
Marie Antoinette Petronella Meilink-Roelofsz

1905 – 1988
history, VOC, archivist

Curriculum vitae

1905born in The Hague on December 6
HBS, The Hague
1926-1928attended lectures as auditor by among others J. Huizinga (general history), Leiden
1929secondary school teaching certificate in history (MO akte)
1930-1937voluntary work in the General State Archives (Algemeen Rijksarchief, ARA), The Hague
1937-1946adjunct administrative assistant ARA, first section (General State Archives and the archives of the East and West India Companies), The Hague
1946-1964promotion to scientific assistant archivist, first class, ARA
1947-1951BA and MA examinations in the Faculty of Arts of the University of Amsterdam (on the basis of her secondary school teaching certificate and special permission of the Minister)
1962PhD under the supervision of Jan Romein, University of Amsterdam
1964-1970head of the General State Archives
1970-1976‘bijzonder’ professor in the History of Western European Overseas Expansion (chair Leidsch Universiteitsfonds), Leiden University
1988died in The Hague on September 23

Special activities and positions

  • Corresponding member of the Indian Historical Records Commision, 1959-1962
  • Honorary member of the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), 1976-1988

Selected publications on South Asia

1942  “Een Nederlander in Engelschen dienst op de voor-Indische kust.” Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 57:
1943  De vestiging der Nederlanders ter kuste Malabar, ‘s-Gravenhage (Verhandelingen KITLV 4).
1948  Review of: M.W. Jurriaanse, Catalogue of the archives of the Dutch Central Government of Coastal Ceylon, 1640-1796, Colombo 1943. Nederlands Archievenblad 52: 153-155.
1962  Asian trade and European influence in the Indonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630, ʹs-Gravenhage. – PhD thesis Amsterdam; Photomechanical reprint The Hague 1969.
1965  & M.P.H. Roessingh (comp.), Ceylon-Nederland in het verleden, 1602-1796: tentoonstelling in het Algemeen Rijksarchief, ‘s-Gravenhage, mei-sept. 1965, ’s-Gravenhage.
1966  “Een tentoonstelling Ceylon-Nederland in het verleden, 1602-1796.” Bulletin van de Koninklijke Nederlandsche Oudheidkundige Bond 65,2: 48-56.
1967  “Heert Terpstra (Stiens, 13 december 1884 – Hilversum, 24 december 1964).” Jaarboek MNL te Leiden 1965-1966: 124-132.
1968  “Aspects of Dutch colonial development in Asia in the seventeenth century.” In: J.S. Bromley and E.H. Kossmann (eds), Britain and the Netherlands in Europe and Asia, London.
1970  Van geheim tot openbaar: een historiografische verkenning, Leiden. – inaugural lecture.
1972  “The Dutch East India Company’s ports of call.” Recueils de la Société Jean Bodin pour l’Histoire Comparative des Institutions = Transactions of the Jean Bodin Society for Comparative Institutional History 30: 171-196.
Review of: O. Feldbaek, India trade under the Danish flag, 1772-1808, Lund 1969. JESHO 14: 97-99.
1973  Review of: P. Nightingale, Trade and empire in Western India, 1784-1806, Cambridge 1970. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 86: 457-459.
Review of: S.C. Ghosh, The social condition of the British community in Bengal, 1757-1800, Leiden 1970. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 86: 620-622.
1976  Editor of: De VOC in Azië, Bussum.
“Een vergelijkend onderzoek van bestuur en handel der Nederlandse en Engelse handelscompagnieën op Azië in de eerste helft van de zeventiende eeuw.” Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden 91. – English translation in 1988, pp. 430-453.
1979  “De Europese expansie in Azië: enkele beschouwingen naar aanleiding van Holden Furbers Rival empires of trade in the orient, 1600-1800.” BTLV 135,4: 403-443.
1988  Et al. (eds), Dutch authors on Asian history: a selection of Dutch historiography on the Verenigde Oostindische Compagnie, Dordrecht-Providence.