
Olga Nieuwenhuys

1948 –
development sociology, children, street children
India (Kerala)

Curriculum vitae

1972BA sociology, University of Amsterdam
1978MA development sociology and cultural anthropology, University of Amsterdam
1990PhD social sciences under the supervision of P. Kloos and L. Schenk-Sandbergen, Free University of Amsterdam
1994-1999project director (South India): Child Welfare for the Urban Poor, DGIS.
1992-2012assistant professor, Department of Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam

Special activities and positions

  • Co-editor of Childhood, a journal of global child research, 2006-2013
  • Member international advisory board of the journal Children’s Geographies, 2004-
  • Field research, Globalisation, exclusion and the politics of childhood in Central Kerala: the case of private schools, December-February (2006-2007)


Selected publications

Nieuwenhuys’ publications on children in general or referring to countries other than India (among which Ethiopia) are not included.
1982 “ ‘Een pak slaag is goed voor me’: geweld tegen kinderen in een dorp in Kerala,” Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam (Kontaktgroep tropisch Azië 12). – Bijdrage aan konferentie Geweld in Aziatische maatschappijen, Kota-III, Amsterdam, 13 en 14 mei 1982.
1983 De rol van kinderen en vrouwen in de viseconomie van Kerala (India), [Wageningen]: Internationaal Agrarisch Centrum, Werkroep Kleinschalige visserij ontwikkeling.
“De vrouwenstrijd ter discussie.” India Nieuwsbrief 27.
“Kokosvezelindustrie: vrouwenarbeid bedreigd.” India Nieuwsbrief, febr.march 2
1984 “Are there really so few children workers?: a case study of coir yarn manufacture in Kerala.” Journal of Kerala Studies 11: 119-136.
“Ondervoeding: vrouwen en kinderen het slachtoffer.” India Nieuwsbrief, June/July, 36.
1989 & René Barendse et al, Kinderen in India: hun leven, hun werk; [eindred. Jan de Mars], Utrecht: Landelijke India Werkgroep, 88 p.
& G.K. Lieten and Loes Schenk-Sandbergen (eds), Women, migrants and tribals: survival strategies in Asia, New Delhi : Manohar, x, 183 p. – Papers presented at the Seventh Conference on Tropical Asia in June 1987, Amsterdam.
“Of invisibility and solidarity, coir making girls in a Kerala village.” In: Ibidem, pp. 95-120.
& G.K. Lieten “Survival and emancipation: introduction.” In: Ibidem, pp. 1-18.
1990 Angels with callous hands: children’s work in rural Kerala (India), [S.l. : s.n.], xix, 306 p. – PhD thesis Free University of Amsterdam.
1991 “Emancipation for survival: access to land and labour of Thandans in Kerala.” Modern Asian Studies 25,3: 599-619.
1994 Children’s lifeworlds: gender, welfare and labour in the developing world, London [etc.]: Routledge, XVII, 228 p. – Reprint New Delhi 1999.
1995 Editor of: Drafting an action research curriculum for street educators: workshop report, Amsterdam : Institute for Development Research Amsterdam (InDRA), University of Amsterdam, XVIII, 213 p. (InDRA occasional paper 3).
“The domestic economy and the exploitation of children’s work: the case of Kerala.” The International Journal of Children’s Rights 3,2: 213-225.
2000 “The household economy and the commercial exploitation of children’s work, the case of Kerala.” In: B. Schlemmer (ed.), The exploited child, London and New York: ZED, pp. 278-291.
2003 “Places of children and the non-place of childhood in Poomkara.” In: K. Fog Olwig and E. Gullöv (eds), Children’s Places, London: Routledge, pp. 99-118.
“Enterrement et politique chez les Izhavas de l’Inde du Sud.” In: Y. Droz (ed.), La violence et les mort, eclairage anthropologique sur la mort et les rites funéraires, Geneva: Georg, pp. 255-275.
2004 “Mourning Amma: funerals as politics among south Indian Ezhavas.” Mortality 9,2: 97-113.
2009 “Is there an Indian childhood?” Childhood 16: 147-153.
2013 & Karl Hanson (eds), Reconceptualizing children’s rights in international development: living rights, social justice, translations, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, xiii, 302 p.