
Jan Willem de Jong

1921 – 2000
Sanskrit, Tibetan, Mongolian
Indian philosophy, Buddhism

Curriculum vitae

1921born in Leiden on February 15
attended gymnasium
1939-1945studied Chinese languages with J.J.L. Duyvendak, and Sanskrit with J.Ph. Vogel and F.D.K. Bosch
1946stay at Harvard University, reading Buddhist Sanskrit with D. Ingalls
1947-1950stay in Paris, where he, among other things, learned Tibetan
1949PhD under supervision of F.D.K. Bosch, Leiden University
1951-1956Sinological Institute of Leiden University
1956-1965professor of Tibetan and Buddhist studies (a newly established chair), Leiden University
1965-1986professor of South Asian and Buddhist studies, Australian National University, Canberra
2000died in Canberra on 22 January

Special activities and positions

  • Co-founder with F.B.J. Kuiper of the Indo-Iranian Journal, 1957
  • Editor (in chief) of the Indo-Iranian Journal, 1957-2000


  • Jong, J.W. de, “Bibliography 1949-1986.” Hokke bunka kenkyū 14 (1988): 1-63.
  • Jong, J.W. de, “Bibliography 1987-1997.” Hokke bunka kenkyū 25 (1999): 1-37.
  • Kuiper, F.B.J., “Jan Willem de Jong: 15 February 1921 – 22 January 2000.” IIJ 43 (2000): xi-xii. – Reprinted in: H.W. Bodewitz and Minoru Hara (eds), Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, Tokyo 2004, pp. xi-xii.
  • Ruegg, D. Seyfort, “In memoriam J.W. de Jong (1921-2000).” IIJ 43 (2000): 313-317. – Reprinted in: H.W. Bodewitz and Minoru Hara (eds), Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, Tokyo 2004, pp. xiii-xvi.
  • Wiles, Royce, “Obituary.” Canberra Times, 4 February 2000.
  • Bodewitz, H.W., “Levensbericht Jan Willem de Jong: 15 februari 1921 – 22 januari 2000.” In: Levensberichten en herdenkingen 2001, Amsterdam: KNAW, pp. 39-42.
  • Hara, Minoru, “In memoriam J.W. de Jong (15.2.1921-22.1.2000).” In: H.W. Bodewitz and Minoru Hara (eds), Gedenkschrift J.W. de Jong, Tokyo 2004, pp. xvii-xx.
  • Minoru Hara, about de Jong’s writings in Tohogaku 100 (2000): 301-309.

Selected publications

De Jong wrote a great number of reviews, particularly published in the Indo-Iranian Journal. Of these reviews only those pertaining to Dutch Indology are included. This applies also to the monographs and articles that he wrote after he had left the Netherlands.
1949  Cinq chapitres de la Prasannapadā, [par Candrakīrti ; trad. du sanskrit et éd. de la version tibétaine avec des notes et gloss. par], Leiden. – PhD thesis Leiden; also published as: Buddhica: documents et travaux pour l’étude du Bouddhisme, Série I, mémoires 9.
Contributions à Bibliographie bouddhique IXX-XX, Paris.
1950  “Le problème de l’absolu dans l’école Madhyamaka.” Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 140: 322-327. – English transl. JIP 2 (1972): 1-6.
1951  “Suggestions for a polyglot Buddhist dictionary.” Vāk 1: 5-7.
1952  Contributions à Bibliographie bouddhique XXI-XXIII, Paris.
Review of: J. Nobel (Hrsg.), Suvarṇaprabhāsottamasūtra: die tibetischen Übersetzungen mit einem Wörterbuch, zweiter Band: Wörterbuch Tibetisch-Deutsch-Sanskrit, Leiden 1950. T’oung Pao 41: [247]-250.
1953  Review of: J. Ensink, The question of Rāṣṭrapāla, Zwolle 1952. JA 241: 545-549.
1954  “Three notes on the Vasudevahiṇḍi.” Saṃjnāvyākaraṇam: Studia Indologica Internationalia 1 (Poona-Paris), 12 p.
“L’épisode d’Asita dans le Lalitavistara.” In: Asiatica, Festschrift Friedrich Weller, Leipzig, pp. 312-325.
1955  “Fonds Pelliot tibétain nos. 610 et 611.” Studies in Indology and Buddhology presented to S. Yamaguchi, Kyoto, pp. 59-67.
1956  De studie van het Boeddhisme: problemen en perspectieven, ‘s-Gravenhage. – Inaugurele rede Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.
1957  “Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands.” Indo-Asian Culture 5,4: 421-427.
“Sanskrit Studies in the Netherlands.” A.I.R. Selections, a quarterly journal consisting of important talks broadcast from the various stations of All India Radio. New Delhi (Govt. of India), pp. 45-48 and 64.
“De Buddha Jayanti-vieringen in India.” Mens en Kosmos 13,4: 149-157.
Contributions à Revue bibliographique de sinologie 1, Paris-La Haye.
1958  Contributions à Bibliographie bouddhique XXIV-XXVII, Paris.
1959  Mi La Ras Pa’i Rnam Thar, texte tibétain de la vie de Milarépa, ‘s-Gravenhage (Indo-Iranian Monographs 4).
“René Mario von Nebesky-Wojkowitz, 29.VI.1923-9.VII.1959.” IIJ 3: 306-309.
Contributions to the Revue bibliographique de sinologie 2. Paris-La Haye.
1960  “Vitarati.” IIJ 4: 65-67.
1961  Contributions to the Bibliographie bouddhique XXVIII-XXXI, Paris.
“George N. de Roerich, 1902-1960.” IIJ 5: 146-152.
1962  “La Madhyamakaśāstrastuti de Candrakīrti.” Oriens Extremus 9: 47-56.
“The Absolute in Buddhist thought.” In: Essays in philosophy, presented to dr T.M.P. Mahadevan on his fiftieth birthday, Madras, pp. 56-64.
1964  “Het ontstaan van het Boeddhisme in India.” Forum der Letteren 5,4: 177-190. –
“The background of early Buddhism.” Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu (Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies) 12,1: 437-424. – translation of previous title; also translated in Polish: Podloze wczesnego buddyzmu, in: Euhemer, Przeglad Religioznawczy 2,39: 3-12.
“Sanskrit studies in the Netherlands.” In: Indian studies abroad, ed. by the Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi-Bombay, pp. 60-64. – Japanese transl. by A. Yuyama, Oranda no Indogaku Bukkyogaku,” in: Indogaku Bukkyogaku Kenkyu 14,1: 382(73)-359(96).
Contributions à Revue bibliographique de sinologie 4, Paris-La Haye.
& P.H. Pott and F.B.J. Kuiper, “Introduction” to: Hiraṇyagarbha: a series of articles on the archaeological work and studies of F.D.K. Bosch comp. by his friends, his pupils and his colleagues, to which is added the address delivered by him at his retirement from the University of Leiden; publ. on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his doctorate on 14th July 1964, The Hague, p. 7.
Preface to: F. Sierksma, Profiel van een incarnatie: het leven en de conflicten van een Tibetaanse geestelijke in Tibet en Europa, Amsterdam, pp. 5-6.
1965  “Boeddhistische opvattingen over goed en kwaad.” Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap 5,4 (Boeddhisme): 140-157.
“Beknopte bibliografie van het boeddhisme.” Wijsgerig Perspectief op Maatschappij en Wetenschap 5,4 (Boeddhisme): 158-164.
1966  “The Daśottarasūtra.” Kanakura Hakushi Koki Kinen: Indogaku Bukkyogaku Ronshu, Kyoto, pp. 3-25.
1967  “A propos du Varṇāharvarṇastotra de Mātṛceṭa.” IIJ 10: 181-183.
1968  “The magic wall of the fortress of the ogresses: apropos of āsīyati (Mahāvastu III, 86.3).” In: J.C. Heesterman e.a. (eds), Pratidānam: Indian, Iranian and Indo-European studies presented to Franciscus Bernardus Jacobus Kuiper, on his sixtieth birthday, The Hague [etc.], pp. 484-487.
Review of: D.S. Ruegg, The Life of Bu Ston Rin Po Che; with the Tibetan Text of the Bu ston rNam thar, Roma 1966. T’oung Pao 54: 168-172.
1971  “Lhasa.” Grote Winkler Prins, 7e ed., deel 12, Amsterdam-Brussel, pp. 6-7.
1974  “A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America.” Eastern Buddhist NS 7,1: 55-106 and 7,2: 49-82.
“Tibetaanse literatuur.” In: Moderne encyclopedie der wereldliteratuur vol. 8, ’s-Gravenhage, pp. 432b-437a.
1975  “The study of Buddhism: problems and perspectives.” Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture (Acharya Raghu Vira commemoration volume), vol. 4, pp. 13-26. – Translation of De studie van het Boeddhisme, 1956.
“Recent Russian publications on the Indian epic.” ALB 39: 1-42.
Review of: J. Ensink and P. Gaeffke (eds), India Maior: congratulatory volume presented to J. Gonda, Leiden 1972. IIJ 17: 115-118.
1976  A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America, Varanasi. – Reprint of the version in the Eastern Buddhist 7 (1974) with the addition of two indices, pp. 89-94.
Review of: Ria Kloppenburg, The Paccekabuddha, a Buddhist ascetic: a study of the concept of the Paccekabuddha in Pāli canonical and commentarial literature, Leiden 1974 (Orientalia Rheno-Traiectina 20). IIJ 18: 322-324.
Review of: Ria Kloppenburg, The sūtra on the foundation of the Buddhist order (Catuṣpariṣatsūtra), Leiden 1973. IIJ 18: 324-327.
1977  “F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1967-1976.” IIJ 19: 1-4.
1978  Review of: J. Gonda, Vedic literature: Saṃhitās and Brāhmaṇas, Wiesbaden 1975. IIJ 20: 305-306.
1979  Review of: J. Gonda, Medieval religious literature in Sanskrit, Wiesbaden 1977. IIJ 21: 45-46.
1980  Review of: J.A.B. van Buitenen, The Mahābhārata [volume 3], Book 4: The book of the Virāṭa; Book 5: The book of the effort, Chicago 1978. IIJ 22: 58-62.
Review of: Th. Damsteegt, Epigraphical hybrid Sanskrit, Leiden 1978. IIJ 22: 313-316.
1982  Review of: H. Danielson, Ādiśeṣa the essence of supreme truth, Leiden 1980. IIJ 24: 310.
1983  Review of: T. Goudriaan and S. Gupta, Hindu tantric and śākta literature, Wiesbaden 1981. IIJ 25: 212-213.
1987  “Notes on the text of the Aśoka legend.” In: Gilbert Pollet (ed.), India and the ancient world: history, trade and culture before A.D. 650: professor P.H.L. Eggermont jubilee volume presented on the occasion of his seventieth birthday, Leuven (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 25), pp. 103-113.
A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America, 2nd, rev. and enl. ed. Delhi (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 33). – 1st ed. 1974.
Translator of: Elizarenkowa, T., “F.B.J. Kuiper: fundamental directions of his scholarly work,” transl. from the Russian. Numen 34,2: 145-178. – Origin. publ. as introd. to: Trudy po vedijskoj mifologii (studies on Vedic mythology) by F.B.J. Kuiper.
“F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1978-1987” [his 80th birthday]. IIJ 30,3: 159-160.
Review of: J.A.F. Roodbergen, Mallinātha’s Ghaṇṭāpatha on Kirātārjunīya I-VI , part I: introduction, translation and notes, Leiden 1984. IIJ 30: 223-225.
1988  Review of: Hans Bakker, Ayodhyā, Groningen 1986. IIJ 31: 147-149.
“Bibliography 1949-1986.” Hokke bunka kenkyū 14 (1988): 1-63.
1991  “Samuel van der Putte and his travels to Tibet and China.” In: Papers in honour of prof. dr Ji Xianlin on the occasion of his 80th birthday, vol. 1, Beijing, pp. 247-251.
1993  Review of: Willem Caland, Kleine Schriften, Stuttgart 1990. IIJ 36: 129-131.
Review of: Teun Goudriaan (ed.), The Sanskrit tradition and Tantrism, Leiden 1990. IIJ 36: 139-141.
1994  Review of: J. Gonda, Selected studies, vol. 6, Leiden 1991. IIJ 37: 351-352.
Review of: J. Gonda, The functions and significance of gold in the Veda, Leiden 1991. IIJ 37: 352-353.
1995  Review of: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, and M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden 1992 (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 5). IIJ 38: 174-176.
Review of: Pieter C. Verhagen, A history of Sanskrit grammatical literature in Tibet, vol. 1, Leiden 1994. IIJ 38: 296-299.
1997  A brief history of Buddhist studies in Europe and America, Tokyo. – Includes bibliographical references (p. 120-172) and indexes.
“F.B.J. Kuiper: bibliography 1987-1996” [his 90th birthday]. IIJ 40,2: 101-102.