Alfred Robert Scheepers

1951 –
religious philosophy

Curriculum vitae

1951born in Amsterdam on December 25
1964-1969HBS in Amsterdam
1969-1979studied philosophy and Sanskrit, Free University of Amsetrdam
1980-1984lecturer, Leiden University
1988PhD philosophy under the supervision of H.J. Adriaanse and T.E. Vetter, Leiden University
1995-presentpublisher/owner of the Olive Press
1998-2013teacher eastern philosophy


Publications on Indian philosophy

1988 Adhyāsa: een vergelijking tussen de Advaita-Vedânta van Śaṃkara en de fenomenologie van Edmund Husserl, Delft (Filosofische reeks 24). – PhD thesis Leiden University.
1994 De Vedanta van Shankara, Amsterdam: India Instituut (Cahiers 4), 22 p.
1995 Inleiding in het boeddhistische denken, Amsterdam: India Instituut (Cahiers 3), 33 p.
Filosofische ontwikkelingen in het boeddhisme, Amsterdam: India Instituut (Cahiers 7), 44 p.
1997 An orientation in Indian philosophy, Amsterdam: Olive Press.
2006 The lotus and the sword, lectures of an angry indologist, Amsterdam: Olive Press.
2008 A survey of Buddhist thought, Delhi: Motilal, 312 p.
2009 De Yoga-sūtra’s van Patañjali, Amsterdam: Olive Press.
2010 De wortels van het Indiase denken, Amsterdam: Olive Press.
2012 A survey of Buddhist thought, Amsterdam: Olive Press. – revised ed. of 2008.