Mohan Kant Gautam

1937 –
anthropology (Santal), Hindi grammar

Curriculum vitae

1962-lecturer, Leiden University
1977PhD under the supervision of P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Leiden University

Selected publications

1972 “The Santal uprising and the use of weapons.” In: Tom G. Svensson (ed.), Ethnographic Musuem Yearbook 1970 [1972], Oslo, pp.
1973  “Theorethical reflections on the traditions and legends related to the Santal migrations: Hor hopon or ‘Sons of Men’.” Man in India 53,2.
1977  In search of an identity: a case of the Santal of northern India, [Meppel]. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
– “The Santalization of the Santals.” In: K. David, The new wind: changing identities in South Asia, The Hague-Paris (World Anthropology Serie), pp. 369-381.
“Surināmī Bhāratvaṁsī: pardesī parivesa meṁ desī saṁskṛti.” Dharmayug.
1978 & R.R. Moser (eds), Aspects of tribal life in South Asia: proceedings of an international seminar held in Berne, 1977, vol. 1: Strategy and survival, Berne (Studia Ethnologica Bernensia 1).
“Introduction: are we doing justice to the tribal studies in India: a critical view about the trends and prospects.” In: Ibidem, pp. 9-27.
“Tradition, modernization and the problem of identity among the Santal.” In: Ibidem, pp. 105-121.
1979  “Identity and ethnic maintenance among the Santals.” In: M. Gaborieu and A. Thorner (eds), Asie du Sud: traditions et changements; European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, Sevres, 8-13 juillet 1978, Paris, pp. 249-254.
“In search for an ethnic identity among the Surinamese Hindustanis in the Netherlands.” In: Ibidem, pp. 653-660.
“Haṁsāiyoṁ ke āvaraṇ se ḍhakā eka cintaka vyaktitva: Rajendra Awasthī.” Ranjinī.
1981  “Geboren om vrij te zijn: vrouwen van de Santal stam.” Zuid-Azië bulletin.
“Holī umango se bharā phagavā tyohāra (Hindi).” Aisa Samachar.
1982  “Holland meṁ Hindī.” In: Joshi, Rāṣtrabhāsā ke sangharṣabhare paccīsa varṣa, Sailana, pp.
1983  Anthropology and the functions of ethnographic museums in Third World countries: a case study of a multi-ethnic society in South Asia, Leiden.
“Woord vooraf,” in het Srimad Bhāgavatam, Amsterdam (De grote klassieken van India serie 4).
“Itinerant camping life to settled Basti alliances: the mechanism of ethnic maintenance and social organization of the Kanjars in North India.” The Eastern Anthropologist.
1984  “From local protest to tribal nationalism: the emergence of a new ethnicity as the new strategy of tribal identity of Jharkhandis in Chota Nagpur (India).” In: K. Ballhatchet and D. Taylor, Changing South Asia: development and welfare [papers presented to seventh European conference on modern South Asian studies, held in London from 7 to 11 July 1981], Hongkong, pp. 11-24.
“Introduction on ethnic minorities and tribal groupings in South Asia.” In: Ibidem, pp.
1986  & G.H. Schokker, Syllabus Hindi grammatica = Hindī-vyākaraṇa, Leiden: Instituut Kern.
& A.K. Singh (eds), L.P. Vidyarthi, contribution to the development of anthropology, New Delhi, 197 p.
1987  “Immigration and identity: the French contribution to the formation of an Indo-French identity within the Indian culture of the Indian Ocean territories.” In: Les rélations historiques et culturelles entre la France et l’Inde: XVIIe-XXe siècles: actes de la conférence internationale – France-Inde 21-28 juiller 1986, Association Historique Internationale de l’Océan Indien, pp. 91-106.
1991  & G.H. Schokker, “Ramayana in Surinam.” In: Mother India-Children abroad 5 (New Delhi), pp. 48-56.
“Rastriya punrnirmana mem samcara madhyamomki bhumika, Nataka, Radio, Duradarsana aura cinema.” In: Hindi Informatiefblad 6,1: 6-11; 6,2: 5-8; 6,3: 5-10; 6,4: 5-11.
1992  “The glories of Radhakunda.” In: Steven J. Rosen (ed.), Vaisnavism: contemporary scholars discuss the Gandiya tradition, New York, pp. 199-206.
1993  “Hindostanen in diaspora.” Hindorama 1,1: 22-24.
Newsletter of the International Commission on Museums of Cultural Heritage Report, 4 p.
“Kitani purani hai hamari Hindi.” Visva Jyoti 2,1: 18-19; 2,3: 4-9.
1994  “A unique Divali celebration.” The Indo European 1,1 November.
“Commisission on Museums and Cultural Hertage (COMACH), report for the year 1993.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 39: 2-4.
“Guyana van Nu: een ontmoeting met Dr. Cheddi Jagan.” Visva Jyoti 3:4, pp. 4-8.
“Kitani Purani hai hamari Hindi.” Visva Jyoti 3,3: 7-11 and 3,4: 14-19.
1995  “Commission on Museums and Cultural Heritage (COMACH), report for the year 1994.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 42.
“Problems related to the teaching of Urdu in The Netherlands.” The Annual of Urdu Studies 10: 199-203.
1996  “Islam & the 21st century: report of the international conference on Islam and the 21st century.” IIAS Newsletter 9: 9-10.
“A report on the 14th European conference on modern South Asian studies.” IIAS Newsletter 10: 15-16.
“Commission on museums and cultural heritage (COMACH), report for the year 1995.” International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences Newsletter 45: 5-6.
“Problems related to the teaching of Urdu in the Netherlands.” In: A.S. Ghauri (ed.), The first Europe-wide conference for Urdu teachers, London, pp. 14-21.
1997  & K. Sh. Adhin (samenstellers), Reader ter gelegenheid van het symposium “Ramayan: enkele aspecten van een universeel erfgoed,” Amsterdam, 16 november 1997, georganiseerd door Wereld Hindu Federatie Nederland en Anand Joti, Zoetermeer.
2000  & G.H. Schokker (eds), Bhakti in current research 1982-85: proceedings of the third international conference on devotional literature in the New Indo-Aryan languages, Noordwijkerhout 1985, Lucknow (Kern Institute miscellanea 10).
“Devīdāsa’s Dāmodaralīlā.” In: M.K. Gautam and G.H. Schokker (eds), Bhakti in current research 1982-85: proceedings of the third international conference on devotional literature in the New Indo-Aryan languages, Noordwijkerhout 1985, Lucknow (Kern Institute miscellanea 10), pp. 109-123.
2003  “Buried valley along Singapore River and its geotechnical properties.” In: C.F. Leung et al. (eds), Soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering (12ARC): proceedings of the Twelfth Asian Regional Conference, Singapore, 4-8 August 2003 , vol. 1, Singapore, pp. 101-104.
2007  “नीदरलैणड्स में भारतीयता की तलाश [= India research in the Netherlands].” Gaganāñcal 30,3/4: 28-32. “Nīdarlaiṇḍs mẽ bhārtīyatā kī talāś.”
2008  & Godard Schokker, “Hindustani grammar.” In: [Neelam D. Sabharwal, ambassador of India, ed.], Changing images: lasting visions: India and the Netherlands [collection of 35 essays published on the occasion of 400 years of Indo-Dutch relations], Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, pp. 96-98.