar, where the Buddha walked.” Tourist News 4,10: 33-35.
– Review of: Sir Mortimer Wheeler, The Cambridge History of India: Supplementary Volume: The Indus Civilization, Cambridge 1953. Artibus Asiae 18,2: 204-206.
1956 “Gandhāra and its offshoots.” Mārg 9,2: 36-40.
– “The teaching of art.” The Education Quarterly March 1956: 36-39.
– “Quarters for low-income government employees.” The Indian Builder 4,4: 44-46.
– “An imaginative design for a house in Delhi.” The Indian Builder 4,8: 28-31.
1957 “Indian art in 1957.” Art and Letters NS 31,2: 6.
– “Dhanraj Bhagat: tradition and modernity.” Design 1,3: 14-15.
– “Amrita Sher-Gil.” Design 1,12: 13-15, 24.
1958 “The truth about Ajanta.” The Illustrated Weekly of India February 16, 1958, pp. 40-42.
– “A new critical approach to Indian art.” Design, Annual, July 1958, pp. 62-69, 92.
– “The sculpture of the Sun Temple: a study in styles.” Mārg 12,1 (Homage to Konarak number): 33-43.
1959 “The much maligned critic.” Natya: Theatre Arts Journal Spring: 39-42.
– “The Kathak costumes in Mughal times.” Mārg 12,4: 58-61.
– “The hundred temples of Aihole.” March of India 11,6: 7-10.
– “Eine neue Begegnung mit der indischen Kunst.” Das Kunstwerk (Sonderheft Indien) 21,11/12: 5-7.
– Review of: W.G. Archer, India and modern art, London 1959. Roopa-Lekha 30,1/2: 126-128.
1960A history of Indian dress, Calcutta. – repr. New Delhi 1977 and 1994 with title Indian dress: a brief history.
– Indian art: a new point of view, [New Delhi:] Information service of India [1960], 46 p.
– Et al., “Culture and the common man: a symposium.” Cultural Forum 3,1.
– “Dance dramas of Tagore.” Natya: Theatre Arts Journal (= Tagore issue): 10-15.
– “Introduction to Orissi dance.” Mārg 13,2: 4-5.
– “Art criticism in India.” Design 4,7: 95-96.
– “The temples of Khajuraho.” March of India 12,4: 20-25.
1961 “Dance in India.” Indo-Asian Culture 10,1 (July): 70-80.
– “An outline history of Indian painting I.” Cultural Forum March 1961: 24-27.
– “An outline history of Indian painting II.” Cultural Forum June 1961: 46-49.
– “An outline history of Indian painting III.” Cultural Forum Oct. 1961: 84-87.
– “Subject and form: a mistaken criterion in art history and criticism.” Design (Annual) 5,9: 137-141.
– “A critic in the capital.” Design (Annual) 5,12: 39-40.
– Report of a seminar on contemporary play-writing and play production, March 31 – April 2, 1961. Organized by the Bharatiya Natya Sangh.
– “What to do with the Kathakali stage?” Kathakali: Journal of the International Centre for Kathakali 1,3: 27-29.
– “Gandhāra, Mathura and Amāravati.” March of India 13,9: 28.
– Review of: L. Hájek, Indian miniatures of the Mughal school, London 1960. Roopa Lekha 32,2: 108-109.
1962 Homage to Khajuraho, et al. Bombay Marg Publ.
– “Islamic art, architecture and painting.” The March of India 14,1: 36-38.
– “Gupta art and medieval baroque.” The March of India 14,2: 21-25.
– “The Indian theatre.” The March of India 14,6: 30-32
– “The Indian art of puppetry.” The March of India 14,10: 19-23.
– “Artists at the industries fair.” Design 5,1: 31-34.
– “The India international centre, New Delhi.” Design 6,7: 102-107.
– “Problems of Indian architectural history.” Design 6,7: 118-123.
– “Attitudes to folk theatre.” Natya: Theatre Arts Journal 6,2: 6-7.
1963 An introduction to Indian architecture, London (General education reading material series $ Arts and philosophy 5).
– “Contemporary art of india: a symposium.” Cultural Forum 5,3: 28-33.
– “Avinah Chandra today.” Design 7,6: 29-32.
– “The art of Miss Yamini Krishnamurti.” Design 7,7: 143-144.
– “Classical Indian art.” Design 7,7: 114-117.
– “A history of art history in India.” Design 7,10: 37-40.
– “The fulfilment of the baroque at Khajuraho.” In: M.R. Anand and S. Kramrisch, Homage to Khajuraho, Bombay, (Mārg Publications), pp. 6-17.
– “An introduction to Indian art: prehistoric art – Gandhara, Mathura and Amaravati art – Gupta art and medieval baroque – Islamic art, architecture and painting – painting of the Hinus and Jains.” AIR Miscellany 1962, Publications Division, Delhi, March 1963. – Text of radiotalks.
– Review of: R. Reeves, Cire perdue casting in India, New Delhi [1962]. Cultural Forum 5,4
1964 Bhagat: [reproductions / with an introd. essay and a biographical note by Charles Fabri] ; editor[s]: Jaya Appasamy [and] S.A. Krishnan, New Delhi (Lalit Kalā series of contemporary Indian art).
– An introduction to European painting, New York etc.
– “The state of arts in Europe.” Roopa-Lekha 34,1/2: 22-27.
– “Art history.” Cultural Forum 23 (special issue): 97-99.
– “Archaeology and the public.” Design 8,7: 113-118.
– “Some little known nudes in Indian sculpture.” Design 8,8: 30-33.
– “World famous musicians compare Indian and Western music.” News Future, U.S. Information Service, Bhawalpur House, Feb. 14, 1964, pp. 1-5. – An interview with Yehudi Menuhin on Indian music; orig. publ. in The Statesman.
1965 “Early Indian architecture.” Hemisphere: an Asian-Australian magazine 9,3: 20-25.
– “Krishen Khanna.” Design 9,3: 25-28.
– “The ballet in India.” Design 9,5: 111-120.
– “Famous mural painting in India.” India Calling Oct., pp. 6, 8.
– “Notes on Indian architecture.” Welcome to India 1965: 11-14.
– “The dramatic vision: exhibition of Ebrahim Alkazi.” Design 9,12: 31-32.
1966 “The temple of Vizhinjam, Kerala.” Design 10,2: 25-26.
– “The pundit and the people.” Design 10,8: 32-34.
– “Dhanraj Bhagat.” Design 10,11: 29-31.
– “The real problem of the theatre in India: a guest editorial.” Design 10,12: 13-14, 47-48.
– “Our miniature painting.” India Calling April, pp. 1-2.
– “Mannerist art in India.” Conspectus: quarterly Journal of the India International Centre 2,3: 51-56.
– “A strange temple at Bhubaneshvar: the Vaital Deul.” Pushpanjali 2,1.
1967 “One thousand years of art at Ajanta.” Traveller in India 11,5: 21-25.
– “Kumkum Dass.” Design 11,3: 36.
– “Hedendaagse schilderkunst: contemporary art of India.” Vlaanderen 16,94: 270-274.
– Translator of: K. Rülicke-Weiler, “The life of Galilei: Brecht’s observations on the final scene.” Sangeet Natak 5: 5-31.
1968 Konarak, Bombay (Marg publications)..
– “Classical dances of India.” Quest July-Sept., pp. 71-73.
– “The tragi-comedy of the theatre in Delhi.” Shankar’s Annual, p.121.
1970 Discovering Indian sculpture: a brief history, New Delhi-Bombay.
1974 History of the art of Orissa, Bombay [etc.].
Not found
– 1932? “The chronology of the frescoes of the Ajaṇṭā and Bāgh caves.” Actes XVIIe congres, p. 162.