
Roelf Barkhuis

1957 –
Hinduism, Indian medicine

Curriculum vitae

1957born in Weert on 23 March
1975-1980BA Philosophy
1978-1986MA Indo-Iranian languages, Groningen University
1986-1995PhD under the supervision of H.T. Bakker, Groningen University
1992-1999travel guide, translator, typesetter
2000-presentmanager and owner of the academic publishing house Barkhuis

Special activities and positions

  • Website manager of An annotated bibliography of Indian medicine (ABIM), 2003-
  • Journal manager of the eJournal of Indian medicine (eJIM), 2007-


1983  “The four pīṭhas: a report of research, spring 1983.” In: Hans Bakker and Alan Entwistle (eds), Devī : the worship of the goddess and its contribution to Indian pelgrimage: a report on a seminar and excursion, Groningen: Institute of Indian studies, State University of Groningen, 47-69.
1984  “On the teaching of Āyurveda.” In: G.J. Meulenbeld (ed.), Proceedings of the international workshop on priorities in the study of Indian medicine, Groningen, pp. 273-276.
“An English translation of Suśrutasaṃhitā, Nidānasthāna 1.1-39 together with Gayadasa’s Nyāyacandrika.” In: G.J. Meulenbeld (ed.), Proceedings of the international workshop on priorities in the study of Indian medicine, Groningen, pp. 277-310.
1986  Kuṣṭha: an annotated translation of Bhelasaṃhitā Nidāna 5 and Cikitsā 6 with a general introduction on the Bhelasaṃhitā, Groningen.
1989  [Red.] of: P. van Andel et al., Koning Sivi en doctor Silva: bijdragen uit boeddhologie en oftalmologie, Groningen.
1995  Agastyasaṃhitā 1-23, introd., critical ed. and annotated transl., 2 vols, Groningen. – PhD thesis Groningen University.