Johannes Cornelis (Jan) Breman
1936 – comparative and historical sociology Asia, India (Gujarat), Indonesia |
Curriculum vitae
1936 | born in Amsterdam on 24 July |
1956-1962 | studied social geography, student of among others W. Wertheim, University of Amsterdam |
1962-1976 | teaching position at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam |
1962-1964 | fieldwork in South Gujarat |
1970 | PhD under the supervision of W.F. Wertheim, University of Amsterdam |
1971-1972 | fieldwork in South Gujarat |
1976-1987 | reader in sociology of development, Erasmus University in Rotterdam |
1987-2001 | full professor in comparative sociology especially of non-Western societies, University of Amsterdam |
…- 2001 | extraordinary professor of development sociology at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague |
2001-2006 | ‘onbezoldigd’ full professor in sociology, University of Amsterdam |
2006-present | emeritus professor |
Special activities and positions
- Co-initiator of the Comparative Asian Studies Programme (CASP), Rotterdam, 1980
- Editor of Contemporary South Asia, Cambridge, 1995-
- Director of the Centre for Asian Studies Amsterdam (CASA), 1987-1998
- Active member of the Dutch Labour Party (Partij van de Arbeid)
- Writer of critical articles (partly in Dutch) on politics, on colonialism and on development policy/aid, in journals as De Gids, Socialisme & democratie and Development and Change
- Member of the editorial board of various journals such as Journal of Peasant Studies, Modern Asian Studies, and The Indian Journal of Labour Economiscs.
- Member of the board of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Anthropology and Languages (KITLV), the International Institute of Asian studies, the Netherlands Foundation for Tropical Research (WOTRO) and the International Institute of Social History (IISG)
- Rutten, Mario, “Bibliography of Jan Breman’s writings.” In: Arvind N. Das, Marcel van der Linden (eds), Work and social change in Asia: essays in honour of Jan Breman, New Delhi 2003, pp. 264-277.
- personal webpage ISS
Selected publications
Breman’s monographs and articles on sociological and political subjects in general, on Surinam and on Indonesia are not included here. For these (period 1963-2001) see the bibliography by M. Rutten mentioned above.
1965 & C. Baks et al, “De betrouwbaarheid van informatie in een kastesamenleving in Gujarat, India.” Sociologische Gids 12,3: 167-174.
1969 “Veranderingen in de betrekkingen tussen landheren en landarbeiders in Zuid-Gujarat India.” Sociologische Gids 16,6: 395-402.
1970 Meester en knecht: een onderzoek naar de veranderingen in de betrekkingen tussen landheren en landarbeiders in Zuid-Gujarat, India , [Amsterdam]. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam; also published as Publikatie [van de] Afdeling Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië, Antropologisch-Sociologisch Centrum, Universiteit van Amsterdam 15; English translation Berkeley, Calif., [etc.] 1974.
– “Deferred gratification, entrepreneurial behaviour and economic growth in non-western societies.” Sociologica Neerlandica 5,1 (1969-1970): 15-37.
1971 “Over oude en nieuwe afhankelijkheidsrelaties: de maatschappelijke context van patronage en makelaardij.” In: Buiten de grenzen: sociologische opstellen, aangeboden aan prof. dr W.F. Wertheim, 25 jaar Amsterdams hoogleraar, 1946-1971, Meppel, pp. 31-46.
1974 Patronage and exploitation: changing agrarian relations in South Gujarat, India, Berkeley, Calif., [etc.]. – transl. by Wil van Gulik of the Dutch PhD thesis 1970; Indian repr. New Delhi 1979.
– “Mobilization of landless labourers: Halpatis of South Gujarat.” EPW 9,12: 489-496. – reprinted in 1979, 1986 and 1991.
1976 Een dualistisch arbeidsbestel?: een kritische beschouwing van het begrip “de informele sector,“ Rotterdam. – De eerste helft van deze tekst werd door de auteur uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van zijn hoogleraarschap in de algemene en ontwikkelingssociologie aan de Erasmus Universiteit te Rotterdam.
– “Pauperization of a tribal caste.” In: S. Devadas Pillai (ed.), Aspects of changing India, Bombay, pp. 255-261.
– “A dualistic labour system?: a critique of the ‘informal sector’ concept.” EPW 11, 48-49-50, pp. 1870-6; 1905-8; 1939-43.
1977 “Het nieuwe regiem in Azië: de overgang van de weke naar de harde staat.” Internationale Spectator 31,3: 137-151.
– “Labor relations in the ‘formal’ and ‘in-formal’ sectors: report of a case study in South Gujarat, India [2 parts].” Journal of Peasant Studies 4,3: 171-205; 4,4: 337-359.
1978 “Seasonal migration and co-operative capitalism: the crushing of cane and of labour by the sugar factories of Bardoli, South Gujarat, part 1.” Journal of Peasant Studies 6,1: 41-70. – Also in EPW 8 (1978): 1317-1360.
1979 & E.W. Hommes, “Social change in South Gujarat: an introduction.” In: S. Devadas Pillai and C. Baks (eds), Winners and losers: styles of development and change in an Indian region, Bombay, pp. 3-17.
– “The market for non-agrarian labour: the formal versus informal sector.” In: S. Devadas Pillai and C. Baks (eds), Winners and losers: styles of development and change in an Indian region, Bombay, pp. 122-166.
– “Mobilization of landless labourers: Halpatis of South Gujarat.” In: A.N. Das and V. Nilakant (eds), Agrarian relations in India, New Delhi, pp. 145-168. – Also published in 1974, 1986 and 1991.
– “Seasonal migration and co-operative capitalism: the crushing of cane and of labour by the sugar factories of Bardoli, South Gujarat, part 2.” Journal of Peasant Studies 6,2: 168-209.
– “Ruraal beleid in India: voor de meesten het minst en voor de minsten het meest.” Internationale Spectator 33,12: 726-733.
1980 ‘The informal sector’ in research: theory and practice, Rotterdam (CASP 3).
1981 Sociaal-wetenschappelijk onderzoek en ontwikkelingssamenwerkingsbeleid: verslag van een workshop, georganiseerd door het Instituut voor Maatschappij-Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Ontwikkelingslanden, gehouden op 7 november 1980 in de “de Wittebrug” te ‘s-Gravenhage / [met bijdragen van J.C. Breman … et al.], ‘s-Gravenhage (IMWOO publikatie 1).
1982 “Extension of scale in fieldwork: from village to region in southern Gujarat.” In: Otto van den Muijzenberg, P. Streefland and W. Wolters (eds), Focus on the region in Asia, Rotterdam, pp. 83-92.
1983 Veldwerk in een gepolariseerde samenleving, Rotterdam (CASP 5).
– “De bodem van het stedelijk bestel in Azië: riksjalopers in Calcutta.” Internationale Spectator 37,7: 121-130.
– “The bottom of the urban order in Asia: impressions of Calcutta.” Development and Change 14,2: 153-183.
1984 Over boeren, migranten en landlozen: arbeidscirculatie en kapitalistische productie op het platteland van West-India, 2 delen, Rotterdam (CASP 6).
– Labour migration and rural transformation in colonial Asia, Groningen, 16 p.
– “Seasonal migration and co-operative capitalism: the crushing of cane and of labour by the sugar factories of Bardoli, South Gujarat.” In: H.P. Binswanger and M.R. Rosenzweig (eds), Contractual arrangements, employment and wages in rural labour markets in Asia, New Haven, pp. 131-142. – Appeared earlier in Journal of Peasant Studies 6,1 (1978): 41-70 and 6,2 (1979): 168-209.
1985 Arbeidsmigratie en transformatie in koloniaal Azië, Rotterdam (CASP 7).
– Of peasants, migrants, and paupers: rural labour circulation and capitalist production in west India, Delhi-New York. – transl. of 1984.
– “ ̒I am the government labour officer…ʼ: state protection for rural proletariat of South Gujarat.” EPW 20,24: 1043-1055. – Also published in 2000.
– “Between accumulation and immiseration: the partiality of fieldwork in rural India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 13,1: 5-36
1986 “Mobilization of landless labourers: Halpatis of South Gujarat.” In: A.R. Desai (ed.), Agrarian struggles in India after independence, Delhi-New York, pp. 362-383. – Also published in 1974, 1979 and 1991.
1987 Het dorp in Azië als koloniale schijngestalte, Amsterdam. – Rede uitgesproken t.g.v. de opening van het Centrum voor Azië Studies Amsterdam op 28 oktober 1987.
– Voorstel voor een postdoctorale opleiding ‘Comparatieve Studie van Aziatische Samenlevingen’ / [initiatief-nemers: J.C. Breman … et al.], Amsterdam: CASA.
1988 The shattered image: construction and deconstruction of the village in colonial Asia, Dordrecht (Comparative Asian studies 2).
– The renaissance of social Darwinism, [The Hague]. – Rede uitgesproken t.g.v. Dies Natalis 1988.
– “Groei zonder verdeling: de ontplooiing van het kapitalisme op het platteland van West-India.” Internationale Spectator 42,9: 554-562.
1989 Zelfs de honden hebben het beter: arbeid, nomaden en agro-industrieel kapitalisme in Zuid-Gujarat, India, Amsterdam (Werkdocumenten CASA 10), 60 p.
– “Extension of scale in fieldwork: from village to region in southern Gujarat.” In: P. Bardhan (ed.), Conversations between economists and anthropologists: methodological issues in measuring economic change in rural India, Delhi-New York, pp. 127-136.
– “The disintegration of the Hali system.” In: H. Alavi and J. Harriss (eds), South Asia: sociology of ‘developing societies’, London, pp. 149-159.
1990 Labour migration and rural transformation in colonial Asia, Amsterdam (Comparative Asian Studies 5). – Transl. of: Arbeidsmigratie en transformatie in koloniaal Azië, Rotterdam 1985.
– On rural labour: “even dogs are better off”: the on-going battle between capital and labour in the cane fields of Gujarat, The Hague-New Delhi (Occasional papers and reprints / IDPAD 1990-2). – Also published in: Journal of Peasant Studies 17,4 (1990): 546-608.
– “From cane fields to court rooms: legal action for and against rural labour in Gujarat, India.” In: Ghanshyam Shah (ed.), Capitalist development: critical essays: felicitation volume in honour of Prof. A.R. Desai, Bombay, pp. 270-288.
– Et al. (eds), Imperial monkey business: racial supremacy in social Darwinist theory and colonial practice, Amsterdam (CASA monographs 3).
– “Agrarian change and class conflict in Gujarat, India.” In: G. McNicholl and M. Cain (eds), Rural development and population: institutions and policy, New York-Oxford (Suppl. to Population and Development Review 15, 1989), pp. 301-323.
1991 A footloose proletariat: wage hunters and gatherers in the South Gujarat landscape, The Hague, 11 p. (Research seminars / Institute of Social Studies $ Rural development studies)
– & Sudipto Mundle (eds), Rural transformation in Asia, a selection of papers presented at the Delhi workshop on rural transformation in Asia, October 1986, Delhi [etc.].
– & S. Mundle, “Introduction: the perspective.” In: Jan Breman & Sudipto Mundle (eds), Rural transformation in Asia, a selection of papers presented at the Delhi workshop on rural transformation in Asia, October 1986, Delhi [etc.], pp. 9-25.
– “A note on the colonial state.” In: Jan Breman & Sudipto Mundle (eds), Rural transformation in Asia, a selection of papers presented at the Delhi workshop on rural transformation in Asia, October 1986, Delhi [etc.], pp. 127-144.
– “Mobilization of landless labourers: the Halpatis of South Gujarat.” In: D. Gupta (ed.), Social stratification, Delhi OUP (Oxford in India readings in sociology and social and cultural anthropology), pp. 399-418.
– “Over orientalistiek en occidentalistiek.” De Gids 154,5/6: 501-504.
1992 “The Hali system in South Gujarat.” In: G. Prakash (ed.), The world of the rural labourer in colonial India, Delhi, pp. 248-281.
– “Op zoek naar een menswaardig bestaan: de dynamiek van armoede en welstand op het platteland van West-India aan het einde der twintigste eeuw.” MKNAW 55,5: 135-220.
– & E. Valentine Daniel, “Conclusion: the making of a coolie.” Journal of Peasant Studies 19,3/4: 268-295.
1993 Beyond patronage and exploitation: changing agrarian relations in South Gujarat, new ed. Delhi. – Gedeeltelijk eerder versch. als: Patronage and exploitation: changing agrarian relations in South Gujarat, [Berkeley, CA] 1974.
– “Politieke druk tot wettelijke bescherming van landarbeid in India.” In: Liber Amicorum voor prof. Mr A.A.G. Peters, Gouda, pp. 249-262.
– “The anti-Muslim pogrom in Surat.” EPW 28,16: 737-741.
– “Op weg naar het ghetto: de transformatie van een moslim-sloppenwijk in Ahmedabad, India.” De Gids 156,6: 456-471.
– “Anti-Muslim pogrom in Surat.” EPW 28,16: 737-741.
1994 Wage hunters and gatherers: search for work in the urban and rural economy of South Gujarat, Delhi.
– “Rural impressions on the urban communal carnage [riots in Bombay].” Internationales Asienforum 25,3/4: 335-343.
1995 “At the bottom of the agrarian question: landlessness in Asia in past and present.” In: Conference on South Asian labour, global and local linkages, Amsterdam, IISG, 26-28 Oct., 1995, pp.
– “Labour relations in the ‘formal’ and ‘informal’ sectors: the South Gujarat experience.” In: P.M. Mathew (ed.), Informal sector in India: critical perspectives, New Delhi, pp. 171-189.
– “Labour get lost: a late capitalist manifesto.” EPW 30,37: 2294-3000.
– “The creation of a labour surplus in Surat district, Gujarat, India.” In: S. Corbridge (ed.), Development studies: a reader, London, pp. 216-234.
1996 Footloose labour: working in India’s informal economy, Cambridge (Contempory South Asia 2).
– Labour nomads in South Gujarat, Surat (I.P. Desai Memorial Lecture 8).
1997 & P. Kloos and A. Saich (eds), The village in Asia revisited, Delhi: OUP.
– “The village in focus.” In: Jan Breman, P. Kloos and A. Saich (eds), The village in Asia revisited, Delhi, pp. 15-75.
– “Labour nomads in South Gujarat: wage hunters and gatherers.” In: Ghanshyam Shah (ed.), Social transformation in India: essays in honour of professor I. P. Desai, 2 vols, Jaipur [etc.], pp. 532-580.
– “On the move: the migrant labour market.” The India Magazine of Her People and Culture 17,9: 50-56.
1998 & Otto van den Muijzenberg, Ben White, Labour migration in Asia, Amsterdam (CLARA working paper, Working papers on Asian labour 2).
– A study of industrial labour in post-colonial India, Amsterdam (CLARA working paper, Working papers on Asian labour [3]).
– “De strijd voor maatschappelijke gelijkheid in India.” In: A. Gevers (ed.), Uit de zevende hemel: vijftig jaar politieke en sociaal-culturele wetenschappen aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 395-409.
– “W.F. Wertheim: de sociologie van het niet aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam.” In: J. Goudsbloem, P. de Rooy and J. Wieten (eds), In de zevende: de eerste lichting hoogleraren aan de Politiek-sociale Faculteit in Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 169-181.
– “The rural informal sector reconsidered.” In: R. Radhakrishna and A.N. Sharma (eds), Empowering rural labour in India: market, state and mobilization, New Delhi, pp. 103-112.
– “Arbeitsnomaden in der kapitalistischen Ökonomie von West-Indien: proletarisches Dasein auf dem Land am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts.” In: V. Bader et al. (Hrsg.), Die Wiederent-deckung der Klassen, Berlin-Hamburg, pp. 193-211.
– “In memoriam prof. dr W.F. Wertheim.” Facta: sociaal-wetenschappelijk magazin 6,8: 19.
– “Azië het blijft een mirakel.” Socialisme en democratie 55,2: 51-57.
1999 & Jonathan P. Parry and Karin Kapadia (eds), The worlds of Indian industrial labour, New Delhi (Contributions to Indian Scociology, occasional series 9).
– “The study of industrial labour in post-colonial India: the formal sector: an introductory review.” In: Jan Breman, Jonathan P. Parry and Karin Kapadia (eds), The worlds of Indian industrial labour, New Delhi (Contributions to Indian Scociology, occasional series 9), pp. 1-41.
– “The study of industrial labour in post-colonial India: the formal sector: a concluding review.” In: Jan Breman, Jonathan P. Parry and Karin Kapadia (eds), The worlds of Indian industrial labour, New Delhi (Contributions to Indian Scociology, occasional series 9), pp. 407-431.
– & Akitoshi Shimizu (eds), Anthropology and colonialism in Asia and Oceania, Richmond.
– “Ghettoization and communal politics: the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in the Hindutva landscape.” In: Ramachandra Guha and Jonathan P. Parry (eds), Institutions and inequalities: essays in honour of André Béteille, New Delhi, pp. 259-283.
– “Industrial labour in post-colonial India I: industrializing the economy and formalizing labour.” International review of social history 44,2: 249-300.
– “Industrial labour in post-colonial India II : employment in the informal sector economy.” International review of social history 44,3: 451-483.
– “Silencing the voice of agricultural labourers in south Gujarat [on the murder of Manu Bhikha].” Modern Asian Studies 33,1: 1-22. – Text of the Kingsley Martin Memorial Lecture given in Cambridge on 5 November 1997.
– “The informal sector of India’s economy: the state of the art and the art of the state.” In: F. Oshikawa (ed.), South Asia under the economic reforms, Osaka, pp. 185-211.
2000 & Arvind N. Das, Down and out: labouring under global capitalism; photogr. Ravi Agarwal, [Amsterdam]-New Delhi. – Also publ. in Critical Asian Studies 34,1 (2002): 116-128.
– “ ‘I am the government labour officer…’: state protection for the rural proletariat of south Gujarat.” In: Z. Hasan (ed.), Politics and the state in India, New Delhi, pp. 293-330. – Also publ. in 1985.
– “Labour and landlessness in South and South-east Asia.” In: D. Bryceson, C. Kay and J. Mooij (eds), Disappearing peasantries? Rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London, pp. 231-247.
2001 A turn for the worse: the closure of the Ahmedabad textile mills and the retrenchment of the workforce, Amsterdam (Wertheim Lecture 12).
– Op weg naar een slechter bestaan: verwijdering van industriële arbeid uit de formele sector van de economie, Amsterdam. – Valedictory address University of Amsterdam.
– “Us and them in the new world order.” EPW 36,45: 4360-4363.
2002 & Kristoffel Lieten, “A pro-poor development project in rural Pakistan: an academic analysis and a non-intervention.” In: D. Kooiman (ed.), Conflict in a globalising world: studies in honour of Peter Kloos, Assen, pp. 122-145. – Also publ. in Journal of Agrarian Change 2,3: 331-355.
– “Communal upheaval as resurgence of social Darwinism.” EPW 37,16:
– “New thoughts on colonial labour in Indonesia.” Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 33.
– “Down and out, an essay.” Critical Asian Studies, 34(1).
2003 The labouring poor in India: patterns of exploitation, subordination, and exclusion, New Delhi.
– “Communal upheaval as resurgence.” In: Ch. Krishna (ed.), Fascism in India: faces, fangs and facts, New Delhi, pp. 367-376.
– “At the bottom of the urban economy.” EPW 38,39: 4151-4159.
– “The Informal Sector.” In: V. Das (Ed.), The Oxford companion to sociology and social anthropology, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 1287-1318.
2004 The making and unmaking of an industrial working class: sliding down the labour hierarchy in Ahmedabad, India , New Delhi. – Also publ. Amsterdam 2004.
– Working in the mill no more, photogr. and design Parthiv Shah, New Delhi. – Also publ. Amsterdam 2004.
– “The informal sector.” In: V. Das (ed.), Handbook of Indian sociology, New Delhi, pp. 402-425.
– “Een naaste collega.” In: Rosanne Rutten & L. Schenk-Sandbergen (red.), Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek: aangeboden aan Ot van den Muijzenberg bij zijn afscheid als hoogleraar sociologie en moderne geschiedenis van niet-westerse samenlevingen, in het bijzonder van Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië, aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp.
– “Developmentalism: towards a new regime.” EPW 39,29.
2005 Halpati halik, Bardoli: Halpati Seva Sangh.
– “How to find space, shop around and move up in the informal economy.” EPW 50, 3016-3024.
– “Communal upheaval as the resurgence of social Darwinism.” In: E. Kaur (ed.), Religion, violence and political mobilization in South Asia, Delhi: Sage Publishers, pp. 69-79.
– “Informal sector employment.” In: D. Clark (ed.), The Elgar Companion to development studies, London: Elgar, pp.
– “The expulsion of labour from the formal sector economy.” In: S. Bhattacharya & J. Lucassen (eds), Workers in the informal sector: studies in labour history 1800-2000, Dehli, pp. 177-209.
2006 “Slumlands.” New Left Review 40: 141-148.
– “Dualistic labour system? A critique of the ‘informal sector’ concept.” In: S. Patel & K. Deb (eds), Urban studies, Oxford [etc.] (Oxford in India readings in sociology and social anthropology), pp. 81-102.
– “Informal sector.” In: D.A. Clark (ed.), The Elgar companion to development studies, Northamton, Mass.: Elgar, pp. 281-285.
2007 The poverty regime in village India: half a century of work and life at the bottom of the rural economy in South Gujarat, New Delhi [etc.].
– Labour bondage in West India: from past to present, New Delhi [etc.].
2008 The Jan Breman omnibus, with an introd. by Sujata Patel, New Delhi. – Contains: Of peasants, migrants and paupers: rural labour circulation and capitalist production in West India. –Wage hunters and gatherers: search for work in the urban and rural economy of South Gujarat. – The labouring poor in India: patterns of exploitation, subordination, and exclusion.
2009 & Isabelle Guérin, Aseem Prakash (eds), India’s unfree workforce: of bondage old and new, papers presented at the workshop “Labour in South Asia: labour relationships, identities and bondage,” held at Pondicherry during 7-9 February 2006 and workshop “Debt bondage: issues and perspectives,” held at New Delhi during 19-20 April 2007, New Delhi.
– “Introduction: on bondage: old and new.” In: J. Breman, I. Guérin and A. Prakash (eds), India’s unfree workforce: of bondage old and new. New Delhi, pp. 1-20.
– “Life experiences in a comparative perspective.” In: M. Karlekar & R. Mukherjee (eds), Remembered childhoods, Oxford, pp. 78-90.
– “Het armoederegime op het platteland van India: verslag van een halve eeuw antropologisch onderzoek naar de toestand van landarbeid in Zuid-Gujarat.” MKNAW 72,2: …. – Rede, in verkorte vorm uitgesproken in de vergadering van de Afdeling Letterkunde van de KNAW, gehouden op 7 maart 2007.
– “The actuality of tales from the past [review essay on Vinayak Chaturvedi’s Peasant pasts: history and memory in Western India [Berkeley: University of California Press, 2007]].” Contributions to Indian Sociology 43,1: 135-147.
2010 Outcast labour in Asia: circulation and informalization of the workforce at the bottom of the economy, Oxford [etc.] (Oxford collected essays). – Paperback ed. New Delhi 2012.
– “A poor deal [Tendulkar Committee report].” Indian Journal of Human Development 4,1: 133-142.
– “The political economy of agrarian change in India.” In: P.R. Brass (ed.), Routledge handbook of South Asian politics: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal, Abingdon, Oxon, pp. 321-336.
– “India’s social question in a state of denial.” EPW 45,23: 42-46.
– “Neo-bondage: a fieldwork-based account.” International Labor and Working Class History 78,1: 48-62.
– “The political economy of unfree labour in South Asia: determining the nature and scale of debt bondage.” The Indian journal of labour economics 53,1: 137-160.
2011 “A letter to the editor [riposte to a letter from A.M. Shah (in 44,3 of this journal) which was a critique of Breman’s review (‘The actuality of tales from the past’, 43,1 of this journal) of Vinayak Chaturvedi’s Peasant pasts: history and memory in Western India (2007)].” Contributions to Indian Sociology 45,2: 269-270.
2012 “Social exclusion, work and the informal sector.” In: T. Uys & S. Patel (eds), Exclusion, social capital and citizenship: contested transitions in South Africa and India, Hyderabad, pp. 33-52-1.
– “The Talibanisation of society in Pakistan.” EPW 47,34:
– “The undercities of Karachi.” New Left Review 2012,76: 49-65.
– “Tales from Annawadi.” New Left Review 2012,78.
2014 “On labour bondage,” a review essay on: Siddharth Kara, Bonded labor: tackling the system of slavery in South Asia, New York: Columbia University Press, 2012. Contributions to Indian Sociology 48,1: 133-141.