Frank Perlin

1939 –
social, political and economic history, monetary economy
India (pre-colonial)

Curriculum vitae

1939born in Liverpool
1972MA at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London
1979-2004lecturer Erasmus University Rotterdam
1983PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University


1975 “Cycles, trends and academics among the peasantry of North-West India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 2,3: 360.
1978 “Of white whale and countrymen in the eighteenth-century Maratha Deccan: extended class relations, rights and the problem of rural autonomy under the Old Regime.” Journal of Peasant Studies 5,2: 172.
1979 “To identify change in an old regime polity: agrarian transaction and institutional mutation in 17th to early 19th century Maharashtra.” In: European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies, 6th Sevres, 1978. Asie du sud; traditions et changements, Sevres, 8-13 juillet 1978, Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, pp. 197-204.
1980 “Precolonial South Asia and western penetration in the seventeenth to nineteenth centuries: a problem of epistemological status.” Review 4,2: 267.
Review article “A history of money in Asian perspective” of: Pierre Villar, A history of gold and money 1450-1920, London 1976. Journal of Peasant Studies 7,2: 235-244.
1981 “The pre-colonial Indian state in history and epistemology: a reconstruction of societal formation in the Western Deccan from the fifteenth to the early nineteenth century.” In: H.J.M. Claessen and P. Skalnik (eds), The study of the state, The Hague, pp. 275-302.
“Mint technology and mint-output in an age of growing commercialization.” Indian History Congress, Proceedings 42: 355-369.
1983 Studies in society and economy in late pre-colonial India, [Leiden: s.n.]. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
“Changes in production and circulation of money in 17th and 18th century Inida: an essay on monetization before colonial occupation.” In: E. van Cauwenberghe, F. Irsigler and M. Koerner (eds), Mintage, monetary circulation and axchange rates, Leuven
“Protoindustrialization and pre-colonial South Asia.” Past and Present 98,1: 30-95.
“Growth of money economy and some questions of transitions in late pre-colonial India.” Social scientist: monthly journal of the Indian School of Social Sciences 11,10: 27-38. – Also published in The journal of peasant studies 11,3 (1984): 96-108.
1984 “Growth of money economy and some questions of transition in late pre-colonial India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 11,3: 96.
1985 “Concepts of order and comparison, with a diversion on counter ideologies and corporate institutions in late pre‐colonial India.” Journal of Peasant Studies 12,2-3: 87-165.
“State formation reconsidered: part two.” Modern Asian Studies 19,3 (Special Issue: Papers Presented at the Conference on Indian Economic and Social History, Cambridge University, April 1984): 415-480.
1986 “Monetary revolution and societal change in the late medieval and early modern times a review article.” The journal of Asian studies 45,5: 1037-1049.
Review of: Maarten van der Wee, Aziatische produktiewijze en Mughal India: een historische en theoretische kritiek, [S.l.: s.n.], 1985 (PhD thesis Nijmegen University). Sociologische Gids 33: 352.
1987 “Money-use in late pre-colonial India and the international trade in currency media.” In: John F. Richards (ed.), The Imperial monetary system of Mughal India, Delhi: Oxford UP, pp. 232-373.
1988 “The material and the cultural: an attempt to transcend the present impasse.” Modern Asian studies 22,2: 383-416.
“Disarticulation of the world: writing India’s economic history.” Comparative studies in society and history 30,2: 379-387.
& Jan Breman, “Threat to International Academic Community.” EPW 23,23: 1138.
Review of A.N. Das, The ‘Longue Duree’: continuity and change in Changel: historiography of an Indian village from the 18th towards the 21th century, Rotterdam 1986. BTLV 144,1: 194.
Review of: Jan Hogendorn and Marion Johnson, The Shell money of the slave trade, Cambridge, 1986. Modern Asian Studies 22: 867-869.
Review of: Wolfram Fischer, R. Marvin McInnis and Jürgen Schneider (eds), The emergence of a world economy, 1500-1914: Papers of the Ninth International Congress of Economic History, part 1: 1500-1850, part 2: 1850-1914, Wiesbaden: Steiner, 1986. The Journal of Asian Studies 47,2: 324-326.
1989 “The parts of the machine division of labour in European and Indian coin manufacture before mechanisation.” In: Eddy H.G. van Cauwenberghe (ed.), Precious metals, coinage, and the changes of monetary structures in Latin-America, Europe, and Asia: late Middle Ages, early modern times, proceedings of the Stockton Conference on Monetary History organized in October 1985, Leuven, pp. 117-158.
1990 “Financial institutions and business practices across the Euro-Asian interface: comparative structural considerations, 1500-1900.” Calcutta Historical Journal 14,1-2: 1-57.
Review of: R.G. Fox, Lions of the Punjab: culture in the making, Berkeley 1985. BTLV 146,1: 147.
Review of: Francis Zimmermann, The jungle and the aroma of meats: an ecological theme in Hindu medicine, Berkeley 1987. Medical History 34,2: 216–218.
1991 “World economic integration before industrialisation and the Euro-Asian monetary continuum: their implications and problems of categories, definitions and method.” In: Eddy H.G. van Cauwenberghe (ed.), Money, coins and commerce: essays in the monetary history of Asia and Europe (from antiquity to modern times), proceedings of the 4th and 5th International Monetary History Conferences organized in June 1987 at the Keio University at Tokyo by Professor Akira Hayami and in April 1989 at the Delhi School of Economics of the University of Delhi at New Delhi by Professor Om Prakash, Leuven, Belgium: Leuven UP, pp. 239-374.
1993 The invisible city: monetary, administrative and popular infrastructures in Asia and Europe, 1500-1900, Aldershot [etc.]: Variorum (Collected studies series CS387), xii, 366 p.
1994 Unbroken landscape: commodity, category, sign and identity: their production as myth and knowledge from 1500, Aldershot [etc.]: Variorum (Collected studies series CS447), xiv, 357 p.
1995 Review of: Stewart Gordon, The new Cambridge history of India, II,4: The Marathas 1600–1818, Cambridge [etc.]: Cambridge University Press, 1993. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 5,1: 128-133.
1999 “The other ‘species’ world: speciation of commodities and moneys, and the knowledge-base of commerce, 1500-1900.” In: S. Chaudhury and M. Morineau (eds), Merchants, companies, and trade: Europe and Asia in the early modern era, Cambridge (Studies in modern capitalism = Études sur le capitalisme moderne), pp. 145-172.
2003 “The problem of the eighteenth century.” In: P.J. Marshall (ed.), The eighteenth century in Indian history: evolution or revolution? New Delhi: Oxford University Press, pp. 53-61.