Hermann Goetz
Curriculum vitae
1898 | born in Karlsruhe (Germany) on July 17 |
… | gymnasium |
1917-1919 | studied Greek art, and religion and art of Indian Buddhism, Munich University |
1919 | studied Arabic, Persian, Turkish, archaeology and Indology, University of Berlin |
1923 | PhD Indology, Munich University |
1926-1931 | assistant at the Indian department of the Museum of Ethnology in Berlin |
1931-1933 | conservator of the Kern Institute, Leiden University |
1935 | conservator during five months (temporarily instead of A.J. Bernet Kempers), Kern Institute, Leiden University |
1936 | travel-grant from the Kern Institute for India |
1936-1961 | research in India |
1940- | museum director of the BarodaMuseum and Picture Gallery |
1951-1953 | professor at Baroda University |
1953-1955 | director of the National Gallery of Modern Art in New Delhi |
1955 | return to Germany |
1961-1971 | professor of Indian art history, South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University |
1976 | died in Heidelberg on July 8 |
Special activities and positions
- Co-editor of the Annual Bibliography of Indian Archaeology, for the years 1930-1935
- Founder and editor of the Bulletin of the Baroda Museum and Picture Gallery, 1944-1955
- Kulke, Hermann, “Bibliography of the works of Hermann Goetz.” In: Hermann Goetz, Studies in the history, religion and art of classic and mediaeval India, ed. by H. Kulke, Wiesbaden 1974, pp. 124-158.
- Kulke, Hermann, “Life and work of Hermann Goetz.” In: Joachim Deppert (ed.), India and the West: proceedings of a seminar dedicated to the memory of Hermann Goetz, New Delhi 1983, pp. 13-23.
Selected publications
Included are Goetz’ publications of his Dutch period (ca. 1931-1936) and later publications related to Dutch South Asian studies.
1929 Review of: J.Ph. Vogel, Indian serpent-lore, or the Nāgas in Indian legend and art, London 1925. Ostaziatische Zeitschrift NS 5: 124-126.
1933 “Westersche invloeden op de Indische cultuur der Mohammedaansche periode,” abstract of a paper read at the seventh congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 13-15 September 1933, Leiden. Verslag van het zevende congres, pp. 36-37.
– “Some court-portraits of the Pahari school in Dutch collections.” JISOA 1,2: 120-123.
1934 “The genesis of Indo-Muslim civilization, some archaeological remarks.” Ars Islamica 1,1: 46-50.
– “Een belangrijk Indisch miniaturen-album in het Rijksprentenkabinet te Amsterdam.” MBK 11: 310-314.
1935 “De Indische miniatuurschilderkunst.” Elsevier’s Geïllustreerd Maandschrift 45,1: 289-303.
– “Een van de bronnen, waaruit Mr. Nicolaas Witsen geput heeft voor zijn werk “Noord- en Oost-Tartarijen” teruggevonden: het belang van deze ontdekking voor de geschiedenis van Nederland en van Voor-Indië.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 50: 241-255.
– “La peinture indienne: les écoles du Dekkan.” Gazette des beaux-arts 6,13: 275-288.
1936 “De mensch in de Indische kunst,” Elsevier’s Geïllustreerd Maandschrift 46: 73-82.
– “Notes on a collection of historical portraits from Golconda.” Indian Art and Letters 10,1: 10-21.
1937 “Oostersche elementen in de Nederlandsche schilderkunst.” De Gids 101,2: 174-186.
– “Rembrandt en het Oosten.” MBK 14: 113-117. – also published in NRC 8-4-1937.
– “An Indian element in 17th century Dutch art.” Oud-Holland 54,5: 222-230.
1938 “Een wereld van oude Indische kultuur, diep in den Himālaya.” Elsevier’s Geïllustreerd Maandschrift 48: 73-78.
– “Het nieuwe Indië.” De Gids 102,4: 34-42.
1939 “Mandu: het Parijs van het middeleeuwsche Indië.” Elsevier’s Geïllustreerd Maandschrift 49: 223-231.
– “Khajuraho.” MBK 16: 210-
1947 “The coming of Muslim cultural influence in the Panjāb Himālaya.” In: India antiqua: a volume of Oriental studies presented to J.h. Vogel, Leyden, pp. 156-166.
1950 “Archaeology in Bīkāner State.” ABIA 15: xxiii-xxxi.
1951 “Holländische Wandfliesen in einem altindischen Königspalast.” Oud Holland 66.
1955 The early wooden temples of Chamba, Leiden (Memoirs of the Kern Institue 1).
1958 The Indian and Persian miniature paintings in the Rijksprentenkabinet (Rijksmuseum), Amsterdam, Amsterdam.
1965 Review of: J.Ph. Vogel, The goose in Indian literature and art, Leiden 1962 (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 2). OLZ 60,9/10: 509-510.