
Dick Kooiman

1943 –
cultural anthropology, trade unions, christian missions and princely states
South Asia

Curriculum vitae

1943born in
1969MA in history and anthropology, Amsterdam Free University
1978PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University
…-2007associate professor department of cultural anthropology, Amsterdam Free University

Special activities and positions

  • Co-organiser interuniversity courses on South Asia
  • Member South Asia committees in the Netherlands
  • Editor Comparative Asian Studies Amsterdam
  • Board member Indo Dutch Program on Alternatives in Development (IDPAD)
  • Panel organiser European Conference on South Asian Studies
  • Advisor South Asia desk Church-in-Action


1968  “Gandhi en Nehru over geweldloosheid: een actueel debat.” Anti-revolutionaire staatkunde 38,1: 10-22.
1970  “Een derde kommunistische partij in India.” Internationale Spectator 24,20: 1880-1904.
1973  Partners or parasites: the united front in India 1934-1040, Amsterdam. – A preliminary report issued under the auspices of the Anthropological-sociological Research Institute of the Free University Amsterdam.
1975  De traditionele organisatie van de textielarbeiders in Bombay: (traditional organization of the Bombay textile labourforce): een onderzoeksrapport , Amsterdam (Mededelingen van de subfakulteit der sociaal-kulturele wetenschapen van de Vrije Universiteit 2).
1976  “Maatschappelijke achtergronden van linkse politieke bewegingen in India.” KLEIO, tijdschrift van de vereniging van leraren geschiedenis en staatsinrichting in Nederland 17,12: 1052-1057.
1977  “Jobbers and the emergence of trade unions in Bombay City.” International Review of Social History 22,3: 313-328.
1978  Koppelbazen, kommunisten en ekonomische krisis: arbeidersorganisatie in de textielindustrie van Bombay, 1917-1937. – PhD thesis Leiden University; also published Amsterdam 1979, 322 p.
1980  & B.J.S. Hoetjes and D.H.A. Kolff (eds), India [foto’s C.J.G. van der Burg et al., krt. Joh. Russcher]. Haarlem: Romen, 239 p. (Panorama van de wereld).
“De rol van het leger in de politiek van Zuid-Azië.” Zuid Azië Bulletin 2: 7-21.
“Bombay communists and the 1924 textile strike.” EPW 15,29: 1223-1236.
1981  “Labour legislation and working class movement: the case of the Bombay labour officer, 1934-37.” EPW (special number) 16,44/46: 1807-1822.
“Bombay as a colonial city.” The Bombay Civic Journal Part I: 5-9 & II: 15-18.
1982  “Poverty and untouchability in Kerala: a historical study based on missionary sources.” Indian Church History Review 16,1: 10-36.
1983  “Rural labour in the Bombay textile industry and the articulation of modes of organization.” In: Peter Robb (ed.), Rural South Asia: linkages, change and development, London: Curzon Press, p.130-163.
& Gert-Jan Enzerink and Wim A. van der Spek, Gandhi: leerlingenboek, Hilversum: Nederlandse Onderwijs Televisie, 24 p.
“Untouchability in India through the missionary’s eye.” Itinerario 7,1: 115-125.
“Christelijke zending, sociale mobiliteit en geweld: een klerenconflict in Travancore.” Sociologische Gids 30,5: 351-373.
1984  & Otto van den Muijzenberg and Peter van der Veer (eds), Conversion, competition and conflict: essays on the role of religion in Asia, Amsterdam (Anthropological studies Free University 6).
“The gospel of coffee: mission, education and employment in Travancore (19th century).” In: idem, pp. 185-215. – Also published in EPW 19,35: 1535-1544.
“Conversion and socio-cultural change: a case study of south Travancore.” Journal of Kerala Studies 9,1-4: 1-23.
1985  “Bombay: from fishing village to colonial port city (1662-1947).” In: Robert J.Ross & Gerard J.Telkamp (eds), Colonial Cities, Dordrecht, pp. 207-231.
“India anno 1985” en “De sociaal-kulturele beperkingen van geloofsovergang: India in de 19e eeuw.” Wereld en Zending 2: 91-98 resp. 133-140.
“Social and economic backgrounds of nineteenth century London missionaries in southern Travancore.” Indian Church History Review 19,2: 99-127.
1986  “The Das-Gandhi controversy on labour.” Review of: Rakhahari Chatterji, Working Class and the nationalist movement in India (1984) . EPW 21,6: 247-248.
1988  “Change of religion as a way to survival: some source material from 19th-century Travancore, India.” In: Philip Quarles van Ufford & Matthew Schoffeleers (eds), Religion and Development: towards an integrated approach, Amsterdam: Free University Press, pp.167-185.
“India studies in Amsterdam.” South Asia Newsletter 2: 11-15.
1989  Bombay textile labour: managers, trade unionists, and officials, 1918-1939, New Delhi: Manohar. – Revision of PhD thesis 1978; also published in Amsterdam: Free University Press 1989, 114 p.
Conversion and social equality in India: the London Missionary Society in south Travancore in the 19th century, New Delhi: Manohar. – Also published Amsterdam: Free University Press 1989, 236 p.
“Zending onder onaanraakbaren in India (19e eeuw): de culturele grenzen van christianisering.” In: J.Tennekes & H.M.Vroom (eds), Contextualiteit en Christelijk geloof, Kampen, pp. 67-86.
1990  “Questions of money: a comparative analysis of Ceylon coffee estates and Bombay cotton mills.” In: Mark Holmström (ed.), Work for wages in South Asia, Delhi, pp. 28-46.
India, [kernred. D.J. Broertjes et al., eindred. P.H.J. van den Boorn, kartogr. J. ter Haar], Amsterdam: KIT (Landendocumentatiemap), 68 p.
“A passage from fiction to faction: E.M.Forster on India.” In: Peter Kloos (ed.), True fiction: artistic and scientific representations of reality, Anthropological Studies VU Amsterdam, pp. 149-159.
1991  “Conversion from slavery to plantation labour: Christian mission in South India, 19th century.” Social Scientist 19,8/9: 57-71.
“Mass movement, famine and epidemic: a study in interrelationship.” Modern Asian studies 25,2: 281-303. – Also published in Indian Church History Review 22,2: 109-132.
“Moving between Little and Great tradition: economic crisis, religious identity and conversion among untouchables in nineteenth century Tamilnadu.” In: John P. Neelsen (ed.), Gender, caste and power in South Asia: social status and mobility in a transitional society, New Delhi, pp. 237-261.
1992  “State formation in Tranvancore: problems of revenue, trade and armament.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 5), pp. 587-609.
“Plantations in Southern Asia: indigenous plants and foreign implantations.” South Asia Journal of Asian Studies 15,1: 53-81.
“Missionary archives and historical-anthropological research.” Itinerario 16,2: 115-119.
1993  “Zendingsarchieven als bron voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek.” In: Wereld en Zending 1: 90-94.
“Political rivalry among religious communities: a case study of communal reservations in India.” EPW 28,7: 287-295.
“Mission and educationpPolicies in Travancore 1930s.” In: K.K.N. Kurup and K.J. John (eds), Legacy of Basel mission & Hermann Gundert in Malabar, Calicut: Gundert Death Centenary Committee, pp. 125-152.
1994  Ed. of and introduction to: Louise Ouwerkerk, No elephants for the Maharaja: social and political change in the princely state of Travancore (1921-1947), New Delhi, p. 318.
“Separate electorates, separate identities? Experiences from colonial India.” In: Joachim Heidrich (ed.), Changing identities: the transformation of Asian and African societies under colonialism, Berlin, pp.255-273.
“Onderdrukking van culturele en ethnische minderheden in India.” In: J.J.F. Heins (ed.), Mensenrechten en minderheden: democratie in noord en zuid, Amsterdam: VU uitgeverij, pp.71-78.
India: mensen, politiek, economie, cultuur, [cartogr.: J. ter Haar], Amsterdam: KIT (Landenreeks), 74 p.
1995  Communities and electorates: a comparative discussion of communalism in colonial India, Amsterdam: VU University Press (Comparative Asian studies 16), 88 p.
“Communalism and Indian Princely states: a comparison with British India.” EPW 30, 34: 2123-2134.
1996  “Who is to benefit from missionary education? Travancore in the 1930s.” In: Robert A. Bickers & Rosemary Seton, Missionary encounters, Richmond, pp.153-174.
Review of: Dilip M.Menon, Caste, nationalism and communism in South India: Malabar 1900-1948, Cambridge University Press 1994. International Review of Social History (Amsterdam) 41,3: 431-434.
1997  “The strength of numbers: enumerating communities in India’s princely states.” South Asia 19,1: 81-98.
“Hyderabad en de onafhankelijkheid van India: het omstreden moslim karakter van een bedreigde staat.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 110,3: 313-330.
1998  “The Nizam’s last victory: Hyderabad on the eve of Second World War.” EPW 33,12: 645-660.
“Confucianistische ethiek en globaal kapitalisme: de opkomst van de Aziatische Tijgers.” Spiegel Historiael 33,10: 412-417.
“Hyderabad on the eve of independence: the questioned identity of a state in danger.” South Indian Studies 4: 244-265.
Review of: Dietmar Rothermund, Mahatma Gandhi: eine politische Biographie, Munchen 1997. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 111,1: 135-137.
Review of: Gijsbert Oonk, Ondernemers in ontwikkeling: fabrieken en fabrikanten in de Indiase katoenindustrie, 1850-1930, Rotterdam 1998, Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 111,3: 509-510.
1999  “Religieuze tolerantie en seculiere Staat in India.” Wereld en Zending 28,2: 97-108.
“Transformaties binnen het kastensysteem van India.” In: J.J.F. Heins (ed.), Botsende culturen: ontwikkeling langs breukvlakken, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Themabundel Ontwikkelingsproblematiek 10), pp. 82-101.
Review of: Jörg Fisch, Tödliche Rituale: die Indische Witwenverbrennung und andere Formen der Totenfolge, Frankfurt 1998. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 112,4:
2000  Ed. of: Het verschil tussen arm en rijk: de culturele factor, Amsterdam (Antropologische bijdragen VU Amsterdam 11).
2001  “Beeldvorming over India’s Maharajas: de rol van de Indian Political Service.” In: Arend Huussen, Janny de Jong en Ge Prince (eds.), Cultuurcontacten: ontmoetingen tussen culturen in historisch perspectief, Groningen (Historische Studies 4), pp. 107-123.
“Why less communalism in the Indian Princely States? A discussion of their unsecular mode of governance.” International Journal of Punjab Studies 8,1: 57-79.
Review of: Joan-Pau Rubiés, Travel and ethnology in the renaissance: south India through European eyes, 1250-1625, Cambridge University Press 2000. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 114,4: 609-611.
2002  Communalism and Indian princely states: Travancore, Baroda, and Hyderabad in the 1930s, New Delhi, 249 p.
& Adrianus Koster, Peer Smets and Bernhard Venema (eds), Conflict in a globalising world: studies in honour of Peter Kloos, Assen, 298 p.
“The political geography of communal conflict: British versus Indian modes of governance.” In: idem, pp. 49-69.
“Ceremoniele uitwisseling tussen Indiase vorsten en Britse bestuurders.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 115,4: 565-584.
2003  “The short career of Walter Dickens in India.” In: Jos Gommans & Om Prakash (eds), Circumambulations in South Asian history: essays in honour of Dirk H.A. Kolff, Leiden [etc.] (Brill’s indological library 19), pp. 233-250.
Review of: Gyanendra Pandey, Remembering partition: violence, nationalism and history in India, Cambridge 2001. International Review of Social History 48,2: 297-301.
“Meeting at the threshold, at the edge of the carpet or somewhere in between? questions of ceremonial in princely India.” Indian Economic and Social History Review 40,3: 311-333.
“Hierarchie en mobiliteit: staten en kasten in koloniaal India.” Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift 30,3: 366-396.
2004  “Tijd voor andere lectuur: the mystery of Edwin Drood.” In: Rosanne Rutten & Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (eds), Andere verhalen over Azië en onderzoek (aangeboden aan Ot van den Muijzenberg bij zijn afscheid), Amsterdam, pp. 225-229.
Review of: Y. Vaikuntham (ed.), People’s movements in the Princely States, New Delhi. EPW 39,21: 2104-2105.
2005  “Imagining Maharajas: political constructions of Indian princes.” Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society 40,1: 17-31.
“Invention of tradition in Travancore: a maharaja’s quest for political security.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 15 (2):151-165.
“Tempel versus moskee: religie en geweld in India.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 118,3: 348-366.
2006  “Hierarchy and mobility: states and castes in colonial India.” AS/ÉA 60,3: 635-661.
“The guns of Travancore or how much powder may a Maharaja blaze away?” The Indian Economic and Social History Review 43,3: 301-323. – Reprinted in: Lidia Guzy & Uwe Skoda (eds), Power plays: politics, rituals, performances in South Asia, Berlin 2008, pp. 151-179.
Review of: John M. Hobson, The eastern origins of western civilisation, Cambridge 2004. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 119,1: 104-105.
Review of: Stewart Gordon (ed.), Robes of honour: Khil’at in pre-colonial and colonial India, New Delhi 2003. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 43,2: 262-264.
2007  Review of: Barbara N. Ramusack, The New Cambridge History of India: The Indian Princes and Their States, Cambridge 2004. The Indian Economic and Social History Review 44,1: 91-93.
2008  & Peter Boomgaard and Henk Schulte Nordholt (eds), Linking destinies: trade, towns and kin in Asian history, dedicated to Heather Sutherland, Leiden (Verhandelingen KITLV 256).
2009  Kapitalisme, kolonisatie en cultuur: arme en rijke landen in historisch perspectief, Amsterdam: KIT Publishers, 293 p.
“Waarom sommige landen arm zijn en andere rijk.” Openbaar Bestuur, tijdschrift voor beleid, organisatie en politiek 19,12: 2-7.
2010  “Harnessing ceremonial for political security: an Indian princely state on the verge of extinction.” In: Thomas H. Eriksen, Ellen Bal & Oscar Salemink (eds), A world of insecurity: anthropological perspectives on human security, London, pp. 241-262.