Debjani Paul-Gupta
Curriculum vitae
1941 | born in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, on October 13 |
1955 | final examination of secondary education, West Bengal |
1960 | BA history, University of Calcutta |
1962 | MA ancient Indian history and culture, University of Calcutta |
1963 | “Kovid” (degree in Hindustani language and literature), Wardha, India |
1965 | MA in modern world history, University of Calcutta |
1970 | diploma in “Education”, Harvard University |
1971-1975 | studied Indo-Iranian languages and cultures, University of Amsterdam |
1971-1976 | assistant, Institute of South Asian Archaeology, University of Amsterdam |
1976-1988 | lecturer, Institute of South Asian Archaeology, University of Amsterdam |
1987 | PhD under the supervision of J.G. de Casparis, Leiden University |
1988-present | independent researcher |
1995-1997 | voluntary researcher, J.Ph. Vogel collection of Indian miniatures, National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden |
1978 “Deity or deified King? – Reflections on a unique Vaisnavite sculpture from Java.” Artibus Asiae 40,4: 311-333.
1979 “A Mathura medallion in the Patna Museum.” Oriental Art n.s. 25,2: 231-239.
1985 “Antiquity of Viṣṇupāda at Gaya: tradition and archaeology.” East and West 35: 103-141.
1987 The art of Nālandā : development of Buddhist sculpture, 600-1200 A.D. , s.l., xix, 212 p. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
1989 & Pran Gopal Paul, “Just the one finger yet: a rare representation of Angulimāla in Pāla art.” In: D. Mitra and G. Bhattacharya (eds), Studies in art and archaeology of Bihar and Bengal, New Delhi (Sri Garib Dass Oriental series 83), pp. 35-39.
– & Pran Gopal Paul, “Brahmanical imagery in the Kuṣāṇa art of Mathurā: tradition and innovations.” East and West 39: 111-143.
1991 & Pran Gopal Paul, “A singular bronze from Nālandā: a snippet in the history of Pan-Asian Buddhist art and thought.” In: G. Bhattacharya (ed.), Akṣayanīvī: essays presented to dr Debala Mitra in admiration of her scholarly contribution, Delhi: Sri Satguru Publications (Bibliotheca Indo-Buddhica 88), pp. 275-285.
1992 & Pran Gopal Paul, “The Śrāvastī miracle and the art of Nālandā.” Annali Istituto Universitario Orientale 52,2: 141-153.
1995 The art of Nālandā: development of Buddhist sculpture, 600-1200 A.D., Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal. – Revision of PhD thesis 1987.
1996 & Pran Gopal Paul, “Images of the wise one: a Javanese gold Bodhisattva and its Nālandā precursor.” In: Khaisri Sri-Aroon [et al] (eds), Studies & reflections on Asian art history and archaeology: essays in honour of H.S.H Professor Subhadradis Diskul, [Bangkok: Silpakorn University], pp. 455-467.
1998 “Matta-mātaṅga: an intriguing aspect of the Nālāgiri episode in South and Southeast Asian art.” In: M.J. Klokke and Th. De Bruijn (eds), Southeast Asian archaeology 1996: proceedings of the 6th International Conference of the European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Leiden, 2-6 September 1996 . Hull, England, pp. 201-213.
2001 & Pran Gopal Paul, “Iconographic tradition and artistic freedom: ponderings on a form of the Buddhist god of mercy.” In: Marijke J. Klokke and Karel R. van Kooij (eds), Fruits of inspiration: studies in honour of Prof. J.G. de Casparis, … on the occasion of his 85th birthday, Groningen: Forsten (Gonda indological studies 11), pp. 359-372.
2003 & Nandana Chutiwongs, The sentiments of love / Gemoedsstemmingen van de liefde: Indian miniatures in the National Museum of Ethnology, Leiden, Leiden: National Museum of Ethnology. pdf
2008 “Vaisnavite images from Buddhist Nalanda.” In: Nandana Chutiwongs and Nimal de Silva (eds), Ronald Silva felicitation volume, Colombo, pp. 142-148, plates 1-5.
– “Ramayana episodes in Himachal paintings: the Leiden collection.” Aziatische Kunst 38,4 ( Parels in een baaierd van lacunes: feestbundel voor Pauline Scheurleer): 116-123.
2010 “The dark goddess of Kalighat.” In: Leelananda Prematilleke (ed.), Abhinandanamālā: Nandana Chutiwongs felicitation volume, Bangkok-Colombo, pp. 351-360.
– “A terrifying Buddhist image from Theravada Thailand.” In: S. Pandit and A. Khare (eds), A.P. Jamkhedkar felicitation volume.