Hedwig Ingrid Rigmodis (Hedi) Hinzler
South and Southeast Asia, particularly Java and Bali
Curriculum vitae
1942 | born in ’s-Gravenhage on June 1 |
1954-1961 | gymnasium B, ’s-Gravenhage |
1964-1971 | studied archaeology and ancient history of South and Southeast Asia, including Sanskrit, Old Javanese, and cultural anthropology, Leiden University |
studied privately Balinese with C. Hooykaas; worked as piano player | |
1967-1972 | student assistant of Th.P. Galestin, the Kern Institute, Leiden University |
1972-1978 | assistant, and next, associate professor, the Kern Institute, Leiden University |
1978-20.. | associate professor ancient history of Southeast Asia, department of Southeast Asia and Oceania, Leiden University |
1981 | PhD under the supervision of E.M. Uhlenbeck |
1989-1994 | Indonesian Archaeology Photo Documentation System project, Leiden University Library |
1995-2010 | unsalaried position (‘nul aanstelling’), department of Archaeology, Leiden University |
to the present | ongoing research and field work |
Special activities and positions
- Field work in Indonesië (Java, Sumatra and particularly Bali, 1972-present), northern India (1976, 1999-2003), Nepal (1976), Thailand (1976, 1990, 1997), Vietnam (1998), Cambodia (1999-2004) and Mongolia (2005)
- Continuation of the Balinese Manuscript Project (BMP, set up by C. Hooykaas in 1971), 1979-present
- Co-founder of the Indonesian Modern Art Foundation (Stichting Indonesische Moderne Kunst, IMK), 1985
- Member of the board of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV)
- Chairman (presently; since 1986 member of the board) of the Walter Spies Foundation
- Founder and co-ordinator of three gamelan groups in Amsterdam, 1992-presently
- Co-worker in the data base project South and South East Asian Corpus of Archaeology and Related Texts (SSEACOR-SEACHART), 1998-2004
- Co-worker at the Bali project (transliteration, translation) of Malat, a text in middle Javanese language, 2000-2003
- Co-organizer (with the Museum of National History) of an excavation in Khermen Denj on the Tuul river, Mongolia, 2005
- Compiler of the digital palaeographic atlas based on Khmer, Cam and Javanse inscriptions, 1999-present
- Organizer of many festivals, performances, wajang projects, exhibitions and conferences, in the Netherlands and abroad, to the present
1974 “The Balinese Babad.” In: Sartono Kartodirdjo (ed.), Profiles of Malay culture, historiography, religion and politics, Yogyakarta, pp. 39-52.
– Lampahan Wayang Jan Klaassen miwah I Katren Ngrereh I Twalen, 8p., text & performance in Balinese in Bali.
1975 Wayang op Bali, Den Haag, 83 pp. (Nederlandse Vereniging voor het Poppenspel).
– “Geesten en demonen in Krambitan, een desa op Bali, tektekan.” Verre Naasten Naderbij 8,3: 79-95.
1976 & Alit Veldhuisen-Djajasoebrata, “Een Oost Javaans gouden sieraad.” BVVAK 23: 3-7.
– Vertellingen op doek: tentoonstelling Balische schilderingen op doek, Museum voor Land- en Volkenkunde, Rotterdam, 16 pp.
1977 “Balinesische Ikonographie.” ZDMG, Supplement III, 2: 873-880.
1979 “The Balinese Barid Dadap, its tradition and texts.” ZDMG, Supplement IV: 450-453.
– & J.A. Schoterman, “A preliminary note on two recently discovered MSS of the Nāgarakṛtāgama.” BTLV 135,4: 481-484.
1980 & J.A. Schoterman, Het verhaal van Sumanā in Nepal op een ‘pauba’ anno 1859/60, Antwerpen, 40 pp. (Verhandelingen van het Ethnografisch Museum van de Stad Antwerpen 5). – Contains summaries in French, German and English.
– “Bibliografie C. Hooykaas.” Add. to J.L. Swellengrebel’s “In memoriam C. Hooykaas.” BTLV 136,2: 191-215.
1981 Bima Swarga in Balinese Wayang, ’s-Gravenhage, 403 pp. – PhD thesis Leiden; also publ. as as Verhandelingen KITLV 90.
– “Christiaan Hooykaas.” In: Jaarboek MNL 1981: 154-162.
1983 “The artist behind the drawings.” Indonesia Circle 30: 5-12.
– “The Balinese Manuscript Project.” Southeast Asia Library Group Newsletter 25: 7.
1984 “Wat is Wayang?” Leereenheid 21, Open Universiteit, Oriëntatiecursus Cultuurwetenschappen 4/3, pp. 15-52.
– “Javaanse vormentaal.” Leereenheid 22, Open Universiteit, Oriëntatiecursus Cultuurwetenschappen 4/3, pp. 53-77.
1984 Katalogus Sementara dari Lukisan Bali di atas Kertas, yang terdapat pada Koleksi Gedong Kirtya Singaraja, 300 pp.
– & T. Seebass, The burning of the wood of Tratébang, Lelampahan wayang, gramm. record with textbook and commentary.
1985 Inventaris van de collectie Van der Sleen-Van Wessem m.b.t. de nalatenschap van Walter Spies, t.b.v. de Universiteitsbibliotheek [University of Leiden], 55 pp.
– Inventaris van de wetenschappelijk notities van Dr. J.L. Swellengrebel zoals deze zijn gedeponeerd in de Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden (Cod. Or. 18.840-18.875), Leiden, 67 pp.
– Syllabus Balische Rituelen, [Leiden], 95 pp.
– “Bali, land, volk, religie en literatuur.” In: Inleiding tot de cultuurkunde van Indonesië, Vakgroep TCZOA, [University of Leiden], pp. 18-28.
– Review of: C. Hooykaas, Drawings of Balinese sorcery, Leiden 1980. OLZ 80,1: 80-81.
1986 Editor of: Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology: essays offered to Dr. J. G. de Casparis on the occasion of his retirement pres. by colleagues and former students at the archaeological conference held on 2 June 1986 in Leiden , Leiden (Studies in South and Southeast Asian Archaeology [1]), 95 p.
– “Asian collections in the Netherlands: importance and maintenance.” In: H.I.R. Hinzler (ed.), Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology: essays offered to Dr. J. G. de Casparis on the occasion of his retirement pres. by colleagues and former students at the archaeological conference held on 2 June 1986: in Leiden , Leiden (Studies in South and Southeast Asian Archaeology [1]), pp. 21-30.
– Catalogue of Balinese manuscripts in the library of the University of Leiden, part I: The drawings from the Van der Tuuk collection, 450 pp.; part II: Descriptions of the Balinese drawings from the Van der Tuuk collection, 515 pp. [Leiden].
– “The Usana Bali as a source of history.” In: Papers of the fourth Indonesian-Dutch history conference, Yogyakarta, 24-29 July 1983, 2 vols, Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University Press, vol. 2: Literature and history, pp. 124-162.
– “Facts, myth, legitimation and time in Balinese historiography.” In: Balinese state and society: Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology, International Workshop on Indonesian Studies 1) : Leiden, 21-24 April, 1986, [Leiden], pp.
1987 “In search of Balinese authors: the story of Padanda Wanasara.” In: Punya: cenderamata untuk profesor emeritus A. Teeuw / penyunting I Gusti Ngurah Bagus, Denpasar, 36 pp.
– “The Karang Bintulu, a Balinese ornament.” In: Papers & abstracts of papers, Bali Conference in Denpasar, Society for Balinese Studies, 12 pp.
1988 & Marijke J. Klokke, Inleiding tot de archeologie van Zuidoost Azië, Leiden: H.I.R. Hinzler (Studies in Zuid en Zuidoost Aziatische Archeologie 3).
– Editor of: Essays offered to dr R. Soekmono on the occasion of his retirement as the first occupant of the “Wisselleerstoel” for Indonesian Studies in Leiden, September 1986-June 1987 , Leiden.
– “On Balinese name-giving rituals.” In: Luigi Santa Maria et al. (eds), Papers from the IIIrd European colloquium on Malay and Indonesian Studies, Naples, 2-4 June 1981, Napoli, pp. 121-146.
1989 “Universitair onderwijs en onderzoek op het gebied van niet-westerse podiumkunsten: performing arts van Indonesia,” paper conferentie niet-westerse podiumkunsten, Souterijn Theater, Amsterdam, CESO, 10 oktober 1989, 18 pp.
– “Bali: land, volk, religie en literatuur.” In: W. van der Molen (red.), Semayan 1, Indonesiana, Cultuurkunde van Indonesië, Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost-Azie en Oceanie, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden, pp. 24-36.
1991 “Onnes Kurkdjian: viewmaker and entrepreneur.” In: J.L. Reed, Toward independence: a century of Indonesia photographed, San Francisco, pp. 59-64.
1992 “Tussen Javazee en Hemelberg.” In: H.I.R. Hinzler, P. ter Keurs and M. Klokke, Boeddha en Shiva op Java, Leiden, pp. 27-90.
– “Has Balinese culture changed?” In: Papers meeting Society for Balinese Studies, Denpasar, August 1992, 13p.
– “Balinese palm leaf manuscripts: manufacture, manipulation and magic: writing materials, writing ans scribes.” In: Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology (ed.), Southeast Asian Manuscripts, Leiden (International Workshop on Indonesian Studies 7), 26 pp.
– “The Indonesian Archaeology Photograph and Documentation System, IAPDS,” paper IFLA Conference, New Delhi, 26 augustus – 3 september 1992, 7 p.
1993 “Balinese Palm-leaf manuscripts.” BTLV 149,3: 438-475.
– “On protection and textiles in Bali, some theoretical observations.” In: M.-L. Nabholz-Karaschoff, R. Barnes & J.D. Stuart-Fox (eds), Weaving patterns of life, Indonesian textile symposium 1991 [Basel, 26th to 30th August 1991], Basel, pp. 71-84.
– Balische tekencursus, tekeningen M. Luyendijk, Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, Leiden.
1994 Gita Yuddha Mengwi or Kidung Ndèrèt: a facsimile edition of manuscript Cod. Or. 23.059 in the Library of Leiden University, Leiden (Manuscripta Indonesica 4), 32 pp.
– “Balinese manuscripts and their use.” Indonesian Heritage Series, juli 1994.
– “Spatial arrangement in traditional Balinese painting.” Seminar cluster vakgroep Talen en Culturen ZO Azie, 12 p.
– “Tempels en tempelnetwerken op Bali, religieuze architectuur.” Paper …. 15 p.
– “Moderne schilderkunst van Bali, 1830-1940.” Aziatische Kunst 24,4: 2-20.
1995 Kultuurcursus Wayang Kulit Bali, Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, Leiden.
– “Masks and their use in the performing arts of Bali.” In: Musee de Carnaval, Binche, 14 pp.
– “Building in Bali past and present: a question of re-orientation.” In: Society for Balinese Studies (SBS) Workshop, Sydney, xx p.
– “Gold and gold jewellery in ancient Java.” Conference Archaeology, KITLV Leiden, 23 pp.
1996 “Musik Bali de Belanda.” Seminar Musik Bali, masa Lalu, Kini dan prospeknya, Denpasar, 31 Augustus 1996, 6p.
1997 “Moderne Balinese schilderkunst na 1945.” Aziatische Kunst 27,3: 2-18.
– “Balinese vertellingen.” In: Een wereld vol verhalen, Studium Generale, Leiden, pp. 47-60.
– “Geweld en geaccepteerd geweld in Java en Bali.” paper Conferentie Niet Westerse Kunst, Leiden, 1997, 17 pp.
– “How the Balinese re-defined their cultural identity: influence of tourism.” Symposium Kultur-Tourismus, Umwelt, Bali im Schnittpunkt lokaler, nationaler und globaler Interessen, Georg-August Universität Göttingen, 21/2-23/2/1997, 12pp.
1998 “Maskers en maskerspelen op Bali.” Aziatische Kunst 28,4: 15-29.
– “Aesthetics and modern Balinese art.” 28 May 1998 conference paper.
– Ancient Indonesian Architecture, sacred buildings and structures, Hindu, Buddhist and early Islam, Reader.
– “Wayang Puppet Plays in Indonesia.” In: From the land of the shining sun and moon shadows: the Bebler Indonesian Collection of the Slovene Ethnographic Museum, pp. 111-136.
– “Buildings and temples in Old Javanese texts.” International Workshop on South-East Asian Studies 13, The Study of Old Javanese Texts, Leiden, 15 p.
1999 “Dharmakancana, the magic spell for making gold: gold and jewellery in Hindu-Buddhist Java from the 10th to the 15th century.” In: W. Kal (ed.), Precious metals in early South East Asia: Proceedings of the second seminar on Gold Studies, Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam, pp. 27-38.
2000 1000 jaar eten en drinken op Java en Bali, Instituut Indonesische Cursussen, Leiden.
– “Food and drink in ancient Java and Bali.” In: Indonesian Environmental History Newsletter 14: 8-11.
2001 “The book in ancient Java: books, writing, writing material, and reading in written and visual evidence.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof. J.G. de Casparis, … on the occasion of his 85th birthday, Groningen (Gonda Indological Studies 11), pp. 157-190.
2002 “Sanskrit, theatre and recipies from the Borobudur.” CNWS newsletter 22: 36.
– Lelampahan Wayang Prins Roodkap en de Wolf- Demon Koning, Pasar Malam Besar Den Haag 2002, tekst, 10p., en performances.
– Lelampahan wayang Emanuel Rodenburg naar Bali, Wayangnacht Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, 2 november 2002, tekst, 4p., en performances.
2006 Editor of: Yazir Marzuki, Het verleden van het heden, landen van herkomst, Tirtha Jati, Tabanan, 133 p.
2008 Javaanse Kancil verhalen: Kancil red het bos en de dieren, Kancil steelt komkommers, Kancil en de slak, Het verhaal van de tijger en de oude put , bewerkt voor wayang en gespeeld door HIR Hinzler, KIT project Kindermuseum, Amsterdam, 18 pp. & film performance.
2009 “Karya Terjemahan di Pulau Bali Dahulu dan Sekarang.” In: H. Chambert-Loir (ed,), Sadur, Sejarah Terjemahan di Indonesia dan Malaysia, EFEO, pp. 235-357.
– Made to order: images of north Balinese art objects of the late 19th and early 20th century in Dutch collections, catalogue exhibition in Museum Buleleng, Singaraja, July 2009, 66 p.
– “Made to order: images of north Balinese art objects of the late 19th and early 20th century in Dutch collections.” In: Reader of the international conference and festival North Balinese Culture, Singaraja, 30 July – 20 August 2009, pp. 19-23, 32.
2010 “Food and drinks in the Ramayana in ancient Java.” In: Papers Seminar Nasional Bahasa dan Sastra Jawa Kuna, Dulu, Kini dan Ke Depan, Fakultas Sastra Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, 21 November 2011, pp. 1-40.
2011 “Wayang databank project.” In: Nieuwsbrief 14a (Poppenspelmuseum, Vorchten), 6p. & database.
2012 “Traditional Balinese painting.” In: First International Festival of Classical Balinese Painting, July 28-October 28, 2012, Nyoman Gunarsa Museum, Banjarangkan, Klungkung, 80 pp.
– “Ritual and social solidarity in religious traditions of Hindus in Bali.”
– “The King is dead, Long live the new King, the case of the new King”, Seminar Universitas Udayana, Denpasar, 12 pp.