Tabe E. Meindersma
Sanskrit medical literature
1984 “Interpreting and evaluating texts and practice from the point of view of Western medicine.” In: G.J. Meulenbeld (ed.), Proceedings of the international workshop on priorities in the study of Indian medicine, held at the State University of Groningen, 23-27 October 1983, Groningen, pp.167-181, pp. 182-185: discussion.
– “Epidemics in Caraka and Suśruta,” paper presented at ICTAM II, Surabaya, 2–7 September
1990 “Paralokasiddhi in the Caraka-saṃhitā.” IT 15-16 (1989-1990): 265-273.
– “Third International Congress on Traditional Asian medicine (ICTAM III), Bombay, 4-7 January, 1990.” South Asia Newsletter 6: 37-38.
1991 “A brief reference to apoha theory in the section on paralokasiddhi in Pramāṇavārttika II.” In: Ernst Steinkellner (ed.), Studies in the Buddhist epistemological tradition: proceedings of the second International Dharmakīrti conference, Vienna, June 11-16, 1989, Wien, pp. 169-174.
1992 “Caraka and the materialists.” WZKSA 36 Suppl. (Proceedings of the VIIIth World Sanskrit Conference Vienna 1990): 299-306.