Joke Therese Schrijvers

1944 –
cultural antrhopology
Sri Lanka

Curriculum vitae

1944born in Amersfoort on 19 July
1968-1989student-assistant, and lecturer and associate professor, cultural anthropology, Leiden University
1985PhD Leiden University
1989-1991associate professor, Institute of Development Research (InDRA), University of Amsterdam
1991-2002professor of Development Studies , University of Amsterdam
2002-presentemeritus professor

Special activities and positions

  • Co-founder of VENA (Vrouwen en Autonomie/Women and AutonomyCenter)
  • Co-founder of InDRA, Institute of Development Research, Amsterdam
  • Writer of poems, 1990-present
  • Poetry collections:
    1999 Onderhuids. Leiden: Boekhandel De Kler/Leids Dichtersgilde
    2012 Niet vast te leggen. Leiden: De Witte Uitgeverij


  • Lammers, Ellen (ed.), Making waves: inspiring critical and feminist research: a tribute to Joke Schrijvers, Amsterdam 2002 (LOVA 23,1), 189 p.

Publications on Sri Lanka

1980 Editor with Els Postel of: Carla Risseeuw et al., A woman’s mind is longer than a kitchen spoon: report on women in Sri Lanka; field data collected by the authors and Chitra Maunaguru et al., Leiden-Comlombo.
1981 Manipulated motherhood: a case of agricultural policy in Sri Lanka, Leiden (Working paper, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies 7), 22 p.
1982 Weerstand tegen geweld: de leefruimte van vrouwen in de North Central Province, Sri Lanka, paper IIIe konferentie van de Kontaktgroep Tropisch Azië (KOTA III), 13 en 14 mei 1982, Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Working paper, Vakgroep Zuid- en Zuidoost Azië, Antropologisch-sociologisch Centrum 32), 29 p.
1983 “Moederschap: bron van macht en marginalisering van vrouwen in Sri Lanka.” In: Kongresbundel winteruniversiteit vrouwenstudies 1983, pp.156-161.
“Manipulated motherhood: the marginalization of peasant women in the north central province of Sri Lanka.” Development and change 14,2: 185-209.
“Weerstand tegen geweld: de leefruimte van boerinnen en landarbeidsters in Sri Lanka.” Tijdschrift voor vrouwenstudies 13,1: 55-82.
1984 Onkunde, onrecht en ondervoeding: ontwikkeling tot huisvrouw in het Mahaweli River Development Project Sri Lanka, Leiden (Working paper, Institute of Cultural and Social Studies 42), 31 p.
1985 Mothers for life: motherhood and marginalization in the NorthCentralProvince of Sri Lanka, [Delft: Eburon], 273 p. – PhD thesis LeidenUniversity.
“De duistere wegen tussen macht en onmacht.” In: E. Postel-Coster (ed.), Ongekende wegen: macht en onmacht van vrouwen in Sri Lanka, Egypte en West Afrika, Leiden, pp. 57-78.
1986 “Make your son a king: political power through matronage and motherhood.” In: M. van Berkel, Private politics, Leiden, pp. 13-32.
1988 “Blueprint for undernourishment: the MahaweliRiver development scheme in Sri Lanka.” In: Bina Agarwal (ed.), Structures of patriarchy: the state, the community, and the household, London: Zed Books, pp. 29-51.
1991 The Mahawali River Development Scheme in Sri Lanka: a bottom-up approach, The Hague : Institute of Social Studies (Research seminars, Rural development studies), 15 p.
1992 Review of: Carla Risseeuw, The fish don’t talk about the water: gender transformation and resistance among women in Sri Lanka, Leiden 1988. Antropologische Verkenningen 11,1: 71-73.
1993 The violence of ‘development’: a choice for intellectuals, transl. of De boodschap van het vijfde ontwikkelingsdecennium by Lin Pugh, ed. by Niala Maharaj, Utrecht-New Delhi, 63 p. – Inaugural speech Universiteit van Amsterdam, 15 mei 1992.
“Motherhood experienced and conceptualised: changing images in Sri Lanka and the Netherlands.” In: D. Bell, P. Caplan and Wazir Jahan Karim (eds), Gendered fields: women, men, and ethnography, London-New York: Routledge, pp. 143-158.
1997 “Internal refugees in Sri Lanka: the interplay of ethnicity and gender.” European Journal of Development Research 9,2: 62-68.
1999 “Fighters, victims and survivors: constructions of ethnicity, gender and refugeeness among Tamils in Sri Lanka.” Journal of Refugee Studies 12,3: 307-333.
“ʻZe vinden mij maar een gek mens’: LOVA-erelidmaatschap voor Cora Vreede-de Stuers, feministisch antropologe avant la lettre.” Facta 7,3: 4-9. – Revision of the address on the occasion of the presentation of the LOVA honorary membership to Vreede-de Stuers during the congress ‘Eigenheid en samenwerking: 100 jaar antropologie in Nederland’ organised on 18 and 19 December 1998, Amsterdam; also published in LOVA 20,2/3 (1999): 5-10.
2003 “In memoriam dr Cora Vreede de Stuers.” Facta: sociaal-wetenschappelijk magazine 11,1: 20.
2004 “Dilemmas of humanitarian aid: supporting internal refugees in Sri Lanka.” In: P. Essed, G. Frerks and J. Schrijvers (eds), Refugees and the transformation of societies: agency, policies, ethics and politics. New York-Oxford, pp. 190-200.
2009 “Speldenprikje LOVA erelid Cora Vreede-de Stuers (1909-2002): feministisch antropologe avant la lettre.” LOVA: tijdschrift voor feministische antropologie 30,2: 8-11.
2011 “Womanhood and the Tamil refugee.” In: John Clifford Holt )ed.), The Sri Lanka reader: history, culture, politics, Durham: Duke University Press (World readers), pp. 523-541.