
Paul Streumer

historical anthropology
South Asia

Curriculum vitae

studied philosophy and Indian philosophy with Frits Staal, the University of Amsterdam
extensive visit to the Middle East and India
studied historical anthropology at the University of Utrecht, and development studies at the University of Amsterdam under Jan Breman
lecturer sociology of development of South and East Asia, Utrecht University
2003 PhD under the supervision of D.H.A. Kolff, Leiden University
2003-presentdirector of SBP (Foundation Foreign Partner), a NGO which assists Dutch citizens with a partner from outside the EU in settling in the Netherlands

Special activities and positions

  • Consultant to several Dutch ministries as knowledge and information manager in the fields of air traffic, water management and heritage buildings
  • Board member of the Friends of the Institute Kern, up to 2011
  • Researcher of the Ho people


1991 “The historical roots of the Kolhan movement.” In: Diethelm Weidemann (ed.), Nationalism, ethnicity and politi­cal develop­ment: South Asian perspectives, New Delhi: Manohar, pp. 5-23.
1992 “De moderne staat en haar kleine volken.” In: Frits Cowan (ed.), Adivasi: het andere India, Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de tropen/Tropen­museum, pp. 74-83.
1993 Review of: Waltraut Ernst, Mad tales from the Raj: the European insane in British India, London, New York: Routledge 1991. Medische Antropologie 5,2: 321-324.
1996 “The leaf-clad Vedda: an European contribution to Sri Lankan folk-lore.” Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka NS 42: 59-78.
2003 Those smiling villages: an interdisciplinary aproach to British imperialism and nation building – the case of the Ho people of Eastern India, 1767-1875, s.l.: s.n. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
2012 “Changes and chances in a long view: the Ho people of West Singhbhum and the challenges of rapid economic growth.” In: Dev Nathan and Virginius Xaxa (eds), Social exclusion and adverse inclusion, development and deprivation of Adivasis in India, New Delhi: Oxford University Press India, pp. 261-271.
2016 A land of their own, Samuel Richard Tickell and the formation of the autonomous Ho country in Jharkhand, 1818-1842, Wakkaman, the Netherlands.

Revision of PhD thesis 2003, India.
“The experience and the understanding, Edward Tuite Dalton and his descriptive ethnology of Bengal, 1857-1875.”
“Raghu’s war, the Jungle Mutiny in Eastern India, 1857-1861.”