Marcellinus Jacobus Maria Johannes (Marcel) Put
India, Bhutan
Curriculum vitae
1954 | born in Harlingen on September 12 september |
1987-1990 | researcher at the Royal Tropical Institute, Amsterdam |
1990-1999 | researcher at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam |
1998 | PhD under the supervision of G.A. de Bruijne and A.J. Dietz, University of Amsterdam |
2000-2004 | advisor on participatory planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) for good governance in the IFAD funded Second Eastern Zone Agricultural Programme (SEZAP) in East Bhutan; SNV (Netherlands Development Organization) |
2005-present | lecturer Van Hall-Larenstein, Wageningen University |
1989 & M.P. van Dijk, Semi-arid Indian agriculture: land, water and crop management in Southern India, Amsterdam: Royal Tropical Institute (Bulletin / Royal Tropical Institute 316).
1993 Adoption of improved technologies in dryland agriculture in semi-arid India, New Delhi (Occasional papers and reprints / Indo-Dutch Programme on Alternatives in Development; 1993: 2).
1998 Innocent farmers?: a comparative evaluation into a government and an NGO project located in semi-arid Andhra Pradesh (India), meant to induce farmers to adopt innovations for dryland agriculture , Amsterdam: Thela Publishers. – PhD thesis University of Amsterdam.
– “NGO-projecten beter dan overheidsprojecten?: armoedebestrijding.” Geografie: vaktijdschrift voor geografen 7,6: 20-23.
– Review of: J.L. Racine (ed.), Peasant moorings: village ties and mobility rationales in South India, Pondicherry-New Delhi 1997. GeoJournal 45,3: 240-241.
– Review of: H.G. Bohle et al. (eds), Ernährungssicherungen in Südasien: siebte Heidelberger Südasiongespräche, Stuttgart 1997. GeoJournal 45,3: 241-242.
1999 & T. Dietz, “NGOs and dryland development in Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India.” Indian Geographical Journal 73,1: 1-15.
– Review of: Resource management in rainfed drylands: an information kit, publication of MYRADA (Bangalore) and IIRR (Philippines), 1997. Indigenous Knowledge and Development Monitor 7,1: 34-35.
2000 & M.P. van Dijk (eds), Government and NGO interventions in dryland agriculture: a study of two projects in Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi: Manohar.
– & Tenzin, Diagnostic study and participatory development planning, Uzorong Geog, Trashigang, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
2000/1 Et al., Field manual for diagnostic studies and participatory geog based planning for the 9th Five Year Plan, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
– Et al., Guidelines for diagnostic studies and participatory geog based planning for the 9th Five Year Plan, Internal Paper, SEZAP.
2002 The Second Eastern Zone Agricultural Programme (SEZAP), Paper for IFAD’s sub-regional portfolio review workshop for South Asia Paro, Bhutan, 22nd-26th May 2002.
2003 & Thinlay Wangchuk, Tenzin, Achievements of SEZAP’s 1st phase: study carried out in support of the MTR, Royal Government of Bhutan, Ministry of Agriculture, Programme Facilitation Office, Renewable Natural Resources-Research Centre, Khangma, Trashigang, Bhutan.
– Discussion paper on SNV Technical Assistance for SEZAP during 2003/4-2005/6 (draft), Presentation for the Consultative Meeting with RNR-RC, 15 May 2003. SEZAP, Khangma, Trashigang, Bhutan.
2010 & Loes Witteveen and Cees Leeuwis, “Learning about complex multi-stakeholder issues: assessing the Visual Problem Appraisal.” Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 16,1: 39-54.