
Marcel Marius van der Linden

1952 –
social history, international and comparative social history, global labour history

Curriculum vitae

1952born on October 9
1978MA social sciences, Utrecht University
1989PhD under the supervision of F. de Jong, University of Amsterdam
1997‘bijzonder’ professor in history of social movements, endowed by the Foundation Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis (IISG), Amsterdam
research director of the IISG

Special activities and positions

  • President, International Social History Association, 2005-2010
  • Member, Board, Stichting ter bevordering van de Azië-Studies in Nederland, Leiden, The Netherlands
  • Chair, executive committee, Changing Labour Relations in Asia Project (with International Institute of Asian Studies/Leiden, IISH, and Nordic Institute for Asian Studies, Copenhagen)
  • Chair, editorial committee, International Review of Social History, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and Cambridge, UK
  • Advisory editor, Cambridge World History (7 volumes), 2009-
  • Series editor Studies in Global Social History, Leiden, The Netherlands and Boston, USA: Brill.
  • Series co-editor Historical Materialism Book Series, Leiden, The Netherlands, and Boston, USA: Brill


Publications on South Asia

In addition to many studies on global labour issues, Van der Linden wrote some works related to India:
1989  Het westers marxisme en de Sovjetunie: hoofdlijnen van structurele maatschappijkritiek (1917-1985), [s.l.: s.n.], 366 p. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam; also publ. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG.
2003  & Arvind N. Das (eds), Work and social change in Asia: essays in honour of Jan Breman, New Delhi: Manohar.
& Arvind N. Das, “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 9-16.
2006  & Rana P. Behal (eds), Coolies, capital, and colonialism: studies in Indian labour history, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press (International Review of Social History 51, suppl. 14).
2007  & Rana P. Behal (eds), India’s labouring poor: historical studies, c. 1600 – c. 2000, New Delhi: Foundation Books, 286 p. – Indian edition of previous title.
2009  & P.P. Mohapatra, “Introduction.” In: M. van der Linden and P.P. Mohapatra (eds), Labour matters: towards global histories: studies in honour of Sabyasachi Bhattacharya, New Delhi: Tulika, pp. ix-xx.
2012  & Leo Lucassen (eds), Working on labor: essays in honor of Jan Lucassen, Leiden and Boston: Brill.
& Leo Lucassen, “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-18.