Jan Brouwer
South India
Curriculum vitae
1948 | born in Amsterdam |
… | studied anthropology at Leiden University |
1988 | PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman and P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Leiden University |
2001-2005 | professor of cultural anthropology, North-Eastern Hill University in Shillong |
2001 | visiting professor of anthropology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris |
present | visiting professor of anthropology, USD, Mysore and PICA, Mumbai |
Special activities and positions
- Member executive board of the Netherlands-India Association, 1987-1989
- Member executive board of the National Association South Asian Studies (WOTRO), The Hague, 1988-1990
- Member Advisory Committee for South Asian Studies to WOTRO, The Hague, 1989-1990
- Convenor of international conferences a.o. in Mysore (1994, 2000) and Surat (1998)
- Member Committee on Planning of Integrated Traffic Management, Mysore, 1995-2002
- Vice president of the Centre of Cooperative Research in the Social Sciences, Pune, India
- Elected member executive board Mysore Music Association, 1997-2003 and 2005-2007
- Member of the Sri Kanteerava Narasimharaja Sports Club, Mysore (2001-present)
- Director Anthropology Brouwer Consultancy, The Hague-Mysore-Pune, 2012-present
Member editorial board of the Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge, New Delhi, 2001-present
1977 Handicrafts and craftsmen: some aspects of the social relations of the sandalwood- and rosewoodcarvers in rural and urban settings, Malnad Region and Mysore City, Karnataka State, India, Leiden (Publicatie / Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie en Sociologie der Niet-Westerse Volken, Rijksuniversiteit Leiden 20).
1978 “Structural analysis of a Visvakarma handbill collected in Karnataka State, India.” Paper presented to the Xth ICAES, New Delhi.
– & R. Payyanad, “Structural analysis of the Sri Mutappa myth.” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the FFI, Mysore.
1981 Review of: Documents relating to the Karnataka Industrial Sheds Project, Mysore (for the Royal Netherlands Embassy, New Delhi).
1985 “Stone and wood: their significance for the study of the Indian artisans.” In: A. Boeren et al. (eds), Festschrift Prof. A.A. Gerbrands, Leiden (ICA Publication 71).
1987 “An exploration of the traditional division of labour between the sexes in South Indian crafts.” In: A.M. Singh and A. Kelles-Viitanen (eds), Invisible hands: women in home-based production : [papers from the Regional conference for Asia on women and the household held in New Delhi from 27 to 31 January 1985], New Delhi: Sage, pp. 145-164.
– “The story of the magnetic fort.” In: A. de Ridder and J.A.J. Karremans (eds), The Leiden tradition in structural anthropology: essays in honour of P.E. de Josselin de Jong, Leiden: Brill, pp. 161-169.
– “A matter of liminalities: a study of women and crafts in South India.” Man in India 67,1: 1-22.
– “Riddles of raw materials: an exploration of the artisans’ view of stones and wood.” Man in India 67,2: 147-159.
– & L. J. Slikkerveer, Ignorance of local knowledge and perceptions as an impediment to development: the case of artisans organisation in South India, Leiden: University of Leiden (ICA working paper 72). – Paper presented to the International Symposium on Science, Technology and Development, New Delhi.
1988 Coping with dependence: craftsmen and their ideology in Karnataka (South India), s.l. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
1990 “Material expressions of thought: aspects of ironsmiths in South India.” Techniques et Cultures 15: 105-129.
– “The South Indian blacksmith and goldsmith: the Visvakarma view on iron and gold.” Indologica Taurinensia 15-16 [1989-90]: 91-104.
1991 “The artisans of India and Visvakarmas of Karnataka.” The Quarterly Journal of the Mythic Society 86,1/2: 1-30.
– “Die Gesellschaft als Körper: Geschlechtsspezifische Arbeitsteilung in Südindien.” Zeitschrift für Semiotik 13,1/2: 23-42.
– The choice of names: the use of names by Visvakarma artisans of Karnataka, Mysore: Place Names Society of India (The Haridas Bhat Endowment Lecture 1991, Lecture Series No.7).
1992 “The latecomers: a case study of caste and sub-caste of goldsmiths in Karnataka, South India.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden: Brill (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 5), pp. 433-454.
– “The modern state, Indian traditions and development.” In: V. N. Bhat (ed.), Development emerging sociological challenges, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, pp. 37-46.
1993 Cultural ideology and economic decisions: a case study of goldsmith in South India, New Delhi-The Hague (Occasional papers and reprints / Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development 1993,1).
1995 The makers of the world: caste, craft and mind of South Indian artisans, Delhi: Oxford University Press.
– “Contemporary social scientists, culture and computer.” In: B. N. Saraswati (ed.), Computerizing cultures, New Delhi: IGNCA and New Age Institution Publishers, pp. 66-75.
– “The Visvakarma world-view.” In: Kapila Vatsyayan (ed.), Prakriti: the integral vision, vol.1: Primal elements: the oral tradition, New Delhi: Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, pp. 71-85.
1996 “Indigenous knowledge and languages, a congress held at Mysore from 11-17 January 1996.” IIAS Newsletter 8.
– “Units of production in South India: an explanation of artisans’ choices.” In: Sanjay Subrahmanyam and Burton Stein (eds), Institutions and economics change in South Asia, New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press, pp. 249-274.
– “Artisanal units of production in South India: an exploration of the artisans’ choices.” In: B. Stein and S.Subrahmanyam (eds), Reader on production units in micro- and macro-structural perspectives, Delhi, pp. 237-248.
1997 “The goddess for development: indigenous economic concepts among south Indian artisans [Visvakarma caste, Karnataka].” Social Anthropology 5,1: 69-82.
– “Trees for timber and trees for the forest: aspects of indigenous knowledge of wood and stone in Karnataka, India.” In: Klaus Seeland and Franz Schmithusen (eds), Forstwissenschaftliche Beitrage der Professur Forstpolitik und Forstoekonomie 19. Local knowledge of forests and forest uses among tribal communities in India, Zurich: Department Wald-und Holzforschung, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, pp. 160-170.
– “The Indigenous concept of development in a contemporary local artisans’ narrative in Karnataka.” Journal of Social Sciences 2,4: 233-239.
– “Nomenclative expressions of thought: place names and other names related to artisans and their work in Karnataka.” Journal of Social Sciences 2,1: 17-29.
1998 “Indigenous knowledge, indigenous knowledge systems and indigenous technological knowledge: definitions.” Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 6,3: 13.
– Review of: Heidrun Bruckner, Fürstliche Feste: Texte und Rituale der Tulu Volksreligion an der Westküste Südindiens, Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz 1995. Asiatische Studien 52.
– Reply to: Paul Sillitoe’s paper “The development of indigenous knowledge: a new applied anthropology.” In: Current Anthropology 39,3: 351.
– Review of: Ulrich Demmer, Verwandtschaft und Sozialitaet bei den Jenu Kurumba – vom Arbeiten, vom Teilen und vom (Un)gleichheit in einer Suedindischen Sammler- und Jaegergesellschaft, Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag 1996. Asiatische Studien 52,4.
– Review of: Georg Pfeffer and Deepak K. Behera, Contemporary tribal studies, 2 vols, Delhi: Concept Publishing Company 1997. Journal of Social Sciences 2,1.
1999 “Artisans oral tradition as a resource on history.” In: J. Assayag (ed.), The resources of history: tradition, narration and nation in South Asia, Paris: École francaise d’ Extrême-Orient; Pondichéry: Institut francais de Pondichéry, pp. 213-232.
– “Modern and indigenous perceptions in small enterprises.” EPW 34,48: M152-M156.
– “South Indian craftsmen and indigenous economic concepts underlying their production and marketing practices.” In: Maker and meaning: craft and society: proceedings of the seminar, January 1999, Chennai: Madras Craft Foundation.
– “The complex sign processes of South Indian artisans.” European Journal for Semiotic Studies 11,1/3: 27-56.
– “Feminism and the indigenous knowledge system in India: an exploration.” In: R. Indira and D.K. Behera (eds), Gender and society in India, Delhi: Mana Publications, pp. 14-30.
– “Artisans’ narratives and the indigenous concept of development.” Journal of Indian Folkloristics NS 1,1: 61-70.
– “Urban settlement patterns of artisans in Karnataka: geographical expressions of thought.” The Eastern Anthropologist 52,3: 261-270.
– “The Indian blacksmith.” In: T. B. Subba (ed.), Wonder that is culture, New Delhi: Mittal Publications, pp. 195-222.
2000 “Conflict between modern and indigenous concepts in the small enterprise workplace: a proposal.” Social Anthropology 8,2: 181-201.
– “Practices are not without concepts: reflections on the use of indigenous knowledge in artisan and agricultural projects in India.” Journal of Social Sciences 4,1 (Special issue): 1-9.
– “Pancabhuta as an expression of the Self: (Project Report).” Vihangama 8: 14-15.
– “Small enterprises: the modern and indigenous perceptions.” In: P.M. Mathew (ed.), Small enterprise development: the experience of the South and the North, New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
– “Trees for timber and trees for the forest: aspects of indigenous knowledge of wood and stone in Karnataka, India. In: K. Seeland and Fr. Schmithusen (eds), Man in the forest: local knowledge and sustainable management of forests and natural resources in tribal communities in India, New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, pp. 345-360. – Cf. 1997.
2002 “Artisans indigenous knowledge: its relevance for development.” In: R.K. Bhattacharya and S.B. Chakrabarti (eds), Indian artisans: social institutions and cultural values, Kolkata: Anthropological Survey of India, pp. 23-42.
– “Multiculturalism as a modern and an indigenous concept in India.” In: K. Deb (ed.), Mapping multiculturalism, Jaipur: Rawat Publications, pp. 276-294.
– & T.B. Subba, “A unique university in Northeast India: NEHU and its possibilities.” IIAS Newsletter 28: 27.
2003 “Modern media of communication and indigenous knowledge in India and Europe: towards an anthropological perspective.” In: Jos Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden [etc.] (Brill’s Indological Library 19), pp. 307-324.
– “Indigenous knowledge, state and society: an exploration.” In: P. K. Misra (ed.), Studies in Indian anthropology: felicitation volume in honour of Professor Gopal Sarana, Delhi: Mittal.
– Review of: Burkhard Schnepel, Die Dschungelkönig: ethnohistorische Aspekte von Politik und Ritual in Südorissa, Indien, Würzburg: Ergon 1997. Asiatische Studien 57,4.
2004 “Cultural interaction, christianity and conversion: an anthropological perspective.” In: T.B. Subba and Sujit Som (eds), Between ethnography and fiction: Verrier Elwin and the tribal question in India, New Delhi: Orient Longman.
– “An exploration of indigenous knowledge for an anthropology of India.” In: P.K. Misra (ed.), Studies in Indian anthropology, New Delhi: Rawat Publications.
2005 Et al. editor of: Communication processes, vol. 1: Media and mediation, New Delhi: Sage.
2006 Et al. editor of: Communication processes, vol. 2: The social and the symbolic, New Delhi: Sage.
– “Indigenous knowledge and cultural interaction.” In: Lotika Varadarajan (ed.), Indo-Portuguese encounters: journeys in science, technology and culture, vol. 2, New Delhi-Lisbon, pp 649-665.
2007 “Culture and contrasting views on the individual, autonomy and mortality with special reference to India.” In: Paula Banerjee and Samir K. Das (eds), Autonomy beyond Kant and hermeneutics, London: Anthem Press, chapter 1.
2008 Et al. editor of: Communication processes, vol. 3: Culture and confrontation, New Delhi: Sage.