Josephine (Jos) Esther Mooij
Curriculum vitae
1959 | born in The Hague on November 13 |
1996 | PhD under the supervision of J.C. Breman, University of Amsterdam |
… | associate professor at the Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University |
2013 | died in Voorburg on February 28 |
1994 “Public distribution system as safety net: who is saved?” EPW 29,3: 119-126.
1996 Food policy and politics: the Public Distribution System in Karnataka and Kerala, South India , [s.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
1997 “Food policy and legal battles: the case of the ECA and PDS in Kerala.” Indian Journal of Public Administration 43: 35-61.
1998 “Food policy and politics: the political economy of the public distribution system in India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 25,2: 77-101.
– “Rice, bribes and the Indian state: a case study of food policy in Karnataka, South India.” Arivu Baraha, India 14: 98-128. – In Kannada; English version publ. in 2001.
1999 Food policy and the Indian state : the public distribution system in South India, Delhi.
– “Real targeting: the case of food distribution in India.” Food Policy 24: 49-69.
– “Bureaucrats in business: state trading in foodgrains in Karnataka and Kerala.” Journal of Social and Economic Development 2,2: 241-268.
– “Food policy in India: the importance of electoral politics in policy implementation.” Journal of International Development 11: 625-636.
– “Dilemmas in food policy: about institutional contradictions and vested interests.” EPW 34,52: 114-120.
– Et al., “Are the DAC targets achievable? Poverty and human development in the year 2015.” Journal of International Development 11: 547-563.
– “The black box of the state: studying state intervention in food markets.” In: B. Harriss-White (ed.), Agricultural markets from theory to practice: field experience in developing countries, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Macmillan Press; New York: St. Martin’s Press, pp. 323-347. – Cf. 2005.
– Review of: R. Radhakrishna et al. (eds), India’s public distribution system: a national and international perspective, Washington D.C. 1997 (World Bank Discussion Paper No. 380). Contemporary South Asia 8: 108-109.
2000 & C. Kay and D. Bryceson, Disappearing peasantries? Rural labour in Africa, Asia and Latin America, London: Intermediate Technology Publications. – reprinted in 2005 and 2007.
– “Changing peasantries in Asia.” In: Ibidem, pp. 213-230.
– Review of: R. Jenkins (ed.), Democratic politics and economic reform in India, Cambridge University Press, 1999. Development and Change 31: 1105-1106.
2001 “Food and power in Bihar and Jharkhand: the PDS and its functioning.” EPW 36,34: 3289-3299.
– “Rice, bribes and the Indian state.” Democracies 21 (1&2), 28.
– “Economic reform and political interpretations: a review of the literature on the politics of the reform process in India.” The Indian Journal of Political Science 62,4: 486-518.
– “Targeted food distribution in Karnataka and Bihar.” In: M.D. Asthana and Pedro Medrana (eds), Towards hunger free India: agenda and imperative: proceedings of national consultation on ‘towards hunger free India’, New Delhi, 24-6 April 2001 . New Delhi: Manohar Publishers & Distributors, pp. 459-480.
– Review of: Bob Currie, The politics of hunger in India: a study of democracy, governance and Kalahandi’s poverty, Houndmills-New York 2000. Development and Change 32: 1010-1011.
– Review of: Stuart Corbridge and John Harriss (ed.), Reinventing India: liberalization, Hindu Nationalism and popular democracy, Cambridge, 2000. Contemporary South Asia 10: 417-418.
– Review of: M.H. Suryanarayana, Food policy and the Indian State: the distribution system in South India, London: Oxford University Press, 1999? Indian journal of agricultural economics 56,1: 137-138.
2002 & M. Dev, “Social sector expenditures in the 1990s: an analysis of central and state budgets.” EPW 37,9: 853-866.
– Review of: S. Mahendra Dev et al. (eds), Social and economic security in India, New Delhi 2001. Development and Change 7: 184-186.
– Review of: Kanakalatha Mukund and B. Syama Sundari (eds),Traditional industry in the new market economy: the cotton handlooms of Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi etc., 2001. Development and Change 7: 201-203.
2003 Smart governance?: politics in the policy process in Andhra Pradesh, India, London: Overseas development institute (ODI) (Working paper / ODI 228).
– & Veronica de Vos, Policy processes: an annotated bibliography on policy processes, with particular emphasis on India, London: Overseas development institute (ODI) (Working paper / ODI 221).
– “Food and power in Bihar and Jharkhand: the political economy of the functioning of the Public Distribution System.” In: S. Mahendra & K.P. Kannan (eds), Towards a food secure India: issues and policies, Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies, pp. 232-253.
– Review of: Niraja Gopal Jayal and Sudha Pai (eds), Democratic governance in India: challenges of poverty, development and identity, New Delhi 2001. Contributions to Indian Sociology 37,1-2: 377-379.
2004 & M. Dev, “Patterns of social sector expenditures: pre- and post-reform period.” In: R. Radhakrishna & Kirit S. Parikh (eds), India Development Report 2004-05, London: Oxford University Press, pp. 96-111.
– Policy change and food assurance: NGO-government partnerships in Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad: Centre for Economic and Social Studies (GAPS (Governance And Policy Spaces) Working Paper Series 2).
– Review of: K. Seeta Prabhu (ed.), Economic reform and social sector development: a study of two Indian states, New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2001. Indian Journal of Labour Economics 10: 325-326.
2005 “The politics of economic reforms in India: a review of the literature.” In: C. Bates and S. Basu (eds), Rethinking Indian political institutions, London: Anthem Press, pp. 1-20.
– Teachers and educational change: how do teachers respond to DPEP innovations – a case study from south Andhra Pradesh, paper presented at the seminar organized by Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad, January 2005.
– Governance and primary education: the case of Hyderabad, paper presented at the workshop on ‘Actors, Policies and Urban Governance in Hyderabad,’ Hyderabad, India, 20 September 2005 and at the conference, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 30 September 2005.
– Food policy and politics: a discussion about ‘the politics of food policy’, paper presented at the seminar organised by the National Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, 20 April 2005.
– The black box of the state: about governance and food in India, paper presented at the conference on “Speaking Truth to Power: a workshop on ‘How to do Research on Governance’”, Washington, 18 April 2005. – Cf. 1999.
– Editor of: The politics of economic reforms in India, New Delhi: Sage Publications.
– “Introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 15-45.
– Reforms and children: what have been the impacts of macroeconomic and policy changes on the welfare of children in Andhra Pradesh and India, London: Save the Children UK (Young Lives Working Paper Series 16).
– Hype, skill and class: a comparative analysis of the politics of reforms in Andhra Pradesh, India , The Hague: ISS (ISS Working Papers, Series 413). – Also publ. in Journal of Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 45,1 (2007): 34-56.
– Review of: Patricia L. McCarney and Richard E. Stren (eds), Governance on the ground: innovations and discontinuities in cities of the developing world, Washington etc. 2003; and of: Michael Carley, Paul Jenkins [and] Harry Smith (eds), Urban development and civil society: the role of communities in sustainable cities, London 2001. Development and Change 36,5: 962-963.
2006 & N.C. Saxena, M. Dev and J. Farrington, “Centre-state fiscal relations and changing priorities for public funding in rural development.” In: J. Farrington (ed.), Policy windows and livelihood futures: prospects for poverty reduction in rural India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 27-31.
– “Een schoolbord and wat krijt.” Newspaper article in NRC Handelsblad, 21 January.
– & S. Prasad, Centralisation and concentration of control and powers: the case of health policy implementation in Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad: Centre for Regional Studies, Central University Hyderabad (Working paper 1).
– The politics of economic reforms in India: different questions, different answers, paper presented at the Conference on ‘L’exprience indienne des rurmes, liberation economique, dynamiques politiques et enjeux territoriaux’, Paris, 21 November 2006.
– The reception of a concept: governance in India, paper presented at the conference on ‘Governance and the Politics of Development’ organised by GARNET, ISS, The Hague, 6-7 April 2006.
– Paradoxes in governance: the relevance of context in explaining social policy processes in India, paper presented at the conference on ‘Governance and the Politics of development’ organised by GARNET, ISS, The Hague, 16-17 November 2006.
– From government to governance: the case of primary education in India, paper presented at the 19th EASAS Conference (European Association of South Asian Studies), University of Leiden, Leiden 27-30 June 2006.
– MDGs and educational policies in India, paper presented at the 2nd DPRN Regional expert Meeting South Asia, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 26 June 2006.
2007 “Is there an Indian policy process: an investigation into two social policy processes.” Social Policy and Administration 14,4: 323-338.
– From a better past to a better future: the role of teachers in educating the nation: a case study from Andhra Pradesh , Hyderabad: Governance and Policy Spaces, Centre for Economic and Social Studies (GAPS Working Paper Series 12).
– & M. Majumdar, Childhood and schools in India: what happens within the classroom?, paper presented at the International Conference on Asian Youth and Childhoods 2007 organised by International Sociological Association, Lucknow, India, 22-24 November 2007.
– Shifts in India’s welfare regime: about public and private provision of social services, paper presented at the workshop “A Great Transformation? Understanding India’s New Political Economy” organised by the Southern Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, 14-16 September 2007.
2008 “What motivates and demotivates teachers in Government School.” Educare 11,2: 3.
– “Primary education, teachers’ professionalism and social class: about motivation and demotivation of Government School teachers in India.” International Journal of Educational Development 28: 508-523.
– India: the present developments in a historical perspective, paper presented during the conference on “India: an Asian drama overcome? Achievements in social and economic development” organized by Studiekring Ontwikkelingsvraagstukken in Wageningen on 13 May 2008.
– Some notes about understanding development, paper presented at the Conference on Understanding Development Better, organized by NDF and ISS in Ede, The Netherlands on 27-29 August 2008.
– Segmentation and segregation: the reproduction of inequality in the schooling system in India, paper presented at BAICE Conference held in Glasgow on 4-6 September 2008 and at NUEPA International Seminar held in New Delhi on 5-7 March 2009.
2009 “Real governance: change and continuity in India’s authority and power structures.” In: W. Hout and R. Robinson (eds), Governance and the depoliticisation of development, London: Routledge (Routledge/GARNET series: Europe in the World 4), pp. 95-106.
– & S.T. Lama-Rewal, “Class in metropolitan India: the rise of the middle classes.” In: J. Ruet and S.T. Lama-Rewal (eds), Governing India’s metropolises: case studies of four cities, London: Routledge (Cities and the Urban Imperative), pp. 81-104.
– & J. Jalal, “Primary education in Delhi, Hyderabad and Kolkata: governance by resignation, privatisation by default.” In: J. Ruet & S.T. Lama-Rewal (eds), Governing India’s metropolises (cities and the urban imperative), London: Routledge, pp. 135-160.
– Review of: Arjan de Haan, Reclaiming social policy: globalization, social exclusion and new poverty reduction strategies, Basingstoke. Development and Change 40,2: 391-393.
– & M. Majumdar, State action and inaction in elementary education in India: paradoxes in the policy process, paper presented at the 10th UKFIET Conference, Oxford 15-17 September 2009.
– Changing welfare regime in India and beyond, paper presented in a workshop “From Asymmetry to Symmetry? The West, non-West and the Idea of Development as Conceptual Flow”, University of Heidelberg: Heidelberg, Germany 13-16 July 2009.
– & M. Majumdar, Educational quality at the grassroots: interrogating primers and pegagogy, paper presented at a Seminar at the University School Resource network, Jawaharlal Nehru University: New Delhi, India, July 10 2009.
2010 & K. Narayan, “Solutions to teacher absenteeism in rural government primary schools in India: a comparison of management approaches.” The Open Education Journal 3, 63-71.
– Review of: Frédéric Landy, Feeding India: the spatial parameters of food grain policy, New Delhi 2009. Development and Change 41,1: 190-191.
2011 & M. Majumdar, Education and inequality in India: a classroom view, London: Routledge (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series).
– “Development and change in Asia.” In: H. Veltmeyer (ed.), The critical development studies handbook: tools for change, London-New York, pp. 233-237.
– “Reforms, children and India’s human face: what have been the impacts of macroeconomic and policy changes on the welfare of children in India?” In: R.S. Deshpande et al. (eds), Development windows: essays in honour of Prof. V.M. Rao, New Delhi: Academic Foundation, pp. 449-498.
– & M. Majumdar, Primary education in India: empowerment of the marginalized or the reproduction of social inequalities?, Rotterdam: Erasmus University.
2012 & Manabi Majumdar, “The marks race: India’s dominant education regime and new segmentation.” In: C. Sleeter et al. (eds), School education, pluralism and marginality: comparative perspectives, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, pp. 207-246.