Dick Kooiman
South Asia
Curriculum vitae
Special activities and positions
- Co-organiser interuniversity courses on South Asia
- Member South Asia committees in the Netherlands
- Editor Comparative Asian Studies Amsterdam
- Board member Indo Dutch Program on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD)
- Panel organiser European Conference on South Asian Studies
- Advisor South Asia desk Church-in-Action
1968 “Gandhi en Nehru over geweldloosheid: een actueel debat.” Anti-revolutionaire staatkunde 38,1: 10-22.
1970 “Een derde kommunistische partij in India.” Internationale Spectator 24,20: 1880-1904.
1973 Partners or parasites: the united front in India 1934-1040, Amsterdam. – A preliminary report issued under the auspices of the Anthropological-sociological Research Institute of the Free University Amsterdam.
1975 De traditionele organisatie van de textielarbeiders in Bombay: (traditional organization of the Bombay textile labourforce): een onderzoeksrapport , Amsterdam (Mededelingen van de subfakulteit der sociaal-kulturele wetenschapen van de Vrije Universiteit 2).
1976 “Maatschappelijke achtergronden van linkse politieke bewegingen in India.” KLEIO, tijdschrift van de vereniging van leraren geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland 17,12: 1052-1057.
1977 “Jobbers and the emergence of trade unions in Bombay City.” International Review of Social History 22,3: 313-328.
1978 Koppelbazen, kommunisten en ekonomische krisis: arbeidersorganisatie in de textielindustrie van Bombay, 1917-1937. – PhD thesis Leiden University; also published Amsterdam 1979, 322 p.
1980 & B.J.S. Hoetjes and D.H.A. Kolff (eds), India [foto’s C.J.G. van der Burg et al., krt. Joh. Russcher]. Haarlem: Romen, 239 p. (Panorama van de wereld).
– “De rol van het leger in de politiek van Zuid-Azië.” Zuid Azië Bulletin 2: 7-21.
– “Bombay communists and the 1924 textile strike.” EPW 15,29: 1223-1236.
1981 “Labour legislation and working class movement: the case of the Bombay labour officer, 1934-37.” EPW (special number) 16,44/46: 1807-1822.
– “Bombay as a colonial city.” The Bombay Civic Journal Part I: 5-9 & II: 15-18.
1982 “Poverty and untouchability in Kerala: a historical study based on missionary sources.” Indian Church History Review 16,1: 10-36.
1983 “Rural labour in the Bombay textile industry and the articulation of modes of organization.” In: Peter Robb (ed.), Rural South Asia: linkages, change and development, London: Curzon Press, p.130-163.
– & Gert-Jan Enzerink and Wim A. van der Spek, Gandhi: leerlingenboek, Hilversum: Nederlandse Onderwijs Televisie, 24 p.
– “Untouchability in India through the missionary’s eye.” Itinerario 7,1: 115-125.
– “Christelijke zending, sociale mobiliteit en geweld: een klerenconflict in Travancore.” Sociologische Gids 30,5: 351-373.
1984 & Otto van den Muijzenberg and Peter van der Veer (eds), Conversion, competition and conflict: essays on the role of religion in Asia, Amsterdam (Anthropological studies Free University 6).
– “The gospel of coffee: mission, education and employment in Travancore (19th century).” In: idem, pp. 185-215. – Also published in EPW 19,35: 1535-1544.
– “Conversion and socio-cultural change: a case study of south Travancore.” Journal of Kerala Studies 9,1-4: 1-23.
1985 “Bombay: from fishing village to colonial port city (1662-1947).” In: Robert J.Ross & Gerard J.Telkamp (eds), Colonial Cities, Dordrecht, pp. 207-231.
– “India anno 1985” en “De sociaal-kulturele beperkingen van geloofsovergang: India in de 19e eeuw.” Wereld en Zending 2: 91-98 resp. 133-140.
– “Social and economic backgrounds of nineteenth century London missionaries in southern Travancore.” Indian Church History Review 19,2: 99-127.
1986 “The Das-Gandhi controversy on labour.” Review of: Rakhahari Chatterji, Working Class and the nationalist movement in India (1984) . EPW 21,6: 247-248.
1988 “Change of religion as a way to survival: some source material from 19th-century Travancore, India.” In: Philip Quarles van Ufford & Matthew Schoffeleers (eds), Religion and Development: towards an integrated approach, Amsterdam: Free University Press, pp.167-185.
– “India studies in Amsterdam.” South Asia Newsletter 2: 11-15.
1989 Bombay textile labour: managers, trade unionists, and officials, 1918-1939, New Delhi: Manohar. – Revision of PhD thesis 1978; also published in Amsterdam: Free University Press 1989, 114 p.
– Conversion and social equality in India: the London Missionary Society in south Travancore in the 19th century, New Delhi: Manohar. – Also published Amsterdam: Free University Press 1989, 236 p.
– “Zending onder onaanraakbaren in India (19e eeuw): de culturele grenzen van christianisering.” In: J.Tennekes & H.M.Vroom (eds), Contextualiteit en Christelijk geloof, Kampen, pp. 67-86.
1990 “Questions of money: a comparative analysis of Ceylon coffee estates and Bombay cotton mills.” In: Mark Holmström (ed.), Work for wages in South Asia, Delhi, pp. 28-46.
– India, [kernred. D.J. Broertjes et al., eindred. P.H.J. van den Boorn, kartogr. J. ter Haar], Amsterdam: KIT (Landendocumentatiemap), 68 p.
– “A passage from fiction to faction: E.M.Forster on India.” In: Peter Kloos (ed.), True fiction: artistic and scientific representations of reality, Anthropological Studies VU Amsterdam, pp. 149-159.
1991 “Conversion from slavery to plantation labour: Christian mission in South India, 19th century.” Social Scientist 19,8/9: 57-71.
– “Mass movement, famine and epidemic: a study in interrelationship.” Modern Asian studies 25,2: 281-303. – Also published in Indian Church History Review 22,2: 109-132.
– “Moving between Little and Great tradition: economic crisis, religious identity and conversion among untouchables in nineteenth century Tamilnadu.” In: John P. Neelsen (ed.), Gender, caste and power in South Asia: social status and mobility in a transitional society, New Delhi, pp. 237-261.
1992 “State formation in Tranvancore: problems of revenue, trade and armament.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 5), pp. 587-609.
– “Plantations in Southern Asia: indigenous plants and foreign implantations.” South Asia Journal of Asian Studies 15,1: 53-81.
– “Missionary archives and historical-anthropological research.” Itinerario 16,2: 115-119.
1993 “Zendingsarchieven als bron voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek.” In: Wereld en Zending 1: 90-94.
– “Political rivalry among religious communities: a case study of communal reservations in India.” EPW 28,7: 287-295.
– “Mission and educationpPolicies in Travancore 1930s.” In: K.K.N. Kurup and K.J. John (eds), Legacy of Basel mission & Hermann Gundert in Malabar, Calicut: Gundert Death Centenary Committee, pp. 125-152.
1994 Ed. of and introduction to: Louise Ouwerkerk, No elephants for the Maharaja: social and political change in the princely state of Travancore (1921-1947), New Delhi, p. 318.
– “Separate electorates, separate identities? Experiences from colonial India.” In: Joachim Heidrich (ed.), Changing identities: the transformation of Asian and African societies under colonialism, Berlin, pp.255-273.
– “Onderdrukking van culturele en ethnische minderheden in India.” In: J.J.F. Heins (ed.), Mensenrechten en minderheden: democratie in noord en zuid, Amsterdam: VU uitgeverij, pp.71-78.
– India: mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, [cartogr.: J. ter Haar], Amsterdam: KIT (Landenreeks), 74 p.
1995 Communities and electorates: a comparative discussion of communalism in colonial India, Amsterdam: VU University Press (Comparative Asian studies 16), 88 p.
– “Communalism and Indian Princely states: a comparison with British India.” EPW 30, 34: 2123-2134.
1996 “Who is to benefit from missionary education? Travancore in the 1930s.” In: Robert A. Bickers & Rosemary Seton, Missionary encounters, Richmond, pp.153-174.
– Review of: Dilip M.Menon, Caste, nationalism and communism in South India: Malabar 1900-1948, Cambridge University Press 1994. International Review of Social History (Amsterdam) 41,3: 431-434.
1997 “The strength of numbers: enumerating communities in India’s princely states.” South Asia 19,1: 81-98.
– “Hyderabad en de onafhankelijkheid van India: het omstreden moslim karakter van een bedreigde staat.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 110,3: 313-330.
1998 “The Nizam’s last victory: Hyderabad on the eve of Second World War.” EPW 33,12: 645-660.
– “Confucianistische ethiek en globaal kapitalisme: de opkomst van de Aziatische Tijgers.” Spiegel Historiael 33,10: 412-417.
– “Hyderabad on the eve of independence: the questioned identity of a state in danger.” South Indian Studies 4: 244-265.
– Review of: Dietmar Rothermund, Mahatma Gandhi: eine politische Biographie, Munchen 1997. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 111,1: 135-137.
– Review of: Gijsbert Oonk, Ondernemers in ontwikkeling: fabrieken en fabrikanten in de Indiase katoenindustrie, 1850-1930, Rotterdam 1998, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 111,3: 509-510.
1999 “Religieuze tolerantie en seculiere Staat in India.” Wereld en Zending 28,2: 97-108.
– “Transformaties binnen het kastensysteem van India.” In: J.J.F. Heins (ed.), Botsende culturen: ontwikkeling langs breukvlakken, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Themabundel Ontwikkelingsproblematiek 10), pp. 82-101.
– Review of: Jörg Fisch, Tödliche Rituale: die Indische Witwenverbrennung und andere Formen der Totenfolge, Frankfurt 1998. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 112,4:
2000 Ed. of: Het verschil tussen arm en rijk: de culturele factor, Amsterdam (Antropologische bijdragen VU Amsterdam 11).
2001 “Beeldvorming over India’s Maharajas: de rol van de Indian Political Service.” In: Arend Huussen, Janny de Jong en Ge Prince (eds.), Cultuurcontacten: ontmoetingen tussen culturen in historisch perspectief, Groningen (Historische Studies 4), pp. 107-123.
– “Why less communalism in the Indian Princely States? A discussion of their unsecular mode of governance.” International Journal of Punjab Studies 8,1: 57-79.
– Review of: Joan-Pau Rubiés, Travel and ethnology in the renaissance: south India through European eyes, 1250-1625, Cambridge University Press 2000. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 114,4: 609-611.
2002 Communalism and Indian princely states: Travancore, Baroda, and Hyderabad in the 1930s, New Delhi, 249 p.
– & Adrianus Koster, Peer Smets and Bernhard Venema (eds), Conflict in a globalising world: studies in honour of Peter Kloos, Assen, 298 p.
– “The political geography of communal conflict: British versus Indian modes of governance.” In: idem, pp. 49-69.
– “Ceremoniele uitwisseling tussen Indiase vorsten en Britse bestuurders.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 115,4: 565-584.
2003 “The short career of Walter Dickens in India.” In: Jos Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden [etc.] (Brill’s indological library 19), pp. 233-250.
– Review of: Gyanendra Pandey, Remembering partition: violence, nationalism and history in India, Cambridge 2001. International Review of Social History 48,2: 297-301.
– “Meeting at the threshold, at the edge of the carpet or somewhere in between? questions of ceremonial in princely India.” Indian Economic and Social History Review 40,3: 311-333.
– “Hierarchie en mobiliteit: staten en kasten in koloniaal India.” Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 30,3: 366-396.
2004 “Tijd voor andere lectuur: the mystery of Edwin Drood.” In: Rosanne Rutten & Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (eds), Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek (aangeboden aan Ot van den Muijzenberg bij zijn afscheid), Amsterdam, pp. 225-229.
– Review of: Y. Vaikuntham (ed.), People’s movements in the Princely States, New Delhi. EPW 39,21: 2104-2105.
2005 “Imagining Maharajas: political constructions of Indian princes.” Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 40,1: 17-31.
– “Invention of tradition in Travancore: a maharaja’s quest for political security.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 15 (2):151-165.
– “Tempel versus moskee: religie en geweld in India.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 118,3: 348-366.
2006 “Hierarchy and mobility: states and castes in colonial India.” AS/ÉA 60,3: 635-661.
– “The guns of Travancore or how much powder may a Maharaja blaze away?” The Indian Economic and Social History Review 43,3: 301-323. – Reprinted in: Lidia Guzy & Uwe Skoda (eds), Power plays: politics, rituals, performances in South Asia, Berlin 2008, pp. 151-179.
– Review of: John M. Hobson, The eastern origins of western civilisation, Cambridge 2004. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 119,1: 104-105.
– Review of: Stewart Gordon (ed.), Robes of honour: Khil’at in pre-colonial and colonial India, New Delhi 2003. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 43,2: 262-264.
2007 Review of: Barbara N. Ramusack, The New Cambridge History of India: The Indian Princes and Their States, Cambridge 2004. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 44,1: 91-93.
2008 & Peter Boomgaard and Henk Schulte Nordholt (eds), Linking destinies: trade, towns and kin in Asian history, dedicated to Heather Sutherland, Leiden (Verhandelingen KITLV 256).
2009 Kapitalisme, kolonisatie en cultuur: arme en rijke landen in historisch perspectief, Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 293 p.
– “Waarom sommige landen arm zijn en andere rijk.” Openbaar Bestuur, tijdschrift voor beleid, organisatie en politiek 19,12: 2-7.
2010 “Harnessing ceremonial for political security: an Indian princely state on the verge of extinction.” In: Thomas H. Eriksen, Ellen Bal & Oscar Salemink (eds), A world of insecurity: anthropological perspectives on human security, London, pp. 241-262.