Mohan Kant Gautam
Curriculum vitae
1962- | lecturer, Leiden University |
1977 | PhD under the supervision of P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Leiden University |
Selected publications
1972 “The Santal uprising and the use of weapons.” In: Tom G. Svensson (ed.), Ethnographic Musuem Yearbook 1970 [1972], Oslo, pp.
1973 “Theorethical reflections on the traditions and legends related to the Santal migrations: Hor hopon or ‘Sons of Men’.” Man in India 53,2.
1977 In search of an identity: a case of the Santal of northern India, [Meppel]. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
– “The Santalization of the Santals.” In: K. David, The new wind: changing identities in South Asia, The Hague-Paris (World Anthropology Serie), pp. 369-381.
– “Surināmī Bhāratvaṁsī: pardesī parivesa meṁ desī saṁskṛti.” Dharmayug.
1978 & R.R. Moser (eds), Aspects of tribal life in South Asia: proceedings of an international seminar held in Berne, 1977, vol. 1: Strategy and survival, Berne (Studia Ethnologica Bernensia 1).
– “Introduction: are we doing justice to the tribal studies in India: a critical view about the trends and prospects.” In: Ibidem, pp. 9-27.
– “Tradition, modernization and the problem of identity among the Santal.” In: Ibidem, pp. 105-121.
1979 “Identity and ethnic maintenance among the Santals.” In: M. Gaborieu and A. Thorner (eds), Asie du Sud: traditions et changements; European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Sevres, 8-13 juillet 1978, Paris, pp. 249-254.
– “In search for an ethnic identity among the Surinamese Hindustanis in the Netherlands.” In: Ibidem, pp. 653-660.
– “Haṁsāiyoṁ ke āvaraṇ se ḍhakā eka cintaka vyaktitva: Rajendra Awasthī.” Ranjinī.
1981 “Geboren om vrij te zijn: vrouwen van de Santal stam.” Zuid-Azië bulletin.
– “Holī umango se bharā phagavā tyohāra (Hindi).” Aisa Samachar.
1982 “Holland meṁ Hindī.” In: Joshi, Rāṣtrabhāsā ke sangharṣabhare paccīsa varṣa, Sailana, pp.
1983 Anthropology and the functions of ethnographic museums in Third World countries: a case study of a multi-ethnic society in South Asia, Leiden.
– “Woord vooraf,” in het Srimad Bhāgavatam, Amsterdam (De grote klassieken van India serie 4).
– “Itinerant camping life to settled Basti alliances: the mechanism of ethnic maintenance and social organization of the Kanjars in North India.” The Eastern Anthropologist.
1984 “From local protest to tribal nationalism: the emergence of a new ethnicity as the new strategy of tribal identity of Jharkhandis in Chota Nagpur (India).” In: K. Ballhatchet and D. Taylor, Changing South Asia: development and welfare [papers presented to seventh European conference on modern South Asian studies, held in London from 7 to 11 July 1981], Hongkong, pp. 11-24.
– “Introduction on ethnic minorities and tribal groupings in South Asia.” In: Ibidem, pp.
1986 & G.H. Schokker, Syllabus Hindi grammatica = Hindī-vyākaraṇa, Leiden: Instituut Kern.
– & A.K. Singh (eds), L.P. Vidyarthi, contribution to the development of anthropology, New Delhi, 197 p.
1987 “Immigration and identity: the French contribution to the formation of an Indo-French identity within the Indian culture of the Indian Ocean territories.” In: Les rélations historiques et culturelles entre la France et l’Inde: XVIIe-XXe siècles: actes de la conférence internationale – France-Inde 21-28 juiller 1986, Association Historique Internationale de l’Océan Indien, pp. 91-106.
1991 & G.H. Schokker, “Ramayana in Surinam.” In: Mother India-Children abroad 5 (New Delhi), pp. 48-56.
– “Rastriya punrnirmana mem samcara madhyamomki bhumika, Nataka, Radio, Duradarsana aura cinema.” In: Hindi Informatiefblad 6,1: 6-11; 6,2: 5-8; 6,3: 5-10; 6,4: 5-11.
1992 “The glories of Radhakunda.” In: Steven J. Rosen (ed.), Vaisnavism: contemporary scholars discuss the Gandiya tradition, New York, pp. 199-206.
1993 “Hindostanen in diaspora.” Hindorama 1,1: 22-24.
– Newsletter of the International Commission on Museums of Cultural Heritage Report, 4 p.
– “Kitani purani hai hamari Hindi.” Visva Jyoti 2,1: 18-19; 2,3: 4-9.
1994 “A unique Divali celebration.” The Indo European 1,1 November.
– “Commisission on Museums and Cultural Hertage (COMACH), report for the year 1993.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 39: 2-4.
– “Guyana van Nu: een ontmoeting met Dr. Cheddi Jagan.” Visva Jyoti 3:4, pp. 4-8.
– “Kitani Purani hai hamari Hindi.” Visva Jyoti 3,3: 7-11 and 3,4: 14-19.
1995 “Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage (COMACH), report for the year 1994.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 42.
– “Problems related to the teaching of Urdu in The Netherlands.” The Annual of Urdu Studies 10: 199-203.
1996 “Islam & the 21st century: report of the international conference on Islam and the 21st century.” IIAS Newsletter 9: 9-10.
– “A report on the 14th European conference on modern South Asian studies.” IIAS Newsletter 10: 15-16.
– “Commission on museums and cultural heritage (COMACH), report for the year 1995.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 45: 5-6.
– “Problems related to the teaching of Urdu in the Netherlands.” In: A.S. Ghauri (ed.), The first Europe-wide conference for Urdu teachers, London, pp. 14-21.
1997 & K. Sh. Adhin (samenstellers), Reader ter gelegenheid van het symposium “Ramayan: enkele aspecten van een universeel erfgoed,” Amsterdam, 16 november 1997, georganiseerd door Wereld Hindu Federatie Nederland en Anand Joti, Zoetermeer.
2000 & G.H. Schokker (eds), Bhakti in current research 1982-85: proceedings of the third international conference on devotional literature in the New Indo-Aryan languages, Noordwijkerhout 1985, Lucknow (Kern Institute miscellanea 10).
– “Devīdāsa’s Dāmodaralīlā.” In: M.K. Gautam and G.H. Schokker (eds), Bhakti in current research 1982-85: proceedings of the third international conference on devotional literature in the New Indo-Aryan languages, Noordwijkerhout 1985, Lucknow (Kern Institute miscellanea 10), pp. 109-123.
2003 “Buried valley along Singapore River and its geotechnical properties.” In: C.F. Leung et al. (eds), Soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering (12ARC): proceedings of the Twelfth Asian Regional Conference, Singapore, 4-8 August 2003 , vol. 1, Singapore, pp. 101-104.
2007 “नीदरलैणड्स में भारतीयता की तलाश [= India research in the Netherlands].” Gaganāñcal 30,3/4: 28-32. “Nīdarlaiṇḍs mẽ bhārtīyatā kī talāś.”
2008 & Godard Schokker, “Hindustani grammar.” In: [Neelam D. Sabharwal, ambassador of India, ed.], Changing images: lasting visions: India and the Netherlands [collection of 35 essays published on the occasion of 400 years of Indo-Dutch relations], Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, pp. 96-98.