Marcellinus Jacobus Maria Johannes (Marcel) Put

1954 –
agriculture, human geography
India, Bhutan

Curriculum vitae

1954born in Harlingen on September 12 september
1987-1990researcher at the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam
1990-1999researcher at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam
1998PhD under the supervision of G.A. de Bruijne and A.J. Dietz, University of Amsterdam
2000-2004advisor on participatory planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for good governance in the IFAD funded Second Eastern Zone Agricultural Programme (SEZAP) in East Bhutan; SNV (Netherlands Development Organization)
2005-presentlecturer Van Hall-Larenstein, Wageningen University


1989 & M.P. van Dijk, Semi-arid Indian agriculture: land, water and crop management in Southern India, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (Bulletin / Royal Tropical Institute 316).
1993 Adoption of improved technologies in dryland agriculture in semi-arid India, New Delhi (Occasional papers and reprints / Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development; 1993: 2).
1998 Innocent farmers?: a comparative evaluation into a government and an NGO project located in semi-arid Andhra Pradesh (India), meant to induce farmers to adopt innovations for dryland agriculture , Amsterdam: Thela Publishers. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
“NGO-projecten beter dan overheidsprojecten?: armoedebestrijding.” Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 7,6: 20-23.
Review of: J.L. Racine (ed.), Peasant moorings: village ties and mobility rationales in South India, Pondicherry-New Delhi 1997. GeoJournal 45,3: 240-241.
Review of: H.G. Bohle et al. (eds), Ernährungssicherungen in Südasien: siebte Heidelberger Südasiongespräche, Stuttgart 1997. GeoJournal 45,3: 241-242.
1999 & T. Dietz, “NGOs and dryland development in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India.” Indian Geographical Journal 73,1: 1-15.
Review of: Resource management in rainfed drylands: an information kit, publication of MYRADA (Bangalore) and IIRR (Philippines), 1997. Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 7,1: 34-35.
2000 & M.P. van Dijk (eds), Government and NGO interventions in dryland agriculture: a study of two projects in Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi: Manohar.
& Tenzin, Diagnostic study and participatory development planning, Uzorong Geog, Trashigang, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
2000/1 Et al., Field manual for diagnostic studies and participatory geog based planning for the 9th Five Year Plan, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
Et al., Guidelines for diagnostic studies and participatory geog based planning for the 9th Five Year Plan, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
2002 The Second Eastern Zone Agricultural Programme (SEZAP), Paper for IFAD’s sub-regional portfolio review workshop for South Asia Paro, Bhutan, 22nd-26th May 2002.
2003 & Thinlay Wangchuk, Tenzin, Achievements of SEZAP’s 1st phase: study carried out in support of the MTR, Royal Government of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture, Programme Facilitation Office, Renewable Natural Resources-Research Centre, Khangma, Trashigang, Bhutan.
Discussion paper on SNV Technical Assistance for SEZAP during 2003/4-2005/6 (draft), Presentation for the Consultative Meeting with RNR-RC, 15 May 2003. SEZAP, Khangma, Trashigang, Bhutan.
2010 & Loes Witteveen and Cees Leeuwis, “Learning about complex multi-stakeholder issues: assessing the Visual Problem Appraisal.” Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 16,1: 39-54.