
Herman Tieken

1952 –
Sanskrit, Tamil



1978 “A formal type of arrangement in the vulgata of the Gāthāsaptaśatī of Hāla.” SII 4: 111-130.
1979 Sangam: over helden en minnaars: klassieke Tamil poëzie uit Zuid-India, uit het Tamil vertaald en ingeleid, Amsterdam (De Oosterse Bibliotheek 14).
“Groter dan de aarde, hoger dan de hemel.” Achterkant NRC Handelsblad, maandag 21 mei 1979.
1981 De nectar van de liefde: Hāla’s Sattasaī, klassieke liefdespoëzie uit India, vertaald en ingeleid, Amsterdam.
1983 Hāla’s Sattasaī: stemma and edition (Gāthās 1-50), with translation and notes, Leiden. – PhD thesis Utrecht.
“Dhvani: suggestie als de ziel van het gedicht.” In: W.L. Idema (red.), De vorsten van het woord: teksten over dichterschap en poëzie uit Oosterse tradities, studies en vertalingen, Amsterdam (De Oosterse Bibliotheek 21), pp. 53-76.
1985 De rosse buurt van Patna: de klucht Ubhayābhisārikā van Vararuci, uit het Sanskrit vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden (Cahiers van De Lantaarn 35).
“De Indo-Engelse roman als literair verschijnsel.” De Gids 148: 155-164.
“Prākrit dupparialla.” Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 34: 217-239.
1986 “Van roverhoofdman tot koning: de Indiase hofliteratuur in het Sanskrit.” In: J.T.P. de Bruijn, W.L. Idema en F.P. van Oostrom (red.), Dichter en hof: verkenningen in veertien culturen, Utrecht, pp. 207-224.
“Textual problems in an early canonical Jaina text.” WZKS 30: 5-25.
1987 “Boeken uit en over India.” Spectrum Jaarboek 1987. Utrecht, pp. 260-264.
Review of: O. von Hinüber, Das ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick, Wien 1986. WZKS 31: 198-201.
1989 “The structure of Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṃśa.” SII 15: 151-158.
1991 & Godard Schokker, Vorstelijke humor: drie kluchten uit het klassieke India, uit het Sanskrit vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden (Oosterse bibliotheek).
1992 “Style and structure of Rājaśekhara’s Kāvyamīmāṁsā, with special reference to chapter X on the relation between king and poet.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden, pp. 366-374.
“Hāla’s Sattasaī as a source of pseudo-Deśī words.” BEI 10 (1992) [1994]: 221-267.
1993 “Text and performance in Sanskrit drama.” In: C. Barfoot and C. Bordewijk (eds), Theatre intercontinental: forms, functions, and correspondences, Amsterdam, pp. 101-114.
“The so-called Trivandrum plays attributed to Bhāsa.” WZKS 37: 5-44.
1994 “Vītaṃsa-, vīdaṃsa-, vaitaṃsika- and vītaṃsagila-.” BEI 11-12 (1993-1994) [1995]: 221-228.
1995 Gedichten voor Shiva: mystieke poëzie uit Zuid-India, uit het Tamil vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden. – Translation from Tamil into Dutch of Śaiva Bhakti poetry.
“Prākṛt poetry: Hāla’s Sattasaī.” Indian Horizon 44,4 (Special issue: Sanskrit iterature, ed. A.N.D. Haksar): 61-71.
Review of: N. Balbir, Āvaśyaka-Studien: introduction générale et traductions, Stuttgart 1993 (Alt- und Neu-indische Studien 45,1); and of: T. Oberlies, Āvaśyaka-Studien: Glossar ausgewählter Wörter zu E. Leumanns “Die Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen”, Stuttgart 1993 (Alt- und Neu-indische Studien 45,2). WZKS 48,4: 1415-1425.
1996 “The Kṣemarājakathā quoted in Śivarāma’s Vimarṣinī commentary on Harṣa’s Nāgānanda, and Kṣemendra’s Bṛhatkathāmañjarī.” ABORI 77: 247-252 .
“Middle-Indic tuppa, Tamil tuppu, and the relative chronology of several Śvetāmbara Jaina texts.” BEI 13-14 (1995-1996): 415-429.
“Middle Indic tuvaṭṭa-.” Sambodhi 20: 16-23.
Review of: I. Diarra-Stubbe, Die Symbolik von Gift und Nektar in der klassischen indischen Literatur, Wiesbaden 1995 (Studies in Oriental Religions 33), AS/EA 50: 235-236.
Review of: W. B. Bollée, The Nijjuttis on the seniors of the Śvetāmbara Siddhānta: Āyāraṃga, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhāyā and Sūyagaḍa, text and glossary, Stuttgart 1995. AS/EA 50: 681-683.
1997 “The weaver bird in Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry: a critical essay on the method of translating classical Tamil poetry.” SII 21: 293-319.
“Three men in a row (Studies in the Trivandrum Plays II).” WZKS 41: 17-52.
Review of: D. Smith, The dance of Śiva: religion, art and poetry in South India, Cambidge 1996. IIJ 40: 393-396.
Review of: M. Muilwijk, The divine Kuṟa tribe: Kuṟavañci and other Prabandhams, Groningen 1996 (Gonda Indological Series 4). IIJ 40: 396-400.
1998 “The distribution of the absolutive in –ūṇaṃ in Uttarajjhāyā.” AS/EA 52,1: 261-286. – Republished in 2015.
“The distribution of the variant endings -u, -au and -ā in the Apabhraṃśa verses in Hemacandra’s Prākrit grammar.” IIJ 41: 1-34.
Review of: L. Bansat-Boudon, Poétique du théâtre indien: lectures du Nāṭyaśāstra, Paris 1992 (Publications de l’école Française d’Extrême-Orient 169). Asian Folklore Studies 57,1: 171-175.
1999 “Mahārambha as a description of the Gauḍavaho.” SII 22: 191-202.
Review of: L. Bansat-Boudon, Théâtres indiens, Paris 1998 (Collection Puruṣârtha 20). Asian Folklore Studies 58,2: 455-458.
Review of: K. Steiner, Anargharāghava = das Schauspiel vom kostbaren Raghusproß: Einführung und Übersetzung, Wiesbaden 1997 [1998] (Drama und Theater in Südasien 1). WZKS 43: 257-260.
2000 “Aśoka and the Buddhist saṃgha: a study of Aśoka’s schism edict and minor rock edict I.” BSOAS 63: 1-30.
“On the use of rasa in studies of Sanskrit drama.” IIJ 43: 115-138.
“The ghaṭikā of the Twice-Born in South Indian inscriptions.” IIJ 43: 213-223.
Review of: V. Bubeník, A historical syntax of late Middle Indo-Aryan (Apabhraṃśa), Amsterdam 1998 (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series 4: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 165). IIJ 43: 57-63.
Review of: N. Balbir et C. Caillat, Yogīndu: lumière de l’Absolu, Paris 1999. IIJ 43: 308-310.
2001 Kāvya in South India: Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry, Groningen: Forsten (Gonda Indological Studies 10).
“Middle Indic tuvaṭṭa-.” AS/ÉA 55,2: 415-421.
“The place of the Mālavikāgnimitra within Kālidāsa’s oeuvre.” IIJ 44: 149-166.
“The arrangement of the second Śrutaskandha of the Āyāraṃga.” JIP 29,5/6: 575-588.
“The pūrvaraṅga, the prastāvanā, and the sthāpaka.” WZKS 45: 91-124.
Review: H.M de Bruin, Kaṭṭaikkūttu: the flexibility of a South Indian theatre tradition, Groningen 1999 (Gonda Indological Series 7). IIJ 44: 167-169.
2002 “The Buddhist Pavāraṇā ceremony according to the Pāli Vinaya.” JIP 30: 271-289.
“The dissemination of Aśoka’s rock and pillar edicts.” WZKS 46: 5-42.
Review of: J. Grafe, Vidyādharas: früheste Zeit bis zur Kaschmirischen Br̥hatkathā, Frankfurt am Main 2001 (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 27: Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien 82). AS/EA 56,4: 946-947.
Review of: K. Krümpelmann, Das Dhuttakkhāṇa: eine jinistische Satire, Frankfurt am Main 2000 (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 27: Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien 74). AS/EA 56,4: 1109-1110.
Review of: H.M. de Bruin, Karṇa Mōkṣam = Karṇa’s death: a play by Pukaḻēntippulavar, Pondichéry 1998 (Publications du Département d’Indologie 87). WZKS 46: 270-271.
2003 “The Genre of Jayadeva’s Gītagovinda.” In: Renata Czekalska, Halina Marlewicz (eds), 2nd international conference on Indian studies: proceedings, Krakow 2003 (Cracow Indological Studies vol. 4/5, 2002-2003), pp. 587–608.
“The interrogative pronouns kaṁ, kāni and kiṁti in the Aśoka edicts.” AO 64: 39-63.
“Old Tamil Caṅkam literature and the so-called Caṅkam period.” The Indian Economic and Social History Review 40,3: 247-278.
“The Yavanas’ clothes in Old Tamil literature.” IIJ 46 261-271.
Review of: M.S. Andronov, A comparative grammar of the Dravidian languages, Wiesbaden 2003 (Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen 7). WZKS 47: 222-223.
2004 “The nature of the language of Caṅkam poetry.” In: Jean-Luc Chevillard & Eva Wilden (eds), South-Indian horizons : felicitation volume for François Gros on the occasion of his 70th birthday [Pondichéry], pp. 365-387.
“The Mahābhārata after the Great Battle.” WZKS 48: 5-46.
Review of: G. Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, The maze of fantasy in Tamil folk tales, Wiesbaden 2002. IIJ 47: 68-69.
Review of: I. Strauch, De lekhapaddhati-lekhapañcāśikā. Briefe und Urkunden im mitteralterlichen Gujerat, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Glossar (Sanskrit-Deutsch-Englisch) . Berlin 2002 (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie 16). IIJ 47: 145-147.
Review of: O. von Hinüber, Das ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick, 2., erweiterte Auflage, Wien 2001. SbÖAW 467 = Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Südasiens 20). ZDMG 154: 253-255.
2005 “Authors’ signatures in early Kāvya.” In: Lidia Sudyka (ed.), Love and nature in kāvya literature: proceedings, Krakow 2005 (Cracow Indological Studies 7), pp. 286-293.
Review of: A.A. Esposito, Cārudatta: ein indisches Schauspiel, Wiesbaden 2004 (Drama und Theater in Südasien 4). AS/EA 59,4: 1346-1350.
Review of: Daud Ali, Courtly culture and political life in early medieval India, Cambridge 2004 (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society 10). WZKS 49: 258-259.
Review of: L. Both, Hemacandras Kāvyānuśāsana, Kapitel 1 und 2: eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des indischen Dramas und der indische Poesie, Wiesbaden 2004 (Drama und Theater in Südasien 2). WZKS 48: 222-224.
2006 “Some literary embellishments in the Gupta inscriptions.” Archiv Orientální 74: 451-460.
“The words kaṇhuī and kaṇhuī-rahassiya in some canonical Jaina texts.” AS/EA 60,3: 663-670.
“The role of the so-called Aśoka inscriptions in the attempts to date the Buddha.” Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 1: 69-88.
“Aśoka’s fourteenth rock edict and the Guṇa mādhurya of the Kāvya poetical tradition.” ZDMG 156,1: 95-115.
Review of: F. Virkus, Politische Strukturen im Guptareich (300-550 n. Chr.), Wiesbaden 2004 (Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 18). WZKS 50: 222-224.
2007 “Uit de schaduw van het Sanskrit: de ontdekking van het Tamil als klassieke taal.” Geschiedenis Magazine/Spiegel historiael 2, maart 2007, 28-31.
Review of: I. Mahadevan, Early Tamil epigraphy from the earliest times to the sixth century A.D., Madras-Cambridge, Massachusetts 2003. ZDMG 157: 507-511.
2008 Vatsyayana: Kamasoetra, vertaald en toegelicht, Amsterdam.
Vatsyayana: de kunst van het versieren: de Kamasoetra over hofmaken en huwelijk, vertaald uit het Sanskrit, Amsterdam. – Translation into Dutch of book three of the Kāmasūtra.
“Vatsyayana’s Kamasutra: the Dutch connection.” In: [Neelam D. Sabharwal, ambassador of India, ed.], Changing images: lasting visions: India and the Netherlands [collection of 35 essays published on the occasion of 400 years of Indo-Dutch relations], Amsterdam, pp. 100-103.
“The process of vernacularization in South Asia.” JESHO 51,2: 338-383.
“A propos three recent publications on the question of the dating of Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry.” AS/EA 62,2: 575-605.
“Metaphony, of height harmony, in written Tamil and Malayalam.” In: Kannan M., Streams of language: dialects in Tamil, Pondichéry (IFP-Publications hors série 6), pp. 53-63.
Review of: Eva Wilden, Literary techniques in Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry: the Kuṟuntokai, Wiesbaden 2006. WZKS 51 (2007-2008): 229-234.
Review of: T.V. Gopal Iyer, Māṟaṉ Akapporul̥um Tiruppatikkōvaiyum. Māṟaṉakapporul̥ and the Tiruppatikkōvai of Tirukkurukaiperumāl Kavirāyar: a treatise on Tamil poetics illustrated with a narrative poem, edited with elaborate notes in Tamil, Pondichéry 2005 (Collection Indologie 96). WZKS 51 (2007-2008): 234.
2009 & Peter Koroche, Poems on life and love in ancient India: Hāla’s Sattasaī, translated from the Prakrit and introduced, Albany. – also available as electronic book.
“Bhoja’s Śṛṅgāraprakāśa and the kuravai poems in the Kalittokai.” In: Kannan M. and Jennifer Clare, Passages: relationships between Tamil and Sanskrit, Pondichéry, pp. 145-161.
“Kill and be killed: the Bhagavadgītā and Anugītā in the Mahābhārata.” The Journal of Hindu Studies 2,2: 209-228.
“Two particular usages of the particle kira/kiri in Apabhraṃśa.” Sambodhi 32: 33-36.
“Taalstrijd in India: welke taal is het meest klassiek?” Historisch Nieuwsblad online.
Review of: Naṟṟiṇai: text and translation by Kandasamy Pillai, presented by Kannan M. and V. Arasu, Pondichéry 2008 (IFP-Publications hors série 7). AS/EA 63,3 : 771-774.
2010 “Aśvaghoṣa and the history of allegorical literature in India.” In: Eli Franco and Monika Zin (eds), From Turfan to Ajanta : Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, 2 vols, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, pp. 993-998.
“Songs accompanied with so-called bhaṇitās in dramatic texts.” In: Karin Steiner and Heidrun Brückner (eds), Indische Theater: Text, Theorie, Praxis, Wiesbaden (Drama und Theater in Südasien 8), pp. 63-75.
“The Ondaatje letters: an extraordinary discovery in South Africa.” The Nation (Sri Lanka), 14-2-2010, online.
Review of: Christopher Ondaatje (comp.), Birds of prey: seven sardonic stories, introd. by M. Drabble, Porlock 2010. The Nation (Sri Lanka), 16-05-2010, online.
“Blaming the Brahmins: texts lost and found in Tamil literary history.” Studies in History 26,2: 227-243, pdf.
Review of: R. Steiner et al. (eds and trsls), Die Heiligen-Hetären: Bhagavadajjukam: eine indische Yoga-Komödie, München 2006. WZKS 52-53 (2009-2010): 326-327.
2012 “The composition of Aśoka’s pillar edict series.” In: Patrick Olivelle, Janice Leoshko, and Himanshu Prabha Ray (eds), Reimagining Asoka: memory and history, Oxford, pp. 184-194.
“On a recent translation of classical Tamil love poetry.” AS/EA 66,3: 575-605.
“The Arthaśāstra as a fount of fun.” Journal of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan: Sanskrit Vimarsha 6: World Sanskrit Conference Special, pp. 113-120, e-journal.
“De onverenigbaarheid van seks en werk: klassieke erotische dichtkunst in India.” Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur 2012: 102-112.
Review of: S. Ebeling, Colonizing the realm of words: the transformation of Tamil literature in nineteenth-century South India, Albany 2010. IIJ 55: 383-384.
2013 “Letters dealing with the slave trade from Ceylon: the Ondaatje correspondence, 1728 to 1737.” Quarterly Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa 67,3: 113-122 and 125. pdf
“Early Tamil poetics between Nāṭyaśāstra and Rāgamālā.” In: Whitney Cox and Vincenzo Vergiani (eds), Bilingual discourse and cross-cultural fertilisation: Sanskrit and Tamil in medieval India, Pondichéry, pp. 69-92. pdf
“Daṇḍin, the Daśakumāracarita, and the Avantisundarīkathā.” BEI 31 [2015]: 231-252. pdf
Review article of: Martha Ann Selby, Tamil love poetry: the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, New York: Colombia University Press, 2011: “On a Recent Translation of Classical Tamil Love Poetry”. AS/EA 66,3: 811-832. pdf
Review of: Selby, Martha Ann, Tamil love poetry: the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, New York: Colombia University Press, 2011. IIJ 56: 191-192.
2014 “On beginnings: introductions and prefaces in Kāvya.” In: Yigal Bronner, David Shulman and Gary Tubb (eds), Innovations and turning points: towards a history of Kāvya literature, Delhi, pp. 86-108. pdf
“Bāṇa’s death in the Kādambarī.” In: Ibidem, pp. 263-276. pdf
2015 Between Colombo and the Cape: Letters in Tamil, Dutch and Sinhala, sent to Nicolaas Ondaatje from Ceylon, Exile at the Cape of Good Hope (1728-1737), Delhi: Manohar (Dutch Sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825, vol. 6).
“On the composition of the Uttarajjhāyā.” In: Peter Flügel and Olle Qvarnström (eds), Jaina scripture and philosophy, London (Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies), pp. 5-20.
“The distribution of the absolutive in –ūṇa(ṃ) in Uttarajjhāyā.” In: Luitgard Soni and Jayandra Soni (eds), Sanmati: essays in honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah, Bengaluru, pp. 405-422 – Published earlier in Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 52/1 (1998), pp. 261-286.
2016 “Cāṟu, “festival”, in Caṅkam poetry.” In: O. Vecherina, N. Gordiychuk and T. Dubyanskaya (eds), Tamiḻ tanta paricu: the collection of articles in honor of Alexander M. Dubyanskiy, Moscow (Orientalia et Classica LXIII), pp. 101-123. Tamil tanta paricu.101-123.
“Myth versus concocted empiricist histories. David Shulman’s reconstruction of the history of Tamil Cankam Poetry.”
New version d.d. 28-11-2016. pdf
2017 Kāvya in South India. Old Tamil Caṅkam Poetry. Delhi: Manohar (Reprint of the 2001 edition with a new preface).
“Berekenend en meedogenloos. Minnaar, echtgenoot en prostituee in de Kamasoetra.” In: Liefdeslessen, verleidingskunst en erotiek. Van schepping tot verlichting, ed. by Piet Gerbrandy, Mark Heerink en Casper de Jonge. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact, pp. 83-99.
2018 “Moving to and fro between Alakā and Rāmagiri in Kālidāsa’s Meghadūta.” Asian Literature and Translation 5(1), pp.1–10. DOI:
2020“Translating Tamil Caṅkam poetry: taking stock”. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 115(4-5): 287-303. Open access
“Small-scale slave trade between Ceylon and the Cape of Good Hope: from 1728 to 1737”. In: Alicia Schrikker and Nira Wickramasinghe (eds), Being a slave: histories and legacies of European slavery in the Indian Ocean, Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 61-74. Open access
2023The Aśoka inscriptions: analyzing a corpus. Delhi: Primus Books

“A propos Iravatham Mahadevan’s edition of the Tamil Brāhmī inscriptions.” Āvaṇam.
“Early Tamil Caṅkam poetry.” Will Johnson and James Hegarty (eds), Oxford Companion to Hindu Literature (23 pp.)
“Early Tamil Poetics between Nāṭyaśāstra and Rāgamālā.” Proceedings seminar Cambridge (23 pp.)
“Beating your rival with a text: Daṇḍin’s Daśakumāracarita.” Proceedings seminar Calicut (20 pp.)