Herman Tieken
- personal website: http://hermantieken.com/
1978 “A formal type of arrangement in the vulgata of the Gāthāsaptaśatī of Hāla.” SII 4: 111-130.
1979 Sangam: over helden en minnaars: klassieke Tamil poëzie uit Zuid-India, uit het Tamil vertaald en ingeleid, Amsterdam (De Oosterse Bibliotheek 14).
– “Groter dan de aarde, hoger dan de hemel.” Achterkant NRC Handelsblad, maandag 21 mei 1979.
1981 De nectar van de liefde: Hāla’s Sattasaī, klassieke liefdespoëzie uit India, vertaald en ingeleid, Amsterdam.
1983 Hāla’s Sattasaī: stemma and edition (Gāthās 1-50), with translation and notes, Leiden. – PhD thesis Utrecht.
– “Dhvani: suggestie als de ziel van het gedicht.” In: W.L. Idema (red.), De vorsten van het woord: teksten over dichterschap en poëzie uit Oosterse tradities, studies en vertalingen, Amsterdam (De Oosterse Bibliotheek 21), pp. 53-76.
1985 De rosse buurt van Patna: de klucht Ubhayābhisārikā van Vararuci, uit het Sanskrit vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden (Cahiers van De Lantaarn 35).
– “De Indo-Engelse roman als literair verschijnsel.” De Gids 148: 155-164.
– “Prākrit dupparialla.” Journal of the Oriental Institute Baroda 34: 217-239.
1986 “Van roverhoofdman tot koning: de Indiase hofliteratuur in het Sanskrit.” In: J.T.P. de Bruijn, W.L. Idema en F.P. van Oostrom (red.), Dichter en hof: verkenningen in veertien culturen, Utrecht, pp. 207-224.
– “Textual problems in an early canonical Jaina text.” WZKS 30: 5-25.
1987 “Boeken uit en over India.” Spectrum Jaarboek 1987. Utrecht, pp. 260-264.
– Review of: O. von Hinüber, Das ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick, Wien 1986. WZKS 31: 198-201.
1989 “The structure of Kālidāsa’s Raghuvaṃśa.” SII 15: 151-158.
1991 & Godard Schokker, Vorstelijke humor: drie kluchten uit het klassieke India, uit het Sanskrit vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden (Oosterse bibliotheek).
1992 “Style and structure of Rājaśekhara’s Kāvyamīmāṁsā, with special reference to chapter X on the relation between king and poet.” In: A.W. van den Hoek, D.H.A. Kolff, M.S. Oort (eds), Ritual, state and history in South Asia: essays in honour of J.C. Heesterman, Leiden, pp. 366-374.
– “Hāla’s Sattasaī as a source of pseudo-Deśī words.” BEI 10 (1992) [1994]: 221-267.
1993 “Text and performance in Sanskrit drama.” In: C. Barfoot and C. Bordewijk (eds), Theatre intercontinental: forms, functions, and correspondences, Amsterdam, pp. 101-114.
– “The so-called Trivandrum plays attributed to Bhāsa.” WZKS 37: 5-44.
1994 “Vītaṃsa-, vīdaṃsa-, vaitaṃsika- and vītaṃsagila-.” BEI 11-12 (1993-1994) [1995]: 221-228.
1995 Gedichten voor Shiva: mystieke poëzie uit Zuid-India, uit het Tamil vertaald en ingeleid, Leiden. – Translation from Tamil into Dutch of Śaiva Bhakti poetry.
– “Prākṛt poetry: Hāla’s Sattasaī.” Indian Horizon 44,4 (Special issue: Sanskrit iterature, ed. A.N.D. Haksar): 61-71.
– Review of: N. Balbir, Āvaśyaka-Studien: introduction générale et traductions, Stuttgart 1993 (Alt- und Neu-indische Studien 45,1); and of: T. Oberlies, Āvaśyaka-Studien: Glossar ausgewählter Wörter zu E. Leumanns “Die Āvaśyaka-Erzählungen”, Stuttgart 1993 (Alt- und Neu-indische Studien 45,2). WZKS 48,4: 1415-1425.
1996 “The Kṣemarājakathā quoted in Śivarāma’s Vimarṣinī commentary on Harṣa’s Nāgānanda, and Kṣemendra’s Bṛhatkathāmañjarī.” ABORI 77: 247-252 .
– “Middle-Indic tuppa, Tamil tuppu, and the relative chronology of several Śvetāmbara Jaina texts.” BEI 13-14 (1995-1996): 415-429.
– “Middle Indic tuvaṭṭa-.” Sambodhi 20: 16-23.
– Review of: I. Diarra-Stubbe, Die Symbolik von Gift und Nektar in der klassischen indischen Literatur, Wiesbaden 1995 (Studies in Oriental Religions 33), AS/EA 50: 235-236.
– Review of: W. B. Bollée, The Nijjuttis on the seniors of the Śvetāmbara Siddhānta: Āyāraṃga, Dasaveyāliya, Uttarajjhāyā and Sūyagaḍa, text and glossary, Stuttgart 1995. AS/EA 50: 681-683.
1997 “The weaver bird in Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry: a critical essay on the method of translating classical Tamil poetry.” SII 21: 293-319.
– “Three men in a row (Studies in the Trivandrum Plays II).” WZKS 41: 17-52.
– Review of: D. Smith, The dance of Śiva: religion, art and poetry in South India, Cambidge 1996. IIJ 40: 393-396.
– Review of: M. Muilwijk, The divine Kuṟa tribe: Kuṟavañci and other Prabandhams, Groningen 1996 (Gonda Indological Series 4). IIJ 40: 396-400.
1998 “The distribution of the absolutive in –ūṇaṃ in Uttarajjhāyā.” AS/EA 52,1: 261-286. – Republished in 2015.
– “The distribution of the variant endings -u, -au and -ā in the Apabhraṃśa verses in Hemacandra’s Prākrit grammar.” IIJ 41: 1-34.
– Review of: L. Bansat-Boudon, Poétique du théâtre indien: lectures du Nāṭyaśāstra, Paris 1992 (Publications de l’école Française d’Extrême-Orient 169). Asian Folklore Studies 57,1: 171-175.
1999 “Mahārambha as a description of the Gauḍavaho.” SII 22: 191-202.
– Review of: L. Bansat-Boudon, Théâtres indiens, Paris 1998 (Collection Puruṣârtha 20). Asian Folklore Studies 58,2: 455-458.
– Review of: K. Steiner, Anargharāghava = das Schauspiel vom kostbaren Raghusproß: Einführung und Übersetzung, Wiesbaden 1997 [1998] (Drama und Theater in Südasien 1). WZKS 43: 257-260.
2000 “Aśoka and the Buddhist saṃgha: a study of Aśoka’s schism edict and minor rock edict I.” BSOAS 63: 1-30.
– “On the use of rasa in studies of Sanskrit drama.” IIJ 43: 115-138.
– “The ghaṭikā of the Twice-Born in South Indian inscriptions.” IIJ 43: 213-223.
– Review of: V. Bubeník, A historical syntax of late Middle Indo-Aryan (Apabhraṃśa), Amsterdam 1998 (Amsterdam Studies in the Theory and History of Linguistic Science, Series 4: Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 165). IIJ 43: 57-63.
– Review of: N. Balbir et C. Caillat, Yogīndu: lumière de l’Absolu, Paris 1999. IIJ 43: 308-310.
2001 Kāvya in South India: Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry, Groningen: Forsten (Gonda Indological Studies 10).
– “Middle Indic tuvaṭṭa-.” AS/ÉA 55,2: 415-421.
– “The place of the Mālavikāgnimitra within Kālidāsa’s oeuvre.” IIJ 44: 149-166.
– “The arrangement of the second Śrutaskandha of the Āyāraṃga.” JIP 29,5/6: 575-588.
– “The pūrvaraṅga, the prastāvanā, and the sthāpaka.” WZKS 45: 91-124.
– Review: H.M de Bruin, Kaṭṭaikkūttu: the flexibility of a South Indian theatre tradition, Groningen 1999 (Gonda Indological Series 7). IIJ 44: 167-169.
2002 “The Buddhist Pavāraṇā ceremony according to the Pāli Vinaya.” JIP 30: 271-289.
– “The dissemination of Aśoka’s rock and pillar edicts.” WZKS 46: 5-42.
– Review of: J. Grafe, Vidyādharas: früheste Zeit bis zur Kaschmirischen Br̥hatkathā, Frankfurt am Main 2001 (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 27: Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien 82). AS/EA 56,4: 946-947.
– Review of: K. Krümpelmann, Das Dhuttakkhāṇa: eine jinistische Satire, Frankfurt am Main 2000 (Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe 27: Asiatische und Afrikanische Studien 74). AS/EA 56,4: 1109-1110.
– Review of: H.M. de Bruin, Karṇa Mōkṣam = Karṇa’s death: a play by Pukaḻēntippulavar, Pondichéry 1998 (Publications du Département d’Indologie 87). WZKS 46: 270-271.
2003 “The Genre of Jayadeva’s Gītagovinda.” In: Renata Czekalska, Halina Marlewicz (eds), 2nd international conference on Indian studies: proceedings, Krakow 2003 (Cracow Indological Studies vol. 4/5, 2002-2003), pp. 587–608.
– “The interrogative pronouns kaṁ, kāni and kiṁti in the Aśoka edicts.” AO 64: 39-63.
– “Old Tamil Caṅkam literature and the so-called Caṅkam period.” The Indian Economic and Social History Review 40,3: 247-278.
– “The Yavanas’ clothes in Old Tamil literature.” IIJ 46 261-271.
– Review of: M.S. Andronov, A comparative grammar of the Dravidian languages, Wiesbaden 2003 (Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen 7). WZKS 47: 222-223.
2004 “The nature of the language of Caṅkam poetry.” In: Jean-Luc Chevillard & Eva Wilden (eds), South-Indian horizons : felicitation volume for François Gros on the occasion of his 70th birthday [Pondichéry], pp. 365-387.
– “The Mahābhārata after the Great Battle.” WZKS 48: 5-46.
– Review of: G. Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi, The maze of fantasy in Tamil folk tales, Wiesbaden 2002. IIJ 47: 68-69.
– Review of: I. Strauch, De lekhapaddhati-lekhapañcāśikā. Briefe und Urkunden im mitteralterlichen Gujerat, Text, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Glossar (Sanskrit-Deutsch-Englisch) . Berlin 2002 (Monographien zur indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie 16). IIJ 47: 145-147.
– Review of: O. von Hinüber, Das ältere Mittelindisch im Überblick, 2., erweiterte Auflage, Wien 2001. SbÖAW 467 = Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für Sprachen und Kulturen Südasiens 20). ZDMG 154: 253-255.
2005 “Authors’ signatures in early Kāvya.” In: Lidia Sudyka (ed.), Love and nature in kāvya literature: proceedings, Krakow 2005 (Cracow Indological Studies 7), pp. 286-293.
– Review of: A.A. Esposito, Cārudatta: ein indisches Schauspiel, Wiesbaden 2004 (Drama und Theater in Südasien 4). AS/EA 59,4: 1346-1350.
– Review of: Daud Ali, Courtly culture and political life in early medieval India, Cambridge 2004 (Cambridge Studies in Indian History and Society 10). WZKS 49: 258-259.
– Review of: L. Both, Hemacandras Kāvyānuśāsana, Kapitel 1 und 2: eine Einführung in die Grundlagen des indischen Dramas und der indische Poesie, Wiesbaden 2004 (Drama und Theater in Südasien 2). WZKS 48: 222-224.
2006 “Some literary embellishments in the Gupta inscriptions.” Archiv Orientální 74: 451-460.
– “The words kaṇhuī and kaṇhuī-rahassiya in some canonical Jaina texts.” AS/EA 60,3: 663-670.
– “The role of the so-called Aśoka inscriptions in the attempts to date the Buddha.” Rivista di Studi Sudasiatici 1: 69-88.
– “Aśoka’s fourteenth rock edict and the Guṇa mādhurya of the Kāvya poetical tradition.” ZDMG 156,1: 95-115.
– Review of: F. Virkus, Politische Strukturen im Guptareich (300-550 n. Chr.), Wiesbaden 2004 (Asien- und Afrika-Studien der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 18). WZKS 50: 222-224.
2007 “Uit de schaduw van het Sanskrit: de ontdekking van het Tamil als klassieke taal.” Geschiedenis Magazine/Spiegel historiael 2, maart 2007, 28-31.
– Review of: I. Mahadevan, Early Tamil epigraphy from the earliest times to the sixth century A.D., Madras-Cambridge, Massachusetts 2003. ZDMG 157: 507-511.
2008 Vatsyayana: Kamasoetra, vertaald en toegelicht, Amsterdam.
– Vatsyayana: de kunst van het versieren: de Kamasoetra over hofmaken en huwelijk, vertaald uit het Sanskrit, Amsterdam. – Translation into Dutch of book three of the Kāmasūtra.
– “Vatsyayana’s Kamasutra: the Dutch connection.” In: [Neelam D. Sabharwal, ambassador of India, ed.], Changing images: lasting visions: India and the Netherlands [collection of 35 essays published on the occasion of 400 years of Indo-Dutch relations], Amsterdam, pp. 100-103.
– “The process of vernacularization in South Asia.” JESHO 51,2: 338-383.
– “A propos three recent publications on the question of the dating of Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry.” AS/EA 62,2: 575-605.
– “Metaphony, of height harmony, in written Tamil and Malayalam.” In: Kannan M., Streams of language: dialects in Tamil, Pondichéry (IFP-Publications hors série 6), pp. 53-63.
– Review of: Eva Wilden, Literary techniques in Old Tamil Caṅkam poetry: the Kuṟuntokai, Wiesbaden 2006. WZKS 51 (2007-2008): 229-234.
– Review of: T.V. Gopal Iyer, Māṟaṉ Akapporul̥um Tiruppatikkōvaiyum. Māṟaṉakapporul̥ and the Tiruppatikkōvai of Tirukkurukaiperumāl Kavirāyar: a treatise on Tamil poetics illustrated with a narrative poem, edited with elaborate notes in Tamil, Pondichéry 2005 (Collection Indologie 96). WZKS 51 (2007-2008): 234.
2009 & Peter Koroche, Poems on life and love in ancient India: Hāla’s Sattasaī, translated from the Prakrit and introduced, Albany. – also available as electronic book.
– “Bhoja’s Śṛṅgāraprakāśa and the kuravai poems in the Kalittokai.” In: Kannan M. and Jennifer Clare, Passages: relationships between Tamil and Sanskrit, Pondichéry, pp. 145-161.
– “Kill and be killed: the Bhagavadgītā and Anugītā in the Mahābhārata.” The Journal of Hindu Studies 2,2: 209-228.
– “Two particular usages of the particle kira/kiri in Apabhraṃśa.” Sambodhi 32: 33-36.
– “Taalstrijd in India: welke taal is het meest klassiek?” Historisch Nieuwsblad online.
– Review of: Naṟṟiṇai: text and translation by Kandasamy Pillai, presented by Kannan M. and V. Arasu, Pondichéry 2008 (IFP-Publications hors série 7). AS/EA 63,3 : 771-774.
2010 “Aśvaghoṣa and the history of allegorical literature in India.” In: Eli Franco and Monika Zin (eds), From Turfan to Ajanta : Festschrift for Dieter Schlingloff on the occasion of his eightieth birthday, 2 vols, Bhairahawa, Rupandehi, pp. 993-998.
– “Songs accompanied with so-called bhaṇitās in dramatic texts.” In: Karin Steiner and Heidrun Brückner (eds), Indische Theater: Text, Theorie, Praxis, Wiesbaden (Drama und Theater in Südasien 8), pp. 63-75.
– “The Ondaatje letters: an extraordinary discovery in South Africa.” The Nation (Sri Lanka), 14-2-2010, online.
– Review of: Christopher Ondaatje (comp.), Birds of prey: seven sardonic stories, introd. by M. Drabble, Porlock 2010. The Nation (Sri Lanka), 16-05-2010, online.
– “Blaming the Brahmins: texts lost and found in Tamil literary history.” Studies in History 26,2: 227-243, pdf.
– Review of: R. Steiner et al. (eds and trsls), Die Heiligen-Hetären: Bhagavadajjukam: eine indische Yoga-Komödie, München 2006. WZKS 52-53 (2009-2010): 326-327.
2012 “The composition of Aśoka’s pillar edict series.” In: Patrick Olivelle, Janice Leoshko, and Himanshu Prabha Ray (eds), Reimagining Asoka: memory and history, Oxford, pp. 184-194.
– “On a recent translation of classical Tamil love poetry.” AS/EA 66,3: 575-605.
– “The Arthaśāstra as a fount of fun.” Journal of the Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan: Sanskrit Vimarsha 6: World Sanskrit Conference Special, pp. 113-120, e-journal.
– “De onverenigbaarheid van seks en werk: klassieke erotische dichtkunst in India.” Armada: tijdschrift voor wereldliteratuur 2012: 102-112.
– Review of: S. Ebeling, Colonizing the realm of words: the transformation of Tamil literature in nineteenth-century South India, Albany 2010. IIJ 55: 383-384.
2013 “Letters dealing with the slave trade from Ceylon: the Ondaatje correspondence, 1728 to 1737.” Quarterly Bulletin of the National Library of South Africa 67,3: 113-122 and 125. pdf
– “Early Tamil poetics between Nāṭyaśāstra and Rāgamālā.” In: Whitney Cox and Vincenzo Vergiani (eds), Bilingual discourse and cross-cultural fertilisation: Sanskrit and Tamil in medieval India, Pondichéry, pp. 69-92. pdf
– “Daṇḍin, the Daśakumāracarita, and the Avantisundarīkathā.” BEI 31 [2015]: 231-252. pdf
– Review article of: Martha Ann Selby, Tamil love poetry: the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, New York: Colombia University Press, 2011: “On a Recent Translation of Classical Tamil Love Poetry”. AS/EA 66,3: 811-832. pdf
– Review of: Selby, Martha Ann, Tamil love poetry: the five hundred short poems of the Aiṅkuṟunūṟu, New York: Colombia University Press, 2011. IIJ 56: 191-192.
2014 “On beginnings: introductions and prefaces in Kāvya.” In: Yigal Bronner, David Shulman and Gary Tubb (eds), Innovations and turning points: towards a history of Kāvya literature, Delhi, pp. 86-108. pdf
– “Bāṇa’s death in the Kādambarī.” In: Ibidem, pp. 263-276. pdf
2015 Between Colombo and the Cape: Letters in Tamil, Dutch and Sinhala, sent to Nicolaas Ondaatje from Ceylon, Exile at the Cape of Good Hope (1728-1737), Delhi: Manohar (Dutch Sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825, vol. 6).
– “On the composition of the Uttarajjhāyā.” In: Peter Flügel and Olle Qvarnström (eds), Jaina scripture and philosophy, London (Routledge Advances in Jaina Studies), pp. 5-20.
– “The distribution of the absolutive in –ūṇa(ṃ) in Uttarajjhāyā.” In: Luitgard Soni and Jayandra Soni (eds), Sanmati: essays in honour of Prof. Hampa Nagarajaiah, Bengaluru, pp. 405-422 – Published earlier in Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques 52/1 (1998), pp. 261-286.
2016 “Cāṟu, “festival”, in Caṅkam poetry.” In: O. Vecherina, N. Gordiychuk and T. Dubyanskaya (eds), Tamiḻ tanta paricu: the collection of articles in honor of Alexander M. Dubyanskiy, Moscow (Orientalia et Classica LXIII), pp. 101-123. Tamil tanta paricu.101-123.
–“Myth versus concocted empiricist histories. David Shulman’s reconstruction of the history of Tamil Cankam Poetry.”
New version d.d. 28-11-2016. pdf
2017 Kāvya in South India. Old Tamil Caṅkam Poetry. Delhi: Manohar (Reprint of the 2001 edition with a new preface).
– “Berekenend en meedogenloos. Minnaar, echtgenoot en prostituee in de Kamasoetra.” In: Liefdeslessen, verleidingskunst en erotiek. Van schepping tot verlichting, ed. by Piet Gerbrandy, Mark Heerink en Casper de Jonge. Amsterdam: Atlas Contact, pp. 83-99.
2018 “Moving to and fro between Alakā and Rāmagiri in Kālidāsa’s Meghadūta.” Asian Literature and Translation 5(1), pp.1–10. DOI: http://doi.org/10.18573/alt.28
2020“Translating Tamil Caṅkam poetry: taking stock”. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 115(4-5): 287-303. Open access
–“Small-scale slave trade between Ceylon and the Cape of Good Hope: from 1728 to 1737”. In: Alicia Schrikker and Nira Wickramasinghe (eds), Being a slave: histories and legacies of European slavery in the Indian Ocean, Leiden: Leiden University Press, pp. 61-74. Open access
2023The Aśoka inscriptions: analyzing a corpus. Delhi: Primus Books
– “A propos Iravatham Mahadevan’s edition of the Tamil Brāhmī inscriptions.” Āvaṇam.
– “Early Tamil Caṅkam poetry.” Will Johnson and James Hegarty (eds), Oxford Companion to Hindu Literature (23 pp.)
– “Early Tamil Poetics between Nāṭyaśāstra and Rāgamālā.” Proceedings seminar Cambridge (23 pp.)
– “Beating your rival with a text: Daṇḍin’s Daśakumāracarita.” Proceedings seminar Calicut (20 pp.)