Erik de Maaker
South Asia (esp. upland communities of eastern borderlands)
Curriculum vitae
1963 | born in Bennekom |
1993 | MA anthropology and sociology at the University of Amsterdam |
2006 | PhD under the supervision of J.G. Oosten (Leiden University) and H.W. van Schendel (University of Amsterdam) |
2006-present | assistant professor, Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology, Leiden University |
- academia.edu/ErikdeMaaker
- personal page Leiden University
1996 “Teyyam: Vishnumurti’s annual visit: an ethnographic video-film.” In: Clara Brakel (ed.), Performing arts of Asia: the performer as (inter) cultural transmitter, Leiden: International Institute for Asian Studies (Working papers series 4), pp. 97-100.
1998 Teyyam: the annual visit of the God Vishnumurti, dvd-video (57 min.); Watertown: Documentary Educational Resources. [http://www.der.org/films/teyyam-vishnumurti.html]
2000 “Integrating ethnographic research and filmmaking: video elicitation for a performance‐oriented analysis of the Teyyam ritual.” Visual Anthropology 13: 185-197. online version
2006 Negotiating life: Garo death rituals and the transformation of society, unpublished PhD thesis, Leiden University, 248 p. + DVD-video.
– “Recording, constructing and reviewing Teyyam, the annual visit of the God Vishnumurti.” In: P. Crawford and M. Postma (eds), Reflecting visual ethnography: using the camera in anthropological research, Leiden-Aarhus: CNWS Publishers-Intervention Press, pp. 103-118.
2007 & Vibha Joshi, “Introduction: the Northeast and beyond region and culture.” South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 30,3: 381-390. online version
– “From the Songsarek faith to Christianity: conversion, religious identity and ritual efficacy.” South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 30,3: 517-530. online version
– & D.J. Nijland and D. Geirnaert-Martin, Ashes of life, the annual rituals of Laboya, Sumba 1996. Ethnographic multimedia DVD-series (3 DVDs with videofilms + ROM content). Göttingen: IWF Knowledge and Media (release no. C 12594).
2008 Teyyam: the annual visit of the God Vishnumurti, video (57 min.); streaming video in the Alexander Street Press Ethnographic Video Online Series [http://search.alexanderstreet.com.ezproxy.leidenuniv.nl:2048/view/work/765310]
2009 “Narratives of Garo witchcraft.” In: J. Jansen, S.W.J. Luning and E. de Maaker (eds), Traditions on the move: essays in honour of Jarich Oosten, Amsterdam: Rozenberg Publishers, pp. 147-157. online version
2010 & M. Schleiter, “Indigeneity as a cultural practice: ‘Tribe’ and the state in India. Introduction to the focus section ‘Indigenous India’.” IIAS newsletter 53: 16-17. online version
2011 & F. Dubois, K. Polit & M. Riphagen, “From ritual ground to stage.” In: R.L. Grimes et al. (eds), Ritual, media and conflict, Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 35-61.
– “Negotiations at death: assessing gifts, mothers, and marriages.” In: U. Hüsken and F. Neubert (eds), Negotiating rites, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 43-57. pdf
2012 Review of: Sanghamita Mishra, Becoming a borderland: the politics of space and identity in colonial Northeastern India, New Delhi 2011. Seminar 640: 98-99.
2013 “Have the Mitdes gone silent? Conversion, rhetoric, and the continuing importance of the lower deities in Northeast India.” In: R. Young and J.A. Seitz (eds), Asia in the making of Christianity: conversion, agency, indigeneity 1600s to the present, Leiden: Brill, pp. 135-159.
– “Performing the Garo Nation? Garo Wangala dancing between faith and folklore.” Asian Ethnology 72,2: 221-239.
2014 & Willem van Schendel, “Asian borderlands: introducing their permeability, strategic uses and meanings.” Journal of Borderlands Studies 29,1: 3-9. pdf
– “Why do South Asian documentaries matter?” IIAS Newsletter 68: 30.
– “Researching Garo death rites.” In: Sarit K. Chaudhuri and Sucheta Sen Chaudhuri (eds), Fieldwork in South Asia: memories, moments, and experiences, New Delhi: Sage, pp. 167-185. pdf
– Review of: Beatrix Hauser, Promising rituals: gender and performativity in Eastern India, New Delhi: Routledge, 2012. Contributions to Indian Sociology 48, 3: 442-445.
2015 Review of: David N. Gellner (ed.), Borderland lives in Northern South Asia, Durham, NC/London: Duke University Press, 2013. South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies 38,2: 349-350. online
2016 “Shifting ground? State and market in the uplands of Northeast India.” IIAS Newsletter 73: 6-7.
– “The ambiguity of mortal remains, substitute bodies, and other materializations of the dead among the Garo of Northeast India” In: Peter Berger (ed.), Ultimate ambiguities : investigating death and liminality, New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 15-36.
2018 “On the nature of indigenous land: ownership, access, and farming in upland Northeast India.” In: E. Gerharz, Nasir Uddin and P. Chakkarath, P. (eds), Indigeneity on the Move: varying manifestations of a contested concept, New York.
–“Research on climate change and sustainable livelihoods in the Hindu Kush Himalayas.” https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/news/2018/09/
2019& M. Schleiter, Media, indigeneity and nation in South Asia. Abingdon: Oxon, New York: Routledge.
–& M. Schleiter (trsls), “Screening indigeneity and nation [markets, ethics and agency: changing land utilization and social transformation in the uplands of Northeast India].” In: M. Schleiter and E. de Maaker (red.), Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia. Media, Culture and Social Change in Asia, Abingdon: Routledge. 1-25.
–“Cultural records, stereotypes, and the conflation of past and present in the creation of Garo documentary films.” In: M. Schleiter and E. de Maaker (eds), Media, Indigeneity and Nation in South Asia. Abingdon: Oxon; New York: Routledge. 196-212.
– “Garo: the Garo ethnic community. In: M. Carrin et al. (red.), Brill’s Encyclopedia of the Religions of the Indigenous People of South Asia Online: Brill.