Gonda Jan

Jan Gonda

1905 – 1991
South, Central and Southeast Asia

Curriculum Vitae

1905born in Gouda on April 14
gymnasium A in Gouda
1923-1929studied classical languages including Sanskrit (with W. Caland), Utrecht University
1929PhD under the supervision of C.W. Vollgraff, Utrecht University
1929-1932studied Old Javanese and Indonesian language and literature, Leiden University
1932-1943extraordinary professor in Sanskrit, Avestan, Old-Persian and Indo-European linguistics, Utrecht University
1932-1950‘bijzonder’ professor in Malay and Javanese, “Indological faculty”, Utrecht University
1943-1959full professor in Sanskrit, Avestan, Old-Persian and Indo-European linguistics, Utrecht University
1959-1975full professor in Sanskrit, Avestan, Old-Persian, (comparative) Indo-European linguistics and general linguistics in relation to classical languages, Utrecht University
1975-1991emeritus professor
1991passed away in Utrecht on July 28

Special activities and positions

  • Member of the KNAW, 1957-1991
  • Editor of Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae, vol.1-12, ’s-Gravenhage 1957-1968
  • Editor of Orientalia Rheno-Traiectinae, vol.1-37, Leiden 1949-1991
  • Co-editor of A history of Indian literature, together with J. Varenne, Wiesbaden 1973-1987
  • Co-editor of Handbuch der Orientalistik, 2. Abt. Indien, Leiden 1971-1991


  • Chemparathy, G. (comp.), “Bibliography of publications by J. Gonda.” In: J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (eds), India Maior: congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda, Leiden 1972, pp. 1-40.
  • Goudriaan, T. De talen en kulturen van Zuid-Azië te Utrecht: Caland en Gonda. In: [T. Goudriaan], ‘Een bescheiden onderkomen’: historisch overzicht van de studie van de Oosterse talen en kulturen aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, Utrecht 1981, pp. 81-114.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “J. Gonda laat internationaal imperium aan universiteit na.” NRC 2 aug.1991.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “Jan Gonda (14 April 1905 – 28 July 1991),” IIJ 34 (1991): 281-286.
  • Heilijgers, Dory (comp.), “Bibliography of publications by J. Gonda 1970-1991.” In: J. Gonda, Selected studies: presented to the author by the department of Indology, Utrecht University on the occasion of his 70th birthday, vol. 6,1 , Leiden 1991, pp. xiii-xxiv.
  • Ensink, J. “Jan Gonda († 1991) and Indonesian studies,” BTLV 148,2(1992): 209-219.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “Jan Gonda: 14 april 1905 – 28 juli 1991,” In: Levensberichten en herdenkingen KNAW 1992, Amsterdam 1993, pp. 7-15.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “Professor Jan Gonda, b. 14-4-105, d. 28-7-1991,” ABORI 75 (1994): 319-322.
  • wikipedia


1929 Δείκνυμι, semantische studie over den Indo-Germaanschen wortel deik-, Amsterdam. – PhD thesis Utrecht.
1930 “Lohgawe en lohakārya.” BTLV 86: 188-189.
1931 “Varia.” BTLV 88: 461-507.
1932 Austrisch en Arisch: het belang van de kennis der Austrische talen, voornamelijk voor de Indische philologie, Utrecht. – Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleeraar in de Faculteit der Letteren en Wijsbegeerte aan de Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht op 30 Mei 1932.
Het Oud-Javaansche Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa: proza-tekst en Kakawin uitgegeven en van aanteekeningen voorzien, [Weltevreden] (Bibliotheca Javanica 5).
“Het verraad van Śalya in het Bhārata-Yuddha.” TBG 72: 1-22.
“Amṛtasañjīvanī.” BTLV 89: 291-296.
“Bhujaṅga.” BTLV 89: 253-260.
“Kleine bijdrage tot de kennis van den kaneelhandel in de oudheid.” TKNAG II, 49: 414-424.
“Etymologica.” AO 10: 326-335.
“Zur Bedeutungsentwicklung “herausgehen lassen” > “erzeugen”.” IF 50: 273-274.
“Bijdragen tot de Oud-Javaansche lexicographie.” BTLV 89: 75-96.
Review of: A. Das, India and Jambu Island, Calcutta 1931. TKNAG II, 49: 878-880.
Review of: R. H. van Gulik, Urvaçī, een Oud-Indisch tooneelstuk van Kālidāsa . . . vertaald . ., ’s-Gravenhage 1932. Djåwå 12: 344.
1933 Het Oud-Javaansche Brahmāṇḍa-purāṇa, vertaald …, Weltevreden (Bibliotheca Javanica 6).
“Einige Mitteilungen über das altjavanische Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa.” AO 11: 218-259.
“Bijdragen tot de Oud-Javaansche lexicographie.” BTLV 90: 157-165.
“Tumura’s en Çavara’s.” BTLV 90: 167-171.
“Agastyaparwa, een Oud-Javaansch proza-geschrift, uitgegeven …” BTLV 90: 329-419.
“Iets over het Oud-javaansche Bhīṣmaparwa,” abstract of a paper read at the seventh congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 13-15 September 1933, Leiden. Verslag van het zevende congres, pp. 29-30.
Review of: A. Christensen, Les Kayanides, København 1932. Museum 40: 71-72.
1934 “Eenige moderne Maleische romans.” KT 23: 28-40.
“Taalsoorten in den Oost-Indischen Archipel.” In: Beknopte handelingen van het twaalfde Vlaams Philologencongres, Leuven 6-9 april 1934, pp. 20-23.
Review of: R. Haaksma, Inleiding tot de studie der vervoegde vormen in de Indonesische talen, Leiden 1933. IG 56: 185-189.
Review of: H. Koppelmann, Die eurasische Sprachfamilie, Heidelberg 1933. Museum 41: 193-195.
1935 A Sanskrit reader, containing seventeen epic and puranic texts, with a glossary, Utrecht.
“Eenige beschouwingen over de inhoud, compositie, aard en herkomst van het Agastyaparwa.” BTLV 92: 339-388.
“Aanteekeningen bij het Agastyaparwa.” BTLV 92: 389-458.
“The Javanese version of the Bhagavadgītā.” TBG 75: 36-82.
“Eenige grepen uit de geschiedenis der beoefening van de Maleische taal- en letterkunde.” In: Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap. Verslag van het verhandelde in de sectievergaderingen en de algemeene vergadering gehouden den 3en en 4en Juni 1935, pp. 93-113.
“Indian influences on the literature of Java and Bali.” IG 57(II): 637-643.
Review of: R. Otto, Die Urgestalt der Bhagavad-gītā, Tübingen 1934. TBG 75: 267-269.
Review of: R. Otto, Die Lehr-Traktate der Bhagavad-gītā, Tübingen 1934. TBG 75: 481.
1936 Het Oudjavaansche Bhīṣmaparwa, uitgegeven …, Bandoeng (Bibliotheca Javanica 7).
“Agastyaparwa: vertaling.” BTLV 94: 223-285.
“De Maleische uitdrukking Meradjaléla.” BTLV 94: 287-289.
“Over oude grammatika’s en ouds in de grammatika.” IG 58,2: 865-878.
“Zur Homonymie im Altindischen.” AO 14: 161-202.
“Het Sīmantonnayana in de Gṛhyasūtra’s,” abstract of a paper read at the eighth congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 6-8 januari 1936, Leiden. Verslag van het achtste congres, pp. 41-43.
“Iets over de Voor-Indische Grhyasutra-Literatuur.” In: Beknopte handelingen van het dertiende Vlaams Philologencongres, Gent 17-19 April 1936, pp. 126-127.
“Een moeilijkheid bij de vaststelling van de synchronie van het Maleis.” In: Beknopte handelingen van het dertiende Vlaams Philologencongres, Gent 17-19 April 1936, pp.130-132.
Review of: J. Brands, Grieksche diernamen, Purmerend 1935. Museum 43: 168-172.
Review of: ABIA for the year 1933, vol. 8, Leiden 1935. Museum 43: 242.
1937 Aanteekeningen bij het Oud-Javaansche Bhīṣmaparwa, Bandoeng (Bibliotheca Javanica 7a).
“Altind. pratisara-, sraj- und Verwandtes.” AO 15: 311-328.
“De inaugureele rede van Werndly, 17 december 1937.” IG 59,2: 1067-1075.
Review of: C. Régamey, Bibliographie analytique des travaux relatifs aux éléments anaryens dans la civilisation et les langues de l’Inde, Hanoi 1935. Museum 44: 147-148.
Review of: H. Jørgensen, A dictionary of the classical Newārī, København 1936. Museum 44: 206-207.
Review of: ABIA for the year 1934, vol. 9, Leiden 1936. Museum 44: 249.
Review of: M. Prijohoetomo, Javaansch leesboek, Amsterdam 1937. IG 59,2: 665-666.
1938 De Oud-Indische letterkunde en haar beteekenis voor ons, Meppel.
Stilistische studie over Atharvaveda I-VII, Wageningen.
“Pigafetta’s vocabularium van het ‘Molukken-Maleisch’.” BTLV 97: 101-124.
“Altind. °anta-, °antara-, usw.” BTLV 97: 453-500.
“Een onbevredigend behandeld punt in de Maleise grammatika.” BTLV 97: 515-541.
“Indogermanische ser- ‘(spitziger) Ast usw.’.” ME 3,6: 153-171.
Review of: Th. Pigeaud, Javaansch Nederlandsch handwoordenboek, Groningen-Batavia (n.d.). IG 60,1: 379-383.
Review of: A. Christensen, Kulturskitser fra Iran, København 1937. Museum 45: 269-270.
1939 Remarks on similes in Sanskrit literature, Wageningen (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 1). – Repr. 1949.
The meaning of Vedic bhūṣati, Wageningen. – Repr. 1959.
“Ābharaṇa.” New Indian Antiquary 2: 69-75.
“Monosyllaba am Satz- und Versschluss im Altindischen.” AO 17: 123-143.
“Oud-Jav. wasita en wilāsa.” BTLV 98 (1939-40): 247-248.
“Het Maleise nomen en de numerus-kategorie.” BTLV 98 (1939-40): 371-406.
“William Marsden als beoefenaar der taalwetenschap.” BTLV 98 (1939-40): 517-528.
“The meaning of the word alaṃkāra.” In: S.M. Katre and P.K. Gode (eds), A volume of eastern and Indian studies in honour of F.W. Thomas, Bombay 1939. New Indian Antiquary, extra series I: 97-114.
“Vergelijkingen in de Oudindische literatuur,” abstract of a paper read at the ninth congress of Het Oostersch Genootschap, 12-14 april 1939, Leiden. Verslag van het negende congres, pp. 38-40.
Review of: G. P. Malalasekera, Dictionary of Pali proper names, vol. 1, London 1937. Museum 46: 35-36.
Review of: ABIA for the year 1935, Leiden 1937. Museum 46: 107.
Review of: G. T. Garratt, The legacy of India, Oxford 1937. Museum 46: 137-138.
Review of: G. P. Malalasekera, Dictionary of Pali proper names, vol. 2, London 1938. Museum 46: 265.
Review of: H. v. Glasenapp, Unsterblichkeit und Erlösung in den indischen Religionen, Halle 1938. Museum 46: 315-316.
Review of: A.S.C. Ross, The “numeral-signs” of the Mohenjo-Daro-script, Delhi 1938. TBG 79: 456-459.
Review of: Sh. Bhawe, Die Yajus’ des Aśvamedha, Stuttgart 1939. TBG 79: 579-582.
1940 “Alliteration und Reim im Satzbau des Atharvaveda (I-VII).” AO 18: 50-79.
“Taalbeschouwing en taalbeoefening I.” BTLV 99: 1-63.
“Een zeventiende-eeuwse stem over het Maleis.” BTLV 99: 101-110.
“Some remarks on onomatopoeia, sound-symbolism and word-formation à propos of the theories of C. N. Maxwell.” TBG 80: 133-210.
Review of: Prof. C. C. Berg’s rede: Indië’s talenweelde en Indië’s taalproblemen, Groningen 1939. IG 62: 482-492.
Review of: ABIA 11, for the year 1936, Leiden 1938. Museum 47: 59-60.
Review of: H. Jørgensen, Batīsaputrikākathā, ed. and tr. …, København 1939. Museum 47: 198-199.
Review of: ABIA 12, for the year 1937, Leiden 1939. Museum 47: 349-350.
1941 Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache: mit Übungs-Beispielen, Lesestücken und einem Glossar, Leiden. – 2. verb. Aufl. 1943; 3. verb. Aufl. 1948; 4. verb. Aufl. 1963.
“Lat. faveo usw.” ME 3,9: 112-128.
“Ein neues Lied.” WZKM 48: 275-290.
“Enkele opmerkingen over woordvorming.” BTLV 100: 127-172.
“Opmerkingen over de toepassing der comparatieve methode op de Indonesische talen, voornamelijk in verband met hun woordstructuur.” BTLV 100: 397-466.
“Achtergrond en karakter der Oud-Indische ‘Wetboeken’.” IG 63: 545-569.
“Oorsprong van het Indische toonee1.” In: Jaarboek 5 (1941) [1942], Oostersch Instituut – Leiden.
“De verscheidenheid van inheemsche talen en letterkunde.” In: Daar werd wat groots verricht . . ., Nederlandsch-Indië in de XXste eeuw, samengesteld en verzorgd onder leiding van W. H. van Helsdingen . . . (en) Dr. Hoogenberk, Amsterdam, pp. 150-170.
Review of: O. Dempwolff, Einführung in die malaiische Sprache, Berlin 1941. IG 63: 332-336.
Review of: ABIA 13, for the year 1938, Leiden 1940. Museum 48: 220-221.
1942 “Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch der Pronomina der 1. und 2. Person als Subjekt im Altindischen.” AO 19: 211-279.
“Inwendige nasaal- en liquida-verbindingen in Indonesische talen.” BTLV 101: 141-206.
Review of: H. Jørgensen, A grammar of the classical Newārī, København 1941. Museum 49: 105.
Review of: ABIA 14, for the year 1939, Leiden 1940. Museum 49: 168.
1943 Het Boeddhisme, Den Haag (Servire’s Encyclopaedie in monografieën. Afd. Godsdienstgeschiedenis 30).
Het Hindoeïsme, Den Haag (Servire’s Encyclopaedie in monografieën. Afd. Godsdienstgeschiedenis 27).
De Vedische godsdienst, Den Haag (Servire’s Encyclopaedie in monografieën. Afd. Godsdienstgeschiedenis 14).
Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache: mit Übungs-Beispielen, Lesestücken und einem Glossar, 2. verb. Aufl. Leiden. – 1. Aufl. 1941.
“Zur Frage nach dem Ursprung und Wesen des indischen Dramas.” AO 19: 329-453.
“De zg. hulppraedicaatswoorden in Maleis en ]avaans.” BTLV 102: 95-103.
“Indonesische lasvormen.” BTLV 102: 371-449.
“Indonesische relativa.” BTLV 102: 501-537.
Review of: W. Koppers, “Bhagwān, the supreme deity of the Bhils.” Anthropos 35/36 (1940-41): 264-325. IAE 43: 247-248.
Review of: W. Koppers, “Monuments to the dead of the Bhils and other primitive tribes in Central India.” Annali Lateranensi 6 (1942): 117-206). IAE 43: 247-248.
Review of: W. Koppers, “Urtürkentum und Urindogermanentum im Lichte der völkerkundlichen Universalgeschichte.” Belleten 20, Istanbul 1941. IAE 43: 248.
Review of: K. Wulff, Über das Verhältnis des Malayo-Polynesischen zum Indochinesischen, København 1942. Museum 50: 21-25.
1944 Review of: G. Kahlo, Kleines vergleichendes malayo-polynesisches Wörterbuch, Leipzig 1941. Museum 51: 70-71.
Review of: L. Jungblut, Magic songs of the Bhils of Jhabua State, Leiden 1943. Museum 51: 99-101.
Review of: L. Renou, La Durghaṭavṛtti de Śaraṇadeva, vol. 1, 1, Paris 1940. OLZ 47: 145.
1946 “Ter inleiding,” preface to: Voorlopige Manggaraise spraakkunst door P. A. Burger, BTLV 103: 14-17.
“De Javaanse Den-vormen.” BTLV 103: 267-305.
“Den těḍuni, Kuñj. p. 61.” BTLV 103: 338.
“De betekenis van de ontwikkeling der Indonesische taalwetenschap voor de ethnologie.” In: Utrechtsche Indologen Almanak, pp. 11-16.
Review of: A. Scharpé, Handleiding bij de studie van het klassieke Sanskrit, Leuven 1943. Museum 51 Suppl.: 25-28.
1947 Letterkunde van de Indische Archipel, oorspronkelijke vertalingen door A. Burger [et al.]; verz. en ingeleid door J. Gonda, Amsterdam.
“Skt. utsava- “festival”.” In: India Antiqua, a volume of oriental studies presented …. to J. Ph. Vogel, Leyden, pp. 146-155.
“A propos d’un sens magico-religieux de Skt. guru-.” BSOAS 12: 124-131.
“The comparative method as applied to Indonesian languages.” Lingua 1: 86-101.
“Indische psychologie – Perzische mystiek.” TPh 9: 531•534.
“De kasten in Voor-Indie.” In: H.J. Pos a.o.(eds), Eerste Nederlandse systematisch ingerichte encyclopaedie (ENSIE) vol. 3, Amsterdam, pp. 117-118.
“In memoriam Theodorus Willem Juynboll 1866-1948.” Jaarboek der Rijks-Universiteit Utrecht 1947-48: 57-63.
“Opmerkingen over de negatieve zin in het Sanskrit en andere Indo-Europese talen.” In: Handelingen van het zeventiende Vlaams Filologencongres, Leuven 1-3 September 1947, pp. 85-87.
“Indonesische taalwetenschap.” In: Winkler Prins Encyclopaedie, ed. by E. de Bruyne, G. B. J. Hiltermann, H.R. Hoetink. Amsterdam-Brussel 61947-1955.
“India (taal, letterkunde) In: Oosthoeks geïllustreerde Encyclopaedie, Utrecht 41947-1955.
Review of: W. Koppers, “The Kolis in North-West Central India.” Ethnos 1943. IAE 45: 75.
Review of: Ch. Bally, Manuel d’accentuation grecque, Berne 1945. Lingua 1: 102-103.
Review of: A. Christensen, Le premier chapitre du Vendidad et l’histoire primitive des tribus iraniennes, København 1943. Museum 52: 39-40.
Review of: H. Hendriksen, Syntax of the infinite verb-forms of Pāli, Copenhagen 1944. Museum 52: 74-76.
Review of: G. Morgenstierne, Indo-Iranian frontier languages vol. 3, Oslo 1944. Museum 52: 99
Review of: A. J. van Windekens, Lexique étymologique des dialectes tokhariens, Louvain 1941, and of: Morphologie comparée du Tokharien, Louvain 1944. Museum 52: 100-102.
Review of: F. Edgerton, The Bhagavadgītā, Cambridge, Mass. 1944. Museum 52: 193-197.
1948 Inleiding tot het Indische denken, Antwerpen-Nijmegen.
Twenty-five Sanskrit inscriptions for the use in universities, a new ed., Leiden (Textus Minores 4).
Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache: mit Übungs-Beispielen, Lesestücken und einem Glossar, 3. verb. Aufl., Leiden. – 1. Aufl. 1941.
“The so-called secular, humorous and satirical hymns of the Ṛgveda.” In: Orientalia Neerlandica: a volume of Oriental studies, published under the auspices of the Netherlands Oriental Society (Oostersch Genootschap in Nederland) on the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of its foundation (May 8th 1945), Leiden, pp. 312-348.
“A note on Indian ‘Pessimism’.” In: Studia varia C.G. Vollgraff a discipulis oblata, Amsterdam, pp. 34-48.
“Quelques observations sur l’emploi du verbe simple ‘au lieu d’un composé’ etc. dans la langue sanskrite.” AO 20: 167-205.
“Mahatma Gandhi.” De Gids 111,1: 204-216.
“The Javanese vocabulary of courtesy.” Lingua 1: 333-376.
“Het begrip Bhakti.” TPh 10: 607-660. – Also issued as a book: Leuven 1948.
“Het Indische denken en de huidige wereld.” TPh 10: 717-725.
“Philology and literature.” In: B.J.O. Schrieke (comp.), Report of the scientific work done in the Netherlands on behalf of the Dutch overseas territories during the period between approximately 1918 and 1943, Amsterdam, pp. 227-236.
Review of: J. H. Hutton, Caste in India, Cambridge 1946. Erasmus 2 (1948/49): 503-506.
Review of: C. H. de Goeje, Etudes linguistiques caribes II, Amsterdam 1946. Museum 53: 33-35.
1949 “Tarn’s hypothesis on the origin of the Milindapañha.” ME 4,2: 44-62.
“Opmerkingen over Oud-Javaanse zinsleer.” BTLV 105: 25-57.
“Campaka-.” BTLV 105: 137-141.
“Prolegomena tot een theorie der woordsoorten in Indonesische talen.” BTLV 105: 275-331.
“Over Indonesische werkwoordsvormen (I).” BTLV 105: 333-379.
“Over Indonesische werkwoordsvormen (II).” BTLV 105: 381-421.
“Origin and meaning of Avestan spǝnta-.” Oriens 2: 195-203.
“De studie der Javaansche literatuur.” In: Wegens zijn bijzondere verdienste, opgedragen aan prof. mr. J. Ph. Suyling door de Indologische Faculteit te Utrecht, Amsterdam-Brussel, pp. 121-134.
Review of: K. de Vreese, Nala, Leiden 1948. Museum 54: 33-35.
Review of: C. D. Buck, A dictionary of selected synonyms in the principal Indo-European languages, Chicago 1949. Museum 54: 164-166.
Review of: G. Dumézil, Mitra-Varuna, Paris 1948. BO 6: 123-124.
Review of: Shri Aurobindo, Oeuvres complètes I. Bhagavad-Gītā 4e éd., Paris 1947. TPh 11: 504.
Review of: Ch. Isherwood (Hrgs.), Vedanta und Wir, Zürich 1949. TPh 11: 504.
Review of: Swami Akhilananda, Hindu psychology, London 1947. TPh 11: 503-504.
Review of: A. Vloemans, De wijsbegeerte van het Oosten, Den Haag 1948. TPh 11: 504-505.
Review of: R. K. Mookerji, Ancient Indian education, London 1947. TPh 11: 505-506.
Review of: J. Bacot, Le Bouddha, Paris 1947. TPh 11: 506.
Review of: M. Ladner, Die Lehre des Buddha, Zurich 1946. TPh 11: 506.
Review of: Fr. Taymans D’Eypernon, Les paradoxes du Bouddhisme, Paris-Bruxelles 1947. TPh 11: 506-507.
Review of: W. Ruben, Die Philosophie der Upanishaden, Bern 1947. TPh 11: 507-511.
Review of: L. Renou (dir.), Les Upanishad, texte et traduction, Paris 1948. TPh 11: 511.
Review of: W.Y. Evans-Wentz, Le yoga tibétain et les doctrines secrètes ou les sept livres de la sagesse du Grand Sentier, Paris 1948. TPh 11: 512.
1950 Notes on Brahman, Utrecht.
“Een type van syntaktische spaarzaamheid.” BTLV 106: 47-53.
“De ontmoeting van Oost en West in Indië.” Indonesië 3 (1949-1950): 390-428.
“The function of word duplication in Indonesian languages.” Lingua 2: 170-197.
“Indonesian linguistics and general linguistics I.” Lingua 2: 308-339.
“Brahman: Indische traditie en Westerse methode.” TPh 12: 655-667.
“Observations on ordinal numbers.” In: Bingkisan Budi: een bundel opstellen aan dr Philippus Samuel van Ronkel door vrienden en leerlingen aangeboden op zijn tachtigste verjaardag, 1 augustus 1950, Leiden, pp. 135-145.
Review of: J.J. de Witte, De betekeniswereld van het lichaam, Nijmegen 1948. ME 4,3: 84-85.
Review of: E.M. Uhlenbeck, De structuur van het Javaanse morpheem, Bandoeng 1949. Museum 55: 1-4.
Review of: S. Dasgupta, A history of Indian philosophy IV, Cambridge 1949. TPh 12: 601.
Review of: S. Radhakrishnan, Indian philosophy, London 1948. TPh 12: 602.
Review of: H. v. Glasenapp, Die Philosophie der Inder, Stuttgart 1949. TPh 12: 602-603.
Review of: A. Daniélou, Yoga, London 1949. TPh 12: 603.
Review of: B.L. Suzuki, Mahayama Buddhism, London 21948. TPh 12: 603-604.
Review of: A.K. Coomaraswami and I.B. Horner, The living thought of Gotama Buddha, London 1948. TPh 12: 604.
Review of: C. Humphreys, Zen Buddhism, London 1949. TPh 12: 604.
Review of: D.T. Suzuki, The essence of Buddhism, London 1947. TPh 12: 604-605.
Review of: J. Masui (dir.), Approches de l’ Inde: textes et études publiés, Paris 1949. TPh 12: 605.
Review of: H. Zimmer, De weg tot het zelf, ’s Graveland 1948. TPh 12: 605-606.
Review of: Sri Krishna Prem, The yoga of the Bhagavad Gita, London 1948. TPh 12: 606.
Review of: Swami Nikhilananda, Essence of Hinduism, Boston 1948. TPh 12: 606.
Review of: G. Eton, The richest vein, London 1949. TPh 12: 606-607.
Review of: Swami Akhilananda, Hindu view of Christ, New York 1949. TPh 12: 607.
Review of: E. Thompson, Rabindranatha Tagore, Oxford 1948. TPh 12: 607.
Review of: G. Matthews, Çiva-nana-bodham … tr. from the Tamil, Oxford 1948. TPh 12: 608.
Review of: S. Radhakrishnan (ed.), Mahatma Gandhi, London 1949. TPh 12: 608.
1951 The Ṛgvidhāna, English translation with an introduction and notes, Utrecht.
Remarks on the Sanskrit passive, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 4).
La place de la particule négative na dans la phrase en vieil indien, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 6).
“Remarks on Al-Biruni’s quotations from Sanskrit Texts.” In: Al-Biruni commemoration volume [ed. by the] Iran Society, Calcutta, pp. 111-118.
“Universele tendenzen in de Indonesische Syntaxis.” BTLV Jubileum-Nummer (1851-1951) (1951): 179-200.
“Indisch denken.” TPh 13: 724-734. – Contains several reviews mentioned below.
Review of: Bibliographie bouddhique IX-XX, 1936-47, Paris 1949. BO 8: 46.
Review of: S. Rodhe, Deliver us from evil: studies on the Vedic ideas of salvation, Lund 1946. Erasmus 4: 110-113.
Review of: A. Scharpé, Wezen en wording der Klassieke Sanskritliteratuur, Inaugurele Rede, Amsterdam 1949, Groningen-Batavia 1949. Mensch en Maatschappij 26: 118.
Review of: F.D.K. Bosch, De gouden kiem, Amsterdam-Brussel 1948. Mensch en Maatschappij 26: 118-121.
Review of: W. Porzig, Das Wunder der Sprache, München 1950. Museum 56: 193-194.
Review of: P.D. Devanandan, The concept of Māyā, London 1950. TPh 13: 724-727.
Review of: D.H.H. Ingalls, Materials for the study of Navya-Nyaya logic, Cambridge Mass 1951. TPh 13: 727-728.
Review of: M. Eliade, Le chamanisme et les techniques archaïques de l’extase, Paris 1951. TPh 13: 728-729.
Review of: D.T. Suzuki, Living by Zen, London 1950. TPh 13: 729.
Review of: D.T. Suzuki, Essay in Zen Buddhism, London 1949. TPh 13: 729-730.
Review of: S. Radhakrishnan, The Dhammapada, Oxford 1950. TPh 13: 730.
Review of: S. Radhakrishnan, Comparative studies in philosophy, London 1951. TPh 13: 730-731.
Review of: R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalker (eds), The Bharatiya Itihasa Samiti’s history and culture of the Indian people I: The Vedic age, London 1951. TPh 13: 731.
Review of: A. David-Neel, Le Bouddhisme, Monaco 1947. TPh 13: 731-732.
Review of: W.D. Gould a.o., Oriental philosophies, New York 1950. TPh 13: 732.
Review of: A.C. Bouquet, Hinduism, London 1949. TPh 13: 732-733.
Review of: F. Dispeker (trsl.), Die schönsten Upanischaden, tr. from English, Zürich 1951. TPh 13: 733.
Review of: P. Brunton, The hidden teaching beyond Yoga, London 1951. TPh 13: 733.
Review of: Swami Sivananda Sarasvati, La pratique de la méditation, trad. de Ch. Andrieu et J. Herbert, Paris 1950. TPh 13: 733-734.
Review of: Shri Aurobindo, Oeuvres complètes II: Trois Upanishads, Paris 1949. TPh 13: 734.
1952 Remarques sur la place du verbe dans la phrase active et moyenne en langue sanscrite, Utrecht.
Sanskrit in Indonesia, with a foreword by Soedarsono, [Nagpur] 1952 (Sarasvati Vihara Series 28). – 2nd ed. New Delhi 1973 (Sata-Pitaka series, Indo-Asian literatures 99).
Ancient-Indian ojas: Latin *augos and the Indo-European nouns in -es/-os, Utrecht.
“Indonesian linguistics and general linguistics II.” Lingua 3: 17-51.
“De Indische Wetenschap.” Indonesië 6 (1952-53): 1-18.
“Maya.” TPh 14: 3-62.
“Sanskrit vocables in Indonesian language and literature.” Vāk 2: 31-35.
“Boeddha.” In: S.Pregers (red.), Historische Encyclopaedie, Schiedam, pp. 1-8.
Review of: Raghu Vira, An exhaustive English-Sanskrit-Hindi dictionary, Nagpur [s.a.]. BTLV 108: 82-84.
Review of: H. Krahe, Ortsnamen als Geschichtsquelle, Heidelberg 1949; and of: H. Krahe, Die Indogermanisierung Griechenland und Italiens, Heidelberg 1949. Lingua 3: 115.
Review of: Études linguistiques de l’Université de Strassbourg, Paris 1947. Lingua 3: 356-362.
Review of: V. Pisani, L’etimologia, Milano 1947. Lingua 3: 363-365.
Review of: J. Brough, Selections from classical Sanskrit literature, London 1951. Museum 57: 97-98.
Review of: H. Pedersen, Die gemeinindoeuropäischen und die vorindoeuropäischen Verschlusslaute, Copenhague 1951. Museum 57: 161-162.
Review of: J. Bloch, Les inscriptions d’Asoka, Paris 1950. Museum 57: 193-194.
Review of: C.J.M. de Klerk, Cultus en ritueel van het orthodoxe Hindoeisme in Suriname, Amsterdam 1951. Oriens 5: 137-139.
Review of: Bingkisan Budi : een bundel opstellen aan dr Philippus Samuel van Ronkel door vrienden en leerlingen aangeboden op zijn tachtigste verjaardag, 1 augustus 1950, Leiden 1950. Oriens 5: 139-140.
1953 Reflections on the numerals “one”and “two”in ancient Indo-European language, Utrecht.
“Dissimilation de mots entiers.” AO 21: 267-278.
“The Meaning of Skt. nand-.” AO 21: 81-90.
“Sanskrit bhagini- ‘soeur’.” AO 21: 23-25.
“Varia over Indonesische telwoorden.” BTLV 109: 23-31.
Review of: J. Nobel, Central Asia, Nagpur 1952. BTLV 109: 93.
Review of: Krisjna Misjra, Maansopgang der ontwaking (Prabodhacandrodaya), (tr. by) J. W. Boissevain, Den Haag 1951. Museum 58: 51-53.
Review of: P. Thieme, Studien zur indogermanischen Wortkunde und Religionsgeschichte, Leipzig 1952. Museum 58: 193-195.
Review of: H. Lüders, Varuṇa, Göttingen 1951. Oriens 6: 386-387.
Review of: Beiträge zur indischen Philologie unnl Altertumskunde: W. Schubring zum 70. Geburtstag dargebracht … , Hamburg 1951. Oriens 6: 387-389.
Review of: S.K. Chatterji, Kirāta-jana-kirti, Calcutta 1951. TKNAG II, 70: 87-89.
1954 Aspects of Early Viṣṇuism, Utrecht. – Repr. Delhi 1962.
“Tense in Indonesian languages.” BTLV 110: 240-262.
“The history and original function of the Indo-European particle kue, especially in Greek and Latin.” ME 4,7: 177-214.
“The history and original function of the Indo-European particle kue, especially in Greek and Latin, part II” ME 4,7: 265-296.
“The original character of the Indo-European relative pronoun i̭o-.” Lingua 4,1: 1-41.
“Reflections on the Ārṣa and Āsura forms of marriage.” In: Sarūpa-Bhārati or The Homage of Indology: being the Dr. Laksman Sarup memorial volume, Hoshiarpur (Visveshvaranand Indological Paper Series 28), pp. 1-15.
“Pratiṣṭhṭā.” In: Samjñāvyākaraṇam, Studia Indologica Internationalia I, Centre for International Indological Research, Poona-Paris, pp. 1-37.
“De Boroboedoer-restauratie: het levenswerk van Th. van Erp.” In: UN 24-3-1954. Repr. in: Cultureel Nieuws Indonesië 36-37: 1106-1108.
Review of: J. Brough, The early Brahmanical system of Gotra and Pravara: a translation of the Gotra-pravara-mañjari of Puruṣottamapaṇḍita, Cambridge 1953. JRAS: 93-95.
Review of: Th. Simenschy, La construction du verbe dans les langues indoeuropéennes, Jassy 1949. Lingua 4 (1954•55): 99-103.
Review of: F. Sommer, Zum Zahlwort, München 1951. Lingua 4 (1954-55): 103-107.
Review of: M. Niedermann, Historische Lautlehre des Lateinischen, Heidelberg 1953. ME 4,7: 172-173.
Review of: H.H. Janssen, Historische grammatica van het Latijn I: De klanken, Den Haag 1952. ME 4,7: 258-259.
Review of: A. Scherer, Gestirnnamen bei den indogermanischen Völkern, Heidelberg 1953. Museum 59: 146-147.
Review of: E.A. Hahn, Subjunctive and optative, New York 1953. Museum 59: 185-189.
Review of: Śāṅkhyāyana-Śrautasūtra, tr. into English by W. Caland, ed. by Lokesh Chandra, Nagpur 1953. Museum 59: 189-191.
Review of: Jaiminiya-brahmana of the Samaveda, ed. by Raghu Vira and Lokesh Chandra, Nagpur 1954. Museum 59: 191-192.
Review of: J.H. Neumann, Karo-Bataks-Nederlands woordenboek, Djakarta 1951. OLZ 49: 159-160.
Review of: Mīmāṃsādarśanam, Jaiminīmīmāṃsāsūtrapāṭhaḥ, ed. by Kevalānandasaraswatī; and of: Mīmāṃsākoṣaḥ, Part I, ed. by Kevalānandasaraswatī, Wai 1952. Oriens 7: 217-218.
Review of: L. Renou, Religions of ancient India, London 1953. TPh 16: 132-134. .
Review of: P. Hacker, Untersuchungen über Texte des frühen Advaitavāda I: Die Schüler Śaṅkaras, Wiesbaden 1950. TPh 16: 134-135.
Review of: H. von Glasenapp, Zwei philosophische Rāmāyaṇas, Wiesbaden I951. TPh 16: 135-136.
Review of: H. von Glasenapp, Vedānta und Buddhismus, Wiesbaden 1950. TPh 16: 136-137.
Review of: A.J. Arberry (ed.), The legacy of Persia, Oxford 1953. TPh 16: 137.
Review of: S. Radhakrishnan, The principal Upanisads, text, transl. and notes, London 1953. TPh 16: 344-346.
Review of: E. Frauwallner, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie I, Salzburg 1953. TPh 16: 346-348.
Review of: J. Herbert, La mythologie hindoue: son message, Paris 1953. TPh 16: 348-349.
1955 De Indische godsdiensten: de Vedische godsdienst, het Hindoeïsme, het Boeddhisme, Den Haag. – Gewijzigde herdr. van 3 deeltjes verschenen in Servire’s Encyclopaedie in monografieën in 1943.
“Notes on the Indo-European kui- and kuo- pronouns.” Lingua 4: 241-285.
“Die Grundbedeutung der idg. Wurzel sneigṷh-.” KZ 72: 228-230.
“The etymologies in the ancient Indian Brāhmaṇas.” Lingua 5: 61-86.
“Purohita.” In: Studia Indologica. Festschrift für Willibald Kirfel, Bonn, pp. 107-124.
“Reflections on sarva- in Vedic texts.” Indian Linguistics 16 (Chatterji Jubilee Volume): 53-71.
“Two notes on Sanskrit syntax.” JORM 24: 1-8.
“Das Kompositionssuffix -ιο- in griech. παραθαλάσσιος usw.” KZ 72: 231-232.
“Ter inleiding.” In: P. Drabbe. Spraakkunst van het Marind, Wien-Mödling, pp. 7-8. – (Studia Instituti Anthropos 11).
“Taal van de Zigeuners.” In: UN 7-1-1955 (Friday) p. 3.
“Brahmanisme en Hindoeïsme van B. Faddegon, herzien.” In: G. van der Leeuw, De Godsdiensten der Wereld, (ed. by) C.J. Bleeker, Part I, Amsterdam 3de dr., pp. 216-277.
Review of: A. Minard, Trois enigmes sur les cent chemins: recherches sur le Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa I, Paris 1949. AO 22: 77.
Review of: J.N. Kalléris, Les anciens Macédoniens: étude linguistique et historique, tome 1, Athènes 1954. ME 4,8: 321.
Review of: H. Krahe, Sprache und Vorzeit: Europäische Vorgeschichte nach dem Zeugnis der Sprache, Heidelberg 1954. Museum 60: 85-86.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Sanskrit Grammatik, Berlin 1953. OLZ 50: 152.
Review of: L. Renou, Vocabulaire du rituel védique, Paris 1954. OLZ 50: 245.
Review of: R.C. Zaehner, A Zoroastrian dilemma, Oxford 1955. TPh 17: 554-556.
Review of: M. Eliade, Le Yoga, immortalité et liberté, Paris 1954. TPh 17: 556-557.
Review of: J. Masui (dir.), Yoga, science de l’homme integral, textes et études publiés, Paris 1953. TPh 17: 557-558.
Review of: Shri Aurobindo, Le secret du Véda, Paris 1955. TPh 17: 558.
1956 The character of the Indo-European moods: with special regard to Greek and Sanskrit, Wiesbaden.
“The sacred character of kingship in ancient India.” In: Atti dell’ VIII congresso internazionale di storia delle religioni Roma 1955, Firenze, pp. 173-174.
“Additions to a study on Skt. °anta-, °antara- etc.” BTLV 112: 395-402.
“The sīmantonnayana as described in the Gṛhyasūtras.” EW 7,1: 12-31.
“Reply to I. Dyen’s criticism.” JAOS 76: 229-231.
“In memoriam Nicolaus Jacobus Hubertus Gerlach Royen 1880-1955. Rede uitgesproken ter rouwzitting van de Senaat op 8 Februari 1955.” In: Jaarboek der Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht 1954-1955, Utrecht 1956, pp. 31-36.
“Semantisches zu idg. rēĝ- ,,König” und zur Wurzel reĝ- “(sich aus)strecken”.” KZ 73: 151-167.
Review of: H. Wissemann, Untersuchungen zur Onomatopoiie I: Die sprachpsychologischen Versuche, Heidelberg 1954. Lingua 5 (1955-1956): 214-217.
Review of: A. Thumb, Handbuch des Sanskrit II, Heidelberg 21953. Lingua 5 (1955-1956): 217-220.
“Defining the nominative.” Lingua 5 (1955-1956): 288-297.
Review of: H. Hartman, Das Passiv: eine Studie zur Geistesgeschichte der Kelten, Italiker und Arier, Heidelberg 1954. Lingua 5 (1955-1956): 428-441.
Review of: P. Hartmann, Nominale Ausdrucksformen im wissenschaftlichem Sanskrit, Heidelberg 1955. Lingua 5 (1955-1956): 441-443.
“ʻStreckformen’ in Greek.” ME 4,9: 134-135.
“Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view.” Numen 3: 36-71.
“Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view (continued).” Numen 3: 122-155.
“Contribution to: Report, the comparative philology of the Indo-European languages,” by A. Scherer. In: Proceedings of the seventh international congress of linguists, London 1-6 September 1952, London, p. 170.
Review of: Shrī Aurobindo, Sämtliche Werke I. Band: Gedanken und Einblicke; II. Band: Die Mutter (Indische Weisheit), Zürich. CAJ 2: 158.
Review of: K. Sneyders de Vogel, Poséidon et Moise, Bouddha, Wodan (le fils de Mout), Wageningen 1956. Het Franse boek 26: 6.
Review of: H. Kronasser, Vergleichende Laut- und Formenlehre des Hethitischen, Heidelberg 1956. Lingua 6 (1956-1957): 442-444.
Review of: L. Renou, Histoire de la langue sanskrite, Lyon-Paris 1956. Lingua 6 (1956-1957): 217-219.
Review of: F. Stolz und A. Debrunner, Geschichte der lateinischen Sprache, Berlin 1953. ME 4,9: 74-75.
Review of: H. Krahe, Die Sprache der Illyrier, Teil 1, Wienbaden 1955. Museum 61: 16.
Review of: S.N. Dasgupta, A History of Indian Philosophy V, Cambridge 1955. TPh 18: 136-137.
Review of: G. Patti, Der Samavaya im Nyaya-Vaiçesika-System, Roma 1955. TPh 18: 681-682.
Review of: E. Frauwallner, Geschichte der indischen Philosophie, Band II, Salzburg 1956. TPh 18: 682-684.
Review of: H. von Glasenapp, Die Religionen Indiens, Stuttgart 1956. TPh 18: 684.
Review of: L. Silburn, Instant et cause, Paris 1955. TPh 18: 684-686.
Review of: A. Bareau, Les premiers conciles bouddhiques, Paris 1955. TPh 18: 686-687.
Review of: A. Bareau, Les sectes bouddhiques du Petit Véhicule, Paris 1955. TPh 18: 687-688.
Review of: R. Gnoli, The aesthetic experience according to Abhinavagupta, Roma 1956. TPh 18: 688-689.
Review of: G. Huber, Ākāśa, Zürich 1955. TPh 18: 689.
1957 Some observations on the relations between “gods”and “powers” in the Veda á propos of the phrase sūnuḥ sahasaḥ, ’s-Gravenhage (Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae 1).
“The character of the Sanskrit accusative.” In: Diego Catalán (ed.), Miscelánea homenaje a André Martinet: Estructuralismo e Historia, T.1, Canarias, pp. 47-65.
“A note on the functions of the accusative as described in the handbooks.” In: S. Radhakrishnan, A.S. Altekar, e.a. (eds), Felicitation volume presented to Professor Sripad Krishna Belvalkar, Benares, pp. 72-80.
“Toespraak ter gelegenheid van de erepromotie van prof. dr. M. Leumann, op 12 April 1956. In: Jaarboek der Rijks-Universiteit te Utrecht 1955-1956, Utrecht 1957, pp. 80-83.
“ ‘Attraction’ and co-ordination in the Veda.” BSOAS 20: 279-289.
“The Vedic concept of aṃhas.” IIJ 1: 33-60.
“On nominatives joining or ‘replacing’ vocatives.” Lingua 6 (1956-1957): 89-104.
“A critical survey of the publications on the periphrastic future in Sanskrit.” Lingua 6 (1956-1957): 158-179.
“Professor Burrow and the prehistory of Sanskrit.” Lingua 6 (1956-1957): 287-300.
“Gr. ἐπί + dative.” ME 4,10: 1-7.
“The original value of Gr. -δε.” ME 4,10: 97-102.
“Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view (continued).” Numen 4: 24-58.
“Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view (contined and ended).” Numen 4: 127-164. – published as a book: Leiden 1957, reprint: Leiden 1966, 1969.
“The use of the particle ca.” Vāk 5: 1-73.
“Contributions to: Historische Winkler Prins Encyclopedie,” (ed. by) Ph. de Vries and Th. Luykx, Sj. de Vries, 3 vols. Amsterdam-Brussel 1957-1959.
Review of: H. de Lubac, Amida: aspects du Bouddhisme, Paris 1955. Erasmus 10: 274-275.
Review of: C.B. Gupta, The Indian theatre, Banaras 1954. OLZ 52: 169-171.
Review of: E. Abegg, Der Pretakalpa des Garuḍa-Purāṇa, Berlin 21956. Oriens 10: 370.
Review of: F. Challaye, Les philosophes de l’Inde, Paris 1956. TPh 19: 513-514.
Review of: Hymnes spéculatifs deVeda, traduits du sanskrit et annotés par L. Renou, Paris 1956. TPh 19: 515.
Review of: F. de Ville, Tziganes, Bruxelles 1956, TPh 19: 515.
Review of: P. Lévy, Buddhism, a ‘Mystery Religion?’, London 1957. TPh 19: 515-517.
1958 “Some notes on the relations between syntactic and metrical units in a Javanese Kidung.” BTLV 114,1/2 ( Bundel prof. Dr F.D.K. Bosch): 98-116.
“Syntax and verse structure in the Veda.” Indian Linguistics 20 (Turner jubilee volume I): 35-43.
“’Prolepsis’ of the adjective in Greek and other ancient Indo-European languages.” ME 4,11: 1-19.
“On the so-called proleptic accusative in Greek.” ME 4,11: 117-122.
“Het begrip Dharma in het Indische denken.” TPh 20: 213-268.
Advaita, Ātman, Bhagavadgītā, Bhakti, Brahman, Indische Wijsbegeerte, Karman, Māyā, Nirvāṇa, Radhakrishnan, Rāmakṛṣṇa, Sāṃkhya, Saṃsāra, Śaṅkara, Upaniṣaden, Vedānta, Yājñāvalkya, Yoga. In: Filosofisch Lexicon, samengesteld door J. Grooten en Jo. Steenbergen. Antwerpen-Amsterdam 1958.
Review of: R. de Nebesky-Wojkowitz, Oracles and Demons of Tibet, ’s-Gravenhage 1956. CAJ 3 (1957-1958): 77-78.
Review of: M.J. Dresden, The Jātakastava or ‘Praise of the Buddha’s former births’, Philadelphia 1955. CAJ 3 (1957-1958): 155.
Review of: N. Simonsson, Indo-Tibetische Studien I, Uppsala 1957. CAJ 3 (1957-1958): 243-244.
Review of: K. Takahata (ed.), Ratnamālāvadāna, Tokyo 1954. CAJ 3 (1957-1958): 319-320.
Review of: H. Kähler, Grammatik der Bahasa Indonésia, Wiesbaden 1956. Kratylos 3: 57-61.
Review of: Acta congressus Madvigiani V: Language, Copenhagen 1957. ME 4,11: 380-381.
Review of: L. Renou, La Durghaṭavṛtti de Śaraṇadeva, Paris 1941-1956. OLZ 53: 574-575.
Review of: J. M. van Gelder, Der Ātman in der Grossen-Wald-Geheimlehre (Bṛhad-Āraṇyaka-Upaniṣad) psychologisch gedeutet, ’s-Gravenhage 1957. Oriens 11: 281-283.
Review of: C. Humphreys, Zen Buddhism, London 1957. TPh 20: 349-350.
Review of: D.L. Snellgrove, Buddhist Himālaya, travels and studies in quest of the origins and nature of Tibetan religion, Oxford 1957. TPh 20: 352-354.
1959 Epithets in the Ṛgveda, The Hague (Disputationes Rheno-Traiectinae 4).
Four studies in the language of the Veda, The Hague (Disputationes Rheno-Traiectinae 3).
Stylistic repetition in the Veda, Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 65,3).
“Some notes on adverbial case forms in the Veda.” In: Claus Vogel (ed.), Jñāna-muktāvalī: commemoration volume in honour of Johannes Nobel on the occasion of his 70th birthday…, New Delhi, pp. 67-76.
“The sacred character of ancient Indian kingship.” In: The sacral kingship: contributions to the central theme of the VIIIth International Congress for the History of Religions (Rome, April 1955, Leiden, pp. 172-180) (Studies in the History of Religions [Supplements to Numen] 4).
“Syntax and verse structure in the Veda.” In: Akten des vierundzwanzigsten Orientalistenkongresses München 1957,Wiesbaden, pp. 534-536.
“The meaning of Skt. mahas and its relatives.” JOIB 8: 234-269.
“A remark on ‘periphrastic’ constructions in Greek.” ME 4,12: 97-112.
“The etymology of Latin mactus.” ME 4,12: 137-138.
“Old-Javanese sentence structure.” Oriens Extremus 6: 57-68.
Contributions in: Oosthoeks geïllustreerde encyclopaedie, 5th edition Utrecht 1959 sqq.
Review of: E. Sarkisyanz, Russland und der Messianismus des Orients, Tübingen 1955. CAJ 4 (1958-1959): 234-236.
Review of: Ch.Ch. Das Gupta, The development of the Kharoṣṭhī script, Calcutta 1958. CAJ 4 (1958-1959): 312-313.
Review of: S. Devi (ed.), Sāmantabhadracaryā-praṇidhānarāja, New Delhi 1958. CAJ 4 (1958-1959): 313-314.
Review of: E. Waldschmidt (Hrsg.), Das Mahāvadānasūtra . . . , Berlin 1953/56. Erasmus 12: 28-29.
Review of: Śrautakośa, Śrautayajñānuṣaṅgivacanasaṃkalpanarūpaḥ śrautasūtrānuvādarūpaś ca. Encyclopaedia of Vedic sacrifical ritual . . . Vol. I, Part I of the Sanskrit section; Vol. I, Part I of the English section, Poona 1958. IIJ 3: 235-237.
Review of: J.J. Poortman, Ochèma: geschiedenis en zin van het hylisch pluralisme, II: Het hylisch pluralisme in het Oosterse denken, Assen 1948. Museum 6: 80-81, also in: TPh 20 (1958): 350-352.
Review of: M. Percheron, Buddha in Selbstzeugnissen und Bild-dokumenten, Hamburg 1958. TPh 21: 533.
Review of: B.L. Suzuki, Mahayana Buddhism, London 31959. TPh 21: 534.
Review of: A.J. Bahm, Philosophy of the Buddha, London 1958. TPh 21: 534-535.
Review of: G.P. Malalasekera et K.N. Jayatilleke, Le Bouddhisme et la question raciale, Paris 1958. TPh 21: 535-536.
Review of: R. Linssen, Living Zen, London 1958. TPh 21: 536-537.
Review of: E. Conze, Buddhist Wisdom Books containing “The Diamond Sūtra” and “The Heart Sūtra”, translated and explained, London 1958. TPh 21: 537-538.
Review of: Swami Nikhilananda, Hinduism, its meaning for the liberation of the spirit, London 1959. TPh 21: 538-539.
Review of: E. Lamotte, Histoire du Bouddhisme indien, des origines à l’ère Saka, Louvain 1958. TPh 21: 539-541.
1960 Die Religionen Indiens I: Veda und älterer Hinduismus, Stuttgart [1960] (Die Religionen der Menschheit 11).
Ellipsis, brachylogy and other forms of brevity in speech in the Ṛgveda, Amsterdam (Verhandelingen KNAW NR 67,4).
“Some notes on the position of the attributive adjective in early Indian prose.” BDCRI 20 (S.K. De felicitation volume): 303 -318.
“De Indische Roman.” Forum der Letteren 1: 98-107.
“Reflections on the Indo-European medium I.” Lingua 9: 30-67.
“Reflections on the Indo-European medium II.” Lingua 9: 175-193.
“Some observations on Dumézil’s views of Indo-European mythology.” ME 4,13: 1-15.
“Enkele opmerkingen over syntaxis en versbouw, voornamelijk in het Vedisch.” Mededelingen KNAW NR 23,3: 45-69.
“The Old-Javanese Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa.” Purāṇa 2: 252-267.
“De overwinning op de dood in het oudste Indische denken.” TPh 22: 174-204.
Review of: J. Svennung, Vergleichende Forschungen zur indirekten Anrede in der dritten Person und zum Nominativ für den Vokativ, Uppsala 1958. Lingua 9: 101-105.
Review of: D.S. Ruegg, Contributions à l’histoire de la philosophie linguistique indienne, Paris 1959. OLZ 55: 410-413.
1961 “Ascetics and courtesans.” ALB 25: 78-102.
Foreword to: Vratiśāsana: a Sanskrit text on ascetic discipline with Kawi exegesis, edited and annotated by Sharada Rani, New Delhi 1961 (Śata-Piṭaka Series 20; Dvīpāntara-Piṭaka Series 5).
Review of: A. Osborne (ed.), The collected works of Ramana Maharshi, London 1959. CAJ 6: 168.
Review of: H.-J. Pinnow, Versuch einer historischen Lautlehre der Kharia-Sprache, Wiesbaden 1959. Kratylos 6: 61-66.
Review of: J. Gagnepain, Les noms grecs en -os et en –ā: contributions a l’étude du genre en indo-européen, Paris 1959. ME 4,14: 145-147.
Review of: P. Burguière, Histoire de l’infinitif en grec, Paris 1960. ME 4,14: 147-149.
Review of: T.O. Beidelman, A comparative analysis of the Jajmani system, Locust Valley, N.Y. 1959. OLZ 56: 78-79.
Review of: P. Hacker, Prahlāda: Werden und Wandlungen einer Idealgestalt, Wiesbaden 1960. OLZ 56: 528-531.
Review of: H. Lüders, Varuṇa, aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von L. Alsdorf, II: Varuṇa und das Ṛta, Gottingen 1959. Oriens 13-14: 398-410.
Review of: E. Conze, Buddhism: its essence and development, Oxford 1960. TPh 23: 163-165.
Review of: The integral philosophy of Sri Aurobindo: a commemorative Symposium ed. by H. Chaudhuri and F. Spiegelberg, London 1960. TPh 23: 165-167.
Review of: J. Herbert, Introduction à l’Asie, Paris 1960. TPh 23: 167-169.
Review of: G.F. Allen (Y. Siri Nyana), The Buddha’s philosophy, London 1959. TPh 23: 169-170.
Review of: C. Sharma, A critical survey of Indian philosophy, London 1960. TPh 23: 170-171.
Review of: Tibetan yoga and secret doctrines, or seven books of wisdom of the Great Path, according to . . . Lama Kazi Dawa-Samdup’s English rendering, arranged and edited … by W. Y. Evans-Wentz. London 21958. TPh 23: 171-172.
1962 The aspectual function of the Ṛgvedic present and aorist , ‘s-Gravenhage (Disputationes Rheno-Traiectinae 7).
Les religions de l’Inde: Védisme et hindouisme ancien, trad. par L. Jospin, Paris.
“Rgveda 10.40.10.” In: E. Bender (ed.), Indological studies in honor of W. Norman Brown, New Haven, Connecticut (American Oriental Series 47), pp. 78-86.
“Veden.” In: K. Galling u.a. (Hrsg.), Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Tübingen 1957-1962, pp. 1245-1246.
“Vedische und brahmanische Religion.” In: K. Galling u.a. (Hrsg.), Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart, Tübingen 1957-1962, pp. 1247-1251.
“Some notes on the study of Ancient-Indian religious terminology.” History of Religions 1: 243-273.
“The unity of the Vedic dative.” Lingua 11: 141-150.
“Gr. ΆΔΕΛΦΟΣ.” ME 4,15: 390-392.
“The Old-Javanese Agastyaparvan.” Purāṇa 4: 158-175.
Review of: G. Tucci, The theory and practice of the Mandala, tr. from the Italian by A.H. Brodrick, London 1961. CAJ 7: 317-318.
Review of: C. Hooykaas, The Old-Javanese Rāmāyaṇa, Amsterdam 1958. JAOS 82: 86-88.
Review of: The Nāṭakalakṣaṇaratnakośa of Sāgaranandin, tr. by M. Dillon, M. Fowler and V. Raghavan, Philadelphia 1960. JAOS 82: 236-237.
Review of: C.H. Philips, Historians of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, London 1961. Oriens 15: 440-443.
Review of: H.W. Schumann, Buddha, Düsseldorf 1959. Oriens 15: 464.
Review of: W. Hinz, Zarathustra, Stuttgart 1961. TG 75: 476-477.
1963 Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache: mit Übungsbeispielen, Lesestücken und einem Glossar, 4. verb. Aufl., Leiden. – 1. Aufl. 1941.
Die Religionen Indiens II: Der jüngere Hinduismus, Stuttgart 1963 (Die Religionen der Menschheit 12).
The vision of the Vedic poets, The Hague (Disputationes Rheno-Traiectinae 8).
“Prayata.” BhV 20-21 (1960-1961) (Munshi Indological Felicitation Volume; issued 1963): 45-51.
“De ‘inspiratie’ der Indische dichters.” Forum der Letteren 4: 1-21.
“Het probleem der continuïteit in de oudere Indische geschiedenis.” Mededelingen KNAW NR 26,6: 201-228.
“The Indian Mantra.” Oriens 16: 244-297.
“Über eine Bibliographie zum Hinduismus: eine Mitteilung.” WZKS 7: 209-210.
Review of: J. Varenne, La Mahā Nārāyaṇa Upaniṣad, Paris 1960. IIJ 6: 298-301.
Review of: W.S. Allen, Sandhi, ’s-Gravenhage 1962. Linguistics 2: 112-119.
Review of: O.J.L. Szemerényi, Trends and tasks in comparative philology, inaug. lecture Univ. College, London 23 Oct. 1961, London 1962. ME 4,16: 288-289.
Review of: A.C. Moorhouse, Studies in the Greek negatives, Cardiff 1959. ME 4,16: 289-293.
Review of: Ch. Guiraud, La phrase nominale en grec d’Homère à Euripide, Paris 1962. ME 4,16: 408.
Review of: R.N. Dandekar, Vedic bibliography, vol. 2, Poona 1961. ZDMG 113: 355-356.
Review of: R. Birwé, Der Gaṇapāṭha zu den Adhyāyas IV und V der Grammatik Pāṇinis, Wiesbaden 1961. ZDMG 113: 362-363.
Review of: B. Shefts, Grammatical method in Pāṇini: his treatment of Sanskrit present stems, New Haven, Conn. 1961. ZDMG 113: 363-364.
Review of: H.D. Velankar (crit.ed.), The Vikramorvaśīya of Kālidāsa, New Delhi 1971. ZDMG 113: 380-382.
1964 Indology in the Netherlands, Leiden. – Repr. from: Books on the Orient, a catalogue presented to the members of the XXVIth international congress of Orientalists, New Delhi, 1964.
“Notes on Atharvaveda-Saṃhitā book 14.” IIJ 8: 1-24.
“Herdenking van Arnold Adriaan Bake (19 mei 1899 – 8 oktober 1963).” Jaarboek KNAW 1963-1964: 429-435.
“’Gifts’ and ‘Giving’ in the Ṛgveda.” VIJ 2: 9-30.
Review of: R.L. Turner, A comparative dictionary of the Indo Arya languages, fasc. I and II, London 1962 and 1963. CAJ 9: 76-77.
Review of: K. Chaitanya, A new history of Sanskrit literature, London 1962. CAJ 9: 77-78.
Review of: C.J. Blair, Heat in the Rig Veda and Atharva Veda, New Haven, Conn. 1961. IIJ 8: 60-64.
Review of: H. Kähler, Ethnographische und linguistische Studien über die Orang darat, Orang akit, Orang laut und Orang utan im Riau-Archipel und auf den Inseln an der Ostküste von Sumatra, Bonn 1960. Kratylos 9: 67-69.
Review of: T.W. Clark, Introduction to Nepali, Cambridge 1963. Linguistics 10: 84-88.
Review of: H. Lüders, Mathurā inscriptions: unpublished papers; ed. by K.L. Janert, Göttingen 1961. Oriens 17: 276-277.
Review of: E.Waldschmidt (Hrsg.), Das Catuṣpariṣatsūtra, Teil III, Berlin 1962. Oriens 17: 279-280.
Review of: L. Renou (ed., trsl.), Bāṣkala-Mantra Upaniṣad, Paris 1956; and of: L. Renou (ed., trsl.), Chāgaleya Upaniṣad, Paris 1959. Oriens 17: 315-316.
Review of: McKim Marriott, Caste ranking and community structure in five regions of India and Pakistan, Poona 1960. Oriens 17: 336-337.
Review of: E. Conze, Buddhist thought in India, London 1962. TPh 26: 140-142.
Review of: S. Dutt, Buddhist monks and monasteries of India, London 1962. TPh 26: 142-143.
Review of: R.C. Zaehner, Hinduism, London 1962. TPh 26: 143.
Review of: Lama Anagarika Govinda, The psychological attitude of early Buddhist philosophy and its representation according to Abhidharma tradition, London 1961. TPh 26: 144.
Review of: B. Phillips (ed.), The essentials of Zen Buddhism, an anthology of the writings of D.T. Suzuki, London 1962. TPh 26: 144-145.
Review of: J.J. Houben e.a., De oosterse mens, Brugge 1961. TPh 26: 145-146.
1965 Change and continuity in Indian religion, The Hague etc. (Disputationes Rheno-Traiectinae 9).
Les religions de l’Inde: l ’hindouisme recent, trad. par L. Jospin, Paris (Coll. Les Religions de l’humanité, Biblioth. Historiques).
The Savayajñas: Kauśikasūtra 60-68, transl., introd., comm., Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 71,2).
“’Ways’ in Indian religions.” In: Studies of esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism, in commemoration of the 1,150th anniversary of the founding of Koyasan, Koyasan, pp. 47-66.
“He saw the path of his life.” In: Raghuviraśraddhāñjali: homage to prof. dr. Raghu Vira, explorer, scholar and patriot, New Delhi, pp. 14-16.
“On abuse of the term ‘attraction’.” In: Acta Classica: verhandelinge van die Klassieke Vereniging van Suid-Afrika = Proceedings of the Classical Association of South Africa, vol. 8, Cape Town, pp. 1-10.
“Bandhu- in the Brāhmaṇa-s.” ALB 29: 1-29.
“Adhvará and adhvaryû.” VIJ 3: 163-177.
“A note on the Vedic student’s Staff.” JOIB 14 (1964-1965): 262-272.
Review of: H.L. Shorto (ed.), Linguistic comparison in South East Asia and the Pacific, London 1963. BTLV 121: 384-388.
Review of: E. Mikkola. Die präpositionale Hypostase, Apostase und Metabase im Lateinischen, Griechischen und Altindischen, Helsinki 1962. Forum der letteren 6: 48-50. (Idem in: ME 4,18 (1965): 405-407).
Review of: D.H.H. Ingalls (trsl.), An anthology of Sanskrit court poetry (Vidyākara’s Subhāṣitaratnakośa), Cambridge Mass. FdL 6: 241-245 (cf. also JAOS 87, 1967).
Review of: K. Krishnamoorthy (ed., trsl.),Vādirāja’s Yaśodharacarita. . . with Sanskrit commentary by Laksmaṇa, Dharwar 1963. IIJ 9: 72.
Review of: E. Waldschmidt (Hrsg.), Faksimile Wiedergabe von Sanskrithandschriften aus den Berliner Turfanfunden I: Handschriften zu fünf Sūtras des Dīrghāgama, unter Mitarbeit von W. Clawiter e.a., The Hague 1963. IIJ 9: 73.
Review of: A. Oguse, Recherches sur le participe circonstantiel en grec ancien, Wetteren (Belgique) 1962. ME 4,18: 407.
Review of: C. Isherwood, Ramakrishna and his disciples, London 1965. TPh 27: 802-803.
Review of: F. Edgerton, The beginnings of Indian philosophy, London 1965. TPh 27: 803-804.
Review of: H. Chaudhuri, Integral yoga: the concept of harmonious and creative living, London 1965. TPh 27: 804-805.
Review of: K.M. Sen, Hinduism, Harmondsworth 1961. TPh 27: 805.
Review of: N. Smart, Doctrine and argument in Indian philosophy, London 1964. TPh 27: 806-807.
Review of: I.C. Sharma, Ethical philosophies of India, edited and revised by S. M. Daugert, London 1965. TPh 27: 807-808.
Review of: C.B. Papali, The Advaita Vedanta of Çankaradeva. Ephemerides Carmeliticae 14 (1963): 382-412; 15(1964): 81-129. TPh 27: 808-809.
1966 Ancient Indian kingship from the religious point of view, Leiden. – Repr. from: Numen 3 (1956): 36-71 and 122-155; 4 (1957): 24-58 and 127-164.
A concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit language, tr. by G.B. Ford Jr., Alabama-Leiden.
Loka: world and heaven in the Veda, Amsterdam etc. (VKNAW NR 73,1).
Manuel de grammaire élémentaire de la langue sanskrite, trad. from the German par R. Rocher, Leiden.
“Moderne stromingen in het Hindoeïsme in historisch perspectief.” In: Orientalia Gandensia III: Jaarboek van het hoger Instituut voor Oosterse, Oosteuropese en Afrikaanse Taalkunde en Geschiedenis, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, pp. 187-206.
“Devayánt- and devayú.” JOIB 15: 307-313.
“Wereld en hemel in de Veda.” TPh 28: 227-263.
“De kosmogonie van Rgveda 10, 129.” TPh 28: 670-696.
Contributions on Indian religion, literature, history and philosophy, in: De grote Winkler Prins Encyclopedie in twintig delen, 7de druk, Amsterdam-Brussel sqq.
Review of: F. Wilhelm, Prüfung und Initiation im Buche Pauṣya und in der Biographie des Nāropa, Wiesbaden 1965. CAJ 11: 153-154.
Review of: E. Mikkola, Die Abstraktion im Lateinischen, 2 vols, Helsinki 1964-1966. FdL 7: 238-240.
Review of: M. Biardeau, Théorie de la connaissance et philosophie de la parole dans le brahmanisme classique, Paris 1964. Linguistics 27: 112-120.
Review of: R. Harweg, Kompositum und Katalysationstext vornehmlic im späten Sanskrit, The Hague 1964. Linguistics 27: 120-136.
Review of: J. Lyons, Structural semantics: an analysis of part of the vocabulary of Plato, Oxford 1963. ME 4,19: 416-420.
1967 The meaning of the Sanskrit term dhāman-, Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 73,2).
“On the use of the absolutive in Sanskrit.” In: B. Saksena a.o. (eds), Kavirāj Abhinandana Grantha, Lucknow, pp. 262-265.
“A note on Atharvaveda 4, 11.” In: B.C. Law and S.R. Sinha (eds), Studies in Indology I: Memorial volume dedicated to the memory of the late MM Dr. Umesha Mishra, Allahabad (Studies in Culture 1), pp. 1-5.
“The Indra festival according to the Atharvavedins.” JAOS 87: 413-429.
“A note on Indra in Purāṇic literature.” Purāṇa 9: 222-261.
“Mensch und Tier im alten Indien.” Studium Generale Utrecht 20: 105-116.
“Bhuvana-.” VIJ 5: 42-57.
Review of: C. Hooykaas, Āgama Tīrtha: five studies in Hindu-Balinese religion, Amsterdam 1964. JAOS 87: 99-102.
Review of: D.H.H. Ingalls (trsl.), An anthology of Sanskrit court poetry (Vidyākara’s Subhāṣitaratnakośa), Cambridge Mass 1965. JAOS 87: 94-99 (cf. also FdL 6, 1965).
Review of: L. Renou, The destiny of the Veda in India, ed. by D.R. Chanana, Delhi 1965. JOIB 16 (1966-1967): 95-97.
Review of: R. Thibau, Les rapports entre le latin et le grec, Leiden 1964. ME 4,20: 339-342.
Review of: O. Szemerenyi, Syncope in Greek and Indo-European and the nature of Indo-European accent, Napoli 1964. ME 4,20: 449-453.
Review of: M. Mayrhofer, Sanskrit Grammatik, Berlin 1965. OLZ 62: 592-593.
Review of: J.A.B. van Buitenen, The Maitrāyaṇīya Upaniṣad, ’s-Gravenhage 1961. Oriens 18-19: 462- 463.
Review of: Hiraṇyagarbha: a series of articles on the archaeological work and studies of F.D.K. Bosch, composed by his friends, his pupils and his colleagues to which is added the address delivered by him at his retirement from the University of Leiden, publ. on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of his doctorate on 14th July 1964, [introd. by P.H. Pott, e.a.], The Hague 1964. Oriens 18-19: 465-467.
Review of: M.G. Ranade, Rise of the Maratha power and other essays; also contains K. T. Telang, Gleanings from Maratha chronicles, Bombay 1961. Oriens 18-19: 526-527.
1968 “Abbreviated and inverted nominal compounds in Sanskrit.” In: J.C. Heesterman e.a. (eds), Pratidānam : Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper, on his sixtieth birthday, Den Haag [etc.] (Janua Linguarum. Studia Memoriae Nicolai van Wijk dedicata, Series Maior 34), pp. 221-246.
“Atharvaveda 11, 7.” In: Mélanges d’Indianisme à la mémoire de Louis Renou, Paris, pp. 301-336.
“The historical background of the name Satya assigned to the highest being.” ABORI 48-49 (Golden Jubilee Volume), pp. 83-93.
“The Anuṣṭubh stanzas of the Ṛgveda.” ALB 31-32 (1967-1968): 14-51.
“The Hindu trinity.” Anthropos 63: 212-226.
“The Sanskrit particle api.” Lingua 21: 183-196.
“The concept of a personal god in ancient Indian thought.” Studia Missionalia 17: 111-136.
Contributions to: Oosthoeks geïllustreerde encyclopedie, 6e druk, Utrecht 1968 sqq.
Review of: Viyanand ‘Videh’, The Vedic prayers, Ajmer 1964; and of: Viyanand ‘Videh’, The exposition of the Vedas, vol. 1, Ajmer 1964. BTLV 124: 398-399.
Review of: W.N. Brown, Man in the universe: some continuities in Indian thought, Calcutta 1966. JOIB 17 (1967- 1968): 106-108.
Review of: N.J. Shende, Kavi and Kāvya in the Atharvaveda, Poona 1967. JOIB 17 (1967-1968): 196-199.
Review of: B.R. Sharma (ed.), Sāmavedārṣeya Dīpa of Bhaṭṭa-Bhāskarādhvarīndra, Tirupati 1967. JOIB 17 (1967- 1968): 454-455.
Review of: C.G. Hartman, Emphasizing and connecting particles in the thirteen principal Upanishads, Helsinki 1966. Lingua 20: 98-101.
1969 Eye and gaze in the Veda, Amsterdam enz. (VKNAW NR 75,1).
“Latin obsc(a)enus.” In: V.I. Abaev e.a., Studia classica et Orientalia Antonio Pagliaro oblata, 3 vols, Roma, vol. 2, pp. 259-272.
“The meaning of the Sanskrit term Āyatana.” ALB 23: 1-79.
“Some riddles connected with royal titles in ancient Iran.” Bulletin of the Iranian Cultural Foundation I,1 ( Cyrus Commemoration Volume 1), Teheran, pp. 29-46.
“The meaning of Vedic kārú.” JGJhRI 25 (Umeshamishra commemoration volume, vol. II= parts 4/5), Allahabad, pp. 479-488.
“Sanskrit, the well-formed language.” Quinto Lingo 6: 54-56.
“Visnu’s name Aniruddha.” Ṛtam 1: 63-71.
“The Mudgalopaniṣad.” WZKSO 12-13(1968-1969) (= Beiträge zur Geistesgeschichte Indiens: Festschrift für Erich Frauwallner aus Anlass seines 70. Geburtstages): 101-113.
Review of: E. Waldschmidt, Von Ceylon bis Turfan: Schriften zur Geschichte, Literatur, Religion und Kunst des indischen Kulturraumes: Festgabe zum 70. Geburtstag am 15. Juli 1967, Göttingen 1967. CAJ 12 (1968-1969): 238.
Review of: R.H. Robinson, Early Mādhyamika in India and China, Madison etc. 1967. CAJ 13: 78.
Review of: Dh. Keer, Veer Savarkar, Bombay 21966. CAJ 13: 78.
Review of: R.E. Emmerick, Saka grammatical studies, London 1968. CAJ 13: 78-79.
Review of: I. Yamada (ed.), Karuṇāpuṇḍarīka, 2 vols, London 1968. CAJ 13: 79.
Review of: R.C. Zaehner, The Bhagavadgītā, Oxford 1969. CAJ 13: 79-80.
Review of: R.E. Frykenberg (ed.), Land control and social structure in Indian history, Madison etc. 1969. CAJ 13: 320.
Review of: A. Venkatasubbiah, Vedic Studies, vol. 2, Madras 1969. JOIB 18 (1968-1969): 371-376.
Review of: J.F. Staal, Word order in Sanskrit and universal grammar, Dordrecht 1967. Lingua 22: 248-253.
Review of: R. Schmitt, Dichtung und Dichtersprache in indogermanischer Zeit, Wiesbaden 1967. Lingua 23: 301-309.
Review of: H. Birnbaum and J. Puhvei (eds), Ancient Indo-European dialects: proceedings of the conference on Indo-European linguistics, held at the University of California, Los Angeles, April 25-27, 1963, Berkeley and Los Angeles 1966. Linguistics 50: 95-101.
Review of: W. Rau, Bilder hundert deutscher Indologen, Wiesbaden 1965. Oriens 20: 257.
Review of: L. Schmithausen, Maṇḍanamiśra’s Vibhramavivekaḥ, Wien 1965. Oriens 20: 268-269.
Review of: C.G. Kashikar (ed., trsl.), The Śrauta, Paitṛmedhika and Pariśeṣa sūtras of Bhāradvāja, 2 vols, Poona 1964. Oriens 20: 319-320.
Review of: R.P. Kangie, The Kauṭilīya Arthaśāstra, 3 vols, Bombay 1960-1965. Oriens 20: 320-323.
1970 Notes on names and the name of God in ancient India, Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 75,4).
Viṣṇuism and Śivaism: a comparison, London (Jordan lectures in comparative religion 9). – Repr. 1976.
“Karman and retributive justice in ancient Java.” In: H.B. Sarkar (ed.), R.C. Majumdar felicitation volume, Calcutta, pp. 225-237.
“The presence of Hinduism in Indonesia: aspects and problems.” In: Lokesh Chandra e.a. (eds), India’s contribution to world thought and culture, Vivekananda commemoration volume, Madras, pp. 535-554.
“Pater Petrus Drabbe M.S.C.†” BTLV 126: 459-461.
“Śiva in Indonesien.” WZKS 14: 1-31.
Review of: K. Strunk, Nasalpräsentien und Aoriste: ein Beitrag zur Morphologie des Verbums im Indo-Iranischen und Griechischen, Heidelberg 1967. IIJ 12: 134-137.
Review of: W. Dressier, Studien zur verbalen Pluralität, Wien 1968. Lingua 24: 194-200.
1971 Old Indian , Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 2,1,1).
“The Vedic Mitra and the epic Dharma.” JRAS 103: 120-133.
“Balinese hymns addressed to god Akasa.” In: K.A. Nilakanta Sastri felicitation volume, Madras, pp. 404-415.
“The influence of Indian languages.” In: Current trends in linguistics 8, Linguistics in Oceania, The Hague, pp. 955-968.
Review of: S. Bhattacharji, The Indian theogony, Cambridge 1970. CAJ 15: 158-159.
Review of: W.H. McNeill and J.W. Sedlar, Classical India, New York etc. 1969. CAJ 15: 238-239.
Review of: R.E. Emmerick, The Khotanese Sūraṅgamasamādhisūtra, London 1970. CAJ 15: 239.
Review of: L. von Schroeder (Hrsg.), Kāṭhaka, die Saṃhitā der Kaṭha Śākhā, 1. unveränder-ter Nachdruck besorgt von K.L. Janert, Wiesbaden 1970. CAJ 15: 239.
Review of: R. Birwé, Studien zu Adhyāya III der Aṣṭādhyāyi Pāṇinis, Wiesbaden 1966. OLZ 66: 289-292.
Review of: A. Teeuw and Th.P. Galestin (eds), Sivaratrikalpa of Mpu Tanakun, The Hague 1969. JSEAS 2: 236-237.
Review of: R.C. Zaehner, The Bhagavadgītā with a commentary based on the original sources, Oxford 1969. Oriens 23-24 (1970-1971): 617-620.
Review of: M. Giteau, Le bornage rituel des temples bouddhiques au Cambodge, Paris 1969. ZDMG 121: 408-409.
1972 The Vedic god Mitra, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 13).
“Mudrā.” In: Ex orbe religionum: studia Geo Widengren … 2 vols, Leiden (Studies in the History of Religions 21-22), pp. 21-31.
“Some notes on the worship of Viṣṇu in Indonesia.” In: P. Ratnam (ed.), Studies in Indo-Asian art and culture: commemoration volume on the 69th birthday anniversary of Acharya Raghu Vira, vol.1, New Delhi, pp. 47-54.
“Translating subjunctives and imperatives.” In: V. Raghavan and G. Marulasiddaiah (eds), M. Hiriyanna Birth Centenary Commemoration Volume (1871-1971), Mysore, pp. 127-132.
“Some notes on the use of Vedic mantras in the ritual texts of the Vaikhanasas.” IIJ 14: 1-31.
“The significance of the right hand and the right side in Vedic ritual.” Religion 2: 1-23.
Review of: Studi linguistici in onore di Vittore Pisani, 2 vols, Brescia 1969; and of V. Pisani, Lingue e culture, Brescia 1969. Linguistics 90: 88-97.
Review of: E.A. Hahn, Naming-constructions in some Indo-European languages, Cleveland, Ohio 1969. IIJ 14: 75-77.
Review of: E. Wiersma-te Nijenhuis, Dattilam: a compendium of Indian music, Leiden 1970 (Thesis Utrecht). ZDMG 122: 428-429.
1973 Sanskrit in Indonesia, 2nd [enl.] ed., New Delhi (Sata-Pitaka Series 99). – Orig. ed.: 1952.
“Background and variants of the Hiraṇyagarbha conception.” In: P. Ratnam (ed.), Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture: commemoration volume on the 71th birthday anniversary of Acharya Raghu Vira, vol. 3, New Delhi, pp. 39-54.
“Pāṇini and modern linguistics.” Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis 313, Tartu, pp. 337-352. – Also published in: L. Prematilleke e.a. (eds), S. Paranavitana commemoration volume, Leiden 1978, pp. 54-60.
“An interesting use of Skt. loka.” IIJ 15: 205.
“Mitra and Mitra: the idea of “friendship” in ancient India.” IT 1: 71-107.
“Duality in Indian thought.” Thêta-Pi 2: 1-17.
Review of: H.P. Schmidt, Bṛhaspati und Indra, Wiesbaden 1968. OLZ 68:177-181.
Review of: W.H. McLeod, Gurū Nānak and the Sikh religion, Oxford 1968. OLZ 68: 393-395.
Review of: R.S.P. Beekes, The development of the Proto-Indo-European laryngeals in Greek, The Hague-Paris 1969. Mnemosyne 26: 181-182.
Review of: G. Nagy, Greek dialects and the transformation of an Indo-European process, Cambridge, Mass. 1970. Mnemosyne 26: 182.
1974 The dual deities in the religion of the Veda, Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 81).
De Indische godsdiensten: de vedische godsdienst, het Hindoeïsme, het Boeddhisme, 3de herz. druk, Wassenaar.
Sansukuritto go shotō bunpō: renshūdai, senbun, goi tsuki , transl. into Japanese by Kioshi Yoroi. Tokyo. – transl. of Kurze Elementar-Grammatik der Sanskrit-Sprache.
“Hinduism.” In: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Macropaedia, vol. 8, 15th edition, Chicago etc., pp. 888-908.
“Nimitta.” In: S.K. Chatterji e.a. (eds), Charudeva Shastri felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 233-240.
“Notes on Atharvaveda 12, 1.” In: J. Reychman e.a. (eds), Anantapāraṃ kila śabdaśāstram, E. Sluszkiewicz felicitation volume, Warsaw 1974. pp. 79-88.
“Dumézil’s tripartite ideology: some critical observations.” JAS 34: 139-149.
“Triads in Vedic ritual.” Ohio Journal of Religious Studies 2: 5-24.
“The double name of the Kuru-Pañcālas.” VIJ 12 (Vishnu Bandhu Commemoration Volume): 120-127.
1975 Selected Studies: presented by the staff of the Oriental Institute, Utrecht University, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, 5 vols, Leiden. – I. Indo-European linguistics, II. Sanskrit word studies, III. Sanskrit: grammatical and philological studies, IV. History of Ancient Indian religion, V. Indonesian linguistics.
Vedic literature (Saṃhitās and Brāhmaṇas), Wiesbaden (A History of Indian Literature 1,1).
The Indian religions in pre-Islamic Indonesia and their survival in Bali, Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 3,2,1).
“The Vedic gods Aṃśa and Bhaga.” In: Acta Iranica, deuxième série (Hommage et opera minora): Monumentum H.S. Nyberg vol. 1, Téhéran-Liege,.pp. 291-310.
“Mitra in India.” In: J.R. Hinnell (ed.), Mithraic Studies, Manchester, pp. 40-52.
Review of: E. Gerow, A glossary of Indian figures of speech, The Hague-Paris 1971. Linguistics 149: 107-112.
Review of: C.J. Ruijgh, Autour de ‘τε épique’, études sur la syntaxe grecque, Amsterdam 1971. Mnemosyne 28: 299-301.
1976 Old Javanese literature, Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 3,3,1).
Triads in the Ved , Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 91).
Viṣṇuism and Śivaism: a comparison, Photogr. new edition of the ed. 1970.
“The verbal contests in the Rgveda.” Bulletin of the Institute of Social Studies, Seva-Bharati 1: 41-47
“The association of divinities in pairs.” Ṛtam 2-6 (1970-1975) (K.A.S. Iyer felicitation volume): 29-31.
Contributions on Indian languages and culture to Oosthoek’s Encyclopaedia, 7th edition.
Review of: L. Sternbach (ed.), Mahāsubhāṣita-saṃgraha, being an extensive collection of wise sayings in Sanskrit I: Subhāṣitas nos. 1-1873, Hoshiarpur 1974. JRAS 108: 82.
1977 Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit, Wiesbaden (A History of Indian Literature 2,1).
The Ritual Sutras, Wiesbanden (A History of Indian Literature 1,2).
“The Baudhāyana-Gṛhya-Paribhāṣā-Sūtra.” In: L. Alsdorf e.a., Beitrage zur Indienforschung Ernst Waldschmidt zum 80. Geburtstag gewidmet, Berlin (Veröffentlichungen des Museums für Indische Kunst Berlin 4), pp. 169-190.
“Vedic Vidátha.” In: Modern India: heritage and achievement, G.D. Birla 80th Birthday commemoration volume, Pilani, pp. 399-426.
“Notes on the Kaṭha Upaniṣad.” In: S.K. Chatterji e.a. (eds), Some aspects of Indo-Iranian literary and cultural traditions, commemoration volume V.G. Paranjpe, Delhi, pp. 60-70.
“Religious thought and practice in Vaikhānasa Viṣṇuism.” BSOAS 40: 550-571.
“Vedic cosmogony and Viṣṇuite bhakti.” IT 5: 85-111.
“The mantras of Kauśika-Sūtra 10-52.” Studia Orientalia 47: 71-87.
Review of: U. Schneider, Der Somaraub des Manu: Mythus und Ritual, Wiesbaden 1971. ZDMG 127: 432-434.
1978 Hymns of the Ṛgveda not employed in the solemn ritual, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 95).
Die Religionen Indiens I: Veda und älterer Hinduismus, 2. überarb. und erg. Aufl. Stuttgart.
“Herdenking van Manu Leumann (6 oktober 1889 – 15 juli‘ 1977).” In: Jaarboek KNAW 1977, pp. 218-222.
“Pāṇini and modern linguistics.” In: L. Prematilleke e.a. (eds), S. Paranavitana commemoration volume, Leiden, pp. 54-60. – Also published in: Acta et Commentationes Universitatis Tartuensis 313 (1973), Tartu, pp. 337-352.
“Postscript on Mitra.” ABORI 58-59 (1977-1978) (Diamond Jubilee Volume): 137-150.
“De Indische zondvloed-mythe.” Mededelingen KNAW NR 41,2: 27-46.
Review of: H.D. Smith, A descriptive bibliography of the printed texts of the Pāñcarātrāgama I, Baroda 1975 (Gaekwad’s Oriental Series 158). JRAS 110: 89-90.
Review of: C. Hooykaas, Religion in Bali, Leiden 1973. OLZ 73: 89-90.
Review of: J.R. Joshi, Some minor divinitiesi in Vedic mythology and ritual, Pune 1977. Kratylos 22: 168-169.
Review of: R. Panikkar (ed., trsl.), The Vedic Experience, Mantramanjari, London 1977. Numen 25: 189-190.
1979 The medium in the Rgveda, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 24).
“Sanskrit studies in The Netherlands.” In: W. Morgenroth (ed.), Sanskrit studies outside India: fourth world Sanskrit conference of I.A.S.S., Weimar/G.D.R. May 23-30, 1979, part 2: Reports from different countries (N-Y); addresses of institutions (incl. India), Weimar, pp. 117-121.
“Śuci.” In: J.P. Sinha, Ludwik Sternbach felicitation volume, Lucknow, pp. 119-127.
“Differences in the rituals of the Ṛgvedic families.” BSOAS 42: 257-264.
“A propos of the mantras in the pravargya section of the Ṛgvedic Brāhmaṇas.” IIJ 21: 235-271.
“Upanayana.” IT 7 (Ludwik Sternbach felicitation volume): 253-259.
“Agni in Ṛgveda-saṃhitā 9,66 and 67.” JRAS 111: 137-152.
“The use of the Viṣṇusūkta in some ritual texts of the Vaikhānasas.” Our Heritage, Sanskrit College 150th Anniversary II Volume, Calcutta, pp. 23-38.
“Ṛgveda-Saṃhitā, 5.78.” VIJ 17: 1-4 (repr. Vishv.Ind. Paper Series 427, Hoshiarpur 1979).
E. Khalid M. Hussain dan N. Siahaan, Sumbangan Prof. J. Gonda I I terhadap penyelidikan Bahasa Malayu. Kuala Lumpur 1979 I (Extracts in Indonesian from 16 articles written by Prof. J. Gonda for BTLV; cf. nos. 77, 76, 64, 196, 169, 85, 63, 84, II I 148, 55, 101, 93, 102, 103, 239, 147).
Review of: Chitrabhanu Sen, A dictionary of the Vedic rituals based on the Śrauta and Gṛhya Sūtras, Delhi 1978. JRAS 111: 64-65.
1980 The character of the Indo-European moods: with special regard to Greek and Sanskrit, 2nd edition, Wiesbaden. – 1st ed. 1956.
Indo shizō shi, transl. into Japanese by Kiyoshi Yoroi, Tokyo. – Orig. Dutch Inleiding tot het Indische denken, Antwerpen 1948.
The mantras of the Agnyupasthāna and the Sautrāmaṇī, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 104).
Vedic ritual: the non-solemn rites, Leiden [etc.] (Handbuch der Orientalistik 2,4,1).
“The Śatarudriya.” In: M. Nagatomi e.a. (eds), Sanskrit and Indian studies: essays in honour of Daniel H.H. Ingalls, Dordrecht, pp. 75-91.
“Gigantic encyclopaedia: in memoriam P.V. Kane.” In: S.B. Velankar (ed.), Pāṇḍuraṅgasmaraṇam: memoirs of dr. P. V. Kane: Sanskrit, English and Marathi, Bumbai, English section, pp. 11-12.
“Herdenking van Christiaan Hooykaas (26 december 1902 – 13 augustus 1979).” Jaarboek KNAW 1979: 204-207.
“Herdenking van Johannes Adrianus Bernardus van Buitenen (21 mei 1928 – 21 september 1979).” Jaarboek KNAW 1979: 199-203.
“General President’s Address,” Proceedings of the All-India Oriental conference, 29th session, Poona 1978, Poona, pp. 1-16.
Introduction to H. Daniel Smith, A descriptive bibliography of the printed texts of the Pāñcarātrāgama, vol. II: An annotated index to selected topics, Baroda, pp. xiii- xvii.
Review of: K.V. Abhyankar and G.V. Devasthali (comps and eds), Vedavikṛtilakṣaṇa-saṃgraha: a collection of twelve tracts on Vedavikṛtis and allied topics, Poona 1978. IIJ 22: 151-152.
Review of: G.S. Ghurye, Vedic India, Bombay 1979. JRAS 112: 97-98.
1981 The Āghāra ritual of the Vaikhānasas, Torino (Publicazioni di Indologica Taurinensia 12).
Le religioni dell’India I: Veda e antico induismo, traduzione C. Danna; II: L’induismo recente, traduzione G. Mion, Milano.
The Vedic morning litany (Prātaranuvāka), Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 26).
“Karman and retributive justice in ancient Java.” In: K.S.R.I. Silver Jubilee Volume Madras, pp. 1-13. – Also published in 1970.
“Translating the Veda (with regard to AiĀr. 2. 6. 1).” ALB 44-45 (K. Kunjunni Raja felicitation volume) (1980-1981): 1-14.
“The Praügaśastra.” MKNAW NR 44,3: 63-141.
“Notes on Prajāpati.” Purāṇa 23: 149-160.
“The treatment of hair cuttings in the Gṛhyasutras.” Ṛtam 10 (1978-79): 37-40.
1982 Gramatica elemental de la lengua sanscrita: con ejercicios, selecciones literarias y glosario, traducido por Hilda Chen-Apuy Espinosa, México 1982. – trsl. of A concise elementary grammar of the Sanskrit language.
The Haviryajñāḥ Somāḥ: the interrelations of the Vedic solemn sacrifices, Śāṅkhāyana Śrautasūtra 14, 1-13, translation and notes, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 113).
“Srī in Balinese hymns.” In: R. Carle e.a. (ed.), Gavac: studies in Austronesian languages and cultures dedicated to H. Kähler, Berlin (Veröffentlichungen des Seminars für Indonesische und Südseesprachen der Univ. Hamburg 17), pp. 537-553.
“The mantras of Taittirīya-Brāhmaṇa 1,5,5.” In: B. Shastri and P.Ch. Choudhury (eds), Abhinandana-Bhāratī: K.K. Handiqui felicitation volume, Gauhati, pp. 1-17.
“Some notes on optional rites.” In: D.K. Gupta (ed.), Recent studies in Sanskrit and Indology: Jagannath Agrawal felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 23-41.
“In the beginning.” ABORI 63: 43-62.
“Ṛgveda 7,59.” AO 43: 53-60.
“The popular Prajāpati.” History of Religions 22: 129-149.
“All, universe and totality in the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa.” JOIB 32: 1-17.
Review of: Stella Kramrisch, The presence of Śiva, Princeton, N.J. 1981. JRAS 1982, pp. 197-198.
1983 On the structure of multipartite formulae in Vedic rites and ceremonies, Torino (Pubblicazioni di Indologica Taurinensia 14).
“Indology.” In: Tuta sub aegide Pallas: E.J. Brill and the world of learning, Leiden, pp. 44-54.
“South-East Asian studies.” In: Tuta sub aegide Pallas: E.J. Brill and the world of learning, Leiden, pp. 55-61.
“The concluding bath of the Varuṇapraghāsa.” In: R. Kloppenborg (ed.), Selected studies on ritual in the Indian religions: essays to D.J. Hoens, Leiden, pp. 1-32.
“Die Bedeutung des Zentrums im Veda.” In: H.P. Duerr (Hrsg.), Sehnsucht nach dem Ursprung: zu M. Eliade, Frankfurt am Main, pp. 374-393.
“Prajāpati and prāyaścitta.” JRAS 1983: 32-54.
“Soma’s metamorphoses: the identifications in the oblatory rites of Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa 12, 6, 1).” MKNAW NR 46,2: 31-54.
“Vedic gods and the sacrifice.” Numen 30: 1-34.
“Notes on the ritual use of ṚV. 10. 121. 10.” Ṛtam 11-15 (B.R. Saksena Felicitation Volume) (1979-1983): 147-163.
“The redundant and the deficient in Vedic ritual.” VIJ 21: 1-34 (repr. Vishv. Ind. Paper Series 595, 1983).
“The creator and his spirit (Manas and Prajāpati).” WZKSA 27: 5-42.
1984 Prajāpati and the year, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 123).
“The gods of the godāna ceremony (AVŚ. 6, 68).” In: S.D. Joshi (ed.), Amṛtadhārā: R.N. Dandekar felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 153-158.
“Ṛgveda-Saṃhitā 8,18.” In: P. Jash (ed.), Religion and society in ancient India: Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya commemoration volume, Calcutta, pp. 143-147.
“Varcas.” VIJ 22: 10-20 (repr. Vishv. Ind. Paper Series 619, 1984).
1985 Fatherhood in the Veda, Torino (Pubblicazioni di Indologica Taurinensia 18).
Pūṣan and Sarasvatī, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 127).
The ritual functions and significance of grasses in the religion of the Veda, Amsterdam [etc.] (VKNAW NR 132).
“Ṛgveda 1.36.13 and 14.” In: S.S. Janaki (ed.), Kuppuswami Sastri birth centenary volume, part 2, Madras, pp. 15-19.
“Parameṣṭhin.” JAOS 105: 439-457.
“Some notes on Prajāpatir aniruktaḥ.” MSS 44 (Festgabe für K. Hoffmann I): 59-75.
1986 Prajāpati’s rise to higher rank, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno•Traiectina 29).
“Mind and moon.” In: G. Bhattacharya (ed.), Deyadharma studies in memory of D.C. Sircar, Delhi, pp. 147-160.
“The pronoun ka and the proper name Ka.” ALB 50 (Golden Jubilee Volume): 85-105.
“A propos of Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa 2.4.1.” VIJ 24: 1-8 (repr. Vishv. Ind. Paper Series 672, 1989).
“Nidhipati (AVS. 7.17.4 etc).” Ṛtam 16-18 (G.C. Sinha commemoration volume) (1984-86): 115-126.
Naar aanleiding van: A. Teeuw, De tekst: er staat niet wat er staat – of toch soms?, Leiden 1986 en van: W. van der Molen, Javaanse tekstkritiek: een overzicht en een nieuwe benadering geïllustreerd aan de Kunjarakarna, Leiden 1983. BTLV 142: 447-452.
1987 Rice and barley offerings in the Veda, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 31).
“Prajāpati’s numbers.” In: G. Gnoli et L. Lanciotti (eds), Orientalia Iosephi Tucci memoriae dedicata 2, Roma (Serie Orientale Roma 56,2), pp. 539- 560.
“Notes on āyuḥ.” In: Navonmeṣa: Gopinath Kaviraj commemoration volume 4, Varanasi, pp. 182-197.
“The Mantras of the Prsyanīya Section (Introductory sacrifice) as prescribed in the Ṛgvedic Brāhmaṇas.” In: S.D. Misra (ed.), Modern researches in Sanskrit: V.P. Upadhyaya felicitation volume, part 1, Patna, pp. 1-7.
“The highest principle in the early Veda – some critical notes.” In: M.S. Nagaraja Rao (ed.), Kusumāñjali: new interpretation of Indian art and culture: C. Sivaramamurti commemoration volume, vol. 1,Delhi, pp. 19-23.
“Notes on púrīṣa.” ABORI 68 (R.G. Bhandarkar 150th birth centenary volume): 1-14.
“Some remarkable combinations of deities in the Atharvaveda.” Journal of Indological Studies 2 (Chandigarh 1987. pp. 172-181.
Contributions to: M. Eliade (ed. in chief), Encyclopaedia of Religion, New York and London, VII: Indian religions: an overview, pp. 168-176; XV: Viṣṇu, pp. 283-291.
1988 Mantra interpretation in the Śatapatha-Brāhmaṇa, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-traiectina 32).
1989 The Indra hymns of the Ṛgveda, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 36).
Prajāpati’s relation with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and Brahmā, Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 138).
Prayer and blessing: ancient Indian ritual terminology, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 33).
“The meaning of Vedic Iṣ.” In: D.C. Bhattacharyya and D. Handa (eds), Prācī-Prabhā: perspectives in Indology: essays in honour of B.N. Mukherjee, New Delhi, pp. 1-8.
“Vāja in the Ṛgveda.” In: D. Handa and A. Agrawal (eds), Ratna-Chandrikā: panorama of Oriental studies: Shri R.C. Agrawala Festschrift, New Delhi, 1-13.
“Veda.” Publications of the Centre for Advanced Study in Sanskrit E,10, Poona, pp. 1- 9.
1990 Inleiding tot het Indische denken, transl. into Japanese by Kiyoshi Yoroi, 2nd ed. Tokyo. – 1st ed. 1980.
Manuel de grammaire élémentaire de la langue sanskrite par J. Gonda. Trad. par R. Rocher, 2 edition (avec un index des notions grammaticales par B. Oguibénine). Paris 1990. – cf. no. 83 and 486
1991 The function and significance of gold in the Veda, Leiden (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 37).
Selected studies: presented to the author by the department of Indology, Utrecht University, vol. 6, 2 parts, including a bibliography of the author 1970-1991 compiled by Dory Heilijgers, Leiden [etc.].
1992 “The triadic hymns of the Ṛgveda-Saṁhitā IX.” ABORI 72-73 (Amṛtamahotsava (1917-1992) volume) (1991-1992) [1993]: 1-10.
1994 “Epithets of Soma Pavamāna.” In: P.-S. Filliozat, S.P. Narang, C.P. Bhatta (eds), Pandit N.R. Bhatt felicitation volume, Delhi, pp. 17-31.
“Soma unnamed.” In: S.S. Bahulkar, Sucheta Paranjpe (eds), Śruti-cintāmaṇiḥ: prof. C. G. Kashikar felicitation volume, Pune, pp. 61-63.
1995 “Invocations and petitions in the Soma hymns of Ṛgveda Saṃhitā IX.” In: R.T. Vyas (ed.), Studies in Jaina art and iconography and allied subjects in honour of dr U.P. Shah, Vadodara, pp. 115-124.
1997 “The pratiṣṭhā of the gataśrī: a note on MS. 2,2,13.” In: Siegfried Lienhard, Irma Piovano (eds), Lex et litterae: studies in honour of professor Oscar Botto, Torino, pp. 211-220.
2007 “Sanskrit in Indonesia.” In: Shashiprabha Kumar (ed.), Sanskrit across cultures, New Delhi, pp. 139-170.