Goudriaan Teun

Teun Goudriaan

1939 – 2016
Hindu Tantrism, Indian history

Curriculum vitae

1939born in Krimpen aan den IJssel on February 16
1956final examination gymnasium A, Rotterdam
1956-1963studied classical languages, Sanskrit, Indian culture and medieval history, Utrecht University
1965PhD Indology, supervisor J. Gonda, Utrecht University
1965-1991associate professor Sanskrit, Indian history, culture and religion, Utrecht University
2016passed away in Utrecht on August 28


1965 Kāśyapa’s book of wisdom: (Kāsýapa-Jñānakāṇḍah̥): a ritual handbook of the Vaikhānasas, transl. and ann., The Hague (Disputationes Rheno-Trajectinae 10). – Also published as PhD thesis Utrecht.
1968 “The Balinese Indrastava.” ALB 31-32 (Raghavan felicitation volume), 1967-68: 158-170.
1970 “Sanskrit texts and Indian religion in Bali.” In: Lokesh Chandra et al. (eds), India ’s contribution to world thought and culture: Vivekananda commemoration volume, Madras, pp. 555-564.
“Vaikhānasa daily worship.” IIJ 12: 161-215.
1971 & C. Hooykaas (eds), Stuti and Stava (Bauddha, Śaiva and Vaiṣṇava) of Balinese Brahman priests [Sanskrit texts; ed. with introd., translation and notes], Amsterdam (VKNAW NR 76).
1972 “Vīrya- and vīra- in Balinese Sanskrit hymns.” In: Perala Ratnam (ed.), Studies in Indo-Asian art and culture, vol. 1: Commemoration volume on the 69th birthday anniversary of Acharya Raghu Vira, New Delhi, pp. 55-61.
Review of: K. Parameswara Aithal (ed.), Stotrasamuccaya, Madras 1969. ZDMG 122: 415-417.
1973 “Manifestations of Śiva in the Balinese hymn collection.” In: Perala Ratnam (ed.), Studies in Indo-Asian art and culture, vol . 2: Commemoration volume on the 70th birthday anniversary of Acharya Raghu Vira, New Delhi, pp. 61-69.
“Deities of the tree-cutting ceremony in Vaikhānasa Āgama.” ALB 37: 75-86.
“Tumburu and his sisters.” WZKS 17: 49-95.
1975 “Comparing Celtic and Indo-Aryan traditions: some dangers.” ALB 39: 205-223.
Review of: Frances Wilson (ed./trsl.), The Bilvamaṅgalastava, Leiden 1973. ZDMG 125: 155-158.
1976 “Some recent publications on Balinese religion: a review article.” Review of Indonesian and Malayan Affairs (Sydney) 10: 121-132.
1977 “Khaḍga-Rāvaṇa and his worship in Balinese and Indian Tantric sources.” WZKS 21: 143-169.
1978 Māyā divine and human: a study of magic and its religious foundations in Sanskrit texts, with particular attention to a fragment on Viṣṇu’s Māyā preserved in Bali. Delhi [etc.].
1979 & S. Gupta and D.J. Hoens, Hindu Tantrism, Leiden (Handbuch der Orientalistik 2,4,2).
1981 & S. Gupta, Hindu Tantric and Śākta literature, Wiesbaden (A history of Indian literature 2,2).
Een bescheiden onderkomen: historisch overzicht van de studie van de Oosterse talen en kulturen aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht, Utrecht.
“Two stanzas of Balinese Sanskrit located in an Indian Tantra.” BTLV 137: 477-479.
1983 “Some beliefs and rituals concerning time and death in the Kubjikāmata.” In: Ria Kloppenborg (ed.), Selected studies on ritual in the Indian religions: essays to D.J. Hoens, Leiden, pp. 92-117.
1985 The Vīṇāśikhatantra: a Śaiva tantra of the left current, ed. with an introduction and a translation, Delhi.
1986 “Kubjikā’s Samayamantra and its manipulation in the Kubjikāmata.” In: A. Padoux (ed.), Mantras et diagrammes rituels dans l’Hindouisme, Paris, pp. 141-160, 160-167 (discussion).
“Vedic kṛtyā and the terminology of magic.” In: W. Morgenroth (ed.), Sankrit and world culture: proceedings of the fourth world Sanskrit conference of the IASS, held at Weimar, DDR, 23-30 May 1979, Berlin, pp. 450-456.
1987 “On the Goddess’ “phases of life” in some Hinduistic texts.” In: Dirk van der Plas (ed.), Effigies Dei: essays on the history of religions (Studies in the history of religions, Supplements to Numen 51), Leiden, pp. 69-82.
“Magic in South Asia.” In: M. Eliade et al. (eds), Encyclopaedia of religion, Chicago, vol. 9, pp. 109-112.
“Māyā.” In: M. Eliade et al. (eds), Encyclopaedia of religion, Chicago, vol. 9, pp. 297-298.
“Gaccha tvaṃ bhārate varṣe: an oft-quoted śloka and its implications.” In: J. Singh e.a. (eds), Navonmeṣa, Gopinath Kaviraj commemoration volume, vol. 4 (English), Varanasi, pp. 292-299.
1988 & J.A. Schoterman (eds), The Kubjikāmatatantra: Kulālikāmnāya version, Leiden [etc.] (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 30).
“The seven seats of the Goddess in the Kulacūḍāmaṇi.” In: B. Shastri (ed.), Svarna Bharati: souvenir of the Golden Jubilee, Nalbari Sanskrit College, Nalbari, pp. 22-39.
Review of: Heinz Bechert, Die Lebenszeit des Buddha – das älteste feststehende Datum der indischen geschichte?, Göttingen 1986. Mundus 24: 4-6.
Review of: Shishir Kumar Panda, Herrschaft und Verwaltung im östlichen Indien unter den späten Gangas (c. 1038-1434), Stuttgart 1986. Mundus 24: 32-35.
Review of: Hugh von Skyhawk (ed.), Minorities on themselves, Stuttgart 1986 (South Asian Digest of Historical Writing 11). Mundus 24: 160-161.
Review of: Louise H. Finn (trsl.), The Kulacūḍāmaṇi Tantra and the Vāmakeśvara Tantra with the Jayaratha commentary, introduced, translated and annotated, Wiesbaden 1986. JAOS 108: 640-642.
1990 Editor of: The Sanskrit tradition and Tantrism, Leiden (Panels of the VIIth world Sanskrit conference, Kern Institute, Leiden, August 23-29, 1987, vol. 1).
“The Ātman as charioteer: treatment of a Vedic allegory in the Kulālikāmnāya.” In: Teun Goudriaan (ed.), The Sanskrit tradition and Tantrism, Leiden (Panels of the VIIth world Sanskrit conference 1), pp. 43-55.
“Jan Anthony Schoterman (1948-1989).” IIJ 33: 277-278.
Review of: Hélène Brunner-Lachaux (trad.), Mṛgendrāgama, section des rites et section du comportement, avec la Vṛtti de Bhaṭṭa Nārāyaṇakaṇṭha, traduction, introduction et notes, Pondichéry 1985 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 69). IIJ 33: 53-63.
1991 Review of: Gudrun Bühnemann, Pūjā: a study in Smārta ritual, Wien 1988 (Publications of the De Nobili Research Library 15) and of: Gudrun Bühnemann, The worship of the Mahāgaṇapati according to the Nityotsava, Wichtrach 1988. IIJ 34: 287-298.
Review of: Wilhelm Rau, Naturbeobachtung und Handwerkskunst im vorislamischen Indien, Stuttgart 1986. WZKS 35: 207-208.
Review of: Ludo Rocher (ed.), Ezourvedam: a French Veda of the eighteenth century, Amsterdam-Philadelphia 1984. WZKS 35: 217-218.
1992 Editor of: Ritual and speculation in early Tantrism: studies in honor of André Padoux, Albany, N.Y. (SUNY series in Tantric studies).
“The stages of awakening in the Svacchanda-Tantra.” In: T. Goudriaan (ed.), Ritual and speculation in early Tantrism: studies in honor of André Padoux, Albany, N.Y. (SUNY series in Tantric studies), pp. 139-173.
“The pluriform Ātman from the Upaniṣads to the Svacchanda Tantra.” WZKSA 36: 163-186.
1993 “Obituary Jan Gonda (14/4/1905-28/7/1991).” In: Siegfried Lienhard (ed.), Newsletter of the International Association of Sanskrit Studies, 1993, nr. 4: 18-20.
Review of: Gérard Colas, Le temple selon Marīci: extraits de la Marīci-Saṃhitā étudiés, édités et traduits, Pondichéry 1986 (Publications de l’Institut Français d’Indologie 71). IIJ 36: 54-60.
Review of: Hans-Georg Türstig (ed.), Yantracintāmaṇiḥ of Dāmodara, critically edited, Stuttgart 1988. IIJ 36: 60-63.
Review of: Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Le Tantra de Svayaṃbhū, vidyāpāda, avec le commentaire de Sadyojyoti, édition et traduction, Genève 1991 (École Pratique des Hautes Études 4,2,27), JAOS 113,4: 603-605.
Review of: A. Padoux, Vāc: the concept of the word in selected Hindu Tantras, translated by Jacques Gontier, Albany 1990. WZKS 37: 238-240.
1994 & Jan A. Schoterman† (eds), The Kubjikā Upaniṣad, with a transl., introd., notes and appendices, Groningen: Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies 10).
“Rejection of duality: on the Ātman conception in the Viṣṇu-Purāṇa.” WZKS 38 (Orbis Indicus: Gerhardo Oberhammer lustrum xiii. exigenti ab amicis discipulisque oblatus): 435-449.
1995 “Avontuur op een lijkenveld: over magie in Oudindische literatuur.” In: Mineke Schipper en Piet Schrijvers (red.), Bezweren en betoveren: magie en literatuur wereldwijd, Baarn, pp. 95-105.
“Van Rājyaśrī tot Mokṣalakṣmī.” Lecture in Dutch, Oostersch Genootschap te Leiden 1995. – Unpublished.
Review of: Walter Slaje (Hrsg.), Bhāskarakaṇṭhas Mokṣopāya-Ṭīkā: ein Kommentar in der Tradition der kaschmirischen Yogavāsiṣṭha-Überlieferung, zweites Prakaraṇa (Mumukṣuvyavahāra), Graz 1993 (Materialien für eine kritische Ausgabe des Mokṣopāya 1). WZKS 39: 269-271.
1996 Kind van een herderin – Shiwa’s gestalten: religieuze poëzie uit het oudere Hindoeïsme, bew. [uit het Sanskrit Bhaagawata Poeraana, en de Shaiwatantra van Bali], Utrecht.
“Translating problematic Balinese Stuti-s.” In: Enrica Garzilli (ed.), Translating, translations, translators from India to the west, Cambridge, MA (Harvard Oriental Series: Opera Minora 1), pp. 25-38.
“Speech of the Gurus: instances of treatment of Sanskrit in Tantric literature.” In: Jan E.M. Houben (ed.), Ideology and status of Sanskrit: contributions to the history of the Sanskrit language, Leiden (Brill’s Indological Library 13), pp. 265-274.
Review of: Walter Slaje (Hrsg.), Bhāskarakaṇṭhas Mokṣopāya-Ṭīkā: ein Kommentar in der Tradition der kaschmirischen Yogavāsiṣṭha-Überlieferung, die Fragmente des 3. (Utpatti)-Prakaraṇa, Graz 1995 (Materialien für eine kritische Ausgabe des Mokṣopāya 2), and of: Walter Slaje, Vom Mokṣopāya-Śāstra zum Yogavāsiṣṭha-Mahārāmāyaṇa: philologische Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungs- und Überlieferungs-geschichte eines indischen Lehrwerks mit Anspruch auf Heilsrelevanz, Wien 1994. WZKS 40: 229-233.
1997“The Glory of spiritual release.” In: T. Sarmah and N. Sharma (eds), Bhāratavidyā-saurabham: dr Biswanarayan Shastri felicitation volume, Guwahati, pp. 103-107.
1998  “Het nakomen van een verplichting: een thema uit oudindische avonturenverhalen.” In: S. Houppermans, W.L. Idema en R. Kruk (red.), Op avontuur! Aspecten van avonturenverhalen in Oost en West, Zutphen 1998, pp. 186-203.
Review of: Walter Slaje (Hrsg.), Bhāskarakaṇṭhas Mokṣopāya-Ṭīkā: ein Kommentar in der Tradition der kaschmirischen Yogavāsiṣṭha-Überlieferung, 1. (Vairāgya-)Prakaraṇa, Graz 1996 (Materialien für eine kritische Ausgabe des Mokṣopāya 3). WZKS 42: 220-221.
2000 “Over de rand: schokkende confrontaties met vergelding in het oude India.” In: Sjef Houppermans, Remke Kruk en Henk Maier (red.), Van gene zijde: verhalen over hemel en hel, Rijswijk Z.H., pp. 42-56.
2001 “The wedding of Śiva and the Goddess in the Kulālikāmnāya.” In: D.G. White (ed.), Tantra in practice, Princeton N.J., pp. 184-194.
2002 “Imagery of the self from Veda to Tantra.” In: Katherine Anne Harper and Robert L. Brown (eds), The roots of Tantra, Albany N.Y., pp. 171-192. – [Note by T. Goudriaan: The article has not been submitted to me for revision. I am not responsible for the great number of changes made in my text].
2007 ‘Hoe het begon’ (Aadiparwan): boek I van het Mahaabhaarata, samenvatting. Leiden: Kern Institute, Groningen: Barkhuis (Kern Institute miscellanea 12).