Lourens Peter van den Bosch

1944 –
Sanskrit, Indian religions, theology

Curriculum vitae

1944born in England
studied theology and history of religions, Groningen University
studied Indology at Utrecht University
1978PhD under the supervision of J.Gonda, Utrecht University
…-2002associate professor comparative religious science and history Indian religions and Islam, Groningen University


1978  Atharvaveda-pariśiṣṭa, chapters 21-29, introduction, translation and notes , Groningen: VRB. – PhD thesis Utrecht University.
1982  & H.G. Kippenberg, H.A. Witte and L. Leertouwer, “Yama, the God on the black buffalo.” Visible Religion 1: 21-64.
“Introduction” to Visible Religion: annual for the study of religious iconography 1: vi-ix.
1983  “Representations of Gods: introduction.” Visible Religion 2: vii-x.
1984  “Tvastar: some reflections on the history of an ancient Indian God.” In: H.G. Kippenberg (ed.), Struggles of Gods, papers of the Groningen Workgroup for the Study of the History of Religions, New York-Berlin, pp. 13-64.
“Life and death, some reflections on Yama in the Veda.” Itihas Patrika 4,1: 16-24. [For a correction of misprints in the bibliography see 4,2].
“A birds eye view of the history of Indology, with special reference to the situation in the Netherlands.” Itihas Patrika 4,3: 67-78.
1985  “The Apri hymns of the Rgveda and their interpretation.” IIJ 28: 95-122 (Part 1), and 169-189 (Part 2).
“Some reflections on the Apri hymns of the Rgveda and their interpretation.” Proceedings of the Vth World Sanskrit Conference, Poona, pp. 65-77.
1986  & Jan Boersma and Piet Post, “Dood en religie, over funeraire riten, in het bijzonder in het Oude India.” NTT 40,3: 209-226. – With an English summary.
& Jan Boersma and Piet Post, De Islam, Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 48 p. (Inzicht, Docentenhandleidingen 1).
1990  “A burning question: Sati and Sati temples as the focus of political interest.” Numen 37,2: 174-194.
1991  “The marriage of the dead in ancient India: on the interpretation of Vaikhānasasmārtasūtra V.9.” In: Julia Leslie (ed.), Rules and remedies in classical Indian law, Leiden etc. (Panels of the VIIth World Sanskrit Conference 9), pp. 62-79.
1992  “Pilgrimage, prestige and protest: on the origin of recent Satī temples in India.” In: H. Bakker (ed.), The sacred centre as the focus of political interest: proceedings of the symposium held on the occasion of the 375th anniversary of the University of Groningen, 5–8 March 1989, Groningen: Forsten (Groningen Oriental Studies 6), pp. 143-160.
1995  & Jan Bremmer (eds), Between poverty and the pyre: moments in the history of widowhood, London [etc.]: Routledge.
2002  Friedrich Max Müller: a life devoted to the humanities, Leiden : Brill, xxiv, 579 p. (Numen Book Series ; vol. 94)
“F. Max Muller en de godsdienstgeschiedenis van zijn en onze tijd.” Lecture at the symposium Godsdienstgeschiedenis en de moderne wereld, gehouden op vrijdag 27 september 2002, t.g.v. het afscheid van Lourens van den Bosch.
2007  “Human sacrifice among the Konds.” In: Jan N. Bremmer (ed.), The strange world of human sacrifice, Leuven: Peeters, pp. 195-227.