
Maria Jacomina (Marijke) Klokke

1958 –
Sanskrit, old Javanese
art, material culture, ancient history and Indian religions
Southeast Asia

Curriculum vitae

1958born in Bandjarmasin (Indonesia) on August 22
1970-1976gymnasium A
1976-1983studied Indian and Iranian languages and cultures, Leiden University
1977, 1981student assistant in the Library of the Kern Institute, Leiden
1985-1988PhD researcher, Department of languages and cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, Leiden University
1989-1992assistant-curator for Southeast Asia, Leiden University Library (5/10)
1990PhD thesis, LeidenUniversity, supervisor J.G. de Casparis
1991-2000lecturer, first in Cultural studies and then in Art and material culture at the Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania, LeidenUniversity (5/10) (detached as Post-doc researcher, IIAS between 1994-1996)
1994-2000assistant-curator for Southeast Asia, Leiden University Library (5/10) (detached as coordinating editor of ABIA South and Southeast Asian Art and Archaeology Index, IIAS, Leiden, in 1997 and 1998)
2000-presentsenior lecturer art and material culture, Department of Languages and Cultures of Southeast Asia and Oceania (now South and Southeast Asia Studies), LeidenUniversity (7/10)
2007fellow at the NIAS, Wassenaar (February-June)
2007-2008lecturer archaeology of Southeast Asia, Faculty of Archaeology, LeidenUniversity, 01-11-07 to 01-11-08 (2/10)
2010-2013professor (Hendrik Muller-foundation chair) of South and Southeast Asian art and material culture, Leiden University
2012-2013seconded to the Museum of Ethnology as curator for Classical South and Southeast Asia (4/10)

Special activities and positions

  • Lecturer in the SOAS Asian Arts Diploma (4 lectures a year), 1994-2005
  • Member of the Board of the Oriental Society in the Netherlands (Oosters Genootschap in Nederland), 1990-1999
  • Member of the editorial board of Aziatische Kunst (Amsterdam), 1994-1996
  • Member of the Board of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, 1996-present
  • Member of the Board of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Leiden, 1998-2002
  • Member of the board of the Association of the Friends of Asian Art, Amsterdam, 2000-2002
  • Member of the advisory committee of the Stichting J. Gonda-Fonds of the KNAW, 2002-2011
  • Member of the advisory board of Arts Asiatiques, a journal published by EFEO, Paris, 2002-present


1984  “De terracotta kunst van Candi Gunung Gangsir.” Mededelingenblad VVAK 14,4: 4-11.
1985  & Tineke Hellwig, “Focalization and theme: their interaction in Orang-orang Bloomington.” BTLV 141: 423-440.
1986  “The hypocritical cat: a parody on the guru?” In: H.I.R.Hinzler (ed.), Studies in South and Southeast Asian archaeology: essays offered to dr J.G. de Casparis on the occasion of his retirement, Leiden, pp. 31-45.
1987  Review of: S. Morgan and L.J. Sears (eds), Aesthetic tradition and cultural transition in Java and Bali, Madison Wisc. 1984. BTLV 143: 565-568.
1988  & P. Lunsingh Scheurleer, Ancient Indonesian bronzes: catalogue of the exhibition in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam with a general introduction, Leiden.
“On the identification of a Mendut relief.” In: H.I.R. Hinzler (ed.), Studies in South and Southeast Asian Archaeology 2, essays offered to dr R. Soekmono, Leiden, pp. 9-22.
“Inleiding.” In: A.H. Klokke, A. Klokke-Coster, M. Saha, Ngaju-Dayak dierverhalen: orale literatuur uit Midden-Kalimantan, Dordrecht (KITLV Werkdocumenten 20), pp. 3-10.
1989  “Candi Mendut.” Indonesia magazine 6 (no. 69): 25.
Review of: J.E. van Lohuizen-de Leeuw, Indo-Javanese metalwork, Stuttgart 1984. Tribus: Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums Stuttgart 38: 195-196.
1990  The Tantri reliefs on ancient Javanese candi, Leiden. – PhD thesis Leiden; also published as Verhandelingen KITLV 153, Leiden 1993.
“Kala en makara.” Indonesia magazine 7 (no. 73): 53.
“Candi Belahan op de Penanggungan.” Indonesia magazine 7 (no. 76): 23.
“Jataka’s op de Borobudur.” Indonesia magazine 7 (no. 77/78): 78.
1991  “The tortoise and the geese: a comparison of a number of Indian and Javanese literary and sculptural versions of the story.” In: Lokesh Chandra (ed.), The art and culture of South-East Asia, New Delhi (Satapitaka series, Indo-Asian Literatures 364), pp. 181-198.
“Hemelbomen en lotusvazen.” Indonesia magazine 8 (no. 86): 22.
Review of: Annette Claßen, Kann die Gupta-Kunst Kālidāsas Werke illustrieren?, Berlin 1988. BTLV 147: 168-170.
1992  & Hedi Hinzler en Pieter ter Keurs, Boeddha en Shiva op Java, Leiden.
“Iconographical traditions in late East Javanese narrative reliefs.” In: I.C. Glover (ed.), Southeast Asian archaeology 1990, Hull, pp. 75-84.
“De Oudjavaanse candi: vorm, functie en ontwikkeling.” In: Hedi Hinzler, Pieter ter Keurs, Marijke Klokke, Boeddha en Shiva op Java, Leiden, pp. 91-119.
1993  The Tantri reliefs on ancient Javanese candi, Leiden (Verhandelingen KITLV 153). – Also published as PhD thesis Leiden 1990.
“Zes Oostjavaanse paren.” Aziatische Kunst 23,4: 2-9.
“Dierenfabels van India naar Java: tweede eeuw voor tot vijftiende eeuw na Chr.” In: W.L. Idema, Mineke Schipper, P.H. Schrijvers (red.), Mijn naam is haas: dierenverhalen in verschillende culturen, Baarn, pp. 193-202.
1994  & P. Lunsingh Scheurleer (eds), Ancient Indonesian sculpture, Leiden: KITLV.
“L’Indonésie.” In: Maud Girard-Geslan et al., L’art de l’Asie du Sud-Est, Paris (Collection l’Art et les Grandes Civilisations), pp. 333-417.
& P. Lunsingh Scheurleer, “Introduction.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and P. Lunsingh Scheurleer (eds), Ancient Indonesian sculpture, Leiden: KITLV, pp. 1-9.
“The so-called portrait statues in East Javanese art.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and P. Lunsingh Scheurleer (eds), Ancient Indonesian sculpture, Leiden: KITLV, pp. 184-209.
& Francine Brinkgreve, “Hindoeisme en boeddhisme.” In: Martin Bossenbroek et al., Weerzien met Indië, Zwolle, pp. 203-223 (aflevering 9).
1995  “On the orientation of ancient Javanese temples: the example of Candi Surowono.” IIAS Yearbook 1994, Leiden, pp. 73-86.
“Von Tarumanagara bis Majapahit: die Geschichte Alt-Javas.” In: Arne und Eva Eggebrecht (Hrsg.), Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens, Mainz, pp. 77-92.
“Hinduismus und Buddhismus in Indonesien bis 1500.” In: Arne und Eva Eggebrecht (Hrsg.), Versunkene Königreiche Indonesiens, Mainz, pp. 168-182.
“Die Kunst Indonesiens.” In: Maud Girard-Geslan et al., Südostasien: Kunst und Kultur, Freiburg, pp. 327-57. – German translation of French text of 1994.
“Myson: een vergeten tempelstad in Midden-Vietnam.” Aziatische Kunst 25,3: 16-26.
Review of: Lydia Kieven, Arjunas Askese: ihre Darstellung im alt-javanischen Arjunawiwaha und auf ausgewählten ostjavanischen Reliefs, Bonn 1994. BTLV 151: 304-305.
Review of: Edi Sedyawati, Gaṇeśa statuary of the Kaḍiri and Sinhasāri periods, Leiden 1994. BTLV 151: 305-307.
Review of: Harrie Leyten (red.), Illicit traffic in cultural property: museums against pillage, Amsterdam 1995. Aziatische Kunst 25,3: 27-29.
1996  “Borobudur, a mandala? A contextual approach to the function and meaning of Borobudur.” IIAS Yearbook 1995, Leiden, pp. 191-219.
“Drie Javaanse watervaten in hun religieuze context.” Aziatische Kunst 26,1: 45-51.
1997  “Mainland Southeast Asia.” In: K.R. van Kooij en Pauline Lunsingh Scheurleer (eds), A companion to Buddhist art: an introductory course in Buddhist art in Asia at LeidenUniversity, Leiden, pp. 40-49.
1998  & Thomas de Bruijn (eds), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1996: proceedings of the 6th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists , Leiden 2-6 September 1996. Hull.
Coordinating editor for Southeast Asia; with Karel R. van Kooij (ed.) and Ellen M. Raven (coordinating editor for South Asia), ABIA South and Southeast Asian art and archaeology index, vol. 1, London-New York.
“Indonesian art.” In: Maud Girard-Geslan et al., Art of Southeast Asia, New York, pp. 333-417. – English version of French text of 1994.
“Borobudur a mandala? A contextual approach to the function a[nd] meaning of Borobudur.” In: Hasan Muarif Ambary et al. (eds), Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi VII, Cipanas 12-16 Maret, jilid 2, Jakarta, pp. 1-27. – Same as 1996.
1999  “Deified couples and meditation: on the iconography of the so-called portrait statues in ancient Javanese art.” In: Pierre-Yves Manguin (ed.), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1994, Hull, vol. 2, pp. 171-179.
2000  Editor of: Narrative sculpture and literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, Leiden (Studies in Asian Art and Archaeology 23).
“The Kṛṣṇa reliefs at Panataran: a visual version of the Old Javanese Kṛṣṇāyana.” In: Marijke Klokke (ed.), Narrative sculpture and literary traditions in South and Southeast Asia, Leiden, pp. 19-41.
“Ornamental motifs: the stylistic method applied to ancient Javanese temple art.” In: Wibke Lobo and Stefanie Reimann (eds), Southeast Asian Archaeology 1998, Hull, pp. 85-98.
“Stone images of the Singhasari and Majapahit periods.” Arts of Asia 30,6: 60-68.
2001  & Karel R. van Kooij (eds), The fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof. J.G. de Casparis, retired professor of the Early History and Archaeology of South and Southeast Asia at the University of Leiden, The Netherlands, on the occasion of his 85th birthday , Groningen: Forsten (Gonda Indological Studies 11).
“Candi Gunung Gangsir, a unique temple in East Java.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), The fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of prof. J.G. de Casparis…, Groningen, pp. 213-224.
2003  & Ann R. Kinney and Lydia Kieven, Worshipping Siva and Buddha: the temple art of East Java. Honolulu.
& Amrit Gomperts, “In memoriam J.G. de Casparis 31 May 1916 – 19 June 2002.” BTLV 159: 471-487.
“Bibliography of J.G. de Casparis.” BTLV 159: 488-498.
2006  “The history of central Javanese architecture: architecture and sculptural decorations as complementary sources of information.” In: H. Chambert-Loir and B. Dagens (eds), Anamorphoses: homage à Jacques Dumarçay, Paris, pp. 49-68.
“Hanuman in the art of East Java.” In: T. Simanjuntak et al. (eds), Archaeology: Indonesian perspective: R.P. Soejono’s Festschrift, Jakarta, pp. 391-405.
2007  “An Indonesian sculpture in the Kröller-MüllerMuseum.” Aziatische Kunst 37,4: 2-14.
“Uit welke tijd dateert de Borobudur?” Vorm & Leegte: boeddhisme, mens, samenleving 46 (1 p.)
2008  “A bronze earring in the Tropenmuseum.” Aziatische Kunst 38,4 ( Parels in een baaierd van lacunes: feestbundel voor Pauline Scheurleer): 83-90.
“The Buddhist temples of the Sailendra dynasty in Central Java.” Arts Asiatiques 63: 154-167.
2009  “Les temples bouddhiques de la dynastie Sailendra à Java-Centre.” In: P. Skilling (ed.), Images et imagination: le bouddhisme en Asie, Paris, pp. 111-133.
Review of: Natasha Reichle, Violence and serenity: late Buddhist sculpture from Indonesia, Honolulu 2007. Arts Asiatiques 64: 158-159.
2010  & V. Degroot, “Interrelationships among Central Javanese temples: the example of Asu, Lumbung and Pendem.” Archipel 80: 45-75.
2011  Culturele ontmoetingen in Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië: de kunsthistorische bronnen. Leiden: Universiteit Leiden. (Oratie 2011).
2012  Guest ed., Studies in Asian art and archaeology, volume XXVI. Leiden [etc.]: Brill, xiii, 257 pp.
& Thomas Cruijsen and Arlo Griffiths, “The cult of the Buddhist dhāraṇī deity Mahāpratisarā along the Maritime Silk Route: new epigraphical and iconographic evidence from the Indonesian Archipelago.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 35,1-2: 71-157.
2013  & V. Degroot (eds), Unearthing Southeast Asia’s past: selected papers of the 12th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists  vol. 1, Singapore: NUS Press, xvi, 295 p.
& V.M.Y. Degroot, “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. xiv-xvi.
& V. Degroot (eds), Materializing Southeast Asia’s past: selected papers of the 12th international conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, vol. 2, Singapore: NUS Press, xvi, 289 p.
& V. Degroot, “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. xiv-xvi.
“Art historical evidence for the building phases of Borobudur.” In: Ibidem, pp. 10-26.
& A. Kroon, “Javaanse oudheden in Den Haag: Haags-Indisch erfgoed rond 1900.” Aziatische Kunst 43,2: 21-26.
Et al., Masterpieces of Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Leiden: KIT Publishers.
& S. Konniger, “Topstukken Pakistan en het Himalaya-gebied.” In: Topstukken van Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, pp. 118-9, 134-7, 154-7, 166-7.
“Topstukken Klassiek Zuid- en Zuidoost-Azië.” In: Topstukken van Rijksmuseum Volkenkunde, Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, pp. 96-7, 100-1, 104-7, 110-11, 150-51.
2014  “The Padang Lawas makaras and Javano-Sumatran relationships in art.” In: D. Perret (red.), History of Padang Lawas, North Sumatra II: Societies of Padang Lawas (mid-ninth – thirteenth century CE), Paris: Association Archipel (Cahier d’Archipel 43), pp. 129-146.
& W. Southworth, “Tracing the history of makara AK-MAK-247 in the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam.” Aziatische Kunst 44,3: 16-22.

Entry on ‘Central Javanese empire (Early Mataram)’ (3000 words) for The Encyclopedia of Empire (chief editor: Prof. John M. MacKenzie). Wiley Blackwell; Wiley Online Library, 2016
in preparation
A monograph on Central Javanese temples: chronology and interrelationships.