Jenneke Arens
Curriculum vitae
1973 | MA psychology, University of Utrecht |
2004 | MSc comparative Asian studies, University of Amsterdam |
2011 | PhD under the supervision of H.W. van Schendel, University of Amsterdam and R. Saptari, University of Leiden |
1977 & Jos van Beurden, Jhagrapur: poor peasants and women in a village in Bangladesh, Amsterdam-Birmingham, 189 p. – Translated into Bengali in 1980.
– & Jos van Beurden, “Classifying peasants in a village of Bangladesh.” Journal of the Institute of Bangladesh Studies 2: 143-161.
1979 & Jos van Beurden, “ ‘Life without land’: Jenneke Arens and Jos van Beurden talk to a labourer in Bangladesh who has to survive by working on other people’s land.” New Internationalist 28: 26-
1980 & Jos van Beurden, Jhagrapur: poor peasants and women in a village in Bangladesh, Calcutta: Orient Longman, 207 p.
– & Iosa phāna Byuradena, Jhagaṛāpura: grāmabāṃlāra gṛhastha o nārī, Dacca.
1982 “Learning from poor women: a method of village study.” In: Shamima Islam (ed.), Exploring the other half: field research with rural women in Bangladesh, Dhaka: Women for Women.
1985 “Learning from poor women: a method of village study.” In: Anwarullah Chowdhury (ed.), Pains and pleasures of fieldwork, Dhaka: National Institute of Local Government, pp. 69-83.
1997 “Winning hearts and minds: foreign aid and militarisation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.” EPW 32,29: 1811-1824, Mumbai, India.
– “Foreign aid and militarisation in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.” In: Subir Bhaumik, Meghna Guhathakurta, Sabyasachi Chaudhury, Living on the edge: essays on the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Katmandu: South Asia Forum For Human Rights.
2002 & Kirti Nishan Chakma, “Bangladesh: indigenous struggle in the Chittagong Hill Tracts.” In: Monique Mekenkamp, P.Van Tongeren, H. Van de Veen, Searching for peace in Central and South Asia, Boulder, London: Lynne Riener Publishers.
2010 & Kirti Nishan Chakma, “Indigenous struggle in the CHT.” In: Naeem Mohaiemen, Between ashes and hope: Chittagong Hill Tracts in the blind spot of Bangladesh nationalism, Dhaka: Drishtipat Writers’ Collective.
2011 Women, land and power in Bangladesh: Jhagrapur revisited , Amsterdam, xvi, 258 p. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
– “Genocide in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.” In: Samuel Totten, Robert K.Hitchcock (eds), Genocide: a critical bibliographic review, vol. 8: Genocide of indigenous peoples, New Brunswick, NJ [etc.]: Transaction, pp. 117-141.
2013 “Militarization of the CHT and its impact on the people.” In: Philip Gain (ed.), The Chittagong Hill Tracts: man-nature nexus torn, Dhaka: SEHD.
– Women, land and power in Bangladesh: Jhagrapur revisited, Dhaka: The University Press Limited. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam 2011