Marcus (Max) Sparreboom
natural history of amphibians and reptiles
Curriculum vitae
1951 | born in Utrecht on 18 January |
1975-1977 | student assistant (ed. ABIA), Leiden University |
1977 | MA Indo-Iranian languages and cultures, Leiden University |
1977-1983 | researcher and lecturer Leiden University |
1983 | PhD under the supervision of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden University |
1983-1985 | postdoc research fellow (ZWO, WOTRO), Leiden University |
1985-1986 | researcher (a.o. Veda project), Leiden University |
1986-1990 | member of staff, council for the humanties, Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) |
1990-1995 | secretary to the Standing Committee for the Humanities at the European Science Foundation (ESF), Strassbourg, France |
1994-1999 | secretary to the ESF’s Asia Committee (Strasbourg) (0.2 part time) |
1995-1999 | deputy director/secretary of the Humanities Council of NWO |
1999-2001 | member of staff of the Humanities Council of NWO (0.6 part time) |
1999-present | director of the Praemium Erasmianum Foundation (0.4 part time) in Amsterdam |
2001-2006 | member of the Board of Governors of the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS); dean of the Faculty of History and Arts, Professor in Management of the Humanities, Erasmus University Rotterdam (0.6 part time) |
2006-2009 | director of the IIAS (0.6 part time), Leiden and Amsterdam |
2006-2009 | professor in scientific relations between Asia and Europe, Leiden University |
2009-2016 | research associate Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden |
2016 | passed away in De Bilt on August 30 |
Special activities and positions
- Researcher on Sanskrit manuscripts and Vedic text traditions in South-India, 1984-1985
- Collector of materials for the Ethnological museum in Leiden, 1984-1985
- Fund raiser and networking missions to Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, US, Korea, (in connection with ESF activities), 1994-1999
- Travels in Europe, Asia and US in connection with ESF activities, 1994-1999
- Herpetological and biological fieldwork in many countreis, since 1986
Max Sparreboom wrote many publications on amphibians and reptiles. His Indological works are:
1983 Chariots in the Veda, [Meppel]. – PhD thesis Leiden University.
1985 Chariots in the Veda, Leiden: Brill (Memoirs of the Kern Institute 3), 168 p.
– Vadhulasrautasutra I: Agnyadheya, text, trsl. and excerpts of the commentary, Leiden: Brill.
1989 & J.C. Heesterman (eds), The ritual of setting up the sacrificial fires according to the Vādhūla school (Vādhūlaśrautasūtra 1.1-1.4), with transl. and notes]; with assist. of A. De Leeuw van Weenen, Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 145 p.
2002 Geesteswetenschappen: beleid en organisatie, Rotterdam: Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen, Erasmus Universiteit, 33 p. – Inaugurele rede Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam.
2008 “The International Institute for Asian Studies: a hub of research on modern India.” In: [Neelam D. Sabharwal, ambassador of India, ed.], Changing images: lasting visions: India and the Netherlands [collection of 35 essays published on the occasion of 400 years of Indo-Dutch relations]. Amsterdam: Nieuw Amsterdam, p. 173.