Max Nihom

1949 –
Sanskrit, Buddhism, tantrism

Curriculum vitae

1949born in Amersfoort on December 10
1974BA Indology, Leiden University
1978MA Sanskrit and Buddhology, Leiden University
1978-1982PhD researcher, Institute Kern, Leiden University
1982PhD under the supervision of T.E. Vetter and J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University
1995Habilitation in Wien
1993-1997Öster­reichi­sche Aka­demie der Wissen­schaften, Institut für Kultur- und Geistes­geschichte Asiens

Selected publications

Nihom’s publications in the period 1982-1987 are included only.
1982 Studies in the Buddhist Tantra, Leiden, 176 p. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
1984 “Notes on the origin of some quotations in the Sekoddeśaṭīkā of Naḍapāda.” IIJ 27: 17-26.
1986 “Ruler and realm: the division of Airlangga’s kingdom in the fourteenth century.” Indonesia 42: 79-100.
“The identification and original site of a cult statue on East Java: the Jaka Dolog.” JAOS 106,3: 485-502.
1987 “On buffalos, pigs, camels, and crown.” WZKS 11: 75-109.
Review of: Theodore G. Th. Pigeaud and P. Voorhoeve, Handschriften aus Indonesien (Bali, Java und Sumatra), Stuttgart 1985. JAOS 107,4: 843-844.
Review of: G. Coedès and H. M. Wright, The making of South-East Asia, Berkeley 1983. JAOS 107,4: 844.