
Hugo E. Kreijger

1954 –
art history
Tibet, Nepal, Indonesia

Curriculum vitae

1980MA South, Southeast and Central Asian art and archaeology, Amsterdam University
1980-1997head of India, Himalaya and Southeast Asia department of Christie’s, Amsterdam
1998-2005consultant Christie’s Amsterdam
2005-presentconsultant Christie’s Paris
2006-presentconsultant Nagel, Stuttgart
2006-presentconsultant Wereldmuseum Rotterdam

Special activities and positions

  • Boardmember J.J. Staargaard Foundation, The Hague, 1987-present
  • Member Foundation Library of Asian Art and Archeology, Amsterdam (SBAKA), 1988-2007
  • Board member of the Dutch Asia Society, Amsterdam, 1990-1998 and 2003-2008
  • Board member of Foundation of Friends of the Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, 1992-1996
  • Board member of the Shalu Association, Paris, 1994-1999
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Asia Society, Amsterdam, 2009-2013
  • Board member of the Fund of South and Southeast Asian Art and Archeology, Leiden, 2011-present


1989  Compiler of: Godenbeelden uit Tibet: lamaïstische kunst uit Nederlands particulier bezit; [red. Ida Boelema … et al.; teksten Nandana Chutiwongs … et al.; gedeeltelijk vert. uit het Engels Cynthia Viallé; foto’s Michiel Elsevier Stokmans]. [’s-Gravenhage]: SDU; Amsterdam: Openbaar Kunstbezit. – Publ. on the occasion of the exhibition “Goden en goeroe’s”, held from 17 June up to 28 November 1989 at the Museum voor Volkenkunde, Rotterdam.
De lamaistische bronsgietkunst in China, pp.34 – 40 (in same publication)
1992  “Shalu: de herontdekking van een Tibetaans klooster.” In: R. Munneke (ed.), Shalu : de herontdekking van een Tibetaans Klooster, uitg. ter gelegenheid van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling van 19 juni t/m 31 december 1992 in het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde afdeling Breda. Leiden: Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde.
1996  “Shalu: an art historical treasure house [monastery in central Tibet].” Arts of Asia 26,2: 104-111.
1997  “Christie’s Amsterdam: Indian, Himalayan and Southeast Asian art on November 18th, 1996 [saleroom news].” Arts of Asia 27,2: 132-136.
“Mural styles of Shalu.” In: Jane Casey Singer and Philip Denwood (eds), Tibetan art: towards a definition of style, London: Laurence King Publishing.
1998  “Christie’s Amsterdam: Hindu and Buddhist art on November 19th, 1997 [saleroom news].” Arts of Asia 28,2: 145-148.
1999  Kathmandu Valley painting: the Jucker collection; photogr. by Mischa E. Jucker, London: Serindia.
2000  Preface: “Majapahit: the golden age of Indonesia, late 13th-early 16th century.” Arts of Asia 30,6: 50-54.
2001  Tibetan painting: the Jucker collection, Boston: Shambhala Publications.
Dieux et hommes: vivre dans l’esprit des dieux de Bali et Java, Banque Generale du Luxembourg, Imprimerie Saint-Paul.
2006  & Ien Rappold and John Beringen, The art of silver jewellery: from the minorities of China, the Golden Triangle, Mongolia and Tibet, New York: Rizzoli.
2010  “The art of bronze – casting in Lamaistic China.” In: Leelananda Prematilleke (ed.), Abhinandanamala: Nandana Chutiwongs felicitation volume supplementum, Bangkok-Colombo.