Arie Willem Cornelis (Aad) Verboom
1956 – buddhology, Abhidhamma philosophy, Vipassana meditation |
Curriculum vitae
1956 | born in Eindhoven on March 10 |
1974 | gymnasium alfa met wiskunde, Eindhoven |
1978-1983 | studied Indian languages and cultures, Utrecht University |
1983-1986 | studied Buddhology, Leiden University |
studied Computer linguistics, Utrecht and Leiden University | |
1986-1988 | teacher Computer linguistics, Utrecht University |
1997 | PhD under the supervision of T.E. Vetter, Leiden University |
1998-present | engaged in Information- and Communication Technology |
1998-present | teacher ‘the theoretical background of Yoga’, Samsara opleidingsinstituut |
2006 | formal qualification as teacher Vipassana meditation |
2011-present | advisor ICT / information architect, http://www.verboomadvies.nl/ |
Special activities and positions
- chairman of the Boeddistische Unie Nederland, 1989-1997
- member of the board of the European Buddhistic Union, 1989-2001
- chairman of Dhammadipa, Vipassana meditatiecentrum, Amsterdam, 2010-present
1988 “Towards a Sanskrit wordparser.” Literary and Linguistic Computing 3,1: 40-44.
1998 A text-comparative research on ‘the perfection of discriminating insight in eight thousand lines, Chapter 1’, [s.l.: s.n.]. – PhD thesis Leiden University; contains Sanskrit text of Aṣṭasāhasrikā prajñāpāramitā ch. 1 in transliteration with trsl. into English.