George Chemparathy
Indian philosophy, theology
Curriculum vitae
1928 | born in Muthalakodam (Kerala, India) on March 16 |
Government English High School | |
studied classical languages, philosophy, Sanskrit, in Chennai (India) and Vienna University | |
1963 | PhD under the supervision of E. Frauwallner, Vienna University |
1963-1980 | lecturer/associate professor, department Oriental studies, Utrecht University |
1973 | PhD under the supervision of J. Gonda, Utrecht University |
1973-1974 | visiting professor at Brock University, Ontario, Canada |
1978 | S.T.D. (Sacrae Theologiae Doctor) in theology, Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Ottigny) |
1980-1990 | full professor Indian philosophy, Utrecht University |
1990 | retirement from Utrecht University |
1990-1991 | visiting professor University of Vienna (Oktober 1990 to July 1991) |
1995 | visiting professor University of Vienna (summer semester) |
2012 | moved to India |
2021 | passed away at Kattappana (Kerala) on November 24 |
- “List of publications of George Chemparathy.” In: Vedanta old and new: change in continuity, Utrecht 1991. – Valedictory lecture, Utrecht University, 5 September 1990.
1963 Aufkommen und Entwicklung der Lehre von einem höchsten Wesen in Nyāya und Vaiśeṣika, Vienna.
1965 “The testimony of Yuktidīpikā concerning the Īśvara doctrine of the Pāśupatas and Vaiśeṣikas.” WZKSO 9: 119-146.
– “Theism and early Vaiśeṣika system.” In: Gopinath Kaviraj felicitation volume, Lucknow, pp. 109-125.
– Reveiw of: L. Silburn, La Bhakti: le Stavacintāmaṇi de Bhaṭṭanā rāyaṇa, texte trad. et commenté, Paris 1964. OLZ 62,1/2: 67-69.
1968 “The doctrine of Īśvara as exposed in the Nyāyakandalī.” JGJhRI 24: 25-38.
– “The Īśvara doctrine of Praśastapāda.” VIJ 6: 65-87.
1969 “Two early Buddhist refutations of the existence of Īśvara as the creator of the universe.” WZKSO 12-13 (= Beiträge zur Geistesgeschichte Indiens: Festschrift für Erich Frauwallner aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages, ed. G. Oberhammmer) (1968-1969): 85-100.
– “Two little-known fragments from early Vaiśeṣika literature on the omniscience of Īśvara.” ALB 33: 117-134.
– “The various names for the famous Vaiśeṣika work of Praśastapāda.” Ṛtam 1: 23-27.
1970 “Praśastapāda and his other names.” IIJ 12: 241-254.
– “The Īśvara doctrine of the Vaiśeṣika commentator Candrānanda.” Ṛtam 2: 47-52.
– Review of: A. Hohenberger (tr.), Rāmānuja’s Vedāntadīpa, Bonn 1964, WZKS 14: 214.
1971 “The number of qualities (guṇa) in Īśvara according to Śrīdhara: a reconsideration.” Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 27: 11-16.
– “Different theories of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas on the number of qualities (guṇa) in Īśvara.” Journal of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha 27: 167-181.
1972 An Indian rational theology: introduction to Udayana’s Nyāyakusumāñjali, Vienna (Publication of the De Nobili Research Library 1).
– “The Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika proofs for the existence of God.” Thêta-Pi 1: 145-167.
– “Bibliography of publications by J. Gonda.” In: J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (eds), India Maior: congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda, Leiden, pp. 1-46.
1974 Review of: Giuseppe Tucci [und] Walther Heissig, Die Religionen Tibets und der Mongolei (Die Religionen der Menschheit 20), Stuttgart 1970. Central Asiatic Journal 18 or 19 (1974 or 1975) pp.
– Review of: Z. Ahmad, Sino-Tibetan relations in the seventeenth century, Roma: ISMEO 1970. Central Asiatic Journal 18,2: 148.
1975 “Saint Thomas Aquinas and Udayana on God: an essay in comparison.” In: Weg in die Zukunft: Festschrift für Prof. Dr Anton Antweiler zu seinem 75. Geburtstag, Leiden (Studies in the History of Religions, supplement to Numen 32), pp. 186-204.
– Review of: C. Goekoop, The logic of invariable concomitance in the Tattvacintāmaṇi: Gaṅgeśa’s Anumitinirūpaṇa and Vyāptivāda, [ed.] with introd., transl. and comm., Dordrecht 1967 (PhD thesis Amsterdam). IIJ 17,1: 114-115.
1976 Review of: J.C. Plott and P. D. Mays, Sarva-Darśana-Sangraha: a bibliographical guide to the global history of philosophy, Leiden 1969. OLZ 71,5: 496-498.
1977 Veda and Bible as “Word of God”: an essay in theological comparison, Louvain-la-Neuve. – Unpublished doctorate thesis.
– “The Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas as interpreters of Śruti.” Journal of Dharma: an international Quarterly of World Religions (Bangalore) 3,3: 274-294.
– Review of: B. N. K. Sharma, The Brahmasūtras and their principal commentaries: a critical exposition, volume I (=Bharatiya Vidya Series 28), Bombay 1971. IIJ 19,1: 114-116.
1979 “A discussion of the early Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas on the nature of Īśvara.” BhV 39,1: 31-38.
1981 “Dialectical theology and non-Christian religions.” Journal of Dharma 6,4: 399-416.
1983 L’autorité du Veda selon les Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas, Louvain (Conférences et Travaux 2).
– “Veda as revelation.” Journal of Dharma 7,3: 253-274.
1985 “Three cardinal theses of the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas concerning the validity of the Veda.” In: Buddhism and its relation to other religions: essays in honour of dr Shozen Kumoi on his seventieth birthday, Kyoto, pp. 35-48.
1986 God en het lijden: een Indische theodicee, Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van gewoon hoogleraar in de Indische wijsbegeerte aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht op vrijdag 7 februari 1986, Leiden.
– Review of: N.S. Junankar, Gautama: the Nyāya philosophy, Delhi 1978. OLZ 81,3: 280-282.
– Japanese translation of G. Chemparathy, L’autorité du Veda selon les Nyāya-Vaiśeṣikas (Louvain-la-Neuve 1983) by Yusho Wakahara, in: The Studies in Buddhism / Bukkyogaku-Kenkyu (Ryukoku University, Kyoto) 2: 43-70.
1987 “Nature and role of āpta in the Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika thought.” In: M.S. Nagaraja Rao (ed.), Kusumāñjali: new interpretation of art and culture: Sh. C. Sivaramamurti commemoration volume, 2 vols, Delhi, vol. 1, pp. 39-47.
– “Meaning and role of the concept of mahājanaparigraha in the ascertainment of the validity of the Veda.” In: R.R. Mukhopadhyaya et al. (eds), Philosophical essays: professor Anantalal Thakur felicitation volume, Calcutta, pp. 68-90.
– “Christlicher Glaube in der Begegnung met dem Hinduismus.” In: A. Bsteh (Hrsg.), Dialog aus der Mitte christlicher Theologie, Mödling bei Wien (Beiträge zur Religionstheologie 5), pp. 43-84.
– “Het lijden en de karmawet.” Inforiënt (Maandelijks tijdschrift van ‘Inforiënt: informatie- en documentatiecentrum voor het Oosten, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte) 7,3: 136-149.
1988 “An obsolete Naiyāyika argument for the validity of the Veda.” In: Ānandaṃ vijānīyāt: professor Parmanand Shastri felicitation volume, Aligarh, pp. 149-157.
– “Het Christendom in een religieuze ontmoeting met het Hindoeïsme: een aantal problemen bij een wederzijds verstaan.” Communio: Internationaal Katholiek Tijdschrift 13,4: 281-292. – Also published with title “Chrześcyństwo w religijnym spotkaniu z hinduizmen: niektóre problemy we wzajemnym zrozumieniu” in Polish edition Communio 9,4 (1989): 44-53.
– “Hoe het Hindoeïsme over het lijden denkt.” Communio 13,6: 414-427. – Also published as “Hindouisme et souffrance,” Communio (French ed.) 13,6: 42-55; as “A visão Hindu do sofrimento,” Communio (Brasilian ed.) 7: 481-494; and as “Hinduizm a cierpienie,” Communio (Polish ed.) 9,2 (1989): 43-55.
– Review of: Kapil N. Tiwari (ed.), Suffering: Indian perspectives, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass 1986. JAOS 108,3: 500-501.
1989 “The Nyāya-Vaiśeṣika quest after everlasting peace.” M. Siguan (ed.), Philosophia pacis: homenaje a Ramon Panikkar, Madrid, pp. 97-113.
1991 Vedanta old and new: change in continuity, Utrecht: Utrecht University Press. – Valedictory lecture, delivered on Retirement as Professor to the Chair of Indian Philosophy University of Utrecht, on September 5, 1990, together with the list of publications.
1994 “Some observations on Dayānanda Saravatī’s conception of the Veda.” WZKS 38 (= Orbis Indicus: Gerhardo Oberhammer lustrum XIII exigenti ab amicis discipulisque oblatus [Festschrift für Professor Gerhard Oberhammer zu seinem 65. Geburtstag], ed. by Roque A.C. Mesquita and Chlodwig Werba): 231-250.
1995 “Radhakrishnan’s conception of the Veda.” In: S.S. Rama Rao Pappu (ed.), New essays in the philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications, pp. 103-127.
– “[Filosofie in] India.” In: Jan Bor, Errit Petersma en Jelle Kingsma (eds), De verbeelding van het denken: geïllustreerde geschiedenis van de westerse en oosterse filosofie, Amsterdam–Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Contact, pp. 57-99. – Repr. 2014.
1997 “Der Mensch im Kreislauf.” In: Andreas Bsteh (Hrsg.), Der Hinduismus als Anfrage an christliche Theologie und Philosophie: dritte Religionstheologische Akademie St. Gabriel: Referate, Anfragen, Diskussionen, Mödling (Studien zur Religionstheologie 3), pp. 179-206.
1998 “A fundamental difference in the nature of the Bible and Veda as sacred scriptures.” In: A. Th. Khoury and G. Vanoni (eds), “Geglaubt habe ich, deshalb habe ich geredet.” Festschrift für Andreas Bsteh zum 65. Geburtstag, Würzburg-Altenberge, pp. 63-80.
2004 “Is the Hindu answer to the problem of suffering satisfying from the purely rational perspective?” In: Eugen Ciurtin (ed.), Du corps humain, au carrefour de plusieurs savoirs en Inde: mélanges offerts à Arion Roşu par ses collègues et ses amis à l’occasion de son 80e anniversaire [The human body, at the crossroads of multiple Indian ways of knowing: papers presented to Arion Roşu by his colleagues and friends on the occasion of his eightieth birthday [= Studia Asiatica IV-V (2003-2004)], Bucarest-Paris, pp. 643-660.
2007 “Some problems in determining the number and the names of the Vedic Upaniṣads.” In: Karin Preisendanz (ed.), Expanding and merging horizons: contributions to South Asian and cross-cultural studies in commemoration of Wilhelm Halbfass, Wien, pp. 587-601.
– “Man in the cycle of Saṃsāric existence.” In: Andreas Bsteh (ed.), Hinduism questioning Christianity: lectures–questions–interventions, Mödling: St. Gabriel Publications, pp. 127-189.
2010 La Bible et le Veda comme parole de Dieu: un essai en théologie comparée, Vienne: (printed: Budapest: Bles, for Vienna University), xxviii + 373 pp.
2014 “[Filosofie in] India.” In: Jan Bor en Errit Petersma (eds), De verbeelding van het denken: geschiedenis van de westerse en oosterse filosofie, zevende geheel herziene druk, Amsterdam–Antwerpen: Uitgeverij Atlas Contact, pp. 101-179. – 1st ed. 1995.