Roy Edward Jordaan
Java and Madura, Indonesia
Curriculum vitae
1947 | born in Batavia, Netherlands East Indies, on June 24 |
1951 | ‘repatriation’ to the Netherlands |
Thymstra HBS-A, The Hague | |
1969-1976 | studied non-western sociology and cultural anthropology, Leiden University |
1977-1979 | PhD research and fieldwork in the island of Madura, Indonesia |
1981 | Ministerie voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking |
1982-1985 | researcher at the Royal Institute of Linguistics and Anthropology (KITLV), Leiden |
1985 | PhD under the supervision of P.E. de Josselin de Jong and J.D. Speckmann, Leiden University |
1985-1987 | lecturer social anthropology at the University of Amsterdam |
1989-1991 | expatriate resident in Jakarta, Indonesia |
1992-2019 | independent researcher |
2019 | passed away in Renkum on March 28 |
Special activities and positions
- Member of review mission to Bangladesh for the Ministerie voor Ontwikkelingsamenwerking, 1981
- Member of review mission to Madura, Indonesia, for the Royal Dutch Embassy in Jakarta, 1990
1980 & A. Niehof, “Aspects of fishing in Patondu, a village on the north coast of Madura.” Review of Indonesian & Malayan Affairs (RIMA) 14: 81-111.
1981 Review of: R. Huntington and P. Metcalf, Celebrations of death: the anthropology of mortuary ritual. BTLV 137,4: 485.
1982 “Tombuwan in the ‘dermatology’ of Madurese folk-medicine.” BTLV 138,1: 7-28.
– & A. Niehof, “Patondu revisited: a case study of modernization in fishery.” Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 16: 83-108.
1984 “The mystery of Nyai Lara Kidul, the Javanese goddess of the Southern Ocean.” Archipel 28: 99-116.
1985 & P.E. de Josselin de Jong, “Sickness as a metaphor in Indonesian political myths.” BTLV 141,2/3: 253-274.
– Folk medicine in Madura (Indonesia), Leiden. – PhD thesis, Leiden University.
1987 “Skin disease, female ancestry and crops.” In: Locher-Scholten & Niehof (eds), Indonesian women in focus: past and present notions, Dordrecht: Foris, pp. 120-134.
1988 & A.Niehof, “Sirih pinang and symbolic dualism in Indonesia.” In: D. Moyer & H. Claessen (eds), Time past, time present, time future: perspectives on Indonesian cultures, Dordrecht: Foris, pp. 168-177.
– “On traditional and modern jamu in Indonesia and Malaysia.” Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 22: 150-163.
– Review of: R. Werner, Bomoh/dukun: The practices and philosophies of the traditional Malay healer. BTLV 144: 363.
1989 “Tentang jamu tradisional dan modern di Indonesia dan Malaysia: Suatu tinjauan.” Berita Antropologi 46: 97-109.
– “A holy water sanctuary at Prambanan.” Amerta: Berkala Arkeologi 11: 17-40.
1990 & Edi Sedyawati, “Some iconographic notes on the Śiva temple at Prambanan.” Archipel 40: 15-23.
1991 “Text, temple, and tīrtha.” In: Lokesh Chandra (ed.), The art and culture of Southeast Asia, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, pp. 165-181.
– “Ancient Javanese temple ruins identified.” Review of Indonesian and Malaysian Affairs 25: 64-73.
– “Mengenal deskripsi reruntuhan candi di dalam karya sastra Jawa Kuno.” Majalah Arkeologi 7,1: 3-21.
– “Jamu: traditional Javanese herbal tonics.” In: Eric Oey (ed.), Java, Berkeley/Singapore: Periplus, p. 84.
–& Anke Niehof, “‘Madura island’ and ‘Kerapan sapi’.” In: Eric Oey (ed.), Java, Berkeley/Singapore: Periplus, pp. 312-317.
1992 “Sūrya and Nairṛta on the Siva temple of Prambanan.” BTLV 148: 59-66.
– & J. Bijlmer and A. Niehof, Review of: Paul Alexander (ed.), Creating Indonesian cultures. BTLV 148:146-148.
– Review of: M. Appel, Dewi Sri und die Kinder des Putut Jantaka: Beziehungen zwischen Mensch und Reis in Mythologie und Brauchtum auf Java und Bali. BTLV 148: 166-168.
1993 Imagine Buddha in Prambanan: reconsidering the Buddhist background of the Loro Jonggrang Temple complex, Leiden: Vakgroep Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost Azië en Oceanië (Semaian 7).
1995 “The origin of the Rāmāyaṇa reliefs on Candi Prambanan (Central Java, Indonesia),” paper presented at the XIIth Ramayana conference in Leiden, August 28-30.
– “Prambanan 1995: a hypothesis confirmed.” IIAS Newsletter 6: 7.
1996 “Candi Prambanan: an updated introduction.” In: Roy E. Jordaan (ed.), In praise of Prambanan: Dutch Essays on the Loro Jonggrang Temple complex, Leiden (KITLV Translation Series 26), pp. 3-115.
– & Robert Wessing, “Human sacrifice at Prambanan.” BTLV 152,1: 45-74.
– & Robert Wessing, “Death at the building-site: construction sacrifice in Southeast Asia.” History of Religions 37,2: 101-121.
1997 “Ecological factors in the transfer of the seat of government from Central to East Java in the tenth century.” Indonesian Environmental History Newsletter 9: 1-8.
– “Tārā and Nyai Lara Kidul: images of the divine feminine in Java.” Asian Folklore Studies 56,2: 285-312.
1998 “Vasya-Tara op een Midden-Javaanse troon.” Aziatische Kunst 27,2: 21-28.
– “The Tārā temple of Kalasan in Central Java.” BEFEO 85: 163-183.
1999 “Once again the dating of Ligor B,” paper presented at the Eighth International Congress of Indonesian Archaeology, Yogyakarta 1999.
– The Śailendras in Central Javanese history: a survey of research from 1950-1999, Yogyakarta: Universitas Sanata Dharma.
– “The Śailendras, the status of the kṣatriya theory, and the development of Hindu-Javanese temple architecture.” BTLV 155,2: 210-243.
– & Robert Wessing, “Construction sacrifice in India, seen from the East.” In: Jan E.M. Houben and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Violence Denied, Leiden: Brill, pp. 211-247.
2000 “Consensus and variance in Indonesian archaeology: a reply to prof. John Miksic.” BTLV 156,1: 169-175.
– “Supplementary notes on the co-existence of religions in ancient Central Java.” In: Lokesh Chandra (ed.), Society and culture of Southeast Asia: continuities and changes, New Delhi, pp. 121-126.
– “Pāla chronology, the dating of the Nālandā inscription, and the end of Śailendra rule in Java,” paper presented at the eighth international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Sarteano, Italy, 2-6 October 2000.
2002 Review of: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof. J.G. de Casparis, … on the occasion of his 85th birthday, Groningen: Forsten (Gonda indological studies 11). BTLV 158,1: 112-116.
2003 “The foundation date of Candi Badut reconsidered,” paper presented at the International Conference on Indonesian Art, New Delhi, IGNCA, 4-6 March 2003.
– “Continuity or discontinuity in Hindu-Buddhist temple art in ancient Java?” Dialogue (Journal of Asta Bharati, New Delhi) 5(1): 91-101.
2004 & B.E. Colless, “The Ratu Boko mantra and the Śailendras.” Berkala Arkeologi 24,1: 56-65.
2006 “Why the Śailendras were not a Javanese dynasty.” Indonesia and the Malay World 34,98: 3-22.
– “Who was Sri Sanggramawijaya?” In: Willem van der Molen (ed.) Milde regen, Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 95-116.
2007 “Exploring the role of the Śailendras in early eastern Javanese history.” Working Paper 129, Monash University: Centre of Southeast Asian Studies.
– “Bĕlahan and the division of Airlangga’s realm.” BTLV 163, 2/3: 326-355.
2009 Memuji Prambanan; Bunga Rampai Para Cendekiawan Belanda Tentang Kompleks Percandian Loro Jonggrang, Jakarta: Yayasan Obor Indonesia/KITLV.
– “The bridge of Rāma in Southeast Asia: the causeway reliefs of Prambanan and Phimai re-examined,” paper presented at the international workshop “The Old Javanese Rāmāyaṇa: Text, History and Culture.” Jakarta 26-28 May 2009.
– & B.E. Colless, The Mahārājas of the isles: the Śailendras and the problem of Śrīvijaya, Leiden: Opleiding Talen en Culturen van Zuidoost Azië en Oceanië (Semaian 25).
2011 “The causeway episode of the Prambanan Rāmāyaṇa reexamined.” In: Andrea Acri, Helen Creese, Arlo Griffiths (eds), From Laṅkā eastwards, Leiden: KITLV Press, pp. 179-207.
– “Rama, Ratu Kidul and the Buddha.” In: Manjushree (ed.), From beyond the eastern horizon, New Delhi: Aditya Prakashan, pp. 253-267.
– “Candi Badut and the trajectory of Hindu-Javanese temple architecture.” Artibus Asiae 71,1: 55-74.
2012 & Andrea Acri, “The dikpālas of ancient Java revisited: a new identification for the twenty-four directional deities on the Śiva temple of the Loro Jonggrang complex.” BTLV 168,2/3: 274-313.
2013 The lost gatekeepers statues of Candi Prambanan: a glimpse of the VOC beginnings of Javanese archaeology, Singapore: Nalanda-Sriwijaya Centre, the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Working Paper Series 14), 70 p. pdf
2014 “Wanua Tengah III and the problem of the origin of the Śailendra dynasty.” In: Bachchan Kumar (ed.), The art of Indonesia, Delhi: IGNCA, pp. 155-165.
2015 & Jac. Piepenbrock. “Daniël François van Alphen (1774-1840), een maçon met een missie.” Thoth 4: 64-74.
2016 “Thomas Stamford Raffles op Java.” Thoth 3: 54-70.
– “Nicolaus Engelhard and Thomas Stamford Raffles: Brethren in Javanese antiquities.” Indonesia 101 :39-66.
– “The British Interregnum in Java (1811-1816): an experiment in supranational fraternal government.” In: Laila Prager, Michael Prager, Guido Sprenger (eds), Parts and wholes: Essays on social morphology, cosmology, and exchange in honour of J.D.M. Platenkamp, pp. 463-473.
2017 & Peter Carey, “The masonic career of Thomas Stamford Raffles in Java: A new perspective on the British interregnum, 1811-1816.” Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 90(2) number 313: 1-34.
2018 & Peter Carey, “The masonic system of time-reckoning in Java and the elevation of Thomas Stamford Raffles as Sovereign Prince of the Rose Croix.” Notes & Queries, Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 314: 89-91.
– “In memoriam Mark Earl Long (1950-2017).” ACSAA (American Council for Southern Asian Arts) Bulletin 77-78, Summer 2017-18, pp. 34-36.
2019 De politieke betekenis van de Vrijmetselarij op Java tijdens het Britse Tussenbestuur (1811-1816), ’s Gravenhage: Maçonnieke Stichting Ritus en Tempelbouw.
2022“Sītā as Rāvaņa’s daughter at Candi Prambanan.” In: Andrea Acri and Peter Sharrock (eds), The Creative South: Buddhist and Hindu Art in Mediaeval Maritime Asia, part 2, Singapore: ISEAS – Yusof Ishak Institute, p. 145-166.