J.M. (Maarten) Bavinck
South Asia
Curriculum vitae
1954 | born in Baarn on 21 October |
1972 | examination high school, Kodaikanal, South India |
1981 | MA degree in development sociology/social anthropology, Free University of Amsterdam |
1981-1984 | lecturer development sociology, Free University of Amsterdam |
1985 | consultant, Dutch Refugee Council |
1989-1994 | consultant development cooperation |
1998 | PhD under the supervision of G.A. de Bruijne and I.S.A. Baud, University of Amsterdam |
1998-2000 | consultant development cooperation |
2000-2009 | assistant-professor, Department of Human Geography, University of Amsterdam |
2009-present | associate professor, Department of Human Geography, University of Amsterdam |
Special activities and positions
- Director, Centre for Maritime Research (MARE), a joint initiative of the University of Amsterdam and Wageningen University (Dept of Social Sciences), 2000-present
- Co-editor of MARE Publication Series, 2003-present
- Board member of Oikos, 2008-present
1979 & F. van Dijk, The transformation of a fishing economy: the case of Kadalur, Sri Lanka: research report, Amsterdam: [s.n.], iv, 113 p.
1981 The fortification of petty commodity fish production in North Sri Lanka: an exploration, Amsterdam, v, 129 p.
– Et al., ‘Blauwe Revolutie’ in India: miljoenen vissers bedreigd door opmars trawlers, onder red. van Themagroep ‘Visserij in India’, Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep, 70 p.
1984 Small fry: the economy of petty fishermen in Northern Sri Lanka, Amsterdam: Free University Press.
1996 “Fisher regulations along the Coromandel coast: a case of collective control of common pool resources.” Marine policy: the international journal for economics planning and politics of ocean exploitation 20,6: 475-482.
1997 “Changing balance of power at sea: motorization of small-scale fishing craft.” EPW 32,5: 198-200.
1998 One sea, three contenders: legal pluralism in the inshore fisheries of the Coromandel Coast, India, [S.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
– “‘A matter of maintaining the peace:’ state accomodation to subordinate legal systems: the case of fisheries along the Coromandel Coast of Tamil Nadu.” Journal of Legal Pluralism 40: 151-170.
2001 Marine resource management: conflict and regulation in the fisheries of the Coromandel coast , New Delhi [etc.]: Sage Publications, 394 p.
– “Caste panchayats and regulation of fisheries in Tamil Nadu.” EPW 36,13: 1088-1094.
2003 “The spatially splintered state: myths and realities in the regulation of marine fisheries in Tamil Nadu, India.” Development and Change 34,4: 633-657.
2005 Et al., Interactive fisheries governance: a guide to better practice, Delft: Eburon, 72 p.
– “Understanding fisheries conflicts in the South – a legal pluralist perspective.” Society and Natural Resources 18 (9).
2006 & K. Karunaharan, Legal pluralism in the marine fisheries of Ramnad district, Tamil Nadu, India, New Delhi-The Hague: WOTRO (Working papers series IDPAD 2), 84 p.
– & K. Karunaharan, “A history of nets and bans: restrictions on technical innovation along the Coromandel Coast of India.” Maritime Studies – MAST 5,1: 45-59.
2007 & I. Monnereau, “Assessing the social costs of capture fisheries: an exploratory study.” Social Science Information 46,1: 135-152.
– Review of: Cecilia Busby, The performance of gender: an anthropology of everyday life in a South Indian fishing village, London 2000. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 13,2: 515-516.
2008 “Collective strategies and windfall catches: fisher responses to tsunami relief efforts in South India.” Transforming Cultures 3,2: 17 pp.
– Et al., “Interactive governance and governability: an introduction.” The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 7,1: 11 pp.
– & V. Salagrama, “Assessing the governability of capture fisheries in the Bay of Bengal – a conceptual enquiry.” The Journal of Transdisciplinary Environmental Studies 7,1: 13 pp.
– Et al., “Time-zoning for the safe-guarding of capture fisheries: a closed season in Tamil Nadu, India.” Marine Policy 32: 369-378.
– & D. Johnson, “Handling the legacy of the blue revolution in India – social justice and small-scale fisheries in a negative growth scenario.” American Fisheries Society Symposium 49: 585-599.
2009 Et al., “Fisheries co-management and legal pluralism: how an analytical problem becomes an institutional one.” Human Organization 68,1: 27-38.
2011 & Arne Eide and J. Raakjear, “Avoiding poverty: distributing wealth in fisheries.” In: Svein Jentoft and Arne Eide, Poverty mosaics: realities and prospects in small-scale fisheries, pp. 13-25.
– “Wealth, poverty, and immigration: the role of institutions in the fisheries of Tamil Nadu, India.” In: Ibidem, pp. 173-191.
– & O. Amarasinghe, “Building resilience: fisheries cooperatives in Southern Sri Lanka.” In: Ibidem, pp. 383-406.
– Et al., “A better future: prospects for small-scale fishing people.” In: Ibidem, pp. 451-469.
– & Andy Thorpe and Pierre Failler, “Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Special Feature: Editorial.” Environmental Management 47: 519-524.
– & Vriddagiri Vivekanandan, “Conservation, conflict and the governance of fisher wellbeing: analysis of the establishment of the Gulf of Mannar National Park and Biosphere Reserve.” Environmental Management 47: 593-602.
– “The mega-engineering of ocean fisheries: a century of expansion and rapidly closing frontiers.” In: S.D. Brunn, Engineering Earth: the impcts of mega-engineering projects, Dordrecht, pp. 257-273.
2012 “Governance, poverty and social justice in the coastal fisheries of India.” In: Nicky Pouw and Isa Baud (eds), Local governance and poverty in developing nations, New York: Routledge, pp. 115-137.
– “Job satisfaction in the shrimp trawl fisheries of Chennai, India.” Social Indicators Research 109,1: 53-66.
– Et al., “Introduction to the special issue on job satisfaction in fisheries in the global south.” Social Indicators Research 109,1: 1-10.
– & R. Pollnac and I. Monnereau, “Job satisfaction in fisheries compared.” Social Indicators Research 109,1: 119-133.
2013 Et al., “Governability – new directions in fisheries governance.” In: Maarten Bavinck et al., Governability of fisheries and aquaculture: theory and applications, Dordrecht (MARE Publication Series 7), pp. 3-8.
– & J. Kooiman, “Theorizing governability – the interactive governance perspective.” In: Ibidem, pp. 9-30.
– & J. Scholtens, “South Indian trawl fisheries – assessing their governability.” In: Ibidem, pp. 177-199.
– & Jan Kooiman, “Applying the governability concept in fisheries – explorations from South Asia.” In: Ibidem, pp. 131-153.
– & J. Stephen, A. Menon and J. Scholtens, “Transboundary dia-logues and the ‘Politics of Scale’ in Palk Bay fisheries: brothers at sea?” South Asia Review 33,2: 141-161.
– Et al., “From indifference to mutual support: a comparative analysis of legal pluralism in the governing of South Asian fisheries.” European Journal of Development Research 25,4: 621-640.
2014 “Investigating poverty through the lens of riches – immigration and segregation in Indian capture fisheries.” Development Policy Review 32,1: 33-52. doi: 10.1111/dpr.12042
– & M. Sowman and A. Menon, “Theorizing participatory governance in contexts of legal pluralism: a conceptual reconnaissance of fishing conflicts and their resolution.” In: M. Bavinck, L. Pellegrini & E. Mostert (eds), Conflicts over natural resources in the Global South: conceptual approaches, Leiden: CRC Press, pp. 147-171.
– & J. Scholtens, “Lessons for legal pluralism: investigating the challenges of transboundary fisheries governance.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 11: 10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.09.017
– & J. Gupta, “Legal pluralism in aquatic regimes: a challenge for governance.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 11: 78-85. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.10.003
– & J. Gupta, “Towards an elaborated theory of legal pluralism and aquatic resources.” Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 11: 86-93. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.10.007
– & J. Gupta, Editorial overview: Legal pluralism, governance and aquatic resources. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 11, v-vi. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2014.10.006
2015 “Fishing rights in post-war Sri Lanka: results of a longitudinal village enquiry in the Jaffna region.” Maritime Studies 14,1. doi: 10.1186/s40152-014-0019-0.
– & K. Subramanian and S. Jentoft, “Contesting inclusiveness: the anxieties of mechanized fishers over social boundaries in Chennai, South India.” European Journal of Development Research 27: 589-605.
– “Placating the sea goddess: analysis of a fisher ritual in Tamil Nadu, India.” Etnofoor 27,1: 89-100.
– & W.A.R. Wickramasinghe, “Institutional landscapes affecting small-scale fishing in Southern Sri Lanka – legal pluralism and its socio-economic effects.” Maritime Studies Journal 14/1/18
– Et al., “Post-tsunami relocation of fisher settlements in South Asia: evidence from the Coromandel Coast, India.” Disasters 39,3: 592-609. doi: 10.1111/disa.12113
– & A. Menon, J. Stephen and R. Manimohan, “The political ecology of palk bay fisheries: geographies of capital, fisher conflict, ethnicity and nation-state.” Antipode. doi: 10.1111/anti.12181
2016 “The role of informal fisher village councils (ur panchayat) in Nagapattinam District and Karaikal, India.” In: S. Siar, & D. Kalikoski (Eds.), Strengthening organizations and collective action in fisheries: Towards the formulation of a capacity development programme. (Vol. 41, pp. 383-404). (FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings; Vol. 41). Rome: FAO.
–& F. Hoefsloot and M. Wastiaux, “Responsible fisheries? A response to the ‘new path’ of co-governance.” Economic & Political Weekly.
2018 & J. Scholtens, “Transforming conflicts from the bottom-up? Reflections on civil society efforts to empower marginalized fishers in postwar Sri Lanka.” Ecology and Society 23,3: [31]. DOI: 10.5751/ES-10216-230331