Jan Lingen
Curriculum vitae
1942 | born in Lekkerkerk |
1988-1994 | president of the Royal Dutch Numismatic Society |
1994-2019 | regional secretary for continental Europe of the Oriental Numismatic Society |
1999 | honorary member of the Royal Dutch Numismatic Society and for his services to the Society was awarded the royal honour of the Order of Orange-Nassau in 2002 |
1973 “Copper coins of Kishangarh.” Numismatic International Bulletin 7,10: 256-261.
1974 “20th century gold coins of Jodhpur State.” Numismatic International Bulletin 8,5: 127-131.
– “Jodhpur State – Copper coin in the name of George VI / Hanwant Singh.” Numismatic International Bulletin 8,8: 231-232.
1975 India: Indian native states, Tonk State, [s.l.]: Oriental Numismatic Society (Information sheet 12), 20 p.
1977 “A silver Tanka of Muzaffar Shah I of Gujarat (AH 810-813: AD 1407-1410).” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 49, 2.
– “Commemorative rupee of Jind State (India).” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 49, 4.
– “Koperen munten van Paliacate met Arabisch opschrift.” De Beeldenaar 1,7: 16-18.
– “Indore State – The first silver coinage of Shivaji Rao Holkar (1886-1903).” Numismatic International Bulletin 9,8: 217-221.
1978 & Kenneth W. Wiggins, Coins of the Sindhias, Sanderstead: Hawkins Publications-London: Seaby.
1979 “Note on the earliest Madras Pagoda struck by the British E.I.C.” Numismatic Circular 87: 2-3.
– “Awadh medal of Queen Nawab Tajmahal.” Numismatic Digest 3,1: 61.
– & K. Wiggins, The Bundi-Kotah complicacy, [s.l.]: Oriental Numismatic Society (Occasional paper 13), 3 p.
1980 “Gujarat type coin in the name of Akbar.” Numismatic Digest 4,2: 35-39.
– “Rupees with the mint name Arkat.” Seaby Coin and Medal Bulletin, January 1980, 12-15.
1981 “Chandori rupee and its imitations.” Numismatic Digest 5,2: 57-65.
1985 “De muntslag van de Hollanders langs de kust van India.” De Beeldenaar Munt- en Penningkundig Nieuws 9: 83-93.
1986-… Et al., Encyclopedie van munten en bankbiljetten, (red.) E.J.A. van Beek, Alphen aan den Rijn: Samson Uitgeverij 1986-2001; Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum 1990.
1987 “A double rupee of Arkat.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 109, 4-5.
1988 “Koning Willem en koningin Maria op roepies van Bombay.” De beeldenaar : munt- en penningkundig nieuws : numismatisch maandblad voor Nederland en België 12: 370-372 .
– “Muntslag op Ceylon.” In: R. Kromhout (ed.), Het machtige eyland: Ceylon en de V.O.C., Den Haag 1988, pp. 52-58.
1989 “Jan Willem Hessing, een militair avonturier in India.” De Beeldenaar Munt- en Penningkundig Nieuws 13,1: 10-15.
1992 VOC-numismatiek: muntslag voor de Oost, Amsterdam: Rijksmuseum, 9 p.
1994 “A pattern coin of Radhanpur State.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 142, 13.
1996 “De klop R op Indo-portugese zilveren dubbele tanga’s – Jan Lingen draagt een oplossing aan.” De beeldenaar: munt- en penningkundig nieuws: numismatisch maandblad voor Nederland en België 20,5: 196-200.
– & Sanjay Garg, “The Dutch mercenary John William Hessing and his coins.” Numismatic Digest 20: 121-133.
– “Some observations on Jahangir’s Ilahi-rupees of Agra.” In: K.K. Maheshwari & Biswajeet Rath (ed.), Numismatic Panorama: essays in honour of Late Sh. S.M. Shukla, pp. 275-288.
1997 “An Indo-Portugues Bazaruco of Ceylon.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 152: 10.
– “A variety of silver tanga with gridiron.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 152: 10.
– “A copper coin of Nasik (Gulshanabad).” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 152: 9-10.
1998 “Rupees of Bijapur dated 1091H. in the name of Aurangzeb Alamgir.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 158 [1998-99]: 22-23.
1999 Tokens – “A Prison token” and “Restaurant or alms tokens.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 161: 23-24.
– “Jagannathpur (Jakkernaikpuram): a Mint-town of the Dutch East India Company.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 161 Supplement: 5-14.
– “The dating of the reign of Muhammad Shah and Nadir Shah’s invasion of India.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 161 Supplement: 15-20.
2000 “Paliakatten – de auteur over voc-ropijen van de Coromandelkust in India.” De beeldenaar: munt- en penningkundig nieuws: numismatisch maandblad voor Nederland en België 24,2: 63-66.
– “So-called Paliakatten, VOC rupees struck at the Coromandel coast of India.” Oriental Numismatic Society Newsletter 162: 24-26.
– “The Dating of the Reign of Mohammad Shah and Nadir Shah’s Invasion of India.” Numismatic Digest 21-22: 93-105.
2001 “Jagannathpur: A Mint Town of the Dutch East India Company.” Numismatic Digest 23-24: 97-118.
2002 “A quarter Mohur of Jahangir struck on the occasion of a Royal Hunt (Shikar).” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 172: 30.
– “Twee zilveren penningen van het voormalige vorstendom Awadh in India.” In: ‘Uit eigen Kring’ Jubileumbundel van de Numismatische Kring Rotterdam, pp. 79-83.
2003 “Two small gold items from the sub-continent.” (India-Pakistan). Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 174: 27-28.
– “Shikargah quarter mohur of Jahangir.” Numismatic Digest 25-26: 149-151.
2005 “Een dukatenvondst uit India.” De beeldenaar: munt- en penningkundig nieuws: numismatisch maandblad voor Nederland en België 29,5: 198-206.
2006 “De Gupta dynastie, het gouden tijdperk van India.” Muntkoerier 35,1: 4-8.
– “A hoard of Ducats from India.” Numismatic Digest 29-30: 155-172.
2007 & Jan Lucassen, “The ‘mansúri’ or ‘munsooree paisa’ and its use: combining numismatic and social history of India, c. 1830-1900.” Numismatic Digest 31: 187-220.
– “Estado da India – Portugees India.” Muntkoerier 36,1: 4-8.
2009 “Bhaunagar, also a mint for gold and silver?” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 200: 52-54.
– & P. Stevens, “A rupee of Allahabad struck in the name of Akbar ‘Adil Shah, a new Mughal emperor for numismatics.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 201: 44-46.
– “Topstukken uit de tijd van de Grootmogols.” Muntkoerier 38,11: 4-11
2010 “A nazarana mohur of Karauli.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 202: 40.
2011 & M.Billoo, “The discovery of a rupee of the Mughal claimant, Nikusiyar.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 207: 46-48.
2012 Marwar, Jodhpur state: history and coinage of the former Indian princely state of Jodhpur, Mumbai: IIRNS Publications.
– & Jan Lucassen, “Copper circulation in Northern India in 1830.” Numismatic Digest 34-35: 148-183.
2014 & Jan Lucassen, “Two lacs of Bharatpur and Bindraban rupees and 15 bags of copper pyce, captured at Dig on Christmas ‘Eve 1804.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 218: 24-32.
– & Jan Lucassen, “Warfare and coin circulation; two lacs of Bharatpur and Bindraban rupees and 15 bags of copper pyce, captured at Dig on Christmas ‘Eve 1804.” Numismatic Digest 36-37: 157-181.
–“Nikusiyar – The discovery of a rupee of the Mughal claimant, revisited.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 221: 33-34.
2015 “Kutch, a silver Tanka of Rao Shri Khengarji I Sahib, Rao of Kutch (1548 – 1585).” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 224: 31-33.
– “Surat lead pice.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 224: 36-37.
2017 “Uniara, a feudatory mint of the former State of Jaipur.” Numismatic Digest 41: 133-139.
– “Arkat rupees with a Latin ‘D’: Danish or French?” Société de Numismatique Asiatique; Série Monnaies d’Asie no 11: 31-37.
2018 “Arkat rupees with a Latin ‘D’: Danish or French?” Numismatic Digest 42: 166-175.
2020 “Some coins of a special provenance, the former collection of Stan Goron.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 238: 65-66
– “VOC-pitjes 1744.” De Beeldenaar 44-5, 225-228.
2021 “Uivervlucht Oct. 1934 – Eerelid Chanteclair Soerabaja.” De Beeldenaar 45-2, 81-86.
2022 & Jan Lucassen,“Pucka Pice in Fatehpur District 1839: The Wide and Long-lasting Circulation
of Awadh’s Coppers.” Journal of the Oriental Numismatic Society 247: 9–15.
–“Kampgeld onder de Japanse bezetting van Zuidoost-Azië”. In: Uit eigen Kring, twintig jaar later Jubileumbundel van de Numismatische Kring Rotterdam, pp 64-71.