Olga Nieuwenhuys
India (Kerala)
Curriculum vitae
1972 | BA sociology, University of Amsterdam |
1978 | MA development sociology and cultural anthropology, University of Amsterdam |
1990 | PhD social sciences under the supervision of P. Kloos and L. Schenk-Sandbergen, Free University of Amsterdam |
1994-1999 | project director (South India): Child Welfare for the Urban Poor, DGIS. |
1992-2012 | assistant professor, Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam |
Special activities and positions
- Co-editor of Childhood, a journal of global child research, 2006-2013
- Member international advisory board of the journal Children’s Geographies, 2004-
- Field research, Globalisation, exclusion and the politics of childhood in Central Kerala: the case of private schools, December-February (2006-2007)
- personal page, website University of Amsterdam
Selected publications
Nieuwenhuys’ publications on children in general or referring to countries other than India (among which Ethiopia) are not included.
1982 “ ‘Een pak slaag is goed voor me’: geweld tegen kinderen in een dorp in Kerala,” Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (Kontaktgroep tropisch Azië 12). – Bijdrage aan konferentie Geweld in Aziatische maatschappijen, Kota-III, Amsterdam, 13 en 14 mei 1982.
1983 De rol van kinderen en vrouwen in de viseconomie van Kerala (India), [Wageningen]: Internationaal Agrarisch Centrum, Werkroep Kleinschalige visserij ontwikkeling.
– “De vrouwenstrijd ter discussie.” India Nieuwsbrief 27.
– “Kokosvezelindustrie: vrouwenarbeid bedreigd.” India Nieuwsbrief, febr.march 2
1984 “Are there really so few children workers?: a case study of coir yarn manufacture in Kerala.” Journal of Kerala Studies 11: 119-136.
– “Ondervoeding: vrouwen en kinderen het slachtoffer.” India Nieuwsbrief, June/July, 36.
1989 & René Barendse et al, Kinderen in India: hun leven, hun werk; [eindred. Jan de Mars], Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep, 88 p.
– & G.K. Lieten and Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (eds), Women, migrants and tribals: survival strategies in Asia, New Delhi : Manohar, x, 183 p. – Papers presented at the Seventh Conference on Tropical Asia in June 1987, Amsterdam.
– “Of invisibility and solidarity, coir making girls in a Kerala village.” In: Ibidem, pp. 95-120.
– & G.K. Lieten “Survival and emancipation: introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-18.
1990 Angels with callous hands: children’s work in rural Kerala (India), [S.l. : s.n.], xix, 306 p. – PhD thesis Free University of Amsterdam.
1991 “Emancipation for survival: access to land and labour of Thandans in Kerala.” Modern Asian Studies 25,3: 599-619.
1994 Children’s lifeworlds: gender, welfare and labour in the developing world, London [etc.]: Routledge, XVII, 228 p. – Reprint New Delhi 1999.
1995 Editor of: Drafting an action research curriculum for street educators: workshop report, Amsterdam : Institute for Development Research Amsterdam (InDRA), University of Amsterdam, XVIII, 213 p. (InDRA occasional paper 3).
– “The domestic economy and the exploitation of children’s work: the case of Kerala.” The International Journal of Children’s Rights 3,2: 213-225.
2000 “The household economy and the commercial exploitation of children’s work, the case of Kerala.” In: B. Schlemmer (ed.), The exploited child, London and New York: ZED, pp. 278-291.
2003 “Places of children and the non-place of childhood in Poomkara.” In: K. Fog Olwig and E. Gullöv (eds), Children’s Places, London: Routledge, pp. 99-118.
– “Enterrement et politique chez les Izhavas de l’Inde du Sud.” In: Y. Droz (ed.), La violence et les mort, eclairage anthropologique sur la mort et les rites funéraires, Geneva: Georg, pp. 255-275.
2004 “Mourning Amma: funerals as politics among south Indian Ezhavas.” Mortality 9,2: 97-113.
2009 “Is there an Indian childhood?” Childhood 16: 147-153.
2013 & Karl Hanson (eds), Reconceptualizing children’s rights in international development: living rights, social justice, translations, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, xiii, 302 p.